View Full Version : DJM600 style delay

28-03-2005, 06:02 PM
how can i apply some of that delay in cubase as if i was just
twisting the knob in patterns to the beat :cool:

28-03-2005, 08:10 PM
this is the kinda thign im trying out.. isnt working to well though


im a pattern of cutting the normal sound to the delayed sound
but it sound rotten and more like a flange lol :doh:

any ideas would be apreciated guys. im racking my brains out

29-03-2005, 09:45 AM
you have to think about how the DJM600 works.

it has

:: A time select knob/switches

:: an amount

:: is the o/p pre or post?

i think im right in saying that when you select master as the effect channel it becomes pre fader, and when you select a channel it becomes post fader.

when the sound is delayed on 1/2 bar (i think thats what you are after) it turns the sound choppy by having a highish mix level of the effect but with very little feedback (otherwise the mix would become extremely harsh) its like the sound is made up of both the original signal and the delyed one, but in equal measure...

ill think of some more stuff later...

29-03-2005, 11:18 AM
this is the kinda thign im trying out.. isnt working to well though


im a pattern of cutting the normal sound to the delayed sound
but it sound rotten and more like a flange lol :doh:

any ideas would be apreciated guys. im racking my brains out
You've got the delay on a send.

What you'd need is the delay as an insert effect on the channel, and be automating the "mix" between wet and dry.

29-03-2005, 05:56 PM
What you'd need is the delay as an insert effect on the channel, and be automating the "mix" between wet and dry.

Thats the kidda.... however Ive found it eaiser to do these edits in acid and just chop up your wavs then export and dump back into cubase..

OR just line your soundcard out put into a DJM and the output of that back into the PC and twist that knob to youtr hearts content in real time....

29-03-2005, 06:18 PM
i sold my djm 600 in order to get my monitors, for delays i allways used the setting you can recreate as follows.

delay on your master then 'two tap'/two repeats whatever turn back the feedback and whoops....
