View Full Version : Booking??

21-02-2005, 03:43 PM
Well, I´ve been playing for some time now but I find it really hard to get gigs without kissing ass in my country. So Im asking you guys how do you get your gigs, are you a part of a booking agency or do you do it yourself, i think without being a recognized producer its hard to do do it by you´re own.
Now If anybody has some good tips, links to cool booking agencys, anything would be helpfull.

21-02-2005, 05:00 PM
There are only really 3 or 4 options.

Kiss ass and suck up.

Start your own night, and start form the bottom. (This was is rewarding bit tim, and a lot of fun, but stressful)

Get in as a warm up, by sending Demo`s to amenable promoters

Bring out some records.

Shite innit?

21-02-2005, 05:40 PM
nr.2 is quite cool but i think youz got to have some money in the first place

nr.3 where are these promotor bitches

nr.4 is in proces

nr.5 well its not that shitty

all in all nothin new, but i´m still interested in a good booking agency or is it not worth it.

21-02-2005, 05:52 PM
You won't get on an agency without the above, guarantee ya.

21-02-2005, 06:10 PM
yeah, that was what i wanted to know, what are the criterias, and how much you have to pay them.

i´ll stick to my production and try to make a bad ass party :rambo:

21-02-2005, 07:15 PM
the only way to get with an agency is by getting recognition for releasing good records,even if you payed an agency, promotors wouldnt know your name and therefore wouldnt enquire about booking you. Bloody game init!!

top agencies:

www.dynamix-berlin.de ....surgeon,regis,ben sims...
www.globalarrangements.de ...adam beyer,henrik b .....
www.rerunbookings.com ......patrick skoog,lars klein...

22-02-2005, 11:00 PM
If an agency was prepared to take you they would probably have come looking for you, so I'm afraid it's doubtful that would be an option.

Agents don't generally get paid by their DJs, they take a percentage of the fee, or more often take a booking fee from the promoter which is kept seperate from the DJs fee altogether.

As has been said, if you want bookings (certainly anywhere but very close to home) you'll need a couple of releases under your belt. Otherwise nobody will know who the hell you are and won't be too pushed to see you (and certainly not pay for the privilege)

The only way I've ever really got gigs is to give them to myself, in otherwords run my own nights. Mind you don't start running your own nights just to push yourself (it's too self centred and ends up f*cking a night up instead of thinking what's best for the night), playing yourself is just a nice bonus. You can run a gig on surprisingly little money as well if you keep it small. Big gigs = big risk. If you do well, you do ok, but if you do bad, you do f*ckin awful, believe me. It can be quite stressful, but if it goes well just watching your night go off is more than enough reward. :)

Last but not least, get yourself some exposure by running free parties. They're great fun, you have alot more freedom to do what you want with regards to the party, the music, everything. And people are often alot more willing to attend a free party for those reasons... and also coz they're a bloody good larf :twisted:

Good luck anyway!

23-02-2005, 12:54 PM
sometimes you can get on an agency if you just work in the industry. i've seen people on agencies who work in the agency, or ran a shop, or worked in distribution. its another 'insider' thing a lot of the time.

23-02-2005, 02:03 PM
sometimes you can get on an agency if you just work in the industry. i've seen people on agencies who work in the agency, or ran a shop, or worked in distribution. its another 'insider' thing a lot of the time.

Yeah it ios pretty much about WHO you know alright. Bit of kick in the nuts, but what can you do?

23-02-2005, 02:13 PM
I think a fundamental thing you have to ask yourself is.

There are so many people out there who can play two or 3 records of similar speeds, in time with each other.
What makes me stand out from them?

23-02-2005, 04:16 PM
Being active online and meeting similair minded people can be a big boon as well. I know a certain local club Jak-N can't be arsed with paying loads of dosh for the big name DJs and instead they are more than happy to scour about for local or far flung DJs who can rock it for there nights, won't break the bank and probably haven't played up here before. I think they've already booked a few folk from the forums after hearing their stuff on here, eh dirty bass?

You can also make your plight better by being dead cheap. Offer to play at places for traveling money and fifty quid, the clubs which pull big names won't be interested but the smaller venues eyes will light up at the oppertunity to get someone decent down for much cheapness.

Finally I don't think you really have to kiss ass all that much, but certainly being extremely nice helps quite a lot probably. Making a good impression and all. Meting DJs when they come up as well might help out a lot as well, grease a palm with a few silver CD's and you never know who they might give it to or might play it to which could open some oppertunities up, especialy amongst the less well known DJs who can understand your plight.

23-02-2005, 04:52 PM
sometimes you can get on an agency if you just work in the industry. i've seen people on agencies who work in the agency, or ran a shop, or worked in distribution. its another 'insider' thing a lot of the time.

Yeah it ios pretty much about WHO you know alright. Bit of kick in the nuts, but what can you do?

what can you do?
well, if you where me, and worked in distribution like i do, maybe you'd prob get off your arse and try and join an agency
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

miss bass
23-02-2005, 04:58 PM

DJ Becka
23-02-2005, 05:08 PM
You could always show them your decks....hehe......

Just kidding ;)
