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16-07-2004, 12:13 AM
no not me. them.


Techno don embraces eyeliner

Techno trendsetter Dave Clarke revealed he’s started wearing makeup, in the last but one (ever) issue of Jockey Slut, declaring ‘I’d like to turn myself into a show’.

The newly metrosexual jock stressed he’s not just wearing any old cheap kohl, however, and insisted he prefers only top of the range designer eyeliner.

“It’s Sisley, it’s totally organic and botanical,” said Dave.

“My ex-wife used to wear Sisley and for ages and ages I wanted to have fun on stage, so eventually I bought some about four months ago.”

Clarke’s new cosmetic infatuation coincided with Jean Paul Gaultier’s launch of a whole range of makeup for men, targeted at ‘modern-day dandies who travel, drive bikes and cars or pilot planes and like to have fun’ (Clarke both drives fast cars and flies private planes). His open-minded approach also matched the attitude of fellow Brit techno type Ade Fenton, a friend and sometime collaborator.

“One of the main reasons I wear makeup is because I don’t want to be another bald, stumpy, fat guy with a tracksuit on,” Fenton told Skrufff in December.

“I like the reaction you get, I like the confusion and doubt it prompts. A lot of people think I’m gay and some people are cheeky enough to ask me and that doesn’t bother me at all.”

16-07-2004, 12:18 AM
a trend i will NOT be following... :dontevengothere:


anyone seen the Southpark with 'Queer Eye For The Straight Guy' in it ?

twisted genius

Evil G
16-07-2004, 12:28 AM
one the one hand, i respect people's right to decorate themselves any way they please, but on the other hand, i think that spending too much time/effort/brainpower on your appearance means spending less on other things that are problably more important.

dan the acid man
16-07-2004, 12:38 AM
glam techno anyone :lol:

16-07-2004, 12:40 AM
no dan, no... i was a glam metaller when i was 15 (didnt go for the make up though, would got beaten senseless on my estate)

it wasnt clever then & it aint clever now :lol:

fair play. each to their own, but i think i'll punt me money into vinyl & outboard before the make up counter in Boots :lol:

dan the acid man
16-07-2004, 01:05 AM

i couldnt think of anything worse than going shopping for make up, i had to go round meadowhall shopping centre most saturday's, with an ex girlfriend, who was obsessed with the stuff :rambo:

16-07-2004, 01:07 AM
metrosexuality is such a load of bollocks. i mean, is it not just straight ppl acting gay? sad i think

Evil G
16-07-2004, 01:22 AM
na, i know lots of gay people who don't wear makeup.

it's shallow people acting shallow.

16-07-2004, 01:22 AM
metrosexuality?? never heard of it - looks like middle-age-crisis-too-much-money-lack-of-common-sense-uality to me


16-07-2004, 01:35 AM
Man, When I was heavily into my industrial, in a band, and was young, drunk, angry and crazy. I used to garb myself up in wierd mad max type clothes and black my eyes up, keith prodigy style. But I put this down to youth, booze, and the need to be a rock star.

But for these old buggers to be doin it and trying to justify it under the banner of some new fashion movement :doh:
You`ll never recapture your youth gents, you`ll just end up looking like a bunch of tired old worn out social club drag queens. Sad.

16-07-2004, 01:56 AM
tut tut dave :roll:

16-07-2004, 02:06 AM
"One of the main reasons I wear makeup is because I don’t want to be another bald, stumpy, fat guy with a tracksuit on"

Ade, man, good food and exercise is stop that not make-up!

16-07-2004, 02:52 AM
**** it, fair play to em if they get some enjoyment out of it

16-07-2004, 11:25 AM
takin good care of yourself and preening is one thing. but its hard to imagine someone bangin out some good techno while applying foundation. its just...different. but more power to em. i just hope they both realize that 99% of the people who go to see them dont actually go to SEE them. they go to hear them play. hell ive seen some Dj's in some pretty fancy/scary getups and some really beautiful female dj's before. but as far as im concerned most of the time its just a show to distract you from their horrible mixing skills.


The Overfiend
17-07-2004, 06:37 PM
Mascara eh................................. :eh:

17-07-2004, 06:39 PM
wtf :lol:
