View Full Version : sidechaining the kick
da hound
21-07-2004, 02:54 PM
i want 2 know how i can sidechain the kick 2 my percusion and hats so they duck under the kick in cubase sx d,ont really know much about sidechaing so if one of you guys can give me a step by step example i would be gratefull the sound i am looking 2 achive is that pumping techno sound eg wilson,carl max,anxsious etc help will be much appriciated
21-07-2004, 03:08 PM
There are a few old posts about this.
U have 2 use some sort of 3rd party Plug in, like TC or waves !!
Dig in! ;)
Alex Calver
27-07-2004, 05:06 AM
Tc Native Bundle 3.1 (there is a bug in 3.0 and this feature dos'nt work) add the sidechainer to your kick drum channel, then add a TC Compressor to whatever you want to be squashed by the kick, click the 'key input' on the compressor so its highlighted red. (you may have to reset it everytime you re-open the project) now you can control the amout of sidechain compression by playing about with the 4 main perameters on the compressor, (attack, release, threshold & Ratio) i tend to set them all to the bottom then move the Threshold and ratio up and you can hear the loop (or whatever you've routed through the compressor) sucking in and out of the kick drum, when the kick is taken out completely the source will hop straight up in volume (nice for fills). Anyone have another methods?
27-07-2004, 05:41 AM
yeah the db compressor plugin does this too. there's lots of comment re: this on the site. although i don't see this as an absolutely essential thing to acheiving the 'pumping' techno sound, it is a useful thing to know if you ever thing 'oh my kick just wont sit with my bass'!
31-07-2004, 01:58 AM
hey alex what program are u doing that in....know how to do it in fruity loop studio? any1 know? =)
Alex Calver
31-07-2004, 03:19 PM
i use the TC Stuff in Cubase SX 2, you can use em in fruity aswell
01-08-2004, 06:52 AM
yeah i figured that too...they werk in all basically..but wasnt sure if i was doing he side cahingin correctly in fruity..i mmeber som1 saying somethin about PEAK CONTROLLER and FRUITY BALANCE.....but w/e i get soem cool shit from experimenting...i wish i had a few basic guidelines to stay with in save me time..hehe...but im learnign all that..
02-08-2004, 05:44 PM
I'm doing this from the top of my head so I might b wrong..
send the kick 2 an isolated efx channel... insert a peak controler ...
on the sound u want 2 have side chained insert a comp. rigth click and choose peak controller... should work now... U can also control the Bassline's level fader with the kick's peakcontroler, etc...
03-08-2004, 04:39 AM
cool thanks..what do u mean by bassliens level fader though?
oh and comp in Fruity compressor (or a compressor?)
ALSO.. rigth click on what the volume knob ?
03-08-2004, 06:00 PM
Nice piece of advice Mr calver.
Will hunt this TC native pack down then. ;)
03-08-2004, 07:19 PM
cool thanks..what do u mean by bassliens level fader though?
after u've send the bassline 2 a different ch channel on the mixer ...
oh and comp in Fruity compressor (or a compressor?)
I think both options work... but I was talking about fruity comp!
ALSO.. rigth click on what the volume knob ?
depends on what U want... can even b just on the plug in slot!
23-11-2004, 03:06 PM
Cheers alex thats a big help
23-11-2004, 05:16 PM
You can get a free sidechain compressor from
Which does the job.
The Routing in cubase is a bit... well you'll see.
You shouldn't need to set anything up in VST connections. You need two stereo/mono Audio tracks and one quadro group track. (in configure track
menu when u create a track)
track 1: sidechain track (ie Kick)
track 2: stereo track to be affected by the sidechain (ie bass)
track 3: quadro group track
The easy bit: put the sidechain compressor plug on the group track, and route the output of track 2 (bass) to that group track using the
output selector on the mixer as you would for any normal group arrangement.
The next bit is a bit more hidden. You need to send the output of sidechain (Kick) to the Ls/Rs channels of the group track:
Press the "e" button on the sidechain track to bring up the Channel Settings window.
Then select "routing" from the display modes menu, located above the sends on that window.
Select the group track as a send and set the send level as required.
You can then see a panner for each of your sends. In the case of the send to a surround channel, if you double-click on the panner you get all the panning options and you can pan to Ls/Rs, which then turn up in the group bus on ch.3/4.
If ya get me.
23-11-2004, 05:53 PM
Some explanations (u could have scrolled down a little, eh? :crackup: ):
1. put an instance of the fruity 'peak controller plug' on the fx channel of your kick. uncheck the 'mute' button, if you want to hear the kick!
or use a send channel for this (have the mute button enabled on this send!! or it will result in adoubled kik or sumptin) as ze mig l pointed out...
2. now do a right-click on the volume knob of the bassline (or anything else you want to sidechain) and select 'Link to Controller'
3. In the dialog- window 'Remote Control Settings' popping up, select
'Peak ctrl 'your kick fx channel here' -Peak
and from the 'Mapping-Formula' Dropdown menu select: 'Inverted'
4. whilst playing, adjust the Base/Vol/ and TNS controls to your needs in the upper part of the peak controller plugin
5. you should then see (and hear) the volume knob of the bassline ducking with every kick
If anything has been left unexplained, just ask me
23-11-2004, 05:56 PM
I'm doing this from the top of my head so I might b wrong..
send the kick 2 an isolated efx channel... insert a peak controler ...
on the sound u want 2 have side chained insert a comp. rigth click and choose peak controller... should work now... U can also control the Bassline's level fader with the kick's peakcontroler, etc...
some additions to this: right click on volume knob of i.e. bassline.
chose peakcontroller and mode: 'Inverted' from the dropdown menu...
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