View Full Version : Dreaming Tunes

04-03-2005, 01:50 PM
Does anyone else dream tunes - I mean dream new tunes when yr asleep? And people who produce, can you get them to stay in yr head long enough to get to the PC/Studio when you wake up???

I've dreamed some killers recently but its so hard to get them to stay... :doh:

04-03-2005, 02:24 PM
Does anyone else dream tunes - I mean dream new tunes when yr asleep? And people who produce, can you get them to stay in yr head long enough to get to the PC/Studio when you wake up???

I've dreamed some killers recently but its so hard to get them to stay... :doh:

If you start writing down ANY bit of a dream you have had the night before as soon as you wake up and repeat this every day for a week or so something weird happens. You end up not having the time to write everything down in the morning because you will find that you could have a pretty vivid recollection of at leat 5 dreams the night before. I dont know how to artificially induce dreams specificaly desigined to help you write songs though.

04-03-2005, 02:41 PM
i sometimes dream about making tunes but i couldnt pin point how they sound, its more about getting a feeling when the tune is playing other than certain sound in the tune. but i have had a dream that came true, well....when we were thinking of starting a label, my head was full of names for the label, and originally it was going to be called Hardpress, but one night i had a dream and in my dream i thoughtof the name "Kick The Drum Records" as soon as i woke up i wrote this down and we now have a label called kick the drum.. weird ah!

Ritzi Lee
04-03-2005, 03:11 PM
sure i have it a lot of times.
and it's most irritating if you lost it.

maybe some meditation will work. :shock:

04-03-2005, 03:34 PM
If you start writing down ANY bit of a dream you have had the night before as soon as you wake up and repeat this every day for a week or so something weird happens. You end up not having the time to write everything down in the morning because you will find that you could have a pretty vivid recollection of at leat 5 dreams the night before. I dont know how to artificially induce dreams specificaly desigined to help you write songs though.

May give that a try and see if the music sticks - it's wierd - it is less about writing the tune, it is the tune - I can hear it clear as if i was there. I do sometimes have a suspicion that they may be almost musically impossible (I know really nothing is totally impossible, but like maybe its like some experiences of drugs and music where it's more than the sume of the parts, or seems to be in multiple dimensions etc.)...

04-03-2005, 04:33 PM
May give that a try and see if the music sticks - it's wierd - it is less about writing the tune, it is the tune - I can hear it clear as if i was there. I do sometimes have a suspicion that they may be almost musically impossible (I know really nothing is totally impossible, but like maybe its like some experiences of drugs and music where it's more than the sume of the parts, or seems to be in multiple dimensions etc.)...

Yeah. I hear ya. The music might sound good because well lets face it you ARE dreaming. And the sound of a cat shitting DOES sound like a giant mudslide coming towards you when on drugs.

Give a that a try for your own benefit even if your dreams etc are not connected with music. Its a bit mental and insightful.

I'm off for a nap. Z z .

04-03-2005, 04:36 PM
I was sleepsurfing and found this..


Keeping a Dream Diary

To experience creative dreaming it is essential to come into better contact with your dreams. Psychologists have revealed that each of us dreams every night. However and unfortunately most of our dreams are forgotten. Thus, keeping a dream diary is helping in retaining the information longer. The building of the dream diary will demonstrate over a period of time, that you recall more and more of your dreams by being more aware of them. Regular discussion of your dreams and diaries will also help in understanding them, any themes running through them and unconscious ideas.

1. Before falling asleep, go over the following several times: ‘Tonight I dream; when I awake I will remember my dreams’
2. On awakening in the morning, lie quietly, do not open your eyes, and let you mind dwell on your initial thoughts. These initial thoughts could remind you of your last dream prior to awakening and with practice allow you to remember more and more of the dreams details.
3. A notebook is essential alongside your bed, to record a diary of your dreams. You could try sketching your dreams or use a tape-recorder to record middle of the night dreams. The following morning these tapes could be translated into the dream diary.
4. Essential, keep the daily diary, try not to miss days out.

04-03-2005, 04:48 PM
Psychologists have revealed that each of us dreams every night. However and unfortunately most of our dreams are forgotten.

:clap: True that!!!

Some people told me they NEVER dream...that's bull. You dream every night. You just can't remember them everytime.

1. Before falling asleep, go over the following several times: ‘Tonight I dream; when I awake I will remember my dreams’

Before falling asleep...I sometimes keep looking at my "H&M bikini models" poster 'till I fall asleep...
I always see the girls back in my dreams. ;)

04-03-2005, 05:03 PM
Before falling asleep...I sometimes keep looking at my "H&M bikini models" poster 'till I fall asleep...
I always see the girls back in my dreams. ;)

Thank god you dont have that Shining poster on your door then.

I used to be able to induce lucid dreams when i was in college. It involved driking alot of coffee and depriving myself of sleep until I basically found myself hovering somewhere inbetween reality & noddy land. There are easier ways to do it though. You can buy a special eye mask which you w to bed. Once you fall into REM sleep the mask detects you are'dreaming' and sends out some quick pulses of light through your eyelids into your cerebral huntingstons convolution cortex or something to wake your brain up (but not your body).

Its weird my lucid dreams always start with me 'waking up' and getting out of bed, leaving the room and walking out the front door of the house i'm sleeping in.

04-03-2005, 07:22 PM
If I get to that stage I slip straight into a dream from wide awake and it scares the shit out of me.

Now if I could lucid-dream/sleepwalk to the computer that'd be great.

The music might sound good because well lets face it you ARE dreaming

This is no doubt true, but wouldn't it be great if we could hang on to that and bring it into reality and actually make a tune that sounds like it does in a dream!

04-03-2005, 07:25 PM
My dreams are far to cool, to be dreaming about music. I spend enough of my life obessed with the studio that I really don`t need to bring it into my dreams.

I get most of my tune ideas when I am walking, something to do with the pace.
It`s hell trying to keep it in my head till I get back to the studio.
Maybe I should get a treadmill in here.

04-03-2005, 07:27 PM
This is no doubt true, but wouldn't it be great if we could hang on to that and bring it into reality and actually make a tune that sounds like it does in a dream!

but this probably means that we would have to all climb into your head and sit around in a circle to appreciate where you were coming from. :doh:

04-03-2005, 07:38 PM
ahh i hate when this happens, i've dreamed up a few songs, but forget how to lay them down in the studio..........kinda annoying when it happens

04-03-2005, 09:43 PM
My dreams are far to cool, to be dreaming about music. I spend enough of my life obessed with the studio that I really don`t need to bring it into my dreams.

I get most of my tune ideas when I am walking, something to do with the pace.

get that a lot myself. any tedious activity tends to work the same, walking seems particularly conducive tho.......

i get music in dreams too. sometimes crazy, beautiful music. i've never tried to recreate any of it, usually i will have lost it before i've fully woken up. it's usually tied to something else in the dream too, a particular feeling or something. i'm not sure the sounds themselves would be as special as they seem...

05-03-2005, 04:16 PM
This is no doubt true, but wouldn't it be great if we could hang on to that and bring it into reality and actually make a tune that sounds like it does in a dream!

but this probably means that we would have to all climb into your head and sit around in a circle to appreciate where you were coming from. :doh:

Oh no don't do that...

...there's enough of us in here already

(Laughs maniacally)
