View Full Version : Another Pc problem...

09-05-2003, 06:54 PM
at last ive finally got this pc just about sorted but now every time i reboot or turn off i get a blue screen saying


its not the end of the world, but it is pissing me off a little so if anyone knows what the **** its all aboot i would greatly apreciate some advice on how to tell it to **** off

09-05-2003, 08:21 PM
I might b totally off here (U know I'm not much of a Computer buff) but I think this might have somethin' 2 do with the IRq channels... maybe u have turned the ACPI ON (off??) in order 2 get it running with yer soundcard or something... check that winxp tweek link 2 find out more... or better yet stay put until some1 that know what they r talkin about giv ya some input on this... try the bloke who offered 2 help ya sort the prob out 4 free (used 2 work 4 HP)... can recall his name right now... sorry m8! :oops:


09-05-2003, 08:22 PM
jimah I think yer man is ...massplanck .. send him a pm!



10-05-2003, 08:53 AM
it's to do with irq's or device drivers.

firstly, and most importantly, in most cases you must run standard pc mode.. .... find out more about all this on www.musicxp.net (installing xp tips)

the best thing is to check device manager and see if there's a load of things sharing irq 9 (3 or 4 is normal but any more than that and you should worry). if so chances are you are running in the wrong mode. you must reinstall windows from scratch in the right mode.

are you still running your 828 on a firewire card?

check the driver that seems to be the problem near the bottom of the blue screen...

if it's motu.sys or ochi.sys, then it's a firewire problem. this was my problem for a long time until i sorted it. make sure you're running a texas instruments firewire card (check in the device manager). if you are, the drivers need to be rolled back. this solved my problems instantly. you can do a search on the net for the older versions of ochi.sys and 1394.sys. if you can't find them, pm me and i'll e-mail them to you.

then you need to replace these files in the windows>system 32>drivers folder. but do it in safe mode or it won't replace them. xp is crazy - if you replace a driver file with an older one it doesn't like it and automatically updates to what it wants it to be. crazy i know.

if it's not the motu or firewire that seems to be your problem and you're getting IRQ_NOT_LESS_THAN blue screens because of something else, but careful to note down all the info that comes with the blue screens. post it here and i'm sure we'll be able to help.

also go into device manger and see what is sharing the same irq's. post that info here too.

as a rule of thumb make sure all soundcards are on irq5. usually messing about with different pci slots can achieve the required results if you're having problems. or of course you can force it to have a certain irq but that comes l8r in sorting out this problem of yours... hehe...

10-05-2003, 05:30 PM
[quote="MARK EG"]it's to do with irq's or device drivers.


No need for me anymore. It seems that Mark has become a qualified technition in the few days since his last post about his broken PC!!

If you are still having problems give us a mail or at least tell us what/how many PCI cards etc are installed on your system and did you make any hardware changed to your system recently?

Blackedout Steve

10-05-2003, 05:32 PM
here.. try this link first http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000365.htm

10-05-2003, 06:55 PM

actually, i've always known quite a bit about the workings of a pc etc etc. i've seriously had my fair share of problem over the years man. i think it's something you simply have to learn about if you want to run a trouble free pc.

you know what the f**king problem was with my pc in the end????????

after all them painful weeks of trying to sorting stuff out?

f**kin hardware!!! the power supply was f**ked (which was turning the pc off every 20 minutes)!!! plus i had one faulty memory stick and the actualy electrical smell was the motherboard giving way under the pressure. hahahaha...

i should get it back next week 100% in working order. can't wait.

11-05-2003, 02:05 PM
wow...you guys is the best!

12-06-2003, 04:47 PM
just to let you know, i had been using XP home when i was getting this problem, i have 2 copies of it, one which i bought , and one which came with my laptop, i tried both and still got it.

So i tried XP pro and hey presto...no problems at all!!!

cheers for all the help tho guyz
