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bit of a techno production minamal would you use reverbs on the drum ellements like plate on snare and kick or would that be more kind of german sounding. and crome plated techno kit would that be more suitable for the uk minamal tech sound and how do you get a crome plated sound. is that reverb :?: . and with some sort of compression on drums perc fills bass. would anyboby be kind anoth to explain abit on compression for the the minamal uk techno sound.
23-02-2005, 07:25 PM
Don't use formulas, just mess around and see what sounds good.
Personally I don't use much reverb at all, especially not on drums.
Most of my kit I run via MIDI and don't have enough effects/channels for individual drum sounds but last night whilst messing around with a track I used the sampled snare off my TR606 (which sounds pretty weak) and stuck a reverb on it and it really made it sound fat and it had never occured to me to use reverb before.
If your going to use reverb on drums it can get really muddy sounding so try not to mix too much. Gated reverbs are also good for drums and try to use short decay times, but as I said before - just mess around, tweak those knobs and find something cool!
There's plenty of threads on this forum about compression.
23-02-2005, 09:23 PM
keep the cutoff on your reverb above the bass region, ruffly above say 400 Hz. that'll take care of a good amont of possibly occuring mudd using verb on drums.
keep the cutoff on your reverb above the bass region, ruffly above say 400 Hz. that'll take care of a good amont of possibly occuring mudd using verb on drums.
Wise words indeed.
The techno sound is what you make it, thats the beauty of techno.
i subscribe to the derrick may definition - "Techno is the sound you never heard before"
i know its cheesy, but it seems to work.
These are the things that matter to me.
A. make a sound interesting
B. Make a sound memorable
C. Make a sound clear as a bell (if this is what you require)
D. Make a sound muddy (if this is what you require)
E. Make it fat
F. Make it thin
G. Make it fun
H. NEVER make it boring
I. Give it swing
J. Tighten it up
K. Cross Genre's
L. Be obvious
As you can see, these concepts are seperate from any specific mixing skills in terms of hard and fast NO NO's from the world of mxing down etc etc.
above all this and holdings hands with these concepts is... BE CREATIVE! you dont have to do what people did before.
just ask richard d james.
i use loads of reverb all over the place. even on kicks/bass.
one of the things that has held me back the most has been asking 'should i be doing this?' and thinking it was too unorthodox. just do whatever you can to get the sound you want. i wouldn't worry too much about muddyness etc at first, you can alway clean stuff up later....
24-02-2005, 02:09 AM
i use reverb on just about everything - gotta watch the levels tho
Wierd... i use as little 'verb as possible. i want to be able to hear everything. not keen on too much verb. i love those ghost notes tho..
Evil G
24-02-2005, 09:55 AM
Wierd... i use as little 'verb as possible. i want to be able to hear everything. not keen on too much verb. i love those ghost notes tho..
i've read that reverb can actually add intelligibility. with a dry sound, you only get one chance to hear it. but with a reverb or delay, your brain has a chance to piece things together that it might have missed.
Wierd... i use as little 'verb as possible. i want to be able to hear everything. not keen on too much verb. i love those ghost notes tho..
i've read that reverb can actually add intelligibility. with a dry sound, you only get one chance to hear it. but with a reverb or delay, your brain has a chance to piece things together that it might have missed.
Where did you see that? i'd be interested to read the full article.
:cool: Cheers.
Evil G
24-02-2005, 03:10 PM
^^^ it was a side note in a book i just finished, "music, cognition and computerized sound: an introduction to psychoacoustics" from MIT press.
Great thanks for that, ill check out the prices and get back to peepz
26GBP for those who are interested. I think that my college has a copy of this as i recognise the front cover...
Evil G
25-02-2005, 01:39 AM
i'll warn you, it is a bit nerdy. it's in a text book format. some really good bits, but also some really dry, boring bits. but all in all, i like what is going on at MIT - pure research in electronic music, with no thought whatsoever about clubbing or selling records.
Ritzi Lee
25-02-2005, 08:29 AM
i'll warn you, it is a bit nerdy. it's in a text book format. some really good bits, but also some really dry, boring bits. but all in all, i like what is going on at MIT - pure research in electronic music, with no thought whatsoever about clubbing or selling records.
Wow sounds cool.
I'm a matematician,
so it wouldn't cost me so much energy to understand the stuff.
Evil G
25-02-2005, 08:49 AM
MIT has another book called "microsound" that i just started reading. it's geared towards granular synthesis, but also has a big history on synthesis over the past 100 years. enjoying it a lot so far.
Ritzi Lee
25-02-2005, 09:02 AM
The next chalange will be how the brain acts on sound.
How sound influences the brain to experience. (feel, taste, see)
Bio-pulse-currents through the nerves is still a very cloudy misterious subject.
think about contrast. reverb will push a sound further back in the mix. u should have ur 2 most important elements at the front of the mix (usually kick n bass for techno). Just a rough guide though.
Evil G
25-02-2005, 03:59 PM
think about contrast. reverb will push a sound further back in the mix. u should have ur 2 most important elements at the front of the mix (usually kick n bass for techno). Just a rough guide though.
that's a good point. anything that adds contrast will give the sounds more separation and definition, and some dry sounds are really important. there's more to bringing out a sound than just pushing up the fader.
Totally. this is why i use reverb as sparingly as possible. its all very well blathering it in 'verb for home hi-fi listening and wierdness, but most of my stuff is composed with the d/floor and PA in mind and they are pretty unforgiving when it comes to too much verb.
as with other things it's contrasts... v true.
cheers guys,
i havnt been using much reverb. bit of reverse reverb on the kick and perc. i'll tri some gated aswell. it can be quite hard to get the sounds the way i want them. just kind of getting stuck on wot works and wot doesnt. kind of thinking if i can get my sounds down to the minamal techno grinding then i can gro my style in to it! thanks peeps
28-02-2005, 10:17 PM
"i've read that reverb can actually add intelligibility. with a dry sound, you only get one chance to hear it. but with a reverb or delay, your brain has a chance to piece things together that it might have missed." - Evil G
(ok, so i have not workeed out how to use the quote function)
that makes sense, evil - for me, reverb is often about setting a space for a sound, giving the sound some dimension, stopping it sounding flat ... i use rvb on most sounds, but i tend to back it right off half the time, leaving the decay fairly short, so that it is not obvious - this gives sounds more movement, shape, size, and stops the mix being washed out - too much rvb will hide a sound, move it back in relation to other sounds and make the mix muddy - too little will lead to a flat sound
;) [/quote]
Evil G
28-02-2005, 11:44 PM
^^^ ya, except for "special effect" reverbs that you'll have stretch out for a long time, the "right amount" of reverb is something that gives enough to be picked up by the subconscious, but not enough to be really obvious and get in the way of other sounds.
yeah man sounds like i should be using reverb more. wot sort of mak fx units are you getting your reverbs from. wot do you think on using the reverb plugins off logic? could you giv me some sort idea of how you would use it in a track. bit hard to say i spect putting it on wots right at the time. like somthing like this.
kick- reverse reverb. any compression. say you had two or there kicks.
hi hats- some with abit of hall reverb. some with out
percs- say dist. delay, on all the tight ones. and some big reverb on the lower percs that only sound a couple of times in the tune.
bass- id say no but yeah would of thout people might put a touch on.
cheers guys
01-03-2005, 12:57 AM
that's true about the special fx rvbs, evil - i have been getting into chorusing rbvs, shifting the rvb about - subtle changes that go on usually without the listener being directly aware of it, to make a repetitive track more interesting
chorus is kind of a strange fx for me. wot i mean is that its not as obvious as delay reverb paser and flanger. but it is like a flanger kind ov. could you tell me wot its doing to the sound if you could meta. coz when put abit to much feedback or somthing sounds quite detuned. not like a flanger. i take its shifting at from left to right but with alittle more then that
01-03-2005, 01:22 AM
chorus is kind of like unison - it just layers a slightly modulated and delayed signal over the top of the existing one.
is that to widen the sound shifting left to right. or like unison mak it abit more richer. sounds like it does both?
01-03-2005, 01:45 AM
yeah - it's a little bit of both... just think of it like a group of people singing as opposed to just one person singing - there's a little delay between singers, a little detuning, plus it makes the sound a little 'fatter' in that there is more sound.
cool. had the idea that unison gav that tipe of fx. hav it on my virus b which lets you take up quite hi but munchs the poly up.
would you be using these reverb chorus on drums then. not just on say leads. and could you just chorus on drums. or would you use the reverb that you hav on the drums and just hav abit of of chorus in there off the reverb plugin etc
yeah man. dont worry i'll still hav my own way of thinking when i get on my kit. somtimes to much so and get lazy! and not tri out anoth. all good info. gotta tri more for me and bring the sound out. like eqing good to get nic sound and more pro sounding
01-03-2005, 02:33 AM
would you be using these reverb chorus on drums then. not just on say leads. and could you just chorus on drums. or would you use the reverb that you hav on the drums and just hav abit of of chorus in there off the reverb plugin etc
depends what you're doing. sometimes yes sometimes no... there ain't any rules in techno - that's the beauty of it.
yeah man i havnt tried chorus on drums before. reverb but not chorus. id say hav it on percs bongos not so much on the kick and hats. thats the way id go with it. but itis good to kno how others are using coz there is so much you can do to the sound that get lost in wot is good and wots not
i need to hav a good listen to some tec and see if i can hear how its getting used. reverbs chorus.
01-03-2005, 12:34 PM
You need to sit and experiment!
01-03-2005, 07:59 PM
shit, machina, did you not get your techno rulebook with your pc?
i thought everyone did - where do you all get your ideas from, then?
i am up to page 72, but i dunno what i'll do when i get to the last page - i wonder if henry or geezer have written any supplements or advanced editions?
i think you can send off for a copy from
:dontevengothere: ;) :lol:
chorussing reverbs - to get a shifting effect, you want to use a slow speed setting - listen closely to some of geezers clap patterns, for instance, you can hear the reverb shifting away in the background
i'd tend not to chorus the actual drum sound, just the reverb, to get it to shift about a bit
now, chorussing bass - that's one way to phatten things up - careful you don't wash it out too much, tho!
02-03-2005, 06:27 AM
then once you get reverb worked out.... find out that every piece of hardware and software does it differently and with its own unique character. phew!!
one track can use several different types of reverb for different sounds. i have one I like to use on vocals, one for hats, one for reverse and another one for percussion.
when it comes to minimal, reverb is your best friend ;)
02-03-2005, 07:10 AM
yeah - i guess that's my problem - i don't use a pc for production... never got the rulebook. fax me through a copy?
02-03-2005, 08:29 AM
i like threads like this one.
yeah cheers guys for all the good input. i'll hav a listen to some of geezers stuff close up for reverbs and that. somtimes i do hear a reverb on the claps and kind of sounds like a reverse reverb but when i tri it doesnt sound like it. maybe a reverb with chorus and delay. hey guys wot you make of the akai reverbs. the reverse sounds nice. wot you think
03-03-2005, 01:38 PM
yeah man. dont worry i'll still hav my own way of thinking when i get on my kit. somtimes to much so and get lazy! and not tri out anoth. all good info. gotta tri more for me and bring the sound out. like eqing good to get nic sound and more pro sounding
Nova, you should find some friends into making techno and try working with them on some stuff. It's great seeing how other people work and you can learn alot that way, trade ideas/tricks/etc.
Ever seen the old skool 'stutter' effect of using the main volume control MIDI data in your sequencer? (Actually on the topic of reverb, I wonder if I could do that with my MidiVerb...)
Or the cheap n cheerful phaser effect by triggering the same sample twice at almost the same time?
hi man, old skool stutter effect na aint hear of that sounds goods. can you explain wot your doing with the stutter. like wot it does. hey man wots the midiverb. heard of them alesis reverbs them little units. you guys using them?. yeah man need more friends into making music. living in little town thers only a couple of us making tech.
hey acidmutant, wots the cheap and cheerful phaser effect?. hey man you sound like you got some good tricks up your sleve. haha.
ive been messing with making techno for a few years now. kind of been teaching myself. had different bits of kit over the years. started on a mc303 with su10 sampler. then ended up getting rid of those and got a yamaha remix and a akai s3000. and got more synths. then needed a better sequencer to midi it all. so i got a macg4 powerbook with amt8 midi. so i had enoth midi ports for it all. but since changing to the mac and logic been having probs getting logic working right. so yeah dude need to hav more friends making tech. thats funny how you could tell by wot i was righting. olny recently got on the internet aswell but has helped loads. yeah man i need to collaberate with peeps
hey guys, logic hasnt got a reverb with chorus. or it might hav but its on the one you hav to buy emagic space reverb i think it is. wot reverb plugins are you all using?.
come guys dont dri up on me now :lol: . geezers claps nic reverb on them. also he has some perc'e sort of sounds with reverb on them that stand out. the reverb does sound technical. is this the chorus reverb on the perc. sounds wicked. right im not sure if im all that kean on the reverbs i got with logic. and has no reverb with chorus. anyone kno of any good fx bundles i can get for osx audio units. i take tc are good?. acidmutant could explain them two tricks you mentioned dude. more so the sutter. i like little trick'e bits in the tunes. cool.
hey guys, logic hasnt got a reverb with chorus. or it might hav but its on the one you hav to buy emagic space reverb i think it is. wot reverb plugins are you all using?.
use reverb as a send effect instead of an insert (not sure how to do this in logic). this way you can alter the verb sound without effecting the original signal....
yeah man. wot like send it to a bus where i hav reverb on a insert. that way i just turn the send up on that channel. is that wot you mean. cheers
07-03-2005, 02:07 AM
to chorus a reverb in logic you could send the original sound to a bus that has reverb on an insert and also has chorus on the next insert down
07-03-2005, 12:32 PM
acidmutant could explain them two tricks you mentioned dude. more so the sutter. i like little trick'e bits in the tunes. cool.
Sorry for the delay...
To do a stutter you need to find the control parameter on the MIDI track in your sequencer called MAIN VOLUME (number 7) - it should be in the note editor bit, sort of where you edit velocities. If your on Cubase there's a drop down selector.
Then using the edit tools draw full volume all the way across but where you want a stutter drop the volume to zero for say a 16th or a 32nd then back up to full volume (it helps if your editor allows you to quantise this data).
For the cheap phaser - use your sampler and have the same patch setup on 2 seperate MIDI channels, then play the same note data over both MIDI channels. As there's going to be a slight delay (due to the data being serial down the wire) then the 2 samples will be played slightly out of phase. You can control the sound a bit more by delaying the start of one of the note blocks (you go to where it says start time and slowly increase the time to get different phasing amounts).
cheers thanks acid mutant. i'll hav a blast at them two. im on logic man. quite simler to cubase. so i should be able to quantize the stutter. got hyper editor on logic with velocities volumes and things. so i'll hav a go at it man. thanks again dude
yeah man was tring that. reverb and a chorus plugins. so that works the same then as having chorus on the reverb plungin. checked the manaul for logic about sending effects and thats right just gotta set the effects on the busses like metta said. when you guys are eq'n wot time in the track do you start. like as you go. or when you got most the sounds down and playing how you want it?. and are you eq'n from a mixing desk or from channel eq plunins?.
acidmutant wot ya applying the stutter to? kick etc
08-03-2005, 12:04 AM
eqin from start to finish like a mutha****a, mutha****a !
the most important tool for shaping of sound, in my ears !!!
use it to mutate a sound when creating raw sounds from scratch, use it to get the sounds to mix together well all the way thru the track creation process
ha mutha****a :lol:. wot you using for eq'n mixing desk or vst channel eq's?. wot sort of makes you using. i got a mackie 1402 for inputing my hardware. but abit confused on which to be eq'n with. coz for like the mixing desk would hav all different eq's for different tracks. and if playing live you wouldnt hav time to change the different eq settings so been thinking that probaly be easyer with the vst eq's. but then to be able to use them the hardware would hav to be recorded to audio anyway so could eq with the mackie. must be aso hard playing live. cheers dude :shock:
hey meta, had alook on your website. hope you dont mind. had a listen to your techno. smart. is that stuff you've maid?. i like the snares you guys put in. like on the 8th bar or 16th bar. love them snares. sound so clean. i can never get my snares like that. do you put a touch of verb on them snares. and eq it realy well? ;)
08-03-2005, 10:19 AM
i lurrve offbeat snares so much :love: :love:
909 snare with distortion?. dunno i can never get it like that :love:
everyones :love: up! on the snares :lol:
08-03-2005, 10:38 AM
try a large amount of good quality snares (like from the techno trance essentials sample cd) until you find one that suits your track.
yeah man i got that sample cd. still tricky tho finding that sort of snare. best i hav a mess around with some
that sutter effect would it be aplyed to a sound on a midi channel. or on a midi part but not playing any sound as such. but aplying a stutter to the main volume. the whole of the track?
08-03-2005, 11:21 AM
that sutter effect would it be aplyed to a sound on a midi channel. or on a midi part but not playing any sound as such. but aplying a stutter to the main volume. the whole of the track?
Yes it's the main volume control on a MIDI channel - this is different from the velocity. You can only set the velocity when you key-on a note but the volume is a continuous controller. For best effects I suggest you use it on some kind of choir or string/pad type sound/chords. If you do the edit on a different editor track but the same MIDI channel you can just make a small rhythmic effect over say a bar then copy that section and repeat it whilst playing different notes, etc. from the other track.
and on a 16th. do you mean buy that hav main volume down for every 16th step in a bar. or 1 16th step in the a bar?
08-03-2005, 08:46 PM
mind? course i don't - cheers for listening
we just got that posted today - hope you like it - it's our latest live set
gotta go, getting a lift, but can waffle about snares later if you like fella
:lol: :love:
yeah man, sounds wicked!. any production tips on snares and that would cool. when you got time dude ;)
i wonna put up a link to a tune ive been messing around with couple weeks back. for production tips. can anyone explain how to get it up. i might not be able to tho coz pc's playing up. but anyway. how do i doit?
08-03-2005, 09:41 PM
you gotta upload it somewhere and supply us with a link. could do the job...
if you send me your email addy i will send you some fat snarez etc.
ps: esp. when dealing with the subjects (sub)bass and ((ghost-))snares i urge you to have a look at forums focusing on d'n'b.
I :love: the producer section on the "Dogs on Acid" forums, called "The Grid"
so much luverly info on bazz and snarez and stuff, you will most certainly find helpful info. Lots of technical info there and samples galore.
Def. give it a shot :!:
pm for ya loopdon ;). i got quite a nice techstep drum&bass kit on ni synth drums. thats got a fat tech drum&bass snare onit.hav you heard that?. good for d&b for sure. gonna check that link out now. cheers ;)
had a look at getting a link up. but the site asks for recipients email edress. what do i put for that?.
here itis
should work. dunno. needs eq'n. and some more bits going on to keep interesting. like filtering some perc here and there.and vocal sample is needed. quiet a basic tune. got some other bits ive started so any production tips would be a great help :lol:
oh yeah and its not complete. not sure if i like it but never mind :lol:
anyone had a listen. isit working?
09-03-2005, 12:22 AM
you uploaded a cda-file :doh:
plz re-upload an mp3 or wav :shock: ;)
haha! :doh: . i'll change to wav with that audacity
not sure if thats gonna work.
how do i change it to mp3 or wav. i tried opening it in audacity but it said it needed to be ripped or somthing. if that dunt work whats an easy way to change to wav or mp3?
hi, i got recycle today :dance: . anyone got any tips and tricks for it. i havnt realy used it before. but i do kind of kno some of the things onit. a friend says you can split the sounds up so each sound shows as a different color. so you can just pull that individal sounds out the loop. i kno it more for loop work. does it let you strip down movie samples. like getting all the fx out the back ground. if it lets you pull noises out. then i would of thout it would?. anything on this would be appreiciated. new program to me!
free mp3 encoder. wot i need to get that track up. done a google search for 1. but wont working right. the mp3 encoder. anyone got a free 1 thats easy to use? ;)
once the loop has been edited with recycle. can you open the edited loop in an audio editor to save it as a wav?. extracted sounds can they be open in an editor and saved as wavs?. and it sends midi paterns yeah to the sequencer?
09-03-2005, 11:30 PM
man, so many questions...
i have a hell of a lot to ask, but not a that tempo :clap: ;)
recycle will split up sounds as slices, those can then also be extracted as *.rex files for further use in other vsti and stuff.
that's prob. no news to you, well it can't really cut out background noises, that's a somewhat tricky subject anyhow, i would mainly go by filters and eqs to reduce it to the sound that makes the sample special, without too much background noise. try some mid/stereo decoders (i posted some in the free vst thread by voxengo), maybe the background is (in lack of better words) differently 'panned', so reducing it to the mid parts could do it, perhaps, i think the plugin 'contrast' to be found in the grm tools pak if i remember correctly could be worth trying.
that's if you can't work it out by cutting the sound up and reducing it to the sections you want and or eq/filter....
haha tempo ;) . yes man spilting up sounds is the 1 dude. heard some samples before that must of been rip out of a tune. like the hoovers out of 9bar. they must of split it up with recycle or fruity slicer to get just the hoover out. how do ya doit?
recycles smart love the way it changes tempo saves as rex then lets ya open it in logics audio and further adjust the tempo and it stays in time. thats wicked. no more lose loops for me :lol:
meta dude,
wot sort of frequencies are you running your snares at and db's. just tring to get better understanding of a decent mix. ive realy got a shit understanding of it man. if ya dont mind me asking ;) . that last track on the first part of your live set. lush snare in that. liking that tune loads. and all the others. liking your synthige aswell man. nice dark leads. wicked stuff.
ahh right so a single sound can be extracted from a loop as long as it clean to start with. like just that hit in the loop. not sounding with anything else. or does it split into component sounds ie hats kicks synth etc? to extract like say you wanted a bongo hit out a loop but it was sounding with somthing else like a kick. would you be able to get bongo out.
ahh right so a single sound can be extracted from a loop as long as it clean to start with. like just that hit in the loop. not sounding with anything else. or does it split into component sounds ie hats kicks synth etc? to extract like say you wanted a bongo hit out a loop but it was sounding with somthing else like a kick. would you be able to get bongo out.
Basically if any frequecies are shared by the sounds (Bongo, bass etc) in the same point in time of the sample. You can't really extract one without taking some of the unwanted sound aswell.
so is down to eq'n and filtering. just ive heard samples in tunes like hiphop vocals that are clean as!. but in the orignals hav got loads of drums in and that.( all the trailer park girls go round the out side ) :lol:
11-03-2005, 10:11 AM
of course loads of those samples can be found 'clean' on sample cds/acapellas.
yeah. its annoying tho. i hear lush samples. "but cant realy use them"
im pretty certain trailer park girls, Eminem. He put the accapellas on a album along with tracks for people to mash up i presume. I
yeaa wot like on the vinlys. coz m8s got cds and it aint on there clean. theres some 50cent ones i want aswel. sound smart in some tech. i always thout it could done with recycle. ohwell
I don;t have myself but on CD i think a friend said he put accapellas on it.
Earlier work i think going back at least 3-4 years i reckon.
Has he been about that long :doh:
yeah he has. there is a couple of 50c ones on a disk 2 of the album. but not what i want. my m8s got all em cd albums but havnt heard trailer park girls on any of the disc 2s. but i hav seen vinlys out time ago. itis out somwhere. the thing is wanted to doit with recycle so when i hear somthing i want i can get it straght away. not just trailer park girls theres loads. ;). i'll tri search onthe net see what i can find. oh and i'll check out me m8s cds
11-03-2005, 05:18 PM
if you have the full version on a cd and the same without the voice (instrumental, eh) you can get the voice out, too.
have a look at some pages dealing with mashups n bootlegs, there are acapella sites as well, enter 'acapella' ((+ artist name perhaps) into a filesharing prog? you want them - then hunt them down. can't get everything prechewed :crackup:
yeah got the tracks that i want the samples out of but they are the full versions. but no instrumental eh yeah instrus just instrument sounds. so how can i get them out then? without internet search
a loopdon, how do i change audio to mp3 with that audacity.? do you kno dude
11-03-2005, 11:49 PM
convert them later, dunno haven't got audacity installed atm.
i suggest u get this-then u can rightclick file and convert into/between many different formats.
dBpowerAmp Music Converter 11.0 *free*
cool cheers. you kno so many plugins man
ah im on mac. no right click
hold down control on your keyboard. thats your right click.
hey guys on recycle can i copy past loops init. like say the loops 1 bar. can mak it 8 bars or 16. very the loop abit then ;)
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