View Full Version : selling gear in the UK

10-11-2004, 06:15 PM
ok for starters im American and thats why im confused about this process.
i posted my gear for sale on a couple of online BBS and so far have gotten modest replies. but they ALL sound like scams to me. i may just be paranoid but here is my comparison.
when selling something online in the states someone usually emails me with something like "hi, im interested, do you have pics? is it in good condition? how much? email me back!"
but whenever i get a reply from someone in the UK i get,
"dear sir, I am interested in your product you have for sale. i would like you home address and phone number so that we may conduct this business matter as quickly as possible. I am awaiting your quick response. "
sow im sorry but this just doesnt seem right to me! not only that but im almost always offered a check and when i mention paypal they usually stop emailing me. sometimes they sound genuinely interested and i have even given one of them my school address to mail me the check. on the off chance i actually recieve it BELIEVE me im not going to ship the gear until the money clears! anyways what kind of response SHOULD i be expecting? are online sales in the UK usually this "proper"? or should i be wary.

10-11-2004, 06:49 PM
the 'dear sir' thing is usally a scam

i have bought loads of gear online and never had any problems, when i have been selling stuff i dont normally get that many replies but the ones i do get are a bit odd sometimes.

if the people are not asking questions about the item and offer the money your looking for or more in some cases its a scam, apperently there is some loop hole thing in the banking system that cheques seem to have cleared but a month later the bank releases that its a bad cheque take the money back out of your account and try and press charges against you for pass on bad cheques!!!

it is also good if you can talk to the person on the phone, if they know what there talking bout it should be sound

i think its good to be paranoid when buying and selling stuff online cause there are alot of scammers out there

11-11-2004, 12:24 AM
yeah i figure all of these are scams. which sucks cause i really dont want this gear!! :lol: :lol:
someone buy my rm1x.
really cheap!!! make an offer!! or trade....

11-11-2004, 12:37 AM
if ur selling it really cheap u may as well just keep it :)

11-11-2004, 02:05 AM
yeah but i cant do anything with it. the sounds suck and i already use a sequencer. i guess i just bought it without thinking. kind of a technolust thing going on there. i saw it. i wanted it. and i would figure out what the hell i was going to do with it later.
well the time has come and i havent found anything to do with it. its a derelict in my studio with no home and room to fit it in. maybe ill hold on to it. a few years on down the road when i know more about what im doing ill ressurect it.

11-11-2004, 11:43 AM
if you are planning on doing any live gigs with hardware i seriously recommend the rm1x as a midi sequencer, 480PPQN is very good and teh clock source is nicely stable.

the only downside is the one midi out, the drums arent that bad they just need a bit of taming. Why not keep it in your living room and write patterns away from your studio. there is definately something to be said for a one device setup, getting around it is quick, and you dont have to think about anything else.

BTW - that "dear sir" thing is most definately a scam. If they send you a cheque it will appear to clear, you will then find that 8weeks or there about down the line the bank will withdraw the funds from your account due to "a bad cheque." STEER WELL CLEAR

12-11-2004, 06:24 PM
Give us a list of what you have for sale and prices.

Otherwise stick them on soundonsound.com in the free ads, its a good place to buy and sell gear.
