View Full Version : logic track automation copy message

31-03-2005, 06:06 PM

where do i anable the track automation copy messege in logic. i turnt it off now i cant find where to turn it back on.

any1 know?

02-04-2005, 10:39 AM
im getting a timing prob with logic. like if i send a arp in from my virus. yhe timing gets well messy and if i import a midi the timing gets messy. only with the midi tho. not vst's. i recently got my ports sorted on my amt8. like 8 port setup. coz a dude sent me a arrange. and thout that would sort it. but i think its got worse since. and the only thing i can think of that i done was turnt the delay up abit in audio hardware. and i emailed emagic asking but they said they stoped the tecsupport. anyone kno wot it could be

04-04-2005, 10:57 AM

when sending channels to the bus channels ive been getting 2 sounds coming out. the 1 thats coming out the bus with fx that ive put on. and out of the normal channel with out fx. how do i set the channel so it only comes out the bus channel?.

can it be done?

12-04-2005, 08:33 AM
track automation: can't remember the exact location, but it's in Options > Track Automation Settings .. something like 'Move automation with regions'.

the bus question: you select the output routing for every audio/instrument channel in the environment window or the channel strip.. it probably reads something like 'Output 1-2'. if you select 'no output' there, the channel is only sent to Sends - i.e. busses.. or you can select output as 'Bus 1' or something to directly route to bus.

emagic stopped logic tech support because Logic is nowadays Apple's product. Apple's discussion boards are filled with helpful people around the world, i'd ask the timing question there. www.apple.com, support > discussions > logic pro discussions.

12-04-2005, 08:38 AM
hahar yes m8. nic 1. been tring to get my head round that for time. yeah i tried output1&2 at the bottom of mixer channel. but probaly didnt do it right. yeah was doing in the arrange. not in enviroment. thats why it aint been working :doh: . like when you mak channels its gotta be done in the enviroment

yeah thanks alot dude.

cant tri it at mo tho. coz me mac died yesturday. and its gotta go to shop today :gutted: .

12-04-2005, 08:54 AM
yeah yeah the timing thing i got told might need the up date im on 6.4 got told that there was a 6.4.3 but when i looked on emagics website that was only for pro6. im on express6 and for that i could only find 6.3.somthing. and that 6.4.3 is susposed to stop the emagic sampler crash evertime put a sound init aswell as the timing prob?

12-04-2005, 11:03 AM
ah ok, don't know about possible version 6 glitches, i jumped from using logic5 on a pc directly to logic 7 pro on mac.. but yeah, basically everything from emagic got transferred to apple, so i don't know if you could find a version 6 update from apple.com somewhere..

sorry to hear about your mac :-|

12-04-2005, 05:38 PM
yeah its a night mare. but got it to shop today. so hopfully all will be sorted. thanks for the info m8. cant wait to get back on logic now :lol:.
yeah the 6 giltch the sampler crash every time put a sound init thats there samplers aswell the 1 you get with logic :doh: .
