View Full Version : AMD 64bit CPU's and Music Wrighting

Kevin Gorman
08-09-2004, 09:10 PM
With processors getting more and more better, I am wondering what a 64bit cpu by AMD has to offer. I know that it needs an OS that is 64bit (Windows XP 64) But does anyone own one of these cpu's? If so how does it perform in the studio?

08-09-2004, 09:26 PM
I'm in the process of getting a new spec for a pc put together,

i think i'm going to go for a athlon 64 apperently they can run 32 bit programmes better ..............so i've been told

and when the 64 bit windows comes out it should really kick ass.

but dont quote me on that i'm no expert on the internal goings on inside a pc

Patrick DSP
08-09-2004, 09:30 PM
everything will need to be 64 bit to utilize it to it's full power, so give it time....

cubase sx3 is 64bit able
m-audio has 64bit drivers out
windows xp 64 runs it all

now to just wait for 64 bit plugins.
