View Full Version : SAD THOUGHTS TO SHARE !

miasma man
27-03-2003, 03:56 PM
I read a lot of the posts on the forum but don't post many - too busy, limited web acess etc. I know some of the volatile topics are closed/locked but this is something I feel very strongly about. I want you to know my thoughts on this issue that has gotten blown way out of proportion.

I was both bemused and VERY disappointed in the way (some) people have been speaking and reacting. Surely this culture/industry is about freedom, self expression, liberty, peace, unification, non-conformity to social cohesion etc.

I know we all believe in the right of free speech but some people are being way too aggressive and downright rude. There is no need!

The way people have been speaking has been moving as far away as possible from the above ethics.

There is also the aspect of ambiguity. You may be make a joke out of something outrageous but that is what humour is about I suppose - the ability to laugh at everything no matter how trivial or risque the subject. However, how does someone else reading what you have just written know that you have made a joke (unless you say so)? They don't. If you were there in person they could tell by your face, eyes and vocal intonation that you were messing around. When you are just reading text (email, texts, etc) you just don't know. In the past I've had massive arguments via email/texts with mates/girlfriends who have totally misunderstood what I originally meant. (In fact I have nearly cut all ties cos I was that wound up.)

You start asking yourself, "What the funk has technology turned me into"?!?

Technology is a wonderful thing and email, internet, texts etc have revolutionised the way the human race now communicates. However, there are pros and cons with everything. As we are finding out the above ambiguity is a major negative aspect.

Therefore if a joke/jokey critisism is made would it be reasonable to point this out, regardless of emoticons! I know this may destroy the spontanity of the joke in hand but it may possibly result in less people getting uneccessarily upset?

We are all human and make mistakes from time to time - are we human enough to forgive?


over and out (for now).....


27-03-2003, 04:06 PM
All i can say is Somethings are best left un spoken, or atleast think before you say something !

27-03-2003, 04:49 PM
I purposely didn't start another thread about what's happened because I didn't want to drag this on. But I believe we have got rid of the cause of the stupid arguments (I hope so anyway) and I think we can all finally talk about this without taking anything personal or erupting into nonsense.

Looking at what you're saying, it's a valid point and I'd like to put my 2 cents in.

I do see what you're meaning. I've had countless situations in my life when things have been taken the wrong way because of something that has been written. I've actually looked like a complete and utter prick on some forums (I probably have on here more than a few times) and it's usually because i've suddenly become very defensive and tried to fight for my corner with words. it's pretty much impossible to do this with a computer, cause you can't show your emotions effectively - as you mentioned.

I reckon emoticons help, but they should not become a golden rule. I remember up until I started this board, I really didn't know the importance of them. In fact, I'd never used them before this forum started. I still now only use them in joke situations. If you notice - I don't use them when things get heated because I just think they mean nothing apart from a bit of fun.

I think the key with a computer and a forum is to keep away from arguments and any type of insults. people tell me that arguments are healthy for getting things sorted and that we shouldn't have to be all nicey nicey - sure in NORMAL life - but in a forum where words mean everything, I think things can very quickly become very personal, very bitter and very twisted.

I really like the hard trance discussion forum on here cause no-one ever has anything bad to say. They just all obviously love the music and want to tell everyone else about it. This forum though, because it's slightly more political (which is not a bad thing at all - i like that - in fact I really want to encourage this) but that means it's very easy to start a situation like what we've just encountered.

If we all start to realise when it's getting a little bit too much, realise that it's just words, and then pull back, we can't go far wrong. In fact, I think most of you do this anyway.

I think you're right in what you're saying. We have to realise this is a message board forum - not the real world.

DJ Corbzy
27-03-2003, 04:52 PM
so like what ure saying is:

if i say : ure a twat....that means im serious

if i say : ure a twat :lol: :lol: :D ...im joking...

and to solve this problem alltogether...people shudnt take offence so easy!
