View Full Version : difficult crowds world wide/ your worst gig experience

29-06-2004, 09:54 PM
it's a negative post i know
so let's keep things humorous or factual
i have to say recently


i mean come on you guys ****ing give something back!!!!!
there's nothing worese than wanting to get off the moment you get on


Frank Dogshit
29-06-2004, 10:11 PM
what happend there then?

always thought they liked to ave it over there.

29-06-2004, 10:32 PM
heard from many very well known artists that Austria sucks, nobody dancking, just drinking and standing :dontevengothere:

My worst gig, hmmmmmm...on island Rab where were tourists asking a dance music?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:


29-06-2004, 10:34 PM
i heard austria was pretty good.. so good a friend of mine wants to move there! (and another did last year) they love it & i cant wait to go either :love:

29-06-2004, 11:36 PM
my friends colleen and lori live in graz they seem to like...

29-06-2004, 11:46 PM
so far only bad reports about austria
although lori the hi fi princess moved there a few years ago and seems to like it.
i played in linz last time and people only seemed to dance to the classics
soon as i played something a bit risky they vanished!!!!!
carola and vigorito were playing down the road ..same night and they got about 40 people!!!!!
we actually did better than that but it was free entry, so that probably had something to do with it.

anyways not too impressed with austria.

anyways thinking about it ....one of the funniest nights had to be at the drome ( se1) a couple of years back.
someone had given julian a pill during his set , only it turned out to be about 5 gelatin pills which had moulded together in the heat in a sweaty pocket. juloian necked the lump thinking " that was a bit big" and then came up during his set.
when i got there he was puking behind the decks whilst mixing , apparently the set had been good for the beginning but it had dissolved into a total frenzy , julian's screaming to me to go on , so's the sound guy , i had to manouver my records round piles of puke and kind of stand on one foot to avoid the major puddle by one of the decks.
julian ended up being carried out!

gross , but entertaining........hope my mum doesn't read this.

29-06-2004, 11:53 PM

mine would have to be playing for a motorbike gang.
they spiked my drinks with something nasty :shock: then i played to their girlfriends whilst they all hung out in the shadows of the room!
the girls loved it and the guys hated them talking to me or it seems having a good time on the floor.
scariest night of my life.
needless to say i wasnt at the after party :roll:

29-06-2004, 11:55 PM
Sounds like an experience we had with Julian here in Cali...

We need to get him out here again, he can party :clap: :lol:

dan the acid man
30-06-2004, 12:20 AM
lol :lol: :lol:

30-06-2004, 12:30 AM
i was asked to dj at the local pub. they just wanted pub music. the place was full of hill billy old school mullet dudes.

a fight was about to break out. i put on 'welcome to the jungle' by guns n roses. then i put on 'a small victory' by faith no more. the tension in the air was fark'n intense then a huge fight broke out. they fell on me equipment. the needle went "eeerrrreewwwweeee". i quickly put the needle back on tryin to keep the atmosphere goin so the fight would keep goin. no techno but an interesting night..

30-06-2004, 12:41 AM

30-06-2004, 12:51 AM
Was in Hong Kong playing some harder stuff and was told by the promotor if I dont play slower to around 135 bpm, the triad gang were going to chop me.

And I banged out Rowland the bastard's Nowt#1 to save my balls.

Evil G
30-06-2004, 12:53 AM
medicine hat - pop 50,000 - about a 3 hour drive from here.

i knew i would be playing for hicks, so i brought lots of b-boy breaks, just in case they weren't into techno. the location turned out to be a former strip club. the raised stage and poles were still there in the middle of the room.

not long into my set somebody asked me if i would play something they could break dance too. i was already playing breaks, so i kept doing that. a while later somebody else asked the same thing. repeat. repeat. i was into my funkiest, dare i say, cheeziest stuff, and still, instead of breakdancing, all i saw on the floor was a bunch of pissed off doods staring at me.

finally somebody clued me in that the local break dance scene was used to breaking to hard trance and hard house, and had somehow incorporated glow sticks. they had never heard breakbeat before. :doh:

30-06-2004, 12:56 AM
Well when I moved out from the city into the boondocks I was stoked to find a party crew... And they all pretty much had similar styles of dance music they spun, so when they heard some of my acid techno sets they were really excited to get a new sound... So I play at a party and it turns out the guys who throw the parties were the only ones who LIKE acid techno, the crowd just stood there bopping there heads like idiots and ocassionally dancing for 30 second spurts... So I pretty much just spun for myself that night haha :doh:

30-06-2004, 12:57 AM
[quote="dtl"]Was in Hong Kong playing some harder stuff and was told by the promotor if I dont play slower to around 135 bpm, the triad gang were going to chop me.


Geez tough gig mate!

30-06-2004, 01:01 AM
finally somebody clued me in that the local break dance scene was used to breaking to hard trance and hard house, and had somehow incorporated glow sticks. they had never heard breakbeat before. :doh:

geez i can't really imagine someone doin the 'worm' while listenin to hard trance....?

30-06-2004, 01:12 AM
finally somebody clued me in that the local break dance scene was used to breaking to hard trance and hard house, and had somehow incorporated glow sticks. they had never heard breakbeat before. :doh:

geez i can't really imagine someone doin the 'worm' while listenin to hard trance....?

yeah i've seen this
in ny at the tunnel funnily enough
2 rival gangs came down
(they were about the only people there)
and they just break danced ( or broke maybe???) all night long against each other.
i was playing with robert armani who gave up after 20 minutes and also after he heard the promoter wasn't paying anyone.

the high point was seeing some kid do a back flip off the wall

the low point ??
the hotel.......roach motel central eeeuuugh!

The Overfiend
30-06-2004, 04:25 AM
finally somebody clued me in that the local break dance scene was used to breaking to hard trance and hard house, and had somehow incorporated glow sticks. they had never heard breakbeat before. :doh:

geez i can't really imagine someone doin the 'worm' while listenin to hard trance....?

yeah i've seen this
in ny at the tunnel funnily enough
2 rival gangs came down
(they were about the only people there)
and they just break danced ( or broke maybe???) all night long against each other.
i was playing with robert armani who gave up after 20 minutes and also after he heard the promoter wasn't paying anyone.

the high point was seeing some kid do a back flip off the wall

the low point ??
the hotel.......roach motel central eeeuuugh!

thats the single best and funniest thing ive ever heard.http://a9.cpimg.com/image/59/B0/35749209-a1c0-02000180-.jpg

Si the Sigh
30-06-2004, 08:45 AM
Worst booking I ever had was in Switzerland when BenEye & myself went over to play. 4500 people stood still all night & just watched the DJ's playing. Then I was told there was an after party, so I got on the mic & told everyone. Trouble was, the after party was in a 150 capacity bar/club. 4500 tried to get into there & it was chaos! Went back to the hotel in the morning after loosing the promoter, and loosing our money & grabbed a few hours sleep. Woke up & realised that we were skint & about to be thrown out of the hotel. Spent the whole day jumping trains with loads of bags & records trying to get to Zurich to meet some friends. Couldn't find them, so we had to keep jumping trains to get to the airport. Flew back home & had a PHAT joint after the nightmare.

Dustin Zahn
30-06-2004, 09:56 AM
I've got too many to list.

30-06-2004, 11:22 AM
finally somebody clued me in that the local break dance scene was used to breaking to hard trance and hard house, and had somehow incorporated glow sticks. they had never heard breakbeat before. :doh:

geez i can't really imagine someone doin the 'worm' while listenin to hard trance....?

yeah i've seen this
in ny at the tunnel funnily enough
2 rival gangs came down
(they were about the only people there)
and they just break danced ( or broke maybe???) all night long against each other.
i was playing with robert armani who gave up after 20 minutes and also after he heard the promoter wasn't paying anyone.

the high point was seeing some kid do a back flip off the wall

the low point ??
the hotel.......roach motel central eeeuuugh!

Maybe there's a new genre on the cards here:

Hip Trance?
Acid Hop?
Acid Hipno?

30-06-2004, 11:22 AM
man the worst gig i have had was in a small farm town outside Modesto Ca. the whole night this kid keeps telling me how much he wants the records i have and where did i get them. with the dj before me he kept over and messing with the effects while he was playing and i told him i wasn't having any of that. then when i was done he kept eyeing my records behind the decks, and this place was shady. so i dare not go outside and put them in the car. i might get jumped on my way there or they will follow and break into the car and take them when im not there so i just sat on them the whole time.

then when it came time for my friends set someone else jumped on the decks and was like too bad. its my party and i want to play now. so we just got the f#*k out of there! and counted are lucky stars for not gettin hurt or robbed.

not too bad all in all. but it ranks as number 1 in my book.

30-06-2004, 12:21 PM
which reminds me of this one time....at band camp....hahaha :clap:

no really, one other i remember was playing an after party at a day club which is actually a strip bar through the night. poles and girls and drag everywhere. i liked it! just played sleazy, everyone was messy anyway. funny thing was i wasnt though. had got some sleep and was just there to play.

these young asian guys kept coming up and tipping me with $20 bills. not sure what they were up to but hey...all good.

:doh: i must go back there sometime.

30-06-2004, 12:59 PM
:lol: there used to be pictures somewhere, they showed weird looking american ravers breakdancing with glowsticks :lol:
i need to find em :shock: :lol:

30-06-2004, 01:28 PM

hey tripleX you mean this one for example? ;)

my craziest gig was at a school party. had an hour to play trance music, the DJ after me was about to play hiphop and rock. during my set, lots of people came and insulted me, they wanted me to play hiphop, no "XTC music for dumb people". bad luck for them, i had some stigmata and glenn wilson stuff in my case which i played then, until they threw me out 15 minutes before my set was about to end :D

30-06-2004, 01:49 PM
When I played at a gay club and got my ass kicked by a 150cm dyke for not playing Bette Midler.

Istanbul was also pretty ****ed up with the armed guards :shock:

30-06-2004, 01:52 PM
carola and vigorito were playing down the road ..same night and they got about 40 people!!!!!.


someone had given julian a pill during his set , only it turned out to be about 5 gelatin pills which had moulded together in the heat in a sweaty pocket. juloian necked the lump thinking " that was a bit big" and then came up during his set.
when i got there he was puking behind the decks whilst mixing , apparently the set had been good for the beginning but it had dissolved into a total frenzy , julian's screaming to me to go on , so's the sound guy , i had to manouver my records round piles of puke and kind of stand on one foot to avoid the major puddle by one of the decks.
julian ended up being carried out!

A hahahhahaha what a wanker :lol:

30-06-2004, 02:07 PM
oh god !!
one of my messiest squat parties was a couple of years back,
i had a really nasty cold and there was some latin girl in the crowd i really fancied.
i was off my head, and everytime i bent over the mixer this huge line of snot would come out of my nose and dangle over the dex.
then when i changed records i'd sniff it up get the records , turn back round and it'd happen all over again.
this went on for the best part of an hour, i only found out about it afterwards when someone politely told me to blow my nose.
i also found out that the girl who i thought had been eyeing me up
( being the brilliant dj i am and all that of course??) all through the set had just been giggling at my runny nose......

you know i've got a way with the laydeez?????
:doh: :doh: :doh: :roll:

30-06-2004, 02:10 PM
muhaha :lol:

30-06-2004, 02:24 PM
hahaha, great thread

Si the Sigh
30-06-2004, 02:27 PM
oh god !!
one of my messiest squat parties was a couple of years back,
i had a really nasty cold and there was some latin girl in the crowd i really fancied.
i was off my head, and everytime i bent over the mixer this huge line of snot would come out of my nose and dangle over the dex.
then when i changed records i'd sniff it up get the records , turn back round and it'd happen all over again.
this went on for the best part of an hour, i only found out about it afterwards when someone politely told me to blow my nose.
i also found out that the girl who i thought had been eyeing me up
( being the brilliant dj i am and all that of course??) all through the set had just been giggling at my runny nose......

you know i've got a way with the laydeez?????
:doh: :doh: :doh: :roll:

Funniest thing EVER!! :lol: :clap: :lol: :clap: :lol:

30-06-2004, 03:29 PM
I had a bad one at a house party a few years ago...I had been playing for a while and my ex wanted a go, at this point the previously full kitchen where the decks were, was empty apart from me and her, I was just finishing my last record when she suddenly came up on a pill and projectile vomited all over the decks mixer, me , everybodies records and all over the kitchen in general. Moving quickly we managed to clear some of it, then the guys who's party it was came in, and my ex started telling him that one of his friends had been sick but we weren't sure who.....nightmare........anyway he starts shouting at a mate of his who he's convinced must have done it....i was still pulling the stuff out of my hair at this point....there were about 10 record bags covered in the stuff....anyway she confessed and we legged it - funny enough we were never asked back....... :oops:

gumpy green
30-06-2004, 04:10 PM
my worst one was at dogma in edinburgh...

had monitor problem --ie ther was none.

totally fuked every mix , and i mean every one.....train wreckin of the highest order.

was playing to a full house- 800 folk were ther, totally packed...and i sucked.

Mind you after it a good few peeps said they luved my set.....shows how much they know.....jimmy saville coulve done better.

Never mind the next time i played i redeemed (http://www.diversefrequencies.co.uk/mp3/SekonzliveatDogmaOct03.mp3) myself....

I learnt a vauble lesson that night.....walk off if ther are bad tech probs....no point in imbarrassin yersel.

30-06-2004, 04:15 PM
my worst one was at dogma in edinburgh...

had monitor problem --ie ther was none.

totally fuked every mix , and i mean every one.....train wreckin of the highest order.

was playing to a full house- 800 folk were ther, totally packed...and i sucked.

Mind you after it a good few peeps said they luved my set.....shows how much they know.....jimmy saville coulve done better.

Never mind the next time i played i redeemed (http://www.diversefrequencies.co.uk/mp3/SekonzliveatDogmaOct03.mp3) myself....

I learnt a vauble lesson that night.....walk off if ther are bad tech probs....no point in imbarrassin yersel.

funny you should say that
me and chris have always had this thing about redeeming yourself after a sloppy gig.
normally at the squat party afterwards.

but i don't agree about walking off if there are technical problems
i was brought up to have the show must go on attitude.

30-06-2004, 04:32 PM
ok this isnt really a terrible gig

but its a funny story involving a gig

ok during my set, this guy was just FREAKING OUT. like, screaming yelling the whole bit. he kept coming behind the decks and being generally annoying..i kept saying "hey buddy, this track will sound so much better if you go on the dancefloor where the good sound is" it worked, but he kept coming back everyonce and a while. He came up to me with this record, and asked me to play it about 10 times when he came behind the decks...He even got down on his hands and knees and begged me to play it!!! i might have....if it were a techno record...turns out it was a funky breaks track....

So my set ended and the next guy came on....what does this crazy f.uck do? he puts his record on the turntable! I just grabbed the record off, handed it to him with a nice "F.UCK OFF".

Then he looked at me and starting crying and swearing "f.uck you i hate you f.uck you!!!" ok...wtf....then i came to the front of the dance floor and he was rolling around punching the ground and crying like a 2 year old cause i didnt play his record.

I handed him his record, his keys and gave him a free cd and then he seemed to be ok. then as he was leaving i saw him take my cd and throw it on the ground.

some people just cant handle their drugs...

he found me in the morning to appologize, and i asked him if he had slept and came off his drugs, he said "yea, i woke up in a bush and realized i ruined my life last night!" poor dude...

30-06-2004, 04:34 PM

haha i love the filter

30-06-2004, 05:52 PM

30-06-2004, 05:53 PM
if is not filtering **** what is it filtering?

gumpy green
30-06-2004, 05:58 PM
funny you should say that
me and chris have always had this thing about redeeming yourself after a sloppy gig.
normally at the squat party afterwards.

but i don't agree about walking off if there are technical problems
i was brought up to have the show must go on attitude

yeh see wher your comin from dave but i play because i want to represent my art, not for anything else....if the organisers cant sort me out with the tools i need to perform then from now on i aint gonna.....as an artist i will take the measures to ensure my art is ALWAYS up to skratch....ive turned down gigs becuase i couldnt bring my own mixer and fx...

But yeh i do see what yer saying.....its just ive got a different veiw on things.....each to ther own.

Some will prob veiw this attitude as wrong, im cool with that....

Sure the show will still go on, id just let someone else play...

All i can say is- would you expect tiger wood to play with home made clubs made from MDF???would he be able to???would ya want to see him??

dan the acid man
30-06-2004, 09:21 PM
this is funny reading :lol: :lol:

30-06-2004, 09:57 PM
if is not filtering **** what is it filtering?

i tried to put a period inbetween the f and the u, in f u c k

30-06-2004, 10:52 PM
hmm wel i cant call it a gig but a dj experience ...

that was our graduation party in last septemeber .... like in all teh szhcool parties i was heavily drunk ... so drunk that i threw up at around 2am ... then some mates, knowing i am dj , aske dme to play records.

of course they werent mine and this was astudent crowd... so borrowed some bob sinclar, benny benassi .... hahah what a crime, i think the music i playe dis the worst part of the story ..... so i started to drink again while playing, and after a while i realzed there werent monitors and i was using to room' sound to mix . of course my mix ended the same way it began after some more drinks.

teh funny thing is that on the next day i couldnt remmeebr how long i had played, and what were the records. The freinds ive met told me they loved my set ... i didnt know that some people could b more drunk than me on that nite =)

Martin Dust
30-06-2004, 11:39 PM
Worst - 3 people - Warrington, has that dog paid?

Funny shit - K-head, lays down in the middle of the dance floor, big lad as well, but I thought, **** me the bouncers will have him over, so I got him up and to the side. Ten mins later he walks thru all the PA and light rigging to shake my hand - booom and silence all round.

01-07-2004, 12:00 PM
but i don't agree about walking off if there are technical problems
i was brought up to have the show must go on attitude.

Heh, just last night I had a gig at a Student festival and even though the soundsystem was totally bangin' (15 kW), it wasn't really made for a DJ to play (before me, there was a group of drummers bangin' it out on the stage and there were bands supposed to play on other days of the festival). They had a terribly low picnic table for our decks and mixer (not too good on the back) and the electricity was connected via a number of branch boxes so almost every time someone stepped on the stage, the electricity would go out
and the music would simply shut down(!). Fortunately, this was fixed when I was set to play, but nothing could prepare me for such terrible monitoring conditions! I had two floor monitors (which were obviously meant for the drummer), which were way too loud and banging and the high-end was non-existent. I had to rely solely on my two ears and the mixer, but proceeded to play. Even though there were some major technical hiccups later on (like the power going off about an hour and a half into my set and some serious popping noise when the sound engineer tried to balance the speaker levels (?)), I played to maybe ten dancing girls and a few blokes in a tent meant for at least two hundred people (the others were mainly sitting and drinking).

And the point to this long story?

If you're paid to play a gig (no matter where or when), it's your obligation to play under any circumstances, except when the conditions prevent you from performing. If they fcuk up technically, they're gonna get a fcuked-up sounding show and it's their problem! As D.A.V.E. said, the show must go on!

01-07-2004, 07:18 PM
a funny thing happened to me a few years back,i was booked to play from 10 till 1130,me and about 4 mates went along to the place which turned out to be the hall at the back of a working mans club.Pretty funny in its self,so we sat in the main bar getting really pissed,but one of my mates was absolutely steaming!!I got on the decks and unknown to me,my friend was so drunk he decided to trash the toilets behind the stage.Within 5 mins the stage was flooded and the place was evacuated.Of course he denied all knowledge.We had to make a sharp exit and i havent heard from the promoter to this day.

01-07-2004, 08:10 PM
lets say a big bag o' weed, too many pills and no monitors at a party of people who wanted something "lighter and more commercial" than Bam Bam, Liberator et al. well I was laughing at the end and pulled a really cute lady that night. So shit for everybody else - great night for me!

02-07-2004, 02:30 AM
Worst ever gig for me was in Malta, no flight details until 12 hours before, got to gatwick, no ticket for me.. after 2 hours wrangling with air malta they finally found my reservation after many calls to air malta in Malta.. got on the plane, flight was fine, got off plane, waiting for my records, no records... waited another 30 mins and this mangled mess of record box came thru.. luckily records were ok, box was trashed, the lid was half hanging off, it looked like it had been run over by an airport truck, the whole box was literally twisted on its axis.. because of the late plane ticket I thought I wasn't going to make it there, and as a result of this, the news had got thru to other people in malta, so no-body thought I was coming.. so no-one turned up at the club.. as a result of this the club closed by 11pm, I ended up playing in some bar.. went down cool, but didn't get paid my fee.. then had to spend the next 2 days in malta with no money, and I'd borrowed 50 pounds to get to gatwick from nottingham, so I was 50 quid down..
so all in all it sucked...

So if anyone from overseas books me, make sure you get me the flight details at least 2 weeks in advance or I'm not coming...[/i]

02-07-2004, 05:43 AM
Worst ever gig for me was in Malta, no flight details until 12 hours before, got to gatwick, no ticket for me.. after 2 hours wrangling with air malta they finally found my reservation after many calls to air malta in Malta.. got on the plane, flight was fine, got off plane, waiting for my records, no records... waited another 30 mins and this mangled mess of record box came thru.. luckily records were ok, box was trashed, the lid was half hanging off, it looked like it had been run over by an airport truck, the whole box was literally twisted on its axis.. because of the late plane ticket I thought I wasn't going to make it there, and as a result of this, the news had got thru to other people in malta, so no-body thought I was coming.. so no-one turned up at the club.. as a result of this the club closed by 11pm, I ended up playing in some bar.. went down cool, but didn't get paid my fee.. then had to spend the next 2 days in malta with no money, and I'd borrowed 50 pounds to get to gatwick from nottingham, so I was 50 quid down..
so all in all it sucked...

So if anyone from overseas books me, make sure you get me the flight details at least 2 weeks in advance or I'm not coming...[/i]

Shitty, good thing your records didn't get f*cked up in the process, or I'd say you'd had the worst experience posted!

02-07-2004, 08:54 AM
This happened me...

I had after a Gig a crash with my car... and my box was faster than me and my car...

The Overfiend
02-07-2004, 09:00 AM
Welcome to the board.

02-07-2004, 01:08 PM
haha this is great. I 've was booked to play at this "club" that I've never heard of before in a rural area, with the promise that bunch of music-hungry kids would "pack the place". After 4 hours in the promoter's car, we pull into the parking lot and I see bunch of Harley's parked outside. So bells start ringing in my head, but I say to myself: "maybe..."
We go inside, and no surprises there, bunch of bikerz and biker-hos sitting around the bar under a huge cloud of smoke. I immediately turn to the promoter and he goes "Lemme show you the system". Hey at least they had a DJM 600 and pair of 1200s. I am still in complete shock by the way, still trying to figure out how this is gonna work out without saying one word. :shock:
Then all of a sudden I see this group of maybe 50 kids show up out of nowhere in their complete rave gear! The promoter tells me to cue up and cuts the biker-music real quick. All heads around the bar turn towards the make-shift-wooden stage (they had the huge main speakers,with the monitors right on top, set up right next to the tables on the stage with me; not gonna talk about that, did I mention that the stage was made out of wood with nothing underneath :doh: ) So I say **** it and start banging it. After my 3rd mix, some bikerz start leaving and more kids come in, but there are still some bikerz in the place! Hahahaha, I will never forget this, eventually this big bearded guy,well in this 40s, walks right up to the stage and starts yelling at me to turn off the music! :shock: I look at the promoter, he tells me to ignore the guy so I comply. :lol:
Dude eventually gives up and leaves the place with the rest of the Harley crowd, and kids pack the place, other than the sound issues, we have a great night.
:lol: I will never ever forget that guy's face

03-07-2004, 09:10 PM
ok heres another one.
i went to spain a few years ago for 2 weeks to do a very quick music technologoy course for some of the local djs.
after the course finished i had a gig at a local house club, the day before i'd realised i'd forgotten my floppy disks ( i was playing live back then with samplers drum machines and a full desktop computer !!) so i'd called london and got them fed exed over.
so i set up in this club and played my "halo " set which went down really well ( so far so good ......or so i thought )
so then we decide to go and really "party" if you know what i mean and we head down to this afterhours with loads of sketchy people and general sketchiness going on all over the place and i'm starting to get a bit weirded out by all these spaniards clapping me on the back and saying " hey amigo!!!!!!! " etc etc.....
then at about 4 in the afternoon!!!! i'm on the dancefloor completely out of my mind! and the guys i was with come up and say "would you like to play????"
i say "no thanks man i'm done" .
and they say "well we've been back to the other club and collected your equpitment ( id left it there for safety) and it's all over there" (pointing at this small stage)
so i go over and start trying to open all my flight cases and start getting all my leads out and disks and plugging things in and just generally pulling everything out of the boxes and putting it all on the floor in a total pile tangling all the leads up and completely freaking out because i just haven't got a clue how any of it goes together and i'm standing there scratching my head with a load of leads hanging round my neck and all my gear on the floor in a big pile
and they turn on the stage spots!!!!!
i'd been trying to do everything in the dark and evryone in the club turned toward the stage to see me sweating, with a hundred leads round my neck in a kind of " what the **** is going on?? " pose
and they all pissed themselves laughing.
it took about 10 minutes for me to plug the mouse into the computer.(i couldn't see the hole)

i did finally manage to get it all going ( i don't know how )
and played my set which sounded ok apart from me pressing the space bar 3 times during it and stopping it all.......

:oops: :oops:

i am a prize turnip when i get going.

dan the acid man
03-07-2004, 09:27 PM
:lol: :lol:

The Overfiend
03-07-2004, 09:41 PM
:clap: I wish I was a Sketchy Spaniard. ;)

03-07-2004, 10:00 PM
i turned up to do a studo party only to find they wanted house and the lighter side of tec house instead of techno. So some guy offered to lend me his cheese !!! .. well i got his tunes and played on a landing in a stair well with no moniters and one speaker on the lower floor and another on the upper..well **** this so I double dropped hehe speckled doves !!! and ****in when on the rampage with some cheesy house doin all sorts of mixing and spinbacks. Um.. then one of the speakers blew and finally smoke started to poor out of the amp, so i threw on a long playing track, found the guy who's tunes i had borrowed, gave him them back... said ta and legged it. :roll: :lol: :lol: I met them all a couple of weeks later when i was playing drums in the bar and amazingly they all buzzed off it. top nightmare :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-07-2004, 04:22 PM
lets say a big bag o' weed, too many pills and no monitors at a party of people who wanted something "lighter and more commercial" than Bam Bam, Liberator et al. well I was laughing at the end and pulled a really cute lady that night. So shit for everybody else - great night for me!

as long as you had a good time :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-07-2004, 02:08 AM
few years ago a new local club asked me to play for them one night. i made it very clear i played TECHNO and made sure he knew it would be HARD! got to the venue and was Very happy with the sound system. started playing a few tracks and then somone told me it was Cambodian new year (my city has tons of cambodians and asians) i said ok so?? then they ask if i can play CAMBODIAN MUSIC for the rest of the night!!!!! i said you gotta be kidding me!! I TOLD YOU I PLAY TECHNO AND YOU KNOW THIS! "yes yes yes we know but everone wants to hear their countries music, we have cds can you play them?" packed my things and left..........
try to beat that! hahahahha

05-07-2004, 04:14 AM
:clap: :clap:
haha cambodian music!!!


05-07-2004, 06:26 AM
I'm not sure how many people this happens to, but when ever I would play outside in a remote location, tons and tons of moths would flow and bump the needle of my records. This happened about twice I think, and talk about really f*cking up your mix when people are diggin your set :doh:

dan the acid man
05-07-2004, 09:40 AM
I'm not sure how many people this happens to, but when ever I would play outside in a remote location, tons and tons of moths would flow and bump the needle of my records. This happened about twice I think, and talk about really f*cking up your mix when people are diggin your set :doh:

this happens alot mate :lol: :lol: insects are one of the downfalls about playing outside :lol:

Kube 72
05-07-2004, 02:10 PM
I am off to Austria with Charles Seigling in December so a little concerned after reading the posts..I hope its not like some of those experiences..

I would rather have 40 people dancing like nutters than 2000 people not dancing though.

05-07-2004, 06:07 PM
class thread!! im new to djing so no really bad experiences yet, but im sure there will be :lol:

Evil G
05-07-2004, 06:54 PM
I'm not sure how many people this happens to, but when ever I would play outside in a remote location, tons and tons of moths would flow and bump the needle of my records. This happened about twice I think, and talk about really f*cking up your mix when people are diggin your set :doh:

for sure. nothing like watching the needle skate all around the record but without making the usual scatching noise and eventually realizing that an insect had got stuck under it.

burning some of tha 'erb is a pretty good bug repellant though. ;)

07-07-2004, 05:40 AM
At some russian festival in toronto where was just me,sound guy and some drunk ass was asking me to turn it down coz its to loud!!!!

08-07-2004, 11:26 AM
At some russian festival in toronto where was just me,sound guy and some drunk ass was asking me to turn it down coz its to loud!!!!

Too loud? Is that even possible? :hmm:

08-07-2004, 12:26 PM
Love the stories here, helps me get the stones to recant what I'm about to:

Few years back was slated to play a party outside detroit, so one would think there would be all sorts of clued up kids, right? well, there are gobs of C.U.K. in Detriot, but they sure as hell we're coming to THAT party.

I knew it would end in tears before even going on - - that much was obvious just from watching the crowd. But it was a friends party and besides, I had set up the bloody PA for the night and had to have it back to the rentals the next day, so there was no escaping the coming carnage.

I decide, "well eff it, I'll do as I please" and open up with some crazy whining, pounding Petite Prince track. Bad choice. Within 15 minutes the crowd is def. not dancing and starting to get violent looks in their eyes, as if I had been sent by a hall pass from Lord Lucifer himself. They start yelling that its "their party" and that I'm effing it up and worse. Then some dork actually crawls his sorry ass behind the decks and takes a needle off a playing record. Should have cold-cocked him in the flipping throat, but then, I am responsible for all the PA, right? Certainly could not afford a riot that destoys all the gear...

Looking for a graceful exit, in desparation I start talking to the crowd through my headphones telling them I'll wrap up if they just keep their heads. Meanwhile my friends, who were on the queue, were hearing people - - who were leaving the club - - saying, "there's some *&^% German in there and he won't take any requests!" (?) And telling people on the queue that the party sucks and so forth. So my friends get through the doors thinking they would catch the beef of the set only to find me in the bathroom looking stupid.

Oh yeah, about that time I looked in the mirror and to my shock I saw that my lips were pretty much black, so it looked like I was wearing black lipstick. Industrial anyone? Turns out the little bit of coca that we had earlier that evening had totally dried up my sinuses and so semi-dried blood had been dripping down into my throat. I was so nervous earlier that I kept licking my lips, which had effectively coated them with blood. "Erm, this IS the Skinny Puppy gig, right?"

Holy Crap, its no wonder they wanted to see the back of me. The worst part is that I had to wait around all night and then break down the PA - - sick joke that. But I did the best I could and didn't spit the dummy and make things worse for my mate who was promoting. What else was there to do?

08-07-2004, 03:18 PM

nighmare m8

gumpy green
08-07-2004, 05:04 PM
not really a horror story but quite funny..

whilst playing at a free party this totall munted up bammer came up in front of the decks....

he spotted the dust that was on the turntable(yeh i dont clean my deks much) so started to wipe it clean....

then i think he thought he better take the deck somewher to clean it properly and lifted it up.....

it was the deck that was playing so the needle went zzzrrarraappaa across the record,everybody looked at the nobber and we grabbed the deck back and told him off, not that he ever knew what was going on...

Ahhhh free partys...

Anuther free party one.

After being move by the law from our original spot at 3am cos of noise complaints we get to anuther site(after EXTREME hard lifting).

Not long after we get setup again a girl climes the quarry clif face then realises shes high so freezes up ther.....the fire brigade had to be called so whilst they were ther we had to kill the music so they could use the walkytakys to guide the absailer down to her....

Next day it was front page headlines.....but no metion of the party...more a story how a girl was save from a clifface....hahahahhahaha.....dont believe the newspapers...

shoulve read....."dimwitted french burd gets too cunted at free party and gets stuck on the quarry face"

08-07-2004, 05:12 PM
love that story mate.
total embarresment
one of theose days when you say to yourself

why oh why do i put myself through this ?????

08-07-2004, 05:16 PM
At some russian festival in toronto where was just me,sound guy and some drunk ass was asking me to turn it down coz its to loud!!!!

hahahahaha andre i could imagine how happy you were.

11-07-2004, 11:05 PM
I think the worst experience I had was recently during Movement fest, at a party that the Attack People and I were booked at. Highlights of the evening:

-Dodgy sound and decks.
-Filthy pitch-black venue in a shifty area of town.
-Another promoter was doing a jungle night and kept harassing us.
-Candy kids messed up on every drug imaginable.
-Practically having to threaten the promoter to get paid.

I'd go more into detail about the horrible promotion done for the event, but it'd be like shoving the dog's nose even further into the shit. ;)

Dustin Zahn
11-07-2004, 11:31 PM
I think the worst experience I had was recently during Movement fest, at a party that the Attack People and I were booked at. Highlights of the evening:

-Dodgy sound and decks.
-Filthy pitch-black venue in a shifty area of town.
-Another promoter was doing a jungle night and kept harassing us.
-Candy kids messed up on every drug imaginable.
-Practically having to threaten the promoter to get paid.

I'd go more into detail about the horrible promotion done for the event, but it'd be like shoving the dog's nose even further into the shit. ;)

Yeah, that gig was probably in the top 3 worst gigs ever for us. BUT, it was kinda funny when you look back on it.

12-07-2004, 12:47 AM
this happened to me a week ago....not the worst but it sucked none the less!

i threw a wharehouse party on a rural property in some farmers shed. totally authorised and legal. decent sound system and lasers etc. 150-200 people showed, mostly just friends, no strangers.
12.30 at night the noise police showed up:(
they made me turn it down so that only the monitor was running, otherwise they pull the leads outa the back of the gear.
one farmer over in the next property was annoyed on a sat night.
not like ive thrown a party in that area before or that i do it every weekend.
i couldnt bloody believe it!
i get away with more volume in my lounge :cry:

so anyway, most people stayed and danced to the monitor whilst looking at the p.a stacks just sitting thr.
kept the party going which was the main thing but geeeezzzz.

12-07-2004, 02:05 AM
playing a mix on the radio for the cd to suddenly stop and refuse to play

****ing panic stations


Francisco Scaramanga
12-07-2004, 03:34 PM
playing a mix on the radio for the cd to suddenly stop and refuse to play

**** panic stations


Harsh, I've been in a similar situation, me and a friend were doing a show on a pirate radio station, and about 2 or 3 tunes into the set, the right hand deck broke. It just would not do anything at all, so that was that, there was no one around to sort it and no spares or anything, so the set consisted of playing a record, then blabbing on the mic while swapping records on the only good turntable. It was quite amusing in a way, but what really annoyed us was when the next DJ arrived, who had been playing on this station for years, we told him what had happened and he said, "oh no problem there, watch this" and he smashed the **** out of the platter with his fist, and suddenly the power came back on, and the deck worked fine.

12-07-2004, 04:56 PM
old school mullet dudes.

Ha Ha!

Pauze :twisted:

13-07-2004, 10:05 PM
playing a mix on the radio for the cd to suddenly stop and refuse to play

**** panic stations


Harsh, I've been in a similar situation, me and a friend were doing a show on a pirate radio station, and about 2 or 3 tunes into the set, the right hand deck broke. It just would not do anything at all, so that was that, there was no one around to sort it and no spares or anything, so the set consisted of playing a record, then blabbing on the mic while swapping records on the only good turntable. It was quite amusing in a way, but what really annoyed us was when the next DJ arrived, who had been playing on this station for years, we told him what had happened and he said, "oh no problem there, watch this" and he smashed the **** out of the platter with his fist, and suddenly the power came back on, and the deck worked fine.

pmsl :lol:
