View Full Version : Firewire

10-06-2004, 03:02 AM
Hey All.

I've got a serious issue with the cabling in my studio and just as I was about to break shit with my baseball bat I decided that a longer firewire cable would sort some problems out.

When using a longer firewire cable, lets say 3-4 metres, would there be any performance loss or instability from the added length compared to a 1.4 metre cable?

10-06-2004, 02:56 PM
There was a discussion about exactly the same thing but with USB cable on TS, and someone showed a link where someone made a 5 times normal length USB cable with no loss.

Google it, you should find the answer... if you're only going 2.5 times current length I can't imagine there'd be a problem - I'm sure you can buy such a cable and try it out pretty cheaply too...
