View Full Version : Any 909 users...

auditory hallucinations
30-09-2004, 01:06 PM

I got me tr-909 a few weeks back, and am currently trying to learn the sequencer functions of it. The plan was to get away from using the computer to sequence on, although I'll still have to use the pc to lay out drum loops etc which is ok. Being able to sequence vst's with the external instrument is almost too much fun...

Anyway, I'm interested to hear from anyone who uses and programs the 909. I guess I'm just trying to figure out the best way to program it, using the track function. Do you just work on one measure, building your pattern up then copy it across the other 15 blank patterns in the bank, and then go through and delete bits out of these? EG delete the claps from patterns 1 - 4 so they come in on 5 etc...

Or, do you work on one measure, then create a new one when you want to add in the next voice and keep repeating this process? Both methods seem like you could get lost quite easily (well, I could anyway!)

I guess that, as you can use any of your 16 patterns in one track, you can program fills etc on some patterns and include them when you want.

Any advice / tips would be much appreciated - thanks.

03-10-2004, 01:12 PM
Do you just work on one measure, building your pattern up then copy it across the other 15 blank patterns in the bank, and then go through and delete bits out of these? EG delete the claps from patterns 1 - 4 so they come in on 5 etc...

Or, do you work on one measure, then create a new one when you want to add in the next voice and keep repeating this process? Both methods seem like you could get lost quite easily (well, I could anyway!)

I actually do both of these ways when programing new trax on my 909 . but obviously the best way to go is to program the 909 using it's sequencer and stay away from sequencing it via midi cause you won't beable to get the sweet shuffle/flam that the 909 produces , also what I do alot now is build up my main drum track with compression and all the goodies and sample it , then I go back and make mutes or delete tracks on the 909 for example: whole rhythm track minus the 909 snare.
make massive collections of patterns and sounds so I can always get back to it .

Hope that helps. :roll:

auditory hallucinations
04-10-2004, 01:57 PM
Yeh it does - thanks!

You mentioned about the Shuffle / Flam - I know how to access and use these features from reading the manual, but the most I can seem to get them to do it just make a few hits a little late!

When you press the Shuffle button, does it apply it to each individual voice, or the pattern as a whole?

I must be missing something... :roll:

04-10-2004, 02:06 PM
Yeh it does - thanks!

You mentioned about the Shuffle / Flam - I know how to access and use these features from reading the manual, but the most I can seem to get them to do it just make a few hits a little late!

When you press the Shuffle button, does it apply it to each individual voice, or the pattern as a whole?

I must be missing something... :roll:

when you perss the shuffle/flam buttton , hold it and the 1-8 and 9-16 buttons will move the setting.

auditory hallucinations
06-10-2004, 01:14 PM
This shuffle / flam thing, I just can't seem to notice it doing anything - maybe it's knackered on my 909?

I can access it, and understand that 1 - 8 is for shuffle and 9 - 16 for flam, but even when both are up to their limit it doesn't seem to make any difference to the output!

What should I be listening for?

And Debroglie, thanks for the tips about recording in the patterns with compression etc - it took a while for it to sink it but I think I'm finally getting there. But I'm not entirely sure what you meant about how you go back to the 909 and make mutes and delete bits - so you run these against the samples you've got set up in the 'puter? It would be cool if you could expand on that a little for me…thanks.

06-10-2004, 04:03 PM

if you wanna good test to hear the shuffle , make a simple kick drumloop 4X4 style on your computer or with a sampler and sync your 909 and listen , and you should hear the syncopation.
As for the flam, line a few snares up and listen to the change as you increase the flam from buttons 9-16.

As for recording the loops I usually make a full track with all dynamics and then make samples of them . ex.

Loop1: Kick+Snare+Toms+Hihats+Ride
Loop2: Kick+Snare+Toms+Hihats
Loop3: Kick+Snare+Toms

and so on... as well as I record down unique drum sounds I've made , just in case.

the reason I do this is because I can change the loops quickly in sequencer/sampler quick and as well I can always return to the patterns later on if needed so.. cause with working with analog stuff .it's hard to reset stuff up all over again . :lol:

auditory hallucinations
06-10-2004, 06:29 PM
Thanks Debroglie…

If I'm getting you right, I need to create a drum pattern in the computer and set the 909 to receive midi then change the shuffle to check it out? The way I've got it setup at the moment is that the computer slaves to the 909 (ie the other way round, like you said in your earlier post) - I'm using Ableton Live and can't seem to set the blasted latency on my soundcard right, so I need to manually time adjust every recording which is a pain!

So you bounce your patterns down and sequence from the computer?…I'm trying to learn the functions of the sequencer in the 909, but yeh I'm getting into bouncing down some loops and messing with them following your earlier post, you can create some mad stuff that way.

Anway, thanks for the advice...

07-10-2004, 03:26 AM
you need to program the 909 sequencer in order to use the 909 shuffle/flam feature. midi wont work

07-10-2004, 03:51 AM
He knows that ! I think you need to read this post over again :roll:

07-10-2004, 08:23 AM
gee, im not sure he does...
If I'm getting you right, I need to create a drum pattern in the computer and set the 909 to receive midi then change the shuffle to check it out?...first, that does end with a question mark, so he does not, in fact, know...second, if the drum pattern is in the pc computer, the 909 shuffle is not going to work...dont be so hostile to people who are tryin to help :nono:

07-10-2004, 11:54 AM
sorry I wasn't trying to be hostile or anything ! I apologize that I came across the wrong way .

Cheers. :oops:

auditory hallucinations
07-10-2004, 01:23 PM
Thanks for all your help guys - ok, I got the manual out last night and it seems you can only use the shuffle when working in two out of the four available scales.

So I programmed in some beats on one of the correct scales…and…I still can't hear it do anything!!! It MAYBE makes the tiniest of differences when put to 7 (the highest it allows), but then I could just be imagining that as I'm listening for it too much.

Which is weird as I've heard lots of peeps say that the shuffle function is really one of the best things about the beast. And yeh, I'm still sync'ing everything to the 909, not using it via midi.

I'm now wondering if you'll only get the effect with certain rhythm patterns - as I say I couldn't really notice it but was only using a 4/4 kick and off-beat hi-hat. Maybe a more advanced rhythm might let you hear it more?

It says in the manual that it gives bounce to the pattern - dagnamit I want bouncing beats!!!

07-10-2004, 09:52 PM
program a simple 4/4 bassdrum...

now program a closed hat in each of the 16 steps...
press play... hats sound like a machine gun, repetitive and robotic...

now use the shuffle and flam say 6 and 9... do u notice now how the hats got really groovy, they are slightly out of time but somehow that sound more loose and funky 2 us humans! ;)

DO u hear it now?


auditory hallucinations
08-10-2004, 01:03 PM
Wicked - I'll give it a go tonight, and let you know

Thanks man

auditory hallucinations
11-10-2004, 01:29 PM
Got it! :lol:

Very groovy :lol:

Thanks Z...

11-10-2004, 03:10 PM
no prob... That's the infectious Chicago Sound "secret" especially on Toms/ Snares/ Closed Hats!


28-10-2004, 02:16 AM
start reading that manual about the external instrument if you get the chance.
you can program a "silent" 909 channel as a midi controller for another pice of hardware
ie sampler , keyboard etc
pt that together with the 909 shuffle and you have some wonderful funk factor going on ,
give it a try man.

auditory hallucinations
28-10-2004, 02:06 PM
Hey Dave,

Thanks for the tip…yeh I've already been into the external instrument mode, it is feckin' excellent! I set it to play my Juno, and have also used it to control soft-synths which to me is like the best fusion of old and new - tr909 sequencer controlling cutting edge digital synths.

There is one question I've got about it though, maybe you can answer it. I can't see a way to "tie" notes like you would do when say programming a 303. So you can only send 16ths by midi - which isn't much use if you wanna trigger a drum loop on a sampler. Is there any way round this? I can set the envelopes on the Juno to react properly, but I'm not sure if Kontakt would do the same.

Thanks for any help!

03-11-2004, 02:08 AM
Kontakt should do it just set up long release times for your loops and you can trigger em from short notes.

auditory hallucinations
03-11-2004, 10:03 AM
Cheers man, I'll try that out - when my 909 is fixed...it won't power on at the moment :cry: gutted, i only got it a couple of months back

Should be around £120 to get it fixed, which is nice just before Christmas

09-12-2004, 04:24 AM
