View Full Version : syncing 303 with 909

21-08-2004, 07:19 PM
Hi anyone knows how I could do that? have to buy a midi converter...?

21-08-2004, 08:09 PM

i think thats the only way round it,

if you have a bass station or something with cv/gate on it you may be able to do it that way.

i bought a 707 (which are pretty cheap)to control the 303 cause it has midi and din sync

i maybe completely wrong cause this was a long time ago

just get a Kenton box that will sort it out

21-08-2004, 09:15 PM

i think thats the only way round it,

if you have a bass station or something with cv/gate on it you may be able to do it that way.

i bought a 707 (which are pretty cheap)to control the 303 cause it has midi and din sync

i maybe completely wrong cause this was a long time ago

just get a Kenton box that will sort it out

yea i have a 707 but I could not sync it eighter ..

21-08-2004, 09:46 PM
is it a tr 707 that you have? not one of those new groove box things (i'm not even sure if there is a 707 groove box thing)

If it is you should be able to use the din sync out on the 707 to go to the din sync in on the 303.

When you start the 707 it should trigger the 303 and play your patterns

i know the din sync leads are differnt than midi leads but i'm not sure if this makes a differnece

22-08-2004, 05:39 PM
is it a tr 707 that you have? not one of those new groove box things (i'm not even sure if there is a 707 groove box thing)

If it is you should be able to use the din sync out on the 707 to go to the din sync in on the 303.

When you start the 707 it should trigger the 303 and play your patterns

i know the din sync leads are differnt than midi leads but i'm not sure if this makes a differnece

yeah ive got a roland tr 707 but didnt work at all :cry:

22-08-2004, 08:27 PM
you need to set the 707 to send a message,

check in the manual about the different modes you can set in.

i think its on page 38

if you dont have a manual heres a link to an online one


25-08-2004, 07:43 AM
there is a trick...if you plug the din sync cable in only half way (into the 909) then the 909 sends a din signal instead of recieving and you can sync the 303...i know this works...just have a play with it ;) (i think 909 has to be set to recieve din sync too)

25-08-2004, 02:23 PM
there is a trick...if you plug the din sync cable in only half way (into the 909) then the 909 sends a din signal instead of recieving and you can sync the 303...i know this works...just have a play with it ;) (i think 909 has to be set to recieve din sync too)

I am sure its the other way round if you plug it half way in the 303 it sends not recieves , maybe it works on both.

I use a 707 to sync my 303 and 909, works a treat.

10-09-2004, 11:43 AM
Hi I have a TR606, MC202 [both use SYNC24] and a load of MIDI gear.

My MC202 is triggered via MIDI to CV.
The TR606 is synced via an 8 way MIDI thru box I got that also has a SYNC24 output. I can't remember where I got it but I found these links to sites you can buy similar stuff from on the internet:-

US: http://members.rogers.com/dinsync/about.htm
UK: http://www.philrees.co.uk/products/sync-if.htm
UK: http://www.emismusic.com/doepferconverters.htm

Or checkout http://www.analoguesolutions.com/ - They sell the Kenton convertors (MIDI to CV which also have DIN-SYNC24 outputs) and also do lots of funky modifications - They will even fit an internal MIDI sync into your TB303 and also do lots of other mods like allowing extra CV inputs to control the filter, etc. and will even replace the red LEDs with blue ones!!!

I'm gonna save up and get my 606 modded by these guys so I can have full tonal control, trigger the drums via MIDI and have blue LEDs!

04-10-2004, 03:56 AM
TR-707 as master source. SYNC out from 707 into the 303, MIDI out from the 707 into the 909. Problem solved=o]
