View Full Version : true analog fun

01-06-2004, 10:28 AM
Spent last night playing with a friends roland sh5 synth and sequencer which we then fed to my korg ms20 played same lines panned hard left and right everything with lots of knob twiddling , i have stuff there that i will be using for months, tons of it , just stressing how good it can be to just jam stuff around and record it, this is what i like about hardware.......it encourages interaction , i just cant imagine us both huddled round a computer screen trying to do the same thing with a mouse..............yes i know you can get midi controllers and stuff but they are not the same as grabbing a big solid metal object with knobs on and tweaking it until the hairs on the back of your neck stand up on end , i use soft synths as well but rarely are they as rewarding as playing with hardware , especially analogue stuff ;)

course you can make excellent sounding music with just a computer
but some just use presets on their soft synths and never try to program them or see what they can do, and then when a new one comes out they want that and dont ever touch the old one again, these people use their synths like a bunch of samples , and i bet they are never paid for
and as such are probably never loved. I love all my hardware the only piece of software i actually have feelings for is Ableton(use cubase,dont love it) ;)

01-06-2004, 08:20 PM
In fact I just been using Cubase to do some electroish stuff and I am :shock: with the stuff u can do if u know yer way around a synth and don't like presets. been Using A1 (which I luv) & the new Monologue! :)

One of the things I luv is the automation of parameters!! :)

