View Full Version : IMPORTANT BOARD PROBLEMS... I need your thoughts!!!!!!

25-03-2003, 03:04 AM
Well for anyone that read the 'Club Experiments' topic, this is what I said after Ryan and I conflicted on a certain problem (read the post first if you didn't!!!). Jackstar (one of our original members) made a damn good point about what could happen to our board if we're not careful. It really made me think. So here's my reply:

'Spot on Jackstar...

this topic is gonna be closed. i don't like where this arguement is going and it's up to admin (ie me) to stop anything that begins to deteriorate like this. all i know is that i didn't like ryan's comments on 'shoddy trance' and i don't want this -ve ity about other styles of music used again in such a flipant way. it's so distructive. icons, or no icons.

i'm not joking here. it's a rule of the board and i made it for a reason.

actually ryan, i did start a post saying 'I'm a tech-houser and I am gay'. you've actually made me realise that i shouldn't have posted this based upon my own rules and i will not be posting stuff like this again. in fact, i'm gonna delete it. you've brought it to my attention and it'll help me improve the forum (believe me guys - it is hard to admin a forum). in fact, i'll be looking out for rule breaking now a little bit more. the member list is getting quite big and unfortunately i'm going to have to start watching out for bad -ve ity more than i ever did.

i haven't banned anyone in all the time this board has been up and running but i will have to consider it if this happens again. someone's gotta be on top of stuff here. -ve -ity and pointless arguements are not why i spent ages learning php to get a community going. it's not why i enjoy waking up in a morning to read what all you guys have said and it's not why i'm doing this. quite simply put, get lost to another board if you wanna argue about pointless crap. this board is about underground music no matter what genre.

ryan, i'm not getting at you, i'm just saying if you wanna slag off passionately made trance/house/hip-hop/grunge/ etc etc, i think we need do it somewhere else. i love having you on this board, you've had so many great things to say, but i don't wanna read shit like this. i really don't.

anyway enough crap from me...

i need everyone else thoughts...

25-03-2003, 03:42 AM
i don't think it was that serious. i was actually going reply in thread to the effect that i thought that it should be locked before it did get out of control. alas.. mark eeeeeeeee :) proper action.

25-03-2003, 10:05 AM
I bet Ryan feels like hes been CourtMarshalled now. This might have been taken a bit too seriously Mark but they're your rules and you've got to put your foot down...

That's probably whats gonna make this forum different though...

Carry on...

25-03-2003, 10:07 AM
yes, proper action. that's the first time i've had to step in and do something EVER i think!!!

i don't think it was THAT serious looking at it today (over-reaction is something i've been quite good at recently!!!) and ryan, i'm sorry i've been like this with you, but i'm sure the point needed addressing. if one of our original board members steps in and points out that the board could deteriorate into a slaggin parlour, then there has to be something wrong somewhere.

anyway. hope everyone understands what i'm getting at.

25-03-2003, 10:47 AM
but can we still write that techhouse is crap and give proofs for our statement? :lol: :lol: :lol:

25-03-2003, 11:08 AM
I've no problem with what's happened. It's no big deal. I took issue, others took issue, and now here we are.

Just another day in the office............


25-03-2003, 11:17 AM
but can we still write that techhouse is crap and give proofs for our statement?

that's funny http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/ROTFLMAO.gif

Esox Lucius
25-03-2003, 11:24 AM
just a quick one, what do you all class as tech house?

are you talking stuff like, get f*cked, terry francis, eddie richards etc? that`s what i class as tech-house.

Paul Nisbet
25-03-2003, 11:26 AM
Agreed, im ah member of a big mags chat room, and it was totally ace when it first started a few years ago, but the admin let topics spiral out of control ie

There was a proposed fight on the board, they were gonna both meet up and get it on.

The board is now diveded into them and us, and all that rubbish.

Other djs slag other djs - out of order.

and one member who is now banned, sat up all night postin the same topic for about 7hrs. totally cloggin up the board.

Boards like this one are good, it would be a shame to see to go down the pan (which arguing eventually leads too), as the people who u respect and come on to read what they say will disapear, which is wat happened on formentioned board.

Although it gets to the point ah dont want to post in the tech section for fear of a good bitch slappin, i enjoy to read wat a lot of u guys ave to say, and being so young and just at the start of a djin journey i come on here to be educated in a way. I have no shame in admitting that.

Its all about the journey and discovering what your into, it takes time.

Esox Lucius
25-03-2003, 11:29 AM
well said paul.

i go on the trance forum and get no hassle, so people of the trance forum should be able to come on here with no hassle.

25-03-2003, 11:33 AM
god, yeah, we defo don't want fights on here....http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Duel.gif

we just need to keep it as friendly as possible i reckon... http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Cheers.gif

and well said mr tech funk http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Big%20Thumb%20Up.gif

Paul Nisbet
25-03-2003, 11:41 AM
well said paul.

i go on the trance forum and get no hassle, so people of the trance forum should be able to come on here with no hassle.

Yip, dont post much on the tech, cause if im honest, im not as clued up on techno as ive only been playin for about a year and a half (on decks for 2yrs) and im into my trance and hardtrance/style big time too, but i have trouble gettin techno in edinburgh, as Prime are havin trouble distributin,as i have been lead to believe, and on the net, ur not a hundred percent sure until uve hammered it thru the system.

But im new here, and as i said earlier thats why i come onto this site, as ur all welcoming, and some of the people on here are the most clued up people i have ever seen/read??? lol.

25-03-2003, 12:01 PM
I agree with moderating the board as long as it doesn't get too out of control. As Paul (Jackstar) said the overload board gets stupid at times, and newbies who post about their site or night sometimes get ripped to shreds, which I personally wouldn't like to see happen here....

25-03-2003, 12:03 PM
one of the reasons i love the forum and visit EVERYDAY is because of peoples knowledge of equiptment. i.e i ask what the best mixer to go for is and bam! i now love my allen and heath mixer. and also because every one posts cool mixes. :)

25-03-2003, 12:14 PM
god, yeah, we defo don't want fights on here....http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Duel.gif

we just need to keep it as friendly as possible i reckon... http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Cheers.gif

Agreed, we don't want fights, but there's got to be room for reasonable discussion otherwise there is no purpose to this, or any other forum. We're not the Mutual Appreciation Society after all. :wink:

And in the interests of balance, having now read the thread in question, I'd say you did over-react a bit there Mark imho, but you've acknowledged that, so it's cool.
So did you have a sense of humour failure ? Bad comedown ? After effects of too much wife-beater ? Painters in, were they ? :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:

25-03-2003, 12:19 PM
i think the fact it was a monday should explain a few things http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Gulp.gif

25-03-2003, 12:20 PM
Agreed, we don't want fights, but there's got to be room for reasonable discussion otherwise there is no purpose to this, or any other forum. We're not the Mutual Appreciation Society after all. :wink:

Absolutely spot on.

25-03-2003, 12:21 PM
im in MUTUAL agreement! :)

25-03-2003, 12:33 PM
point taken. it's just how do you know the limits, based upon other boards mistakes? for sure, i created this board cause i wanted to chat with cool people, but if there's serious extra hassles and i don't enjoy being a part of it, then what's the point of me doing it??? that's what scares me might happen down the line and that's why i've made a few very simply rules that i really want to stick to if i can.

when people slag off other styles or dj's in normal life, it annoys me like CRAZY, so why should it be any different on the internet. it's the same with pointless arguments that have digs at people for no reason. i hate this! in fact, it probably annoys me more on the net cause i know people hide behind a computer and write it.

i know we're not the mutual aprreciation society and i think serious discussion is gonna get us real far on here, but there really are plenty of boards out there that you can have digs at people, make people feel small, winge about dj's and slag of music styles.

i know i'm gonna come across as being a complete C*NT sometimes, but i just want this to be a cool, easy going place for ppl to hang out.

25-03-2003, 12:49 PM
Sounds like my kinda place. I can be cool ! 8)


25-03-2003, 12:50 PM
hear hear! c*nt away!

25-03-2003, 06:03 PM
Agreed, im ah member of a big mags chat room, and it was totally ace when it first started a few years ago, but the admin let topics spiral out of control ie

There was a proposed fight on the board, they were gonna both meet up and get it on.

The board is now diveded into them and us, and all that rubbish.

Other djs slag other djs - out of order.

and one member who is now banned, sat up all night postin the same topic for about 7hrs. totally cloggin up the board.

Aye. That board really has went downhill hasn't it. :(

25-03-2003, 06:09 PM
what the **** were they gonna fight about?

the only fights that are likeley to happen on here is to who gets the spliff next :P

death on a stick
25-03-2003, 06:24 PM
Aye. That board really has went downhill hasn't it. :(

what board is that then? reading through this forum it seems you're not allowed to say that things are rubbish even if they are (oooh, in case the people who like rubbish stuff get upset!!). maybe we can go to that other one and create havoc. :twisted:

I'm not sure if the baby pink colour scheme agrees with me...am I allowed to say that?

25-03-2003, 06:28 PM
what the **** were they gonna fight about?

the only fights that are likeley to happen on here is to who gets the spliff next :P

I can't remember what they started arguing about, but it got out of control and eventually they had arranged to meet up at a service station or something to have a fight. It was quite amusing to start with, but it just went too far.

It was on the M8 board.

death on a stick
25-03-2003, 06:39 PM
I can't remember what they started arguing about, but it got out of control and eventually they had arranged to meet up at a service station or something to have a fight. It was quite amusing to start with, but it just went too far.
Sounds like a great idea to me. People like that should meet up and kill eachother as often as possible. Leaves more space, air, food, water etc for the people who aren't too stupid to live.

25-03-2003, 06:50 PM
I can't remember what they started arguing about, but it got out of control and eventually they had arranged to meet up at a service station or something to have a fight. It was quite amusing to start with, but it just went too far.
Sounds like a great idea to me. People like that should meet up and kill eachother as often as possible. Leaves more space, air, food, water etc for the people who aren't too stupid to live.

:lol: :lol:

25-03-2003, 09:56 PM
I reckon ryan was a bit out of order, but we all can be at times, and I think it's the first time it's happened on this board as far as I've seen (although I did find the funky gay techhouser thread a bit of a weird one?!)

Anyway, I reckon that we should all remember to keep constructive in what we've got to say, as that's the reason why it's such a good board!

My mates are all into different types of music, from rock to trance to r'n'b, but they still tolerate my techno, and sometimes even admit they like some of it, likewise, there is the odd trance tune that I like, although I as a rule ain't keen on trance- each to his own I say, ur not gonna change someone's opinion about something they're into, so why make an issue about it?

Anyway - that's my 2 penneth worth!

25-03-2003, 10:26 PM
i think ppl from this board should make a private house party, invite ryan and beat the shit out of him and rape him brutaly to show that little cocksucker to say what he thinks WITHOUT using emoticons is WRONG!!!

25-03-2003, 10:53 PM
Miromiric has the right idea http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Bash.gif

Esox Lucius
25-03-2003, 10:55 PM
ha ha that emoticon is class, where did you get it from?

25-03-2003, 11:02 PM
like i said to miromiric - that would be telling!!! http://www.emotipad.com/emoticons/Wont%20Share.gif


DJ Corbzy
25-03-2003, 11:28 PM
paddy you nutter! nice hair m8...im gonna be heading on down to the kiva i reckon for some drummer action!

25-03-2003, 11:57 PM
i think ppl from this board should make a private house party, invite ryan and beat the shit out of him and rape him brutaly to show that little cocksucker to say what he thinks WITHOUT using emoticons is WRONG!!!

Ha ha ! Miromiric, trust you to get it arse about face ! :wink: :lol:
Ryan did use emoticons, Mark didn't notice them, hence the 'heated' discussion. Sh*t, maybe that didn't sound constructive enough....let me try again.....Miromiric, you just got that arse about face, but in the nicest possible way. :P :lol:

paddy you nutter! nice hair m8...im gonna be heading on down to the kiva i reckon for some drummer action!

Yes indeed mate, looking forward to it. Should be a laugh. I need to start doing my hair now so I'll be ready in time, though.....

DJ Corbzy
26-03-2003, 12:25 AM
hahahahaha @ paddy

26-03-2003, 12:33 AM
arse in my face! now we`re talkin.

26-03-2003, 01:09 AM
arse in my face! now we`re talkin.

26-03-2003, 02:20 AM
now this is precisely the type of shit we need on this forum.....

now f*** everyone and die....


26-03-2003, 02:58 AM
oh please god don't get buttman on here or else we're all in real trouble... (gulp)


26-03-2003, 12:04 PM
oh please god don't get buttman on here or else we're all in real trouble... (gulp)

Here I am, now entertain me.

26-03-2003, 01:24 PM
cute booty!

26-03-2003, 02:32 PM
Why don't you move this to the General section Mark? Its got nothing to do with Techno, it only started in the techno section. Your probably missing out on some important views! Its coz you like gay techno more than cool trance isn't it! :D <-- better put that there! ANd why has somebody got an avatar of a naked bloke, do you allow this sort of thing, I bet he likes Techno.

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 02:44 PM
ha ha.

i could just see there being arguments if the post was moved, people arguing over which is better trance or techno, best just forgetting about it.

26-03-2003, 02:45 PM
well, u know, techno is aparently all about bondism, brutal anal penetration, bottling and stuff.

26-03-2003, 03:03 PM
well, u know, techno is aparently all about bondism, brutal anal penetration, bottling and stuff.

Yeah that is why I am in it. Techno is boring musically, I mean anyone can make it with a computer and Microsoft Word :!: .

26-03-2003, 03:05 PM
ANd why has somebody got an avatar of a naked bloke, do you allow this sort of thing, I bet he likes Techno.

And you are supposed to be a trancehead! What about Peace, Love, Unity, Respect and all that hippie shite?

26-03-2003, 03:50 PM
Yeh we're all for world peace an all.

I love you man! 8)

Send me a picture of your ass! :lol:

26-03-2003, 04:00 PM
i think ppl from this board should make a private house party, invite ryan and beat the shit out of him and rape him brutaly to show that little cocksucker to say what he thinks WITHOUT using emoticons is WRONG!!!

That is f*cking appalling. Talk about double f*cking standards- I actually know a rape victim you f*cking prick, and I don't think they'd be laughing, do you?? I'm not, that's for f*cking sure.

I find it ludicrous that I can't voice a non-offensive strong opinion without getting all the whingeing that I do get, yet stuff like this is laughed at and encouraged by the owner of the site. When are you people going to wake the f*ck up????

26-03-2003, 04:07 PM
He's right you know!! Bastards! :!: This wasn't construcive at all really! Even i've been taking the piss!

26-03-2003, 05:36 PM
ok now ryan, i was joking, i had absolutely no bad intentions towards you, none whatsoever.
so what are you trying to say? that i support raping, gangbanging (well that maybe yes :P) and hurting someone? get a grip!

btw my ex was raped and one of my best friends was raped too, so i know how serious is that!

and haven`t you ever watched monty python? ever heard for black humour?

how old are u ryan?

26-03-2003, 05:40 PM
ok now ryan, i was joking, i had absolutely no bad intentions towards you, none whatsoever.
so what are you trying to say? that i support raping, gangbanging (well that maybe yes :P) and hurting someone? get a grip!

btw my ex was raped and one of my best friends was raped too, so i know how serious is that!

and haven`t you ever watched monty python? ever heard for black humour?

how old are u ryan?

With all due respect, joking about such sensitive stuff are the actions of a fool. You don't CHOOSE to be raped, you don't CHOOSE to be hurt. I think your words are despicable, joke or not. You may as well be racist, or sexist because those comments WILL OFFEND.

This started because I said "shoddy trance." People CHOOSE the music they listen to, and therefore anyone has any right to comment on peoples choices. As I said above, people DON'T CHOOSE to be raped, hurt (nor gay for that matter) and making "fun" of it is just down right thoughtless, disrespectful and immature.

What has age got to do with this?? You don't choose that, either.

26-03-2003, 05:58 PM
OK, now we've completely gone off the subject here!

26-03-2003, 06:06 PM
OK, now we've completely gone off the subject here!
No. The subject was about what people are posting.

If anyone believes that my reference to "shoddy trance" is more severe than references to "brutal rape" and "beating the shit out of someone" then I'll be seeing ya.

26-03-2003, 06:09 PM
I stand corrected :| Im off to the land of love in my trance canoe!

26-03-2003, 06:14 PM
just tell me how old are you.

i fukkin hate this terror of minority where every fukkin word u fukkin say is fukkin offensive. i mean come on get the fukk out of my car.

i m not gay-o-phobic or a fukkin racist, am not hater of other nationalities or religions. I JUST FUKKIN HATE NATIONALITIES, I HATE RELIGION AND I HATE PPL WHO DON`T HAVE FUKKIN SENSE FOR FUKKIN HUMOUR!!! :evil:

and now for something completely different.


26-03-2003, 06:15 PM
goddamn it! no remote linking! now my joke is totally ruined grrrrrrr

26-03-2003, 06:17 PM
just tell me how old are you.

i fukkin hate this terror of minority where every fukkin word u fukkin say is fukkin offensive. i mean come on get the fukk out of my car.

i m not gay-o-phobic or a fukkin racist, am not hater of other nationalities or religions. I JUST FUKKIN HATE NATIONALITIES, I HATE RELIGION AND I HATE PPL WHO DON`T HAVE FUKKIN SENSE FOR FUKKIN HUMOUR!!! :evil:

and now for something completely different.


Of course, because RAPE is a subject worth joking about, yeah??
As opposed to "shoddy trance" where everybody started throwing their toys around- seriously, do me a favour. :evil:

26-03-2003, 06:25 PM
Of course, because RAPE is a subject worth joking about, yeah??
As opposed to "shoddy trance" where everybody started throwing their toys around- seriously, do me a favour. :evil:

Why do the two of you not just:
1. shut up.
2. meet in a garage and fight about it.
3. Make sweet love.


26-03-2003, 06:27 PM
Of course, because RAPE is a subject worth joking about, yeah??
As opposed to "shoddy trance" where everybody started throwing their toys around- seriously, do me a favour. :evil:

Why do the two of you not just:
1. shut up.
2. meet in a garage and fight about it.
3. Make sweet love.


Listen mate, there comes a time when everybody has to be serious- perhaps you should give it a try instead of being the eternal joker??
I am totally offended by what someone has written in this forum, yet people are STILL making fun of it??

26-03-2003, 06:38 PM
Listen mate, there comes a time when everybody has to be serious- perhaps you should give it a try instead of being the eternal joker??
I am totally offended by what someone has written in this forum, yet people are STILL making fun of it??

Where is the joke? Both sex and violence can solve many problems. What do you think would happen between USA abnd Iraq if Saddam and Bushy fukked? :|

26-03-2003, 06:56 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Can't stop laughing!

Ryan, you definitely take yourself, life and everyone else on this board way too seriously!

Buttman, you da man!

26-03-2003, 07:20 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
innit! thought mark created this post 2 try and stop arguments! looks like this post will end up bein locked as well!
lighten up people :wink:

26-03-2003, 07:27 PM
yeah ryan. you're well out of order here. i don't care whether you know someone who's been raped. it's irrelevant. but miromiric has a sense of humour. you don't. full stop. i'm sure we all really want to hear your life problems. this is a techno board not a 'who's been raped' board.

26-03-2003, 07:56 PM
really Mark i'm surprised at you :o

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 08:01 PM
jesus, you go up to a mates for a couple of hours to get stoned, when you get back world war 3 has kicked off!

rape isn`t a laughing matter though, i see ryan`s point.

26-03-2003, 08:04 PM
nah i'm sorry i don't care.

what a load of absolute rubbish bringing this sort of thing on here.

it's like this whole thing he started about gay people on a post i wrote about tech house. when i say something is 'gay', i'm not saying it to cause offence. i'm saying it as a figure of speech. just like miromiric didn't mean to that we should actually 'rape' ryan.

i know rape isn't a funny subject but we're all not on here to get all shirty about rape, we're here to read about techno.

ryan. get a sense of humour or get outta here.

26-03-2003, 08:09 PM
your going straight to hell you meany

26-03-2003, 08:10 PM
here here well said

i think this topic lost its concept????
abit off the subject dont ya think?

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 08:13 PM
yeah i know miromiric was only joking, i don`t want to get involved in an argument, just think ryan had a point, but he did go a bit over the top like.

26-03-2003, 08:24 PM
ryan did have a point. defo he had a point - FOR ANOTHER BOARD!!!! what the hell is bringing up the fact that a friend got raped gonna do for this board? the post was started to talk about how i should admin the board not bloody bring up a terrifying, horrible subject like rape and try to make someone feel small with it. bloody hell. GROW UP!

i've seen ryan start way to many pointless arguments on this board. he totally loves to make people seem small. i'm telling him now, either he chills out, stops laying into people (like he's done here and like he did on the original post that pissed me off and i've seen him do on others) or he finds somewhere else vent his daily anger.

if i think about it ryan, the thing that originally annoyed me was not the fact you called corbzy's music 'shoddy' trance (although it's a rule of the board not to do this), it was just the way you immediately layed into him and made him feel small, icons or no icons. you've done it before and you're doing it again!!!!!! What the hell is the point?!?!!?!!!!!!!!

i'm sorry guys but i'm going to have to make a serious decision here and the decision is that i don't want ryan on the board. i've looked through all his posts and he gets sooooo hostile. ryan - i'm not going to ban you unless i have to, but please find somewhere else to go...

26-03-2003, 09:00 PM
oh my god guys!!!!!!!!!

ALL of u are gonna look back on this and laugh.......

26-03-2003, 09:14 PM
Fcking hell, boys and girls, I don't know where to begin on this one, I really don't. This thread has left a bit of a bad taste in the mouth to be honest. I'm really surprised by a lot that's been said on here.
Let me set my stall out. I am one sick puppy when it comes to humour. I get Monty Python (although I don't remember the 'laugh at rape vicitms episode', so somebody please remind me ?). I even 'got' the 'paedophile' episode of Brass Eye that had the whole country up in arms. So no accusations of what I do and don't get on the humour stakes ok ?

Right, let me begin. If Miromirc was making a twisted joke, fine. He didn't use emoticons and I remind you all of what this whole fcking thread was about. It was all about people either getting or not getting jokes, emoticons or no. So Ryan can be forgiven for not getting the joke I reckon. Mark, you didn't get Ryans joke about 'shoddy trance' remember ? Therefore I would always advise caution to all of you when making comments, whether it be about 'beigng gay' or jokes about rape, that there WILL be people who will be offended. Maybe they need to lighten up, maybe not, it's just a fact that it will offend someone. In the right environment, amongst a group of people you feel comfortable with where you all know each others limits and history, that may be acceptable, but you should go easy on a public forum. Caution, friends, and a little respect eh?

A second point : Ryan did not bring the subject of rape on to this board, Miromirc did. Refer to my point above as to whether it was right or wrong.

But thirdly, and most importantly, if we do make a flippant remark that is misunderstood or causes offence for any reason, why make it worse and add insult to injury ? If it upsets someones feelings surely a little compassion wouldn't go amiss ?
And as for laying in to people ? A lot of people on here need to be asking themselves what this argument/discussion had to do with them ? Looked a bit like the 'pack' or 'herd' mentality to me and it ain't pretty.

Now I have to issue one final disclaimer : I actually know Ryan in person. Not very well yet, we're only recent acquaintances, but I know him well enough to know he isn't the humourless cnt you all seem to be thinking he is. And he isn't really into making people feel small just for the sake of it. My opinion is that he's a genuine, yes opinionated, but very passionate lover of techno who isn't afraid to discuss or argue every aspect of it, good or bad. I'm telling you that so you can examine the facts, read what I've said and it's now up to you to choose if you want to dismiss what I'm saying because I'm his mate. That's your perogative, and I'll understand if some of you do, but those of you who know me will know I'm honest enough to be telling the truth and simply trying to be the voice of reason in a particular messey thread. And there are those of you, like it or not, who are looked up to by other members of this board, and I'm afraid that brings a little extra responsibility. You need to be setting the example.
There's two sides to every story and I'm sure many of you have the maturity and sense to get what I'm saying. I certailnly hope so because I've enjoyed a lot on this forum, but I don't think I'd feel comfortable on here in future if we continue like this.

Sorry that's an incredibly long and tedious post, and apologies for sounding like a dirty fcking hippy again, but we're always going on about harmony in the scene aren't we ? Well here's a great chance for putting our money where our mouth is.

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 09:20 PM
everyone, i demand you go and roll a big fat spliff, smoke it, chill out, and be friendly to each other.

we could always call the U.N in to sort this mess out, they will keep the peace.

26-03-2003, 09:21 PM
I just did my best Kofi Anan impression ? Or was I being Monsieur Chirac ? :wink:

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 09:29 PM

26-03-2003, 09:29 PM
aahhhh you touched my liitle broken heart patrick :) . i can learn so much from you.

i am ready to be friend with ryan and mark please let ryan stay, i see he is a good and moral bloke, but maybe to serious sometimes.

we should all be friends and share knowledge and passion for music, that`s why i`m here!

so ryan, darling, do you want to make sweet, sweet love to me? :wink: :lol:

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 09:39 PM

26-03-2003, 09:47 PM
patrick... i respect your long reply and the fact you obviously care alot about what happens on here. i do totally see that what's happened here over the last few days is bad for this board. i'm sure many of us have seen ALOT worse on other places but the fact is that with 500 members this type of thing was bound to happen sooner or later. and it has to be dealt with right now. hence the long, long, long topic!!!!!

i didn't take notice of ryan's icons on that original post but to be honest it's words that matter - not icons. and the fact is he was well arrogant with a good, genuine person from the trance board and called his music 'shoddy trance' blatently disregarded the rules of the board. like it or not, he broke a rule. i created that rule becuase of years and years of checking out message forums and realising that that, along with slagging off dj's without good reason, this was the single most distructive factor in message board communities. i'm sticking to that rule because i believe i'm right. i want a friendly community that discusses issues within music, get's a little bit hot under the collar, but never gets into territory that is absolutely getting us nowhere and works you up to the fact that you're thinking all night about what to say to a pointless non-musical argument.

sure miromiric brought up the subject of rape, but i'm looking in at that from the outside and it was obvious it was a joke. why bring up all this rape shit?

i've always said i don't want pointless arguements and bitching on here and i remember when i first created the board a member said - if you control that, you're going to make this board different than any other board out there. and what a great point that is. stop the bitching and pointless slagging and you've got a great little positive community. that's what i thought the majority of you liked about this board.

so i have to look when stuff like this comes up and think who has been the instigator of the pointless arguements. some of you may say it was me for having a go at ryan for telling corbzy that his music was 'shoddy trance'. but like i say, he broke a rule. i spotted it immediately and asked him nicely not to do it. but then he goes and argues with me. and now he's arguing with miromiric (a loyal follower of the board who's been here since day one and never starts arguments with anyone!!!). it just seems like he's a toch too arrogant for my liking and would rather start an arguement than a genuine discussion.

patrick, i see what you're saying. ryan seems like a perfectly nice bloke when he's being nice, but i have to uphold the rules of the board and he's broken several of them along the way....

anyway ppl, give me a few more thoughts and then i'll close the topic.

Esox Lucius
26-03-2003, 09:56 PM

"play nice or get off my boooooooooooard!!!"

26-03-2003, 09:58 PM

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

26-03-2003, 10:53 PM
this here is a load of shit i cannot believe i've come back to find the same happen again... i'm not wasting more time on this heaping pile of a thread. back to techno shall we?

26-03-2003, 11:03 PM
let`s just forget about this ok?
i kind of a feel bad now cause of the situation. :(

let`s think of some smart new topic! :D :D 8) :D

26-03-2003, 11:18 PM
Miromiric, please don't feel bad - you're very welcome on this board as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't need to feel like this cause you were quite obviously joking. And Adverse, you're spot on. This topic is making me sick now. Ryan - please PM me if you wanna talk about this but what I said before stays at the moment.

At the end of the day. Rules are rules for a reason. One rule is to not slag off other styles of music without giving your reasons and the other is to be constructive. I don't see how talking about rape is constructive.

Topic closed.
