View Full Version : Finding time to produce...

Barely Human
06-04-2005, 08:55 AM
I havent been able to find anytime to make tracks in the last 3 weeks. Does anyone else have the same problem? Do you set some time asside for it? Or can you only come up with something on the spur of the moment? This is really starting to piss me of now....

06-04-2005, 10:25 AM
Full time job, part time degree, girlfriend, Volunteer community cleaning group...

I know what you mean - it's a case of grab any moment, keep your ideas in your head all the time... I do set aside time, even if it's only one evening a week whivh ain't much, but it's hard...

06-04-2005, 10:30 AM
I know what you mean.

there really aren't enough hours in the day for this.


I try getting stuff done late at night wearing headphones.

06-04-2005, 10:43 AM
The problem is having inspiration there when you are in the studio.
I`ve slowly learned how to get my brain into the right mode to create, but essentially the stronger the emotion you are feeling, the better the creative inspiration.
I tend to read a bit before I hit a big session, and always have an inspiring book on hand.
Also a good film, or some soundtrack music also sets the mood nicely.

Nothing more scarey than sitting in the studio having a mind totally bereft of inspiration.
There`s always that little stabbing thought "shit, will I ever be able to do anything good ever again?"

Dan Devious
06-04-2005, 11:30 AM
luckly i have a job which enables me to produce while i earn money! i am employed as a security guard, and so i sit on my ass all night when im doin the night shifts. I bring in my laptop, my external and my hedphones and get cracking :) :lol:

Dave Elyzium
06-04-2005, 11:55 AM
luckly i have a job which enables me to produce while i earn money! i am employed as a security guard, and so i sit on my ass all night when im doin the night shifts. I bring in my laptop, my external and my hedphones and get cracking :) :lol:

hahaha that must be the easiest nick going haha

Dan Devious
06-04-2005, 12:02 PM
yeh mate it is! i cant complain, only doing it for a couple more years though just until i pass my mcse and ccna qualifications.

After that im going to into the IT industry, or unless the techno takes off and then ill go that direction, but even if it dont im still doin it! its my hobby after all! :)

06-04-2005, 01:48 PM
luckly i have a job which enables me to produce while i earn money! i am employed as a security guard, and so i sit on my ass all night when im doin the night shifts. I bring in my laptop, my external and my hedphones and get cracking :) :lol:

Gimme some money or ill tell your boss
:twisted: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :rambo: :evil: :twisted:

:lol: :lol:

Dan Devious
06-04-2005, 02:14 PM
my boss knows lol he dont give a shit

06-04-2005, 02:37 PM
my boss knows lol he dont give a shit

blast, there go my 824s.....


06-04-2005, 03:06 PM
my boss knows lol he dont give a shit

Has he got any vacancies? :lol: I take it you're meant to be watching CCTV monitors, do you pay them any attention then? Sounds pretty sweet to me.

Dan Devious
06-04-2005, 03:17 PM
yea there 2 of us there, in like a gatehouse, quite a cushy one, we have 3 bad ass heaters and a toilet, kitchen. We have a X box if we want to play that,, or we get the tv out or watch dvds, 12 hour shift, so u gotta keep urself occupied. or else by 2 in the mownin ur in the land of Zed.ZZZZZ

we do have cctv monitors , and we do keep an eye on them every know and then, all we have to do is lock up the main gates and open them in the mownin, thats bout it, maby do a couple of patrols to wake urself up and that all really.

Plus where we live there aint really much trouble so we never get any problems.

06-04-2005, 07:36 PM
I know what you mean IQ family,girlfreind,work, it can be hard to get DECENT time in for making music.
Ill play around with a few ideas during the week whenever i get the chance and then on Friday I finish work and get straight on the case and work(or play) untill I drop at about 7.00 the next morning.
But there are too many ideas and not enuff time :doh: .

When I was single and unemployed I was addicted to allnighters but now Life interfeers with the hermit insomniac lifestile :cry: :lol:

06-04-2005, 07:39 PM
My freinds family and girlfreind know that my Fridays are for music

eyes without a face
06-04-2005, 08:18 PM
i quit my full time job last year and got a part time job just so id have more time for music, to make a serious go of things u have to be putting in a certain amount of work each week i think and this means im skint alot to be honest but it means i can get tracks done at a faster rate and improve my production alot more aswell

its horrible not having time to produce really is, gets me down sometimes, especially when uve just got a nice new VST or something that u want to paly around with

06-04-2005, 08:57 PM
i usually find time during the week after work..........just for a few hours, 2-3 days a week, then sometimes working full days (7-8 hours) on the weekend on tracks

i need to spend more time on it though

06-04-2005, 09:31 PM
I have plenty of time, the problem is that I get easily frustraetd since I'm basicly utter pish and can't bend my tools to my will. It's very easy for me to have an idea then just leave it unable to work out how to achieve it. There are also a lot of other annoyances I'm coming across, how to get a track sounding fuller than it is, how to get a length out them without them sounding repetative and so on. Ah well I've only had a PC capable of running any sound tools for three weeks now so I'm still learning.

06-04-2005, 10:37 PM
i sacrifice sleep in order to make time to write music.

i go to work during the day. spend some time with my gf after that. and do what ever else i need to do, then i usualy find my self staying up till about 2 to 4 am through the week nights even though i have work usualy in the mornings. i find though its when i seem to write better is real late at night.

but i know what everyone is saying. its realy hard to find time to write music. takes alot of time.


06-04-2005, 10:37 PM
its horrible not having time to produce really is, gets me down sometimes, especially when uve just got a nice new VST or something that u want to paly around with

It does get you down doesnt it.
Funny how it affects you in such a way also when you have been working on a good track you feel on top of the world but when you havnt got the time to work on somthing or youve got time but cant come up with anything pleasing to yourself you feel like shit .
I hate that feeling.

06-04-2005, 10:40 PM
i find though its when i seem to write better is real late at night.


Evil G
06-04-2005, 11:20 PM
haha. hermit insomniacs unite! :lol:

worked a job i hated (and which interfered with partying and making music way too much) for the last 3 years, but now i'm "between contracts" and making up for lost time while i've still got some money in the bank to live off of.

robin m
07-04-2005, 01:33 PM
I have plenty of time, the problem is that I get easily frustraetd since I'm basicly utter pish and can't bend my tools to my will. It's very easy for me to have an idea then just leave it unable to work out how to achieve it. There are also a lot of other annoyances I'm coming across, how to get a track sounding fuller than it is, how to get a length out them without them sounding repetative and so on. Ah well I've only had a PC capable of running any sound tools for three weeks now so I'm still learning.

Amen to all that, I was starting to wonder if anyone else had ever been a beginner ;)

I'm driving myself mental trying to figure out how to turn sounds in my head into sounds in a track, and it doesn't help that my PC is slightly shitter than most people's mobile phones these days :cry: anything over 5 or 6 channels and 2 minutes long and it takes forever to do anything at all, even without any kind of fx... no point whingeing about that though I suppose, eh!

07-04-2005, 01:52 PM
For five years I suffered with a Celeron 400 which was so shit it couldn't even run games like Quake properly as the motherboard was so genericaly shit. Now I'm sitting on an Athlon 64 running at 2gig and I've not had a single problem so far with soundy stuff. It's great!

07-04-2005, 02:08 PM
Does anyone else have the same problem?

You bet, Full time job, on call in the evening, live in girlfriend, list of chores the length of a garden hose and fek all time....

carry a lil book n pen with you and scriblle yer ideas down when you get them, then when your sitting infront of the screen and your mind goes blank youve got some previous ideas to audition.

I very rarely end up working on the idea I had scribbled in the book, but it almost always serves as a bit of a trigger if you like, to get you in creative mode...

robin m
07-04-2005, 02:30 PM
For five years I suffered with a Celeron 400 which was so shit it couldn't even run games like Quake properly as the motherboard was so genericaly shit. Now I'm sitting on an Athlon 64 running at 2gig and I've not had a single problem so far with soundy stuff. It's great!

I'll give you 20 quid for it then... ;)

Dan Devious
07-04-2005, 02:31 PM
also, i think the more you write, the quicker you become. So u can get stuff done in lesser hours.

07-04-2005, 02:46 PM
sounds common eh , I work and am easily distracted when im not at work so yes its hard . If someone comes to see me unnanounced then that usually stops me in my tracks as well.
My best ideas allways come when im nowhere near my kit , like at work or on the bus , this is annoying .

07-04-2005, 03:42 PM
Amen to all that, I was starting to wonder if anyone else had ever been a beginner ;)

I'm driving myself mental trying to figure out how to turn sounds in my head into sounds in a track, and it doesn't help that my PC is slightly shitter than most people's mobile phones these days :cry: anything over 5 or 6 channels and 2 minutes long and it takes forever to do anything at all, even without any kind of fx... no point whingeing about that though I suppose, eh!
Dude... how many times... give me a call, come round, we'll knock our heads together. It'll sound foul.

Apex Beat
08-04-2005, 02:15 AM
If I spent half as much time doing university work as I did messing around with ableton or my decks I'd walk it with a first. I get loads of free time that in reality, shouldnt be free time! I'm going to get a right shock when, if ever, I need to do full-time work for more than a few months at a time. I also want to go traveling and see the world, get a Masters in sociology and be a superstar DJ and I'm left wondering where production will fit into all this. I guess I'm going to improve my skills as much as possible because I finish university in around a year or so and then its back to the real world, shit and I've got a dissertation to write.

08-04-2005, 11:44 AM
Hehe - I now that one, though having an essay to do is great for finding time for music... ...and cleaning sock drawer, removing spiders from under the bed etc...

Carrying a notebook is a good trick.

Another I use is to keep a stock of simple kick, hat, snare patterns, some very simple bassparts (like just fillers between the kick) as wavs on the PC. That way if I get an idea I can get straight in and sketch it out in Acid and put a simple kick and hat behind it to give some accompanyment while I play with a synth idea or stuff. Then when I've got time I can put something more interesting in later.

Barely Human
08-04-2005, 12:02 PM
Ahhh, im glad im not the only one then :lol:

Cant wait to get some time back and get back into some new tracks.

*boots up fruity and cant remember how to use it*

09-04-2005, 03:55 AM
it's a right ****in pain but worth it to commit the time

i do two evenings and one afternoon/evening a week in our studio, like clockwork- never seem to have problem with inspiration, we just get in there and get on with it

also try and get another evening or afternoon a week with another mate in his studio

add full time job, girlfriend, and tai chi into the equation and i don't have time for much else - really frustrating as have got other friends i wanna work with, too

if you wanna get good you gotta put in the time, tho


09-04-2005, 11:57 AM
It also definately helps having an extremely understanding Girlfriend who doesn't mind reading a book for a bit when I leap out of bed on Saturday mornings with an idea that needs playing with...

...and shouts out ideas and makes the right appreciative noises.

