View Full Version : Laptops and Desktops

Apex Beat
08-04-2005, 02:24 AM
Dont really want to start an argument about whats better but I'm seriously thinking of upgrading and want some idea's. At the moment, I've become fairly adjusted to using a laptop. My laptop is a Dell PIII 2.4gig cpu with 512SD-Ram, probably a 4200 20 gig HD. Its going on two years old now, still does me fine but its definitely holding me back by having frequent heart attacks in ableton when I try and jock more than a certain amount of effects/samplers or whatever. I'm also using a audiophile USB soundcard which I'd keep because its awsome...

I'm more or less decided upon buying a Apple Mac however I'm not sure whether or not to get a G5 or a 17" Powerbook. I'm going to wait until september I think because I've heard rumours about a G5 Powerbook which would be awsome. Also I'm wondering is the 17" and 15" powerbooks only different in size? I imagine I'd buy a 17" because you cant go wrong with a bigger moniter...

Obviously laptops a must if you want to play out but not even sure how often I'll be doing that. But my primary concern is power - I suppose if Apple manage to get a G5 cpu and cooling system inside a Powerbook, its all good? Opinion welcome!! Cheers.

08-04-2005, 10:46 AM
im on a g4 powerbook 15inch screen. i woulnt go for anything smaller then the 15inch. with the 17inch you can see the whole of logic on the screen. the 15inch aint bad. you dont miss alot of the screen. i think mines 1.5ghz. not sure but the 17 might be abit more powerful. you'd hav to check it out.

g5 power book. bet thats nice!

08-04-2005, 02:10 PM
I don't think they'd stick a G5 in a Powerbook and not have it be properly cooled.. heh

Do you absolutely need a portable? If not get a tower G5... its significantly faster than the G4 Powerbook would be.

08-04-2005, 02:56 PM
for making tunes i'd just go for a desktop, the i-mac g5's are spot on. I've got a g4 15" powerbook which is wicked but i only use it as a laptop when designing stuff for people. I always make tune's in the comfort of my own home. So i reckon if your mainly using it for production get a desktop

08-04-2005, 08:22 PM
if i get a mac tower unit then i would want to use my existing PC monitor in the set up - is this possible

08-04-2005, 08:35 PM
Yeah you could.

09-04-2005, 01:49 AM
been a long long time since i've used a mac and they used to have different socket connections to pc's.

that said - i think there were adapters even back then

Apex Beat
11-04-2005, 07:33 PM
Mac Vs PC though? Whats better for production?

eyes without a face
11-04-2005, 08:19 PM
neither are better for production... its personal prefference... there are pro's and con's to both

but i couldnt envisage taking the computer i use for my production out of the house never mind to a gig, so i would never personally ditch my desktop for a laptop altogether, not a chance.... id just save and get both, just upgrade the memory and HD if u want the machine to run better, or check the settings in ableton and ur computer, increase the virtual memory buffer etc etc
