View Full Version : Frequency dependant gate VST?

27-08-2004, 04:20 PM
This isn't strictly a techno related production question, but I'm hoping someone might be able to help anyway....

I'm thinking about trying to record a drum kit on my PC with minimal mics & am trying to devise ways of splitting up the sound, giving me a bit more freedom in terms of processing each element.

Say I have an audio track with cymbals & toms, I'm looking to use a gate which only open when the toms are playing - seeing as the toms & cymbals cover fairly different areas of the frequency spectrum, I was hoping this would be possible. Are there any VST gates available that can be set to open when a specific frequency reaches the threshold?

Patrick DSP
27-08-2004, 09:46 PM
i use ultrafunk's gate plug in for this. works great.

recently bought out by calkwalk :(


28-08-2004, 12:27 PM
VST Dynamics, comes standard with SX... But I don't think it's all that brilliant.. I know U can set something up like that in Reason aswell but it ain't really a VST plug !
U can use a spectrum analiser 2 tell ya exactly what main freq. each sound is covering in order 2 help ya setup the freq. dependant gate!


28-08-2004, 06:57 PM
Thanks for the suggestions.
I actually found a Waves plugin that does pretty much what I'm looking for not long after posting, but I haven't tried it out yet. I'll give the VSTs mentioned here a go too & see which works best....
