View Full Version : Ableton / Wavelab question

01-10-2004, 04:37 PM
Im trying to create samples for Ableton using Wavelab 4, but Im having a few problems to say the least. Every time I cut a new .wav file on Wavelab and transfer it to Ableton the quality is shockingly bad. Whats the deal with that? And also, how come I can't get Wavelab to recognise music files that are Windows Media Audio files, it will recognise .wav, MP3's and a few others.

Also, how do I get the loop function working in Wavelab, its really annoying me!


01-10-2004, 05:30 PM
loop funtion just use the / simbol on yer numeric keypad portion of yer keyboard... never tryed opening a wmv file in wavelab? but I'd think that's possible though... as for the sound I can only think that u might b using different samp rate/ bit/ etc... so ableton will b resampling in acordance 2 yer project and might degrade the sound a bit!!


auditory hallucinations
01-10-2004, 06:30 PM
That's pretty much the set-up I'm using at the moment - Abelton & Wavelab. Yeh like Ze Mig said, check what sample rate Ableton is using as I don't have any problems like that.

For setting up loops in Wavelab, I left click to drag over the area you wanna loop, then right click and choose the little green markers - should be called "create new loop marker" or something like that.

The markers will then be either side of your highlighted area, there is a little loop option on the top taskbar (green too, I think) - just click this and it should all loop for you.

Oh, also - are you saving your wave file in Wavelab or rendering it? If you are rendering it, make sure you aren't using any of the degredation options in Wavelab, as that could be causing your sound quality probs.

Good luck

01-10-2004, 07:01 PM
Cheers guys, will let you know how I get on!

auditory hallucinations
12-10-2004, 02:45 PM
Think I know what might have caused this, as I experienced it myself the other day...

Make sure you load Abelton first, then open Wavelab (not the other way round) - Wavelab goes a bit mad with the audio driver allocation which leaves you with cruddy sound in any other app.
