View Full Version : Cool blips&spacy sounds
16-06-2004, 04:20 PM
anyone remebers those plastic space guns which always had those funny sounds.
does anyone know how these machines produce the sound, cause i´m sure that it´s not some million dolar space science, and i was wondering how could i construct something like that by myself.
i'm sure you can just find some samples online
16-06-2004, 09:02 PM
I know I can find samples, I even have some samples that sound like tha, tried even to program them, but I want the real thing!
The Divide
17-06-2004, 03:36 PM
I am guessing those are samples that held within the circuitry, no point it having a built in synth just to recreate the same noises on the pull of a trigger.
If your talking about building a synth to do this then its mainly down to the techniques used to create the sound. I lot of the sounds your talking about are done by doing certain tricks with modulation, chorus, etc. You could build a modular synth based on the common techniques that are using vintage synths in reactor.
I would recommend you get hold some soft synths that are based on vintage synths. Pro-52/53, or have a look at the new Korg plugins, the MS20 manual shows the schematics for it if. You can also buy sample cds containing these types of sounds generally labeled as sci-fi samples. You local library will have then hahaha!!!
Or you could just go and buy a ray gun and sample it :lol:
17-06-2004, 05:24 PM
Well indeed i´m going to by a ray gun, but i wont sample it, i´m gonna take it apart!!
The Divide
17-06-2004, 05:30 PM
Well indeed i´m going to by a ray gun, but i wont sample it, i´m gonna take it apart!!
17-06-2004, 05:55 PM
Caouse only that will answer my question.
I´m not into costructing modular sytnhs, but i´m really fascinated by such small devices and how they work.
Somewher in august i´ll be also bulding a theremin, also an intriguing litle device.
18-06-2004, 08:29 PM
simple... LFO 2 extremly modulate Filter/ osc/ Amp... choose different LFO speeds and wave forms... play around with the mod amount and speed .. this produces anything from alarms, ambulance, drones, sweeps, lazers, phazers, thazers, etc...
Generally works better with high pitched osc!
Basil Rush
19-06-2004, 02:25 PM
I'm sure there were little chips you could get with ray gun noises on, maplin used to sell 'em ... if you find an old maplin catalogue or data sheet from whoever used to make them then i'll bet it'll explain it in nausating detail.
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