View Full Version : mark hawkins interview + dj sets

28-07-2004, 07:47 AM
for anybody interested.....mark took the time to share a few words with the freqs at Droidbehavior.com

here is what he said...and this where u can hear it



28-07-2004, 09:39 AM
That really rocks! big up Mr. Hawkins!

wonkity wonk wonk crunch crunch bang bang. vote techno party

28-07-2004, 10:09 AM
Am I missing something ? When I click on that link it's just a picture of Mark.

28-07-2004, 10:54 AM
scroll down....lots more fun on the page :rambo:

29-07-2004, 01:51 PM
hey mark....can we get a tracklist maybe :?: :eh:

The Overfiend
29-07-2004, 07:50 PM
Props to Hawkins to not succumbing to the haters and still pumping out his own branch of flavorfull butter buscuits.

29-07-2004, 09:58 PM
Yeah... all I get is a pic...
View Source gives me a bunch of binary garbage.... :eh:

29-07-2004, 10:09 PM
Props to Hawkins to not succumbing to the haters and still pumping out his own branch of flavorfull butter buscuits.

init. I have a lot of respect for MH/Crime because its so varied covering a wide rasnge of countries ans styles - especially the UK Grime [sic] mix on the latest Crime - and the fact that fundamentally its no skool.

30-07-2004, 12:23 AM
crap....patrick had the same problem earlier :rambo:

I N T E R V I E W : M A R K H A W K I N S
What was your biggest influence, musically, when growing up?
My biggest influence when I was growing up was my Dad; he's really into music, and he used to play me a lot of different stuff, including some early electronic stuff. I still listen to music with my dad when I see him.

Was there an event or particular moment in your life when you remember first deciding to make DJing or producing/composing your career?
I never really thought of it as a "Career" as such when I first started DJing. I just wanted to be playing the sickest tunes at the party! I suppose it was more when I started releasing records that it really made me go for it.

With so much negativity and criticism in the dance community with regard to drug use, money-hungry promoters, and the advent of superstar, jet-setting DJ culture, how do you remain positive and focused?
It's hard to remain positive in the current climate. [This] dance music is over 10 years old, and it's been in steady decline since the late 90s. I think you have to just remember why you got into it in the first place.

What's the secret to longevity in this guess-who's-hot-today society?
Not giving up when you feel like you're not getting anywhere, and not limiting yourself to one kind of thing either...

Do you consider yourself a musician as well as a DJ and producer? Do you play any instruments? Have you received any formal instruction (musically or in the studio)?
I consider myself a musician first. It's what I started doing first, messing around with guitars and stuff when we were kids, and I'd say my productions are pretty musical compared to a lot of stuff around at the moment. Well, my old school had some strange idea that I was going to play bass in the school band...I had other ideas, and it ended up that I used it as a blag to jam with my mates during lunchtime... They had tried to teach me violin a few years previous, which didn't really work out either, so no, I wouldn't say I've really had that much training. I did a studio engineering course for about 6 months, but to be honest I learned much more just on my own in a friend's studio.

If you could give an aspiring DJ/artist your best advice, what would it be?
Do it cos you love it, cos you ain't going to get rich from it! Keep your mind open too; don't limit yourself to listening or playing to one kind of thing.

What advice would you give to the bedroom-studio "whiz" who can't find the BIG break yet?
There are no big breaks...

The obligatory internet downloading, FS, free porn question, and how it affects your techno? (What do you make of MP3 DJs and the other alternatives to vinyl?)
Well, personally when I play you get records or a live act...if I feel I want to play something out, I just get the thing cut so I don't really have any use for final scratch. I think there was a lot of hype about it when it came out, and I think you have to have a certain level of commitment before you get a record cut which means the quality remains high. I think if you don't have to have that commitment then ultimately the quality control is not going to be up there. I think you should go out and buy some records and support those of us who've been sticking our necks on the line for years...

For those not in the know, what the hell is wonky techno?! And what are your theories on how the name came about?
"Wonky techno" was a term invented by Jerome Hill (who incidentally runs Don't Recordings) who used it as a section in his record shop (Dragon Disk) in London. It had all the Sativae, Drought, Scandinavia, and Mosquito in there, all the slightly stranger techno like Christian Vogel and Neil Landstrumm. It's quite funny for us who remember this, as it seems like people are hungry for a pigeon hole yet again. I remember when techno was just techno and people used to play stuff like Vogel next to say an Advent tune. You didn't have this segregation...

Do you dance? If so what style do you prefer: break dance? Tango? 80s style? Riverdance? Lapdance?
I like to pogo!!!

Interests outside of music?
I go skateboarding sometimes...visit the beach and stuff...

Ideally, what would you be doing ten years from now?
Earning a lot more money than I am now!

Best gigs/worst gigs?
Best: Hard to say, there's been so many good ones. Worst: I'd say my hideous mission to Malta. Worst ever gig for me was in Malta, no flight details until 12 hours before, got to Gatwick, no ticket for me. After 2 hours wrangling with Air Malta they finally found my reservation after many calls to Air Malta in Malta. Got on the plane, flight was on fire, got off plane, waiting for my records, no records...waited another 30 minutes and this mangled mess of a record box came thru. Luckily records were OK, box was trashed, the lid was half hanging off, it looked like it had been run over by an airport truck, the whole box literally twisted on its axis. Because of the late plane ticket I thought I wasn't going to make it there, and as a result of this the news had got thru to the other people in Malta, so nobody thought I was coming. SO no one turned up at the club. As a result of this the club closed by 11 PM. I ended up playing in some bar. Went down cool, but didn't get paid my fee. Then I had to spend the next 2 days in Malta with no money, and I'd borrowed 50 pounds to get to Gatwick from Nottingham, so I was 50 quid down, so all in all it sucked....So if anyone from overseas books me, make sure you get the flights details at least 2 weeks in advanced or I'm not coming.

Concerning the future of electronic music, where do you see it going?
I really don't know at the moment, it's definitely in decline at the moment, but maybe we'll see some kind of revival in the same way that rock music has been going through a big revival. I think only time will tell...

interview by vidal

sets taken from www.crime-productions.com

