View Full Version : The Blackout Audio forum future

14-04-2005, 11:13 PM
To be honnest and not to feel condescendant, i recently found the BOA forum pretty boring these days, concerning the forums im reading (mainly this one, the dark techno and the hard techno).

The dark techno has seen some good and originally minded people leave. The discussions are mostly about the new BMB release of that 100th Surgeon set (yes hes original but not enough to make me able to listen a new set of him each week).

The hard techno is all about the new skoog and wilson release.

thje techno forum is interesting but most of the time the topics are pointless (at least people dare variety and thats good).

So as we are in a postive forum, i would like to inctate people to dare talkinga bout new topics, new producers. About what make them like or dislike some track (most of the time the posts give personnal opinion without any argument).

I htink it would be very interesting people share their influences, the evolution of their tastes and their recent discoveries to give some more consitence in the "that track is good "discussions that have invaded the board.

There's so much new music going out these days, and i feel sick that with all variaty people are only able to launch another jeff mills adam beyer ore regis thread !!!

Just my two cents . Cheers

eyes without a face
14-04-2005, 11:25 PM

14-04-2005, 11:41 PM
I htink it would be very interesting people share their influences, the evolution of their tastes and their recent discoveries to give some more consitence in the "that track is good "discussions that have invaded the board.

There's so much new music going out these days, and i feel sick that with all variaty people are only able to launch another jeff mills adam beyer ore regis thread !!!

Threads like this do excist but they usually end up going to the bottom of the thread list as no one (or not many) bother to reply to them.

15-04-2005, 12:05 AM
To be honnest and not to feel condescendant, i recently found the BOA forum pretty boring these days, concerning the forums im reading (mainly this one, the dark techno and the hard techno).

The dark techno has seen some good and originally minded people leave. The discussions are mostly about the new BMB release of that 100th Surgeon set (yes hes original but not enough to make me able to listen a new set of him each week).

The hard techno is all about the new skoog and wilson release.

thje techno forum is interesting but most of the time the topics are pointless (at least people dare variety and thats good).

So as we are in a postive forum, i would like to inctate people to dare talkinga bout new topics, new producers. About what make them like or dislike some track (most of the time the posts give personnal opinion without any argument).

I htink it would be very interesting people share their influences, the evolution of their tastes and their recent discoveries to give some more consitence in the "that track is good "discussions that have invaded the board.

There's so much new music going out these days, and i feel sick that with all variaty people are only able to launch another jeff mills adam beyer ore regis thread !!!

Just my two cents . Cheers

Go to the listening club at the top of this forum.
I put it there to discuss new music (not necessarily techno) so we can all educate each other.
not many people go there.

So go on, quit wining and make this place interesting.

15-04-2005, 01:28 AM
the dark forum is lame since all the people that posted in there got banned. nick, luka and mika wernt always liked by everyone, but they sure got people talking in the dark forum,

i for one wish that they were back

15-04-2005, 02:38 AM
all they ever did was slag everyon off but their mates.
You can go to squatjuice for that.

15-04-2005, 03:04 AM
the dark forum is lame since all the people that posted in there got banned. nick, luka and mika wernt always liked by everyone, but they sure got people talking in the dark forum,

i for one wish that they were back

Yeah, well, some of us tried to post about what we thought was interesting experimental music, and got dissed because it wasn't BMB, Regis or Female (not that I have anything against this music by the way), and couldn't be bothered with getting involved in petty forum, squabbles..
I'm posting the odd thing here now, but it's attitudes like theirs that completely turned me off forums, on the positive side it meant I got loads of music done, so at least something good came out of it...

15-04-2005, 03:17 AM
the dark forum is lame since all the people that posted in there got banned. nick, luka and mika wernt always liked by everyone, but they sure got people talking in the dark forum,

i for one wish that they were back

Yeah, well, some of us tried to post about what we thought was interesting experimental music, and got dissed because it wasn't BMB, Regis or Female (not that I have anything against this music by the way), and couldn't be bothered with getting involved in petty forum, squabbles..
I'm posting the odd thing here now, but it's attitudes like theirs that completely turned me off forums, on the positive side it meant I got loads of music done, so at least something good came out of it...

f*** spot on. why moan? get the tracks done and shut up ;)

15-04-2005, 03:35 AM
the dark forum is lame since all the people that posted in there got banned. nick, luka and mika wernt always liked by everyone, but they sure got people talking in the dark forum,

i for one wish that they were back

Yeah, well, some of us tried to post about what we thought was interesting experimental music, and got dissed because it wasn't BMB, Regis or Female (not that I have anything against this music by the way), and couldn't be bothered with getting involved in petty forum, squabbles..
I'm posting the odd thing here now, but it's attitudes like theirs that completely turned me off forums, on the positive side it meant I got loads of music done, so at least something good came out of it...

the forum did get un-nesasarilly heated sometimes, but sureley this is bette than it being dryer than Ghandi's flip flop over there.

other than the dark forum, i thought blackout is quite health nowerdays. i like "The Techno Forum" quite a bit. Lots of stuff gets talked about in there.

15-04-2005, 03:46 AM
Yeah, well, I used to post a lot of stuff on the dark/exp forum.
But because it was never surgeon/regis etc it never got read, so I only post now and again.

15-04-2005, 03:51 AM
OK this is actually a REALLY good post. The new site is sooooooooo very close. 2-4 weeks, no more than 2 months for sure. It's a massive step for us, so I need to know what you all like about these forums and where you think they should go. What rules should be have in place and what rules we shouldn't have in place. Be open, be honest. Let me know what you like about the forums and what you don't....

Please let's not get into an argument, but what do you all want to see on here???

15-04-2005, 04:05 AM
i think that communities naturally ebb and flow as far as topic and excitement levels go. once a ton of people are there, it becomes like any other community. sometimes busy, sometimes not; sometimes interesting, sometimes not.

i have seen so many online communities go through the ebb and flow and someone is always talking about what can be done to "fix" it or make it more interesting. the fact of the matter is, sometimes people get excited, sometimes they are boring. that's the way people and conversations are.
realize that you can't force excitement and interesting shit, and just let things develop as they may. it doesn't have to be supah interesting 24-7.

as far as mark's question, in my opinion, as little "regulation" as possible please. i have been the admin for several groups and i belong to many, and the one thing that irks me more than anything is when people try to control the direction that these communities go. when you get this many people, things happen on their own, and really making an effort to dictate the direction or the attitudes only results in a lot of arguing and resentment.

many may not agree with me on this, and that's ok. :) i don't even ban negative asswipes from the sites i admin for, just because they give me and others with intelligent viewpoints a chance to verbally wipe the floor with them. keeps things interesting. ;p (the obvious exception for me is raging racist, sexist, homophobic asswipes. i tend to be a little meaner to them.) communities consist of all types, and all attitudes. unless someone is absolutely verbally abusive, i personally don't care to see them banned.

the dynamics of conversation revolve around conflict. and blocking out all conflict is fairly boring.

as far as what i'd like to see...i wouldn't mind a politics/world events section, but that's cuz i am an activist dork. ;)

anyhow, hope this wasn't just rambling nonsense. i just got off work, so i am a bit brain fried. ;)

15-04-2005, 07:46 AM
I was thinking the same thing. It's like trying to enforce thought control by implying where the board should go and what should be said and what can't be said etc.

Just leave it as it is. If you don't like certain topics, stay out of them, if you think theres no good topics at all, POST ONE YOURSELF.

as arnie says, "STOP WHINING!"

15-04-2005, 01:00 PM
Yes there is a tendancy for the popular things to stick around and the classic little gems get lost in the mists of time. This is just something is going to happen unless people make a bit more effort to keep a decent thread going, and I don't just mean jumping into the dying embers of a thread to post a "*bump* or other meaningless twaddle. Or you know when you read a good opening post, then half a dozen good replies then the rest of the page is just random bollocks and you see the thread goes on three pages but you know in your heart it's going to be filled with terrible rantings and at least a dozen posts by people saying "YEAH!" or "Thats great" and other collected statements which don't really say anything apart from showing the posters need to post.

I think it's just one of these things that you have to learn to live with, I mean these are the Blackout Audio forums, it draws people who are into Blackout Audio style music so of course these people are going to be mostly focussed on certain conversational music threads. I post over at No-Future where stuff like schranz is glossed over in favour of all things Mosquitoy. These are specific markets pulling specific people. I mean me and Benoit have been on the same mailing list for five years or so now and in some ways the content of that pisses me off as it's more based around techno producers in America and I've tried several times to punt really good stuff from Scotland at them and have received barely no feed back from them.

To some degree the diversity of threads could be a little higher if people would stop using ****ing god awful thread titles. I swear everytime I see titled "So I..." or "Is this good?" or any other generic "this is a generic statement which doesn't say a single thing about whats in this thread, so my well thought out and argument provoking words will be glossed over by the majority of people", I just want to break out the lambasting scorpions, I practicaly always ignore these threads these days because if someone can't even be bothered to take the ****ing time to come up with a decent title for the thread which draws people in then their post is probably not be worth reading.

The Overfiend
15-04-2005, 01:35 PM
f*** spot on. why moan? get the tracks done and shut up ;)

That's what I'm sayin'
Why start threads complaining, start threads adding to the positive motion of things. Make mo musica!

Martin Dust
15-04-2005, 04:02 PM
I really don't understand the "prozac" lets be happy and not complain vibe here, puts me off to be honest...

The Overfiend
15-04-2005, 04:16 PM
So then post on your forum.
We're trying to keep things productive and positive around here.
Pro active even.
Why sit there and dwell on past mistakes and dumb short comings, there's a genre all for that called emo.
For real b. It can put you off all it wants to. The lot of people here are pro active and involved as you are no doubt. But we can either dwell on whats wrong and say it sucks, or address it note it to not repeat it and move ahead. Not stagnant.

Martin Dust
15-04-2005, 04:48 PM
Who are you to tell me what to say and feel?

That's what you just don't get Sam, just look at your attitude alone, seems OK for you to give the short shrift to anyone, in fact I'd say that you are also responsible for stopping people posting turning them off. That's what I truly feel, perhap no-one else has got the bottle to say it but hey...the vibe, where is it?

Don't take it to heart but I just find it a bit sickening...

The Overfiend
15-04-2005, 05:19 PM
How am I telling you to do anything?
And you don't speak for a lot of people. Maybe just Alan.
I'm just encouraging a positive environment.
Call it like you see it, but honestly you saying you think all of us talking of change and being positive is a turn off? I mean who is the negative here?

Martin Dust
15-04-2005, 05:28 PM
See, you missed the point. Your opening line was "Why don't you post somewhere else then" - nice one, great way to get me posting, well positive, no?

I aint speaking for anyone but myself, the reason I don't post a lot is you can't say what you want or feel. Thought police and that's the reason other people don't. I've got enough exp. to tell you that, the minute you try to control things you are ****ed.

You keep talking about change and being positive but I don't and can't see what you are actually talking about, just saying it over and over doesn't really count.

15-04-2005, 05:32 PM
Perhaps a "creative block" section may make things a bit more interesting ;)

Martin Dust
15-04-2005, 06:00 PM
I figure you should just leave people to it and it will work out and find it's own balance and that will be my final word on it.

15-04-2005, 06:20 PM
So then post on your forum.
We're trying to keep things productive and positive around here.
Pro active even.
Why sit there and dwell on past mistakes and dumb short comings, there's a genre all for that called emo.
For real b. It can put you off all it wants to. The lot of people here are pro active and involved as you are no doubt. But we can either dwell on whats wrong and say it sucks, or address it note it to not repeat it and move ahead. Not stagnant.

A) it's stagnate and B) how is critical thinking or criticism at all stagnant.

eh.. and tony. those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

the best thing in techno right now IMO is the fact that people are fed up. that energy can/maybe/might trandcend it's problematic state. if you are so brazen to think a bunch of well behaved people and theoretical spoon fed happiness are going to move things forward well then i'm going to watch the ellen degeneres show and think about how i can score with a porn star.

there ARE a lot of things wrong with techno. THERE ARE SOLUTIONS.

but being a lemming to it all isn't the solution. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DO TECHNO DAMAGE. and nobody ever says shit about them why cause we have to jump and duck to get anywhere. the whole power structure must be redefined. if you have or know anything about the BIZ there is no way you can't agree. you know what WOULD BE POSITIVE: A THREAD WHERE WE OPENELY AND HONESTLY MAKE ASSERTATIONS ABOUT WHAT REALLY SUCKS WHAT BAD THINGS PEOPLE HAVE EXPERIENCED AND WITH WHO.

you want to make techno better in my opinion you won't do it by "shutting up and making tracks" you'll do it collectively with pressure and sincerity. asking people to be insincere is STAGNANT.

people have been known to pawn me off as a negative nancy but had you talked to me 5 years ago about techno even 3.. you wouldn't have found anyone more passionate about it. this is my view. i apologize for it. but i am and always will be sincere about music.

15-04-2005, 06:25 PM
I think an option at least to have swearing uncensored would be nice, and less forums perhaps, so you can just post without having to work out which forum it should go in. Then there'd be more people interacting too I reckon. Streamline the techno and trance sections I think.

I like the way you can see how many warnings people have like in 15 to 1, I'm almost tempted to try and pick off the people on their last warning, wind them up like they do to Cartman in the Southpark movie! But that would be mean and I might get a warning too... :lol:

I think it's alright as it is in most respects though really, be interesting to see how it's improved... Although a section for gross, but funny stuff would be cool, like that 'octo-pussy' video that Pete made. ;)

15-04-2005, 06:32 PM
What rules should be have in place and what rules we shouldn't have in place.

I wouldn't change any of the rules. So far, this has been one of the smoother running web boards I've posted on. I'm generally not a fan of boards where there are excessive silly rules with moderators who enforce them on a whim. I prefer the boards where I happen to not really know the rules exist as I post and, so far, this place has been like that.

15-04-2005, 06:37 PM
Perhaps a "creative block" section may make things a bit more interesting ;)

chip in mctimbre :neutral:

15-04-2005, 06:37 PM
I think people are just getting way too paranoid.
There does need to be a certian amount of civility here.
Anarchy doesn`t work. Look at squat juice.
You can make comments that are`nt ass licking or that are negative.
But explain yourself properly, and do it in a civilised way.

The way I look at it, is mark has invited us all to a meeting at his house.
Now, knowing mark, you know he likes a good debate, but at the same time, he`s not gonna appreciate disrespect, or crassness.

If I was holding a meet and someone turmed up and started cussing and being a general eedjit, then I`d knock em out and drag em out. Same with most of you probably (although you may just ask them to leave or something hehe)

Now I had a bit of a confontation with Glen Wilson on this forum, and besides other people sticking their oars in and behaving like school children, both me and Glen kept things civil, and neither of us was banned by mark (and seeing as mark and glen are mates, I thought I was maybe gonna get choked for it, but I needed to say what I did), and I gotta respect him for that. And I hope, on resolution, there is no animosity between us.

Obviously we can`t all agree.
Debate, and critisism is something that will keep us all on our toes, and will help push the scene forward.
We can also say "well done mate" to each other now and again.

I think the key here is to keep things civil. And to not disrespect.
The techno scene is full of intelligent people, so lets use our intellect, rather than behave like school children.

15-04-2005, 06:39 PM
you are also responsible for stopping people posting turning them off

I'd have to say it's a multitude of things that keeps some from posting. However I would not say any of those things = SUMMEROFSAM

How does one equate that???? :?: :?: :?:

15-04-2005, 06:41 PM
So then post on your forum.
We're trying to keep things productive and positive around here.
Pro active even.
Why sit there and dwell on past mistakes and dumb short comings, there's a genre all for that called emo.
For real b. It can put you off all it wants to. The lot of people here are pro active and involved as you are no doubt. But we can either dwell on whats wrong and say it sucks, or address it note it to not repeat it and move ahead. Not stagnant.

A) it's stagnate and B) how is critical thinking or criticism at all stagnant.

eh.. and tony. those who forget history are doomed to repeat it

the best thing in techno right now IMO is the fact that people are fed up. that energy can/maybe/might trandcend it's problematic state. if you are so brazen to think a bunch of well behaved people and theoretical spoon fed happiness are going to move things forward well then i'm going to watch the ellen degeneres show and think about how i can score with a porn star.

there ARE a lot of things wrong with techno. THERE ARE SOLUTIONS.

but being a lemming to it all isn't the solution. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO DO TECHNO DAMAGE. and nobody ever says shit about them why cause we have to jump and duck to get anywhere. the whole power structure must be redefined. if you have or know anything about the BIZ there is no way you can't agree. you know what WOULD BE POSITIVE: A THREAD WHERE WE OPENELY AND HONESTLY MAKE ASSERTATIONS ABOUT WHAT REALLY SUCKS WHAT BAD THINGS PEOPLE HAVE EXPERIENCED AND WITH WHO.

you want to make techno better in my opinion you won't do it by "shutting up and making tracks" you'll do it collectively with pressure and sincerity. asking people to be insincere is STAGNANT.

people have been known to pawn me off as a negative nancy but had you talked to me 5 years ago about techno even 3.. you wouldn't have found anyone more passionate about it. this is my view. i apologize for it. but i am and always will be sincere about music.

I gotta say that old adverse here has made a lot of good points.

The Overfiend
15-04-2005, 06:41 PM
I think the key here is to keep things civil. And to not disrespect.
The techno scene is full of intelligent people, so lets use our intellect, rather than behave like school children.


oh fine :lol:

16-04-2005, 12:31 AM
oh...please please please let us edit posts!!!!

16-04-2005, 01:31 AM
well i like the point earlier about communities ebbing and flowing.
sometimes things here are great fun
sometimes they're a bit dull.

i do like watching a good fight on here, but those guys who were banned from the dark section desereved it.

i used to go there just to look for locked posts for a bit of a read, but those guys were just wasting everyones time.

i used to post a lot more before , and it's kind of died down a little now , but i'm sure i'll get back into it.

and one last thing
i really agree with the other point earlier about thread titles.
in fact i have thought that for a long time now
lame thread titles can make whole threads a waste of space , and some really good points have gone unnoticed because of this
so better titles would be a help for us all to navigate the forum.

The Overfiend
17-04-2005, 12:37 PM
I'd say that you are also responsible for stopping people posting turning them off. That's what I truly feel, perhap no-one else has got the bottle to say it but hey

I invite you to prove that.

Martin Dust
17-04-2005, 01:11 PM
Crikey, you are still missing the whole point of what I'm saying - that the "clap happy" no neg posts BS that goes on stops people posting. It stops me for one - if you want proof, it's almost like you can't or won't admit that some things in techno are, indeed really shit. Just because you don't talk about it doesn't me it doesn't exist.

The fact that you are a mod and push this point, I believe is the reason you don't get many interesting posts. It almost like you couldn't actually say something like "Reeko's last 3 releases are all the same and pretty shit". Now, Reeko doesn't have a problem with me saying that, he doesn't care and yes I've asked him. But on BOA you seem to be defending something that even the artist isn't interested in, it's just plain odd in my eyes. If I do a bad gig or someone doesn't like a release I'd rather hear about it, rather than some prozac rose tinted overview.

In short, stop trying to censor people and give up holding the belief that we should all get on and agree, it's not the way it really is.

The Overfiend
17-04-2005, 02:19 PM
Ok then you first, who sucks in your eyes?
Just remember that they prob dwell on here and will call you on it is the point.

17-04-2005, 03:21 PM
Oh damn ive started this thread and now im bored reading it !

Damn you are all mature people and most you in this discussion produce music and have enough electronic music background to make interesting discussion.

So why keep discussing how people shall talk to each other, how the forum should be administrated and moderated? I just think its pointless !!

Moderators are here to make discussion stay in what they think, so people can dare whatever they want, you wont be banned for a stupid post... I agree with Adverse, we should keep straight the way we are otherwise the discussions will be tasteless, anyways the mods are here to stiop the discussion when it goes wrong.

To go back to the topic of the thread (the future of this forum) i just think we should go back talking about our personnal feelings and share our exeperience. For sure we have to do that in each other respect, thinking everybody has different tastes. Thas by sharing personnal things we can progress !

17-04-2005, 05:21 PM
oh...please please please let us edit posts!!!!

Definitely! And maybe delete them, I usually delete the extra's when I accidentally post something more than once, but you can't on here...

17-04-2005, 05:23 PM
Crikey, you are still missing the whole point of what I'm saying - that the "clap happy" no neg posts BS that goes on stops people posting. It stops me for one - if you want proof, it's almost like you can't or won't admit that some things in techno are, indeed really shit. Just because you don't talk about it doesn't me it doesn't exist.

The fact that you are a mod and push this point, I believe is the reason you don't get many interesting posts. It almost like you couldn't actually say something like "Reeko's last 3 releases are all the same and pretty shit". Now, Reeko doesn't have a problem with me saying that, he doesn't care and yes I've asked him. But on BOA you seem to be defending something that even the artist isn't interested in, it's just plain odd in my eyes. If I do a bad gig or someone doesn't like a release I'd rather hear about it, rather than some prozac rose tinted overview.

In short, stop trying to censor people and give up holding the belief that we should all get on and agree, it's not the way it really is. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

17-04-2005, 05:25 PM
Oh damn ive started this thread and now im bored reading it !

Damn you are all mature people and most you in this discussion produce music and have enough electronic music background to make interesting discussion.

So why keep discussing how people shall talk to each other, how the forum should be administrated and moderated? I just think its pointless !!

Moderators are here to make discussion stay in what they think, so people can dare whatever they want, you wont be banned for a stupid post... I agree with Adverse, we should keep straight the way we are otherwise the discussions will be tasteless, anyways the mods are here to stiop the discussion when it goes wrong.

To go back to the topic of the thread (the future of this forum) i just think we should go back talking about our personnal feelings and share our exeperience. For sure we have to do that in each other respect, thinking everybody has different tastes. Thas by sharing personnal things we can progress !
i think i have had a crush developping on benoit over the last few months.. *pitter patter* :)

The Overfiend
17-04-2005, 05:30 PM
Adverse ju de las von to say nada b! :lol:

17-04-2005, 05:43 PM
Crikey, you are still missing the whole point of what I'm saying - that the "clap happy" no neg posts BS that goes on stops people posting. It stops me for one - if you want proof, it's almost like you can't or won't admit that some things in techno are, indeed really shit. Just because you don't talk about it doesn't me it doesn't exist.

I don't see how the "negativity" rule here has affected what you are saying. I've hardly been silent with my own opinion that doesn't exactly seem to be the popular one for the majority of techno enthusiasts here and nobody has censored me as a result. It's not like I know a soul here either. I live across thousands of miles of ocean from most of you. I'm not a fan of excessive board rules in general but I see nothing harmful, in the end, about one suggesting that people don't make posts that say "X just sucks." So far, it seems that you could say anything sucks so long as you provide some reasons supporting your opinion.

17-04-2005, 05:44 PM
Also, I'd love the ability to edit posts as well.

The Overfiend
17-04-2005, 06:38 PM
So far, it seems that you could say anything sucks so long as you provide some reasons supporting your opinion.

thank you for understanding :clap:

Martin Dust
17-04-2005, 07:46 PM
Ok then you first, who sucks in your eyes?
Just remember that they prob dwell on here and will call you on it is the point.

Just how is that relevant? You're not understanding the deeper level that I'm talking about, this isn't just about saying Umek sucks cos I say so and here's why. If you can't understand what I'm saying I'd better give up cos I've tried three times now and you guys did ask us what we thought. Just cos loads of people support a view doesn't make it right.

I also think we should have the edit button back, cut down the number of techno forums as well. I hang in the Dark, but it may as well be called Regis and Surgeon forum :twisted: but that suits me just fine.

17-04-2005, 07:50 PM
Yeah, should be a hard techno forum and a namby pamby techno forum! ;) Or perhaps a UK one and a euro one, that'd be ok... Or just the techno forum!

17-04-2005, 09:06 PM
i think the id section should be merged with one of the techno forum as hardly anyone uses the id section.We should be helping each other out

18-04-2005, 02:05 AM
Ok then you first, who sucks in your eyes?
Just remember that they prob dwell on here and will call you on it is the point.

Just how is that relevant? You're not understanding the deeper level that I'm talking about, this isn't just about saying Umek sucks cos I say so and here's why. If you can't understand what I'm saying I'd better give up cos I've tried three times now and you guys did ask us what we thought. Just cos loads of people support a view doesn't make it right.

trust me martin better to give up. some people rather think backwards.

Si the Sigh
18-04-2005, 12:07 PM
I think you grumpy techno heads should pop into the acid techno forum for a cup of tea and a chill out... ;) :lol:

The Overfiend
18-04-2005, 01:26 PM
Ok then you first, who sucks in your eyes?
Just remember that they prob dwell on here and will call you on it is the point.

Just how is that relevant? You're not understanding the deeper level that I'm talking about, this isn't just about saying Umek sucks cos I say so and here's why. If you can't understand what I'm saying I'd better give up cos I've tried three times now and you guys did ask us what we thought. Just cos loads of people support a view doesn't make it right.

trust me martin better to give up. some people rather think backwards.

Mark you should be the last to say anything for real!

18-04-2005, 03:20 PM
see; thing is you can repeat yourself.

and you can be proud of that or whatever. but i laid out my case earlier in this thread what have you done but tell people to be insincere? should i be happy that techno is run by a bunch of profit droolers, no. should i be happy that i can't rely on my friends cause they'd sell me out you know what? it happened.. there is no loyalty in music. there's only attention and denigration. THAT is why i CAN speak lastly.

who should be speaking last? you want to pull that negative nancy card on me. at least take my case apart then. cause i'm speaking from experience. so what you have on me that gives you the right to try and make me shut up.
you're a great guy tony; i have mad respect for you. just think about what i'm saying here.[/quote]

Martin Dust
18-04-2005, 04:08 PM
Way I see it, even a rose has it's thorns and I really don't see all this neg stuff people keep eluding to, I'd rather someone beat me up that endless tell me to have a nice day, but I'm a pretty sick individual.

26-05-2005, 02:23 AM
i'm bringing this one back from teh dead...but not the feuding part...the part about writing what i would like to see change on the new site (if it's still possible to add input).

let's move the old school forum into the techno forum. only like 4 people post there other than me, and these topics seem to fit perfectly within the general techno forum.

27-05-2005, 10:36 AM
Oh damn ive started this thread and now im bored reading it !

Damn you are all mature people and most you in this discussion produce music and have enough electronic music background to make interesting discussion.

So why keep discussing how people shall talk to each other, how the forum should be administrated and moderated? I just think its pointless !!

Moderators are here to make discussion stay in what they think, so people can dare whatever they want, you wont be banned for a stupid post... I agree with Adverse, we should keep straight the way we are otherwise the discussions will be tasteless, anyways the mods are here to stiop the discussion when it goes wrong.

To go back to the topic of the thread (the future of this forum) i just think we should go back talking about our personnal feelings and share our exeperience. For sure we have to do that in each other respect, thinking everybody has different tastes. Thas by sharing personnal things we can progress !

i don't understand what you mean here.
what do you want to see?
what personal things are you talking about?
there have been many good discussions recently , some have been funny and pointless some have been crude and upsetting and some have been intellectual and creative.
they've provided me with a good read , and the feeling that i am part of a group of like minded people, and an insight into techno music and the people who play/listen to it and love it.
is that not what a techno forum is for?
i don't know tioneb , i'm not being sarcastic here , you are an intelligent guy and i enjoy reading your posts , but you haven't been here much recently ( well not posting anyway ) and i think you've missed something.
please be a bit more specific so i can understand you.

28-05-2005, 11:24 AM
yea iam looking forward to the new site, because i have to admit this is getting like whos the biggest philosopher with there bounced back views hogging up 4 out the 5 pages on a thread, thats why i only check it out like every 4 weeks.

29-05-2005, 09:49 PM
Oh damn ive started this thread and now im bored reading it !

Damn you are all mature people and most you in this discussion produce music and have enough electronic music background to make interesting discussion.

So why keep discussing how people shall talk to each other, how the forum should be administrated and moderated? I just think its pointless !!

Moderators are here to make discussion stay in what they think, so people can dare whatever they want, you wont be banned for a stupid post... I agree with Adverse, we should keep straight the way we are otherwise the discussions will be tasteless, anyways the mods are here to stiop the discussion when it goes wrong.

To go back to the topic of the thread (the future of this forum) i just think we should go back talking about our personnal feelings and share our exeperience. For sure we have to do that in each other respect, thinking everybody has different tastes. Thas by sharing personnal things we can progress !

i don't understand what you mean here.
what do you want to see?
what personal things are you talking about?
there have been many good discussions recently , some have been funny and pointless some have been crude and upsetting and some have been intellectual and creative.
they've provided me with a good read , and the feeling that i am part of a group of like minded people, and an insight into techno music and the people who play/listen to it and love it.
is that not what a techno forum is for?
i don't know tioneb , i'm not being sarcastic here , you are an intelligent guy and i enjoy reading your posts , but you haven't been here much recently ( well not posting anyway ) and i think you've missed something.
please be a bit more specific so i can understand you.

henry ive been here reading as much as i used to do ... i just dont find as many interesting posts as before and feel i have nothing interesting to post..; thats it !!

30-05-2005, 11:11 AM
yea iam looking forward to the new site, because i have to admit this is getting like whos the biggest philosopher with there bounced back views hogging up 4 out the 5 pages on a thread, thats why i only check it out like every 4 weeks.

yeah i promise the new site is up soon!!

philosiphers welcome though :( hehehhe

thing is i've got one of the parts of it being designed by some other bloke and as you all probably know, 'other blokes' in this web design game are a pain up the bloody ****. probably why i decided to design the whole thing myself in the first place hehhe. hmmm i could have gone with what i did on this but i thought this bloke would have really taken things forward. i'lll give him a few weeks and if he doesn't come up with the s, i'll forget it.

anyway whatever happens, i'm really focused on this damn Anxious PA at the mo, but i've got alot of travelling to do in the next few months so HOPEFULLY i can really get this sorted.

DAMN this web thing just takes 2,000 times longer than you anticipate.

:doh: :lol:

The Overfiend
30-05-2005, 11:54 AM
yea iam looking forward to the new site, because i have to admit this is getting like whos the biggest philosopher with there bounced back views hogging up 4 out the 5 pages on a thread, thats why i only check it out like every 4 weeks.
Can't Front I Agree.

30-05-2005, 12:02 PM
i wish we had some technical threads of that length in the producer section.
about topics like arrangement, eqing, pre-mastering, fx,
tips and tricks, mmmh. that would be far more helpful than slating artists or discussing things to death, imo. i mean i really am up for discussion but some topics really are going nowhere here. ;)

30-05-2005, 07:16 PM
yea iam looking forward to the new site, because i have to admit this is getting like whos the biggest philosopher with there bounced back views hogging up 4 out the 5 pages on a thread, thats why i only check it out like every 4 weeks.
Can't Front I Agree.

If you don`t like it, don`t read it, don`t moan about it, and say something interesting.

Oh hang on, I got an idea.

Who`s your favourite DJ?

30-05-2005, 09:35 PM
henry ive been here reading as much as i used to do ... i just dont find as many interesting posts as before and feel i have nothing interesting to post..; thats it !!

so what do you think has made the board less interesting? (just curious, not flaming or arguing...)

30-05-2005, 10:34 PM
I`m bored of all this moaning about "it`s not interesting", or "I don`t like any of the posts"
Well, do something about it then.
Make an interesting post, or talk about something you like.
You get out what you put in.

30-05-2005, 10:44 PM
i wish we had some technical threads of that length in the producer section.
about topics like arrangement, eqing, pre-mastering, fx,
tips and tricks, mmmh. that would be far more helpful than slating artists or discussing things to death, imo. i mean i really am up for discussion but some topics really are going nowhere here. ;)

