View Full Version : Roland TR909

auditory hallucinations
19-11-2004, 01:55 PM
The 909 I bought a couple of months back is bust. I am so gutted I couldn't even begin to explain.

The problem seems to be the eprom chip that holds the bios (or whatever the equivalent is) has given up.

So, massive long shot I know, but does anyone have or know of anyone who might have a knackered old unit lying around that I could rip for spares?

Would obviously pay for it.


19-11-2004, 02:05 PM
i would cry so much if that happened to me

i dont know anyone with a broken 909 but i'll keep an eye out for you

it might be worth posting an ad in the wanted section of the sound on sound readers ads

19-11-2004, 02:17 PM
just saw this chip on ebay, not really sure what it is cause the text is in german

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=46984&item=3762619 874&rd=1&ssPageName=WD2V

if you can find out what it is it might be useful

19-11-2004, 02:18 PM
It could be worth getting in touch with this bloke - http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=introspectiv&ite m=-1&frompage=222

He sells the 909 clone kits on ebay and he used to frequent a board I used to go on years ago. He might be able to sort you out with a new eprom.

auditory hallucinations
19-11-2004, 02:22 PM
Thanks for those pointers guys, I'll check all the options out.

Yeh you can imagine how I'm feeling, not good!

19-11-2004, 06:45 PM
have u tried contacting roland? maybe they can repair it for you, for a fee of course

20-11-2004, 11:30 PM
I googled up this link from a company in the uk:


Oakley Sound: High Quality Synth and Amp Repair


What do I do?

I repair and modify all makes and types of electronic musical equipment. From a humble guitar effects pedal to a modern digital workstation.

I specialise in repairing analogue keyboards. I have seen many different types over the years but recent triumphs include: ARP 2600, Oberheim Four Voice, OBX & OBXa, TVS-1, Crumar Spirit, Moog Modular, Prodigy, Source, Rogue, Memorymoog and many Minimoog, Korg Mono/poly, Prophecy and Polysix, Roland JP-6, TB303, TR808, TR606, TR909, SH2000, VP330, System 101, Jupiter 8, Octave Cat (Original and both kinds of SRM) and several Prophet 5.

How much is it going to cost?

This, of course, depends entirely on the job. Initial inspection and job estimation will cost 20UKP which includes electrical safety tests. This charge is ignored if you decide to allow me to do the job. I charge 30UKP per hour, although the hourly rate does decrease if the job is a big one. The minimum charge for any job is 30UKP, and very few analogue synth jobs can be done these days for under 60UKP. All parts and any postage are additional to these costs. These prices do include VAT. You need to pay nothing untill the job is done. 1UKP is one pound sterling.


Internal Error Records
20-11-2004, 11:38 PM
i bought a dead 909 years ago. i called Roland and they had me ship the 909 to their repair center/factory in Los Angeles. For $125 it now works good as the day it was born.

21-11-2004, 12:43 AM
I currently have a 909 clone, it sounds identical but its just not the same without the sequencer. I'm gonna start hunting around for broken 909's :).
I'm sure most of the parts are interchangable.

21-11-2004, 01:28 PM
try music control they fixed my 303 and said they service 909's they might have the parts pretty cheap as well the guys name is james
i dont know the phone number the address is
music control
chapel mews
68 crewe road

auditory hallucinations
22-11-2004, 01:05 PM
Thanks so much for all your replies, they sure help in my hour of darkness :roll:

I've spoken with the company who've currently got it for repair, Panic Music in Cambrdige, and apparently all is not lost and the guy is hopeful he can fix it. The other guy I spoke to on Friday said it was knackered though, so I'm not too sure yet.

But if they can't get it sorted I'll definately be checking out all those options posted here, so again a huge thanks.
