View Full Version : another fruity loops ?
12-08-2004, 02:16 AM
ok in pattern 1 i got a really cool loop going....but i wanna change it ever so slightly every 32...when i go to pattern 2 and add my first effect (filter//lets just say for let it build up every 32..) changed both pattern 1 and then i tried ...putting them on differnt effect pattern 1 is on effect 3..(w/filter) and pattern 2 (same as pattern on effect 4....with same filter but tweaked a lil bit more now)..still makes patterns 1 and 2...have the same effect... is it cuz they are both still assignedto form the same effects channels...its gotta be..but how do i fix i have to clone the loop/samples...and then put each on seperate effects..if so ill have to do this a bunch of times ..for each 32 ...or iis there a easier smarter way......does this make sense? will post my results after prolly..if i can figure it out..ty...
Barely Human
12-08-2004, 09:19 AM
Easiest way to do it is to clone the channel and put it on a different fx channel. The other way to do it would be to automate the fx to switch on when on patteren 2, and switch off when on patteren 1.
12-08-2004, 10:36 PM
Easiest way to do it is to clone the channel and put it on a different fx channel. The other way to do it would be to automate the fx to switch on when on patteren 2, and switch off when on patteren 1.
how do you do that?
(i've been having simular problems)
Barely Human
13-08-2004, 12:47 AM
I asume you need to auotmate the fx on or off....
To do this, on the mixer channel, find the right Fx, and there is a little green button and a knob on the right. You can either automate the knob to turn off, of the button to switch off.
For instance, i have a kick drum and i want the reverb to be on pattern 1, but not on pattern 2. I set the kick drum to FX channel 1, then open the mixer, select channel one, select reverb in the plug list, then making sure i have patern 1 selected, i right click on the green button and select "edit events". Then i put one line in at the begining of the event editor above the halfway point. Then with the event editor still open, i change the pattern to pattern 2, and then i put a line in at the begining, below the halfway point.
The fx will now switch on and off acording to which pattern you are playing, open this fruity zip file to hear the result -
13-08-2004, 06:59 AM
are u using fl studio? i see a lil green dot next to were it says reverb on the mixer..on chanel one..that the right green light/dot? also...when in edit events ou want me to draw a a diaganol line from the bottom to about a lil above center..on pattern 1 and on pattern 2...draw it from the bottom to a litttle under the middle line...thanks...
07-09-2004, 04:47 AM
any1 know if putting ur effect lower on the mixer in fruity loops allows it to erk harder/bettter.....for example i as told that when u open the fx mixer and put acompressor on line 8 isnstead of line 1...itll processs it more..becuz of the way it reads it or works it...can any1 tell me how true this is..or why it werks im sorta lost..cuz if it werks with compressors may work with reverb well
Barely Human
07-09-2004, 09:30 AM
Thats all to do with keeping the compressor at the end of the FX chain. IF you put a compressor on the top, and a reverb underneath it, only the original sound will get compressed, not the reverb aswell. This works with any of the fx, so its using it to your advatage....
09-09-2004, 12:41 AM
thanks man......any1 know of any good tips to get my loops/patterns or whatever to change pitch every other kick,,besides pitch button...does filter or flagne have same effect to keep it going like A--- B--- A--- B---
09-09-2004, 05:30 PM
do an empty pattern with the automation 4 the first 2 bars, now just automate the master Pitch slider! On the play list repeat this pattern every 2 bars! ;)
12-09-2004, 06:15 AM
as in the werds of little john WHATTTTTT? SORRY IM DRUNK ILL CEHCK BACKWHEN IM SOBER..BUT STILL IM a little confused..why two bars of emptiness
12-09-2004, 05:54 PM
thanks man......any1 know of any good tips to get my loops/patterns or whatever to change pitch every other kick,,besides pitch button...does filter or flagne have same effect to keep it going like A--- B--- A--- B---
You need to create your loop in the piano roll section an just draw the loop in at the correct pitch each time.
Is that what you mean?
16-09-2004, 08:44 PM
" in the werds of little john WHATTTTTT? SORRY IM DRUNK ILL CEHCK BACKWHEN IM SOBER..BUT STILL IM a little confused..why two bars of emptiness ...."
Nope it ain't empty cause u got the automation date, but yes it has no notes.. so basically u are just using it 2 send "controller", i.e. automation!
C what I mean now?
The Overfiend
18-09-2004, 12:39 AM
" in the werds of little john WHATTTTTT? SORRY IM DRUNK ILL CEHCK BACKWHEN IM SOBER..BUT STILL IM a little confused..why two bars of emptiness ...."
Nope it ain't empty cause u got the automation date, but yes it has no notes.. so basically u are just using it 2 send "controller", i.e. automation!
C what I mean now?
18-09-2004, 12:17 PM
lol.. Ok what exactly isn't so clear 4 u guys?
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