View Full Version : maybe software isnt so bad...

18-09-2004, 03:54 AM
so ive been having problems getting my radium rem1x and virus to talk to eachother. at this point it looks like im going to have to assign the virus patches a midi channel and configure them EVERY time i want to sequence to the rem1x (if im wrong PLEASE tell me so i can do this right!!!). this seems to be so much of a hassle im thinking of selling the rm1x and just using a software sequence and taking the money i get from the rm1x and getting a decent audio interface. am i right here? is hardware sequencing a long drawn out process that can be replaced and made easier with software?

18-09-2004, 12:10 PM
I think U need 2 record a "start up pattern" were basically all u have is the sequencer assignment for midi out tracks (in 2 yer virus) and internal tracks (sent internally 2 yer RM1x's synth chip!)... now every time u start a new track start from this and then copy 2 a new pattern, take it from there!

Don't know if this is what u want but seems 2 b a usefull work-a-round!

lemme know!


18-09-2004, 08:42 PM
didnt think of that one...good idea :doh:
