View Full Version : i can't believe i didn't do this sooner

Evil G
30-12-2004, 02:07 AM
when i moved this summer, the nobs on the back of my sub (crossover and level) got turned accidentally. when i set up in the new house, i twiddled them until it sounded good. what a mistake!

last night i rigged a microphone up where my head would usually be and ran it into my spectrum analyzer, played a track and compaired the input and output. guess what? there was a big dip in the sound around 125 hz and a bump at around 80 hz. boo.

this time i fiddled with the nobs until i got the input and output looking the same in the spectrum analyzer, which meant turning the sub volume down, and the crossover up.

here's to more accurate bass in the new year! :rambo:

30-12-2004, 08:45 AM
