View Full Version : So Cds are the way forward for techno- BULLSH*T ;)

gumpy green
14-04-2005, 08:40 PM

http://createdigitalmusic.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=444&Item id=44

its still vinyl ;) ;)

14-04-2005, 09:36 PM
Oh dude, really, quit moaning, the future will come and bite you in the ass unless you accept it.
No one is saying you gotta throw your vinyl away, but to think it will lasy forever is seriously naieve

Craig McW
15-04-2005, 02:17 AM

iPod DJing?

What next?

15-04-2005, 03:39 AM
That looks shit. A half way decent dedictaed techno DJ would break that in about two minutes.

15-04-2005, 03:55 AM
yeah f that. ipod mixing - dont make me laugh.. gimmick central. i love vinyl and so do 60000000 others, plus i love REAL technology, not gimmicks. this is like ejay mixing. just plain silly.


15-04-2005, 06:56 AM
Just something to think about...

Most who go on about this medium only or that medium are missing the entire point. I have been out of the scene for 4 months now so i have a totally different view of things now im not directly involved.

Where the vibe was once "unity & diversity" in electronic music, it has become a "my way or the highway" kind of affair.

Having a younger sibling back in detroit has taught me a lot as well. For us older guys (who should retire or some nonsense i read that Sven wrote) we remember the movement of technology from our entry point to the present.
My sister and many of you on the other hand probably cant remember a world without the internet, mobile phones & cable TV or just plain TV. And having seen the rapid advancement of technology over a short period of time and realizing todays advancements (in our every day lives) are tied to processor speed, its not wise to think things will stay the same.

The question is can people adapt? I love vinyl but the system in place for creating it makes it far to expensive and time consuming to get basic ideas across now. If u have the time do it right do it. But if u want immediate response u have to find the quickest way to get your point across and incorporate it into vinyl setups or any setups.

"THIS IS NOT AN ATTACK ON VINYL" (from me R U Kidding?) sorry for yelling but i dont want anyone to say they misunderstood what I was trying to get across.

I can't & wont speak for anyone but I always came at this music from the standpoint that it would bring us together and we could cast off the ideas of our parents bigotry and the ideas of their age.

But what we have now is the same old same old, history repeating itself and people not prepared to adapt or grow.

We have a global network (unimaginable in my parents time) but we are more fragmented than ever, I can't (and don't try anymore) to understand.

With all kindness please take this under consideration...

Before vinyl there was reel to reel (2" 1/2", etc) and 8 track (cart they were called in the radio business) These formats died. Vinyl will not die but if an irresponsible airline losses your fav. records and then tells u to read the small print & get lost a few times maybe you'll consider adding a new skill set just in case of emergency.

Why can we not accept all forms of getting our point across? The problem is not with the medium it's with ourselves. Lack or experience and other factors (+ a youthful rebellious streak) is always present in the young.

Thats where the advancement comes from, in the young people. But temper that with an openness to the future and you get a Carl Craig, Dave the Drumer, MEG, Saunderson, Mills, Advent, Eno, Sakamoto, etc. These people and many more all have a common spirit in them, they decide what they create like it or not. And in a time when it's so easy to go your own way to see so many bow down and conform + give the scene to the money people (again) it's perplexing.

just an old man's observation...



15-04-2005, 11:10 AM

http://createdigitalmusic.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=444&Item id=44

its still vinyl ;) ;)

Personally I like to mix vinyl CD's & mp3's together but thats just me being a retard by not choosing any one format in particular. I'd be mixing betamax video in to my sets if i had half the chance so why pick one? just mangle them all in together.

because then..

You can still play your whole record collection & anything that comes out in the PHUTURE!! on wax (want tactile controll.. well tactically you still have it)

You can use tracks that you have bought on CDs\albums which never ever ever came out on vinyl

You can download loads of itunes\unsigned\free netlabel stuff make your own edits and play your mates new tracks and mix em in with tracktor.

PS: I'm calling for the phrases 'way forward' & 'future of techno' to be completly nuked from existence. Its all about now.

15-04-2005, 11:10 AM
I've beeen waiting for Ipod pitch control for yonks - will make a huge impact when it is done properly, as in software based within the ipod itself.

15-04-2005, 11:25 AM
i dont like mixing mp3's or cds , it SHIT, i just dont like it....IF vinyl diappears i will play live, no doubt lots of other people will aswel ;)

gumpy green
15-04-2005, 11:51 AM
Oh dude, really, quit moaning, the future will come and bite you in the ass unless you accept it.
No one is saying you gotta throw your vinyl away, but to think it will lasy forever is seriously naieve

i aint moaning im just showing yaz a new product.....

yer just not understanding my banter......

15-04-2005, 06:02 PM
i'm in love!!
that looks amazing


not that i can even afford an ipod :cry:

15-04-2005, 06:17 PM
Oh dude, really, quit moaning, the future will come and bite you in the ass unless you accept it.
No one is saying you gotta throw your vinyl away, but to think it will lasy forever is seriously naieve

i aint moaning im just showing yaz a new product.....

yer just not understanding my banter......

Sorry, I`ve been in the studio on very long streaks this weak, and I seem to have gone through a sense of humour failure :cry:

15-04-2005, 06:52 PM
I am sorry but it will all come down to "live," fuk cd's too... hehe

15-04-2005, 07:00 PM
" yeah man , i'm an iDJ now !"

yeah right

gumpy green
15-04-2005, 07:11 PM
Sorry, I`ve been in the studio on very long streaks this weak, and I seem to have gone through a sense of humour failure :cry:

its cool man......
hope yer tunes were worth loosing the humour in u... ;)

what stuff you been writing??

15-04-2005, 07:15 PM
I really don,t like the idea of i pod dj,ing im really into technology but thats shit ipods suck I us cd & vinyl myself but im thinking of using final scratch & maybe abelton live thats decent technology and a way forward but i can,t see i pods & things of such nature will take off :rambo:

15-04-2005, 07:37 PM
Seems to me it makes it way too easy for people to rip off the music especially if they make money off a gig using ripped off mp3s.

Not cool.

16-04-2005, 11:58 AM
If you've got an iPod you've stopped caring about music.

16-04-2005, 03:22 PM
If you've got an iPod you've stopped caring about music.

Man you sound like a bunch of oldies.

It`s become the new way music is distributed.

I`m sure people were saying the same thing when recordable cassettes came out.

Although, I must admit, I don`t have an ipod, and I don`t really want one.

16-04-2005, 03:44 PM
If you've got an iPod you've stopped caring about music.

Man you sound like a bunch of oldies.

It`s become the new way music is distributed.

I`m sure people were saying the same thing when recordable cassettes came out.

Although, I must admit, I don`t have an ipod, and I don`t really want one.

ipod would be cool if i worked in factory doing 12 hour shifts...thats it!

16-04-2005, 06:36 PM
this shit and storys about this starts to be a little bit monotone.and if you dont mind and if you realy give a **** about that storys and thats that this will be "future" of techno dont write this anymore.why? becaouse the same topic everymonth..

who gives a **** for that industry..vinyl is vinyl, and will always stay like it is!

carl :cool:

16-04-2005, 06:39 PM
hmmm, if you say so.

Internal Error Records
16-04-2005, 08:44 PM
Dirty, we've locked horns a few time, and im man enough to say you've convinced me of a few things. But I must say that technology doesnot dictate the future. It can only influence it a little. You arent convincing anybody of anything by repeatedly saying "Give in and accept your fate." At the heart of techno is the spirit of indepdence. Regardless of what new toys SONY and Vestex spits out. You sound like you have the soul of a consumer. Not a techno soldier.

16-04-2005, 09:22 PM
I`m not saying give in at all.
I`ve said repeatedly, that vinyl can work alongside other mediums.
The problem is that most people poo poo other mediums without even trying them at all.
That`s all.
Most people, when they cuss about it, for all their moaning, deep down, I think its fear of change, and the fact that they`ve been mixing vinyl for so long they don`t want to try new things.
Hehe, totally not a consumer.
In any way.
Just a futurist.

I think to a cetain extent, technology does dictate the future.
Internet improving communication has changed business.
Mobile phones have made work culture go into 24hour overdrive.
Aircraft have improved world travel
It`s a bit of a philosophical thing to get into, but technology has more than an influence on the future.

Not that it has anything to do with vinyl.

Not a techno soldier.
Don`t even go there man. I`ve done more than most. I`ve risked arrest many many many many times, putting on techno parties.
And sacrificed a hell of a lot for my music.
I live my life around music and art, I care a lot about it, a hell of a lot, and I say what I say in the same way I approach painting, sculpture and literature.
The need for reinvention, innovation, new technology etc is very important.
Man, don`t even

16-04-2005, 09:32 PM
It's nothing to do with denying new technology its rightful place. I just think Ipods are pony.

16-04-2005, 09:46 PM
If you've got an iPod you've stopped caring about music.

is that a joke? i really hope thats a joke...

Internal Error Records
16-04-2005, 10:24 PM
I`ve risked arrest many many many many times,

i have been arrested putting on parties.

in any event, you make good points.

17-04-2005, 12:09 AM
I`ve risked arrest many many many many times,

i have been arrested putting on parties.

in any event, you make good points.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
They couldn`t catch me I was the gingerbread man

Internal Error Records
17-04-2005, 12:33 AM
I`ve risked arrest many many many many times,

i have been arrested putting on parties.

in any event, you make good points.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
They couldn`t catch me I was the gingerbread man

bah, i walked right into the sting.

fortunetly the charges were written up by an exhusted patrolman at the end of his shift. my lawyer punched so many holes in the charges i was let off.

17-04-2005, 01:10 AM
It looks like a mockup to me....but I would not be suprised if this ipod thingy do-hicky gets released....I see so many people on the train as I'm going to and from work with ipod & ipod mini in all the fancy colours.
Can you use pirated music in ipods? you would only have to change the format on the tune? .....am I correct?
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As for the pitch control on the do-hicky instant dj mega star contraption....I think you would only have to press a button and it would match the beats for you.

17-04-2005, 01:11 AM
We just got away with it on pure blag.
Got cuffed a few times, but even then we got out of it.
nothing like a bit of essex charm to get you out of a spot ;)

17-04-2005, 02:41 PM
dont forget

Viynl survived radio when they said it would die
Viynl survived casettes when they said it would die
Viynl survived CD's when they said it would die

and it wont surive this?

17-04-2005, 08:32 PM
Only because of the DJ
And there was simply nothing there that could replace it.
Now there is. An for the majority of DJ`s, who don`t want the finer points of vibration effects etc for scratching, there is now something thats probably easier to use.

I think as a point made earlier by someone, being only a single format release, restricts your audience mainly to DJ`s. And there aren`t that many DJ`s. So there are a lot of people left out.
I think dual format releases would be wise.
however there needs to be good promotion and infrastructure to support this new market.
And the current distributers are having a hard enough time just selling vinyl.
So there is no easy solution.

17-04-2005, 10:56 PM
If you've got an iPod you've stopped caring about music.
I`m sure people were saying the same thing when recordable cassettes came out.

On the back of "Electro 1"from the old electro seiries it has a picture of a tape with crossbones with the messege "audio tape is killing the music industry"made me giggle :lol:
