View Full Version : Nine Inch Nails

29-06-2004, 07:26 PM
are there any techno djs/producers who would claim NIN as an influence ?

Evil G
29-06-2004, 07:29 PM
do i get to call myself a producer if i dont' have any tracks pressed yet?

if so, yes, i count NIN as an influence.

29-06-2004, 07:57 PM
there was some nin nails song that there was a video for that all i remember was the video had a lot of white in it but there was a break i believe that i really wanted to use in a techno set but then never pursued it...

i also tryed to mix in metallica and black sabbath and also rage against the machine parts/vocals but it always sounded like crap no matter how i tryed it w/just decks...

and a while back when i first discovered good hard "metallic sounding" techno i would think that this is like "dance music on metal" thankfully my tastes have developed a bit but at times it can still be a valid reference imo :rambo:

29-06-2004, 08:19 PM
Definitely. Trent cops a lot of flack because his music became so popular.
But his musical and production talent is truly phenominal.
Some of his productions are just so damn wrist slashing nasty, and at points simple and beautiful.

Tracks Like Eraser
closer to god (closer remix)
I do not want this
the downward spiral
The Frail, a truly fantastic piano piece
The day the world went away

Yeah, definitely an influence on me, to reach that level of production standard and to be truly able to do what you want musically, is an aspiration and inspiration.

29-06-2004, 08:36 PM
yea man

all that industrail stuff around in the early nineties was what really turned me on to techno

the broken and fixed albums must be my favs though.......it was like how the fcuk do they get that sound to change like that.... it reallly got to me

29-06-2004, 09:05 PM
all that industrail stuff around in the early nineties was what really turned me on to techno

same for me, lots of stuff like nin, ministry, and especially My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult i can point to as being big influencing factors on my way to techno.

do have to say i love how trent can have material that sounds so beautiful and sinister at the same time. might have to dust off some cds tonight and check him out again...

Evil G
29-06-2004, 09:22 PM
the broken and fixed albums must be my favs though.......it was like how the fcuk do they get that sound to change like that....

me too. first track starting real quiet and building straight into insanity....

Dustin Zahn
29-06-2004, 09:25 PM
NIN was a huge influence for me. Maybe not for me to make "techno" but the overall mood and attitude I look for in my darker electronic music. Obviously with fame comes a lot of hatred as well...but anyone who knows how to differentiate between appreciation of music and appreciation of production will admit that he and his crew are amazing producers.

30-06-2004, 02:30 PM
If it wasn't for NIN I'd probably still be pissing around with guitars, commenting on how fetching that flannel shirt is, and parying for an amp that goes up to eleven...

30-06-2004, 04:35 PM
yeah man NIN was definately my stepping stone into techno.

Together with other bands like Ministry and Revolting Cocks (al jurgeunsen and paul barker and all the hypa luxa crew), all that old industrial stuff was great.. Might have to go dig some out and have another listen.

30-06-2004, 04:45 PM
hells yes...
as mentioned above not just the musical aspect but the mood -

30-06-2004, 05:54 PM
indeniably a massive influence on me. a bigger influence on my music than most stuff called techno.

01-07-2004, 03:21 AM
With trents work you really feel he puts all off his personality and emotion into the tracks he makes. Some of his vocals sound so personal, he manages to effortlesly blend nasty evil shit with beautiful emotion rendering melodies.

NIN showed me what real music was, musical genius

01-07-2004, 03:46 AM

:rambo: :rambo: :rambo:

The Overfiend
01-07-2004, 04:01 AM

:rambo: :rambo: :rambo:

This picture should be everyones desktop!

Dustin Zahn
01-07-2004, 07:47 AM
I can't believe you posted that picture of my studio. ;) It's a good thing it was real dark in there and it covered my face, I was pretty wasted...but then again, so was Trent. It was fun times.

03-07-2004, 04:28 AM
When we had Ade Fenton up here i'm sure he said he had been working on stuff with them for the new album...

03-07-2004, 01:03 PM
nice hardware brotha, :twisted:

06-07-2004, 12:27 PM
NIN was probably one of the first electronic music influences of mine along with late 80's to mid 90's tech-house on Chicago radio (Inner City, Cajmere, etc). I picked up The Downward Spiral on a friend's advice in '94 when I was about twelve, a few months before "Closer" hit the big time. It was probably the first time I heard caustic noises, atmospheric textures and programmed rhythms presented in a fresh and unique style, and I immediately identified with it along with most of my friends who heard it. I pretty much started buying anything "industrial", for better or for worse...KMFDM, Ministry (and all Al's side projects), Frontline Assembly, Skinny Puppy, Pigface, Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, you name it.

Reznor is a sonic genius when it comes to sound design, bar none. I can still slap on TDS or Broken to this day and scratch my head as to how he came up with some of the ideas that are present. Although The Fragile was a great album, it just didn't have that ground-breaking feel anymore. IMHO, it'd be fun to hear Trent go back to doing synth-poppy stuff like Pretty Hate Machine just for laughs.

06-07-2004, 07:18 PM
yeah, NIN also started me down the whole "abrasive electronic music" road that eventually led to acid techno.

like many other people, TDS was where i really clicked with NIN. it was actually a bit scary in intensity, and had some of the trippiest ideas i had ever heard in music. who else can make blowing on a straw sound so evil?

i actually think The Fragile is also amazing, but it has the one weakness that runs through much of Reznor's work- borderline cheesy lyrics. i would love to hear an instrumental album in the style of TDS or The Fragile, as the instrumental tunes he's done (especially on The Fragile) have been awesome.

you CAN mix some of his tunes with techno, and the later, evil stuff sounds a bit mental in the mix. i managed to find both TDS and TF on vinyl just for this purpose.

06-07-2004, 07:20 PM
oh, i should add that Trent is one of the few electronic music producers i place above Oliver Lieb and Simon Posford. i really think he's on his own level.

dan the acid man
06-07-2004, 09:04 PM
what a pic, all that hardware :love: :love:

The Overfiend
12-07-2004, 05:08 PM
I can't believe you posted that picture of my studio. ;) It's a good thing it was real dark in there and it covered my face, I was pretty wasted...but then again, so was Trent. It was fun times.

Cough Cough B--lS--T Cough Cough
Erm Erm you were saying D Rock?

13-07-2004, 01:37 AM
FIXED done it for me. NINs finest work. sheer electronic terror :twisted:

the band i used to be in (resin) played NIN covers. trying to work out his drum patterns was a nightmare :lol:

Evil G
13-07-2004, 01:47 AM
FIXED done it for me. NINs finest work. sheer electronic terror :twisted:

not to belabour the point, but once again, yes yes yes. the broken and fixed eps are so hard they make the downward spiral seem like commercial crap in comparison. i'm only harping on this so much because i know that of all the nin work, broken and fixed probably got the least amount of attention. i'll stop now, and never mention it again. ;)

Dustin Zahn
13-07-2004, 01:57 AM
broken and fixed were great. broken is one of my personal fav's.

13-07-2004, 02:04 AM
I noticed in the pic they got a Vermona MkII all analogue drum machine. Soon that machine will be mine as well aah ha ha ha ha!

13-07-2004, 02:12 AM
Broken was very good, but still the more commercial of his work

Fixed was excellent.

But still the real evil moments on Downwards do it for me. A bit less accessable than his earlier stuff in places, but true genius.

13-07-2004, 11:41 PM
I agree, they were something in that time, I even like to hear them now, but what do you think of Ministry- Twich, i`m listening to it all these days, and can`t get enough of it, so much respect for these bands. Anyone here likes music from Quake II( white zombie instrumentals)?
