View Full Version : Leeds Love Parade - Superconductor - Sat 4th June

26-04-2005, 12:42 PM
Arena 3 - Superconductor
Artist Line-up

DJ Bone
Alexander Kowalski
Steve Rachmad
Dan Curtin
Aux 88 Live
Dan Moore
Alex Bowen
Daz Quayle

Superconductor has grown from humble beginnings to become one of the most internationally respected club nights around - simply through it's mission to provide quality parties with the finest dance floor music out there...

Despite being often regarded as simply a Techno night, Superconductor provides a far broader soundtrack which encompasses a wide range of styles which is represented by the artists that have played there. These include some of the worlds finest such as Laurent Garnier, Jeff Mills, Carl Craig, Andrew Weatherall, Octave One, John Acquaviva, Stacey Pullen and Ben Sims, as well as showcasing more up and coming underground talents such as Andrea Parker, DJ Bone, Joris Voorn and Ellen Allien..

Superconductor parties are always cutting edge and never stick to one formula which makes for an enthralling experience every time. With one of the best resident teams in the country - Dan Moore, Alex Bowen & Daz Quayle, it's always a case of expect the unexpected - but always expect to dance till you drop, with music for heads and feet...


Love Parade Leeds The Festival
Leeds club nights bring the Love back to Leeds on Saturday 4th June 2005 for a huge 14 hour, 10,000 capacity outdoor dance festival at Lotherton Hall.

On Saturday 4th June 2005, some of the biggest club nights in Yorkshire are joining forces for Love Parade Leeds Festival, a mammoth 14 hour, 10,000 capacity dance festival. Three big top arenas at Lotherton Hall will house what is going to be the only outdoor dance festival in Leeds this year. This huge event runs from 4pm – 6am and will see a fusion of music styles, from funky house to old school, to breaks and techno, the like of which has never been seen before in Leeds.

Funky house nights Federation and Kiss da Funk will be hosting the 3,200 capacity Arena 1; Retro will be holding court in the 2,500 capacity Arena 2 in association with Joy, Groovejet and Gladrags and the 2,500 capacity Arena 3 will be home to Superconductor, whilst in Arena 4 GoodGreef from Manchester will be joining Parlez Vous in association with Housework.

The site will also feature an outdoor sound stage, funfair, champagne and bar tents and an outdoor market selling everything from records to sportswear to clubbers' accessories.

In previous years, non-ticketed events in Leeds have caused concern amongst local residents due to crowd problems. This event however is ticketed and will be strictly controlled with only 10,000 tickets being sold on a first come, first served basis.
Tickets cost £25 before 1st May and £29 after and are available from The Ticket Line on 0113 244 6677 or www.ticketline.co.uk, or Ticket Master on 0870 534 4444 or visit www.ticketmaster.co.uk.

Shuttle buses will be on hand to ferry clubbers to the event every 20 minutes from Leeds city centre.

Love Parade Leeds The Festival: THE dance festival in Leeds this summer
4pm – 6am (subject to licence)
Lotherton Hall, Leeds
T. 08701 245567


ive already bought my ticket. should be a right old party.

Frank Dogshit
26-04-2005, 03:42 PM
solid lineup that.

dont think ill be attending tho.

26-04-2005, 03:57 PM
Any dnb?

Frank Dogshit
26-04-2005, 03:58 PM
Any dnb?

thought arena 4 was more your thing. :love:

26-04-2005, 04:00 PM
Shhhhh, dont tell anyone :shhh:

26-04-2005, 04:21 PM
good lineup but i dont think its right there using the love parade name when uve gota pay in.

26-04-2005, 04:36 PM
:clap: :clap: :clap: Well said ! Typical english for ya !

Frank Dogshit
26-04-2005, 04:42 PM
good lineup but i dont think its right there using the love parade name when uve gota pay in.

good point but look at it another way.

pay to get in=far less kids runnin about and nobheads.

i went to the free one on roundhay park a few years back and it was really overrun with 9 year old kids gettin pissed on cider and people just out for a scrap. wheres the 'love' in that?? :lol:

can see why theyve charged to be honest......

26-04-2005, 06:52 PM
good points danny....
still think they could use a diffrent name though
its just a shame our countrys full of the type of nobs you mentioned really innit

26-04-2005, 06:53 PM
to be honest as well though I really dont think it will stop that many nobs from going anyways
especially with the line ups in the other rooms

27-04-2005, 01:13 PM
well, swear words get blanked out on this forum, but i think you know which part of my anatomy superconductor can suck. i didnt read any of the sycophantic description of how wonderful superconductor think they are. as bill hicks said "..you think they're special.....i know they're not".

27-04-2005, 08:45 PM
i honestly dont give a shit about the fact that its the love parade and it costs 25 quid for a ticket. at the end of the day its going to be 2500 people rocking in a tent for 14 hours to some quality grooves from some of the finest techno artists/djs in my own back yard. its worth it.

Frank Dogshit
27-04-2005, 08:49 PM
i honestly dont give a shit about the fact that its the love parade and it costs 25 quid for a ticket. at the end of the day its going to be 2500 people rocking in a tent for 14 hours to some quality grooves from some of the finest techno artists/djs in my own back yard. its worth it.


far better techno lineup than anythin else youll see at the uk festivals this year.

27-04-2005, 08:54 PM
well, swear words get blanked out on this forum, but i think you know which part of my anatomy superconductor can suck. i didnt read any of the sycophantic description of how wonderful superconductor think they are. as bill hicks said "..you think they're special.....i know they're not".

im not too sure about that. superconductor seems to have become one of the strongest techno nights in the uk, the sheer quality & consistency of their line-ups would certainley suggest that.

having said that i did make my feelings known at the mills no show last year. but, im willing to give conductor another crack. support your local scene i say.

eyes without a face
27-04-2005, 09:03 PM
Eviled303 - im guessing ur something to do with Fusion then? that was the club involved in a bit of vs club politics with them a short while ago? if so, really, get over it, u look like an idiot mate.... that was totally uncalled for, that is the best techno lineup you'l see at a UK festival this year or next no doubt

anyone at this will have a rocking night no doubt, some serious class on that lineup

AUX 88 live for gods sake!

28-04-2005, 01:12 PM
how about you get over it. you know nothing about what went on, and you know nothing about how much hassle it caused, and how deep the hole in my pocket was. if i want to make my feelings known then thats my perogative. not everyone here is smiley happy people, things go bad sometimes, and bitter tastes are left, so i have no care for what you say, and i'm fully justified whith what i said and i'm entitled to my opinion. ok?

eyes without a face
28-04-2005, 07:38 PM
haha u really do look like a sore loser... im sorry to hear that u lost money and u had grief, i wouldnt wish that on anyone, but to come on here and still be banging on about it, nah, u just look sad mate sorry

eyes without a face
28-04-2005, 07:41 PM
by the way i know more than most how things arnt always happy smiley, but to bring all that back up in a totally innocent post simply advertising a superb lineup in the uk.... well.... bit childish to me that really

re love parade.... i went to the one at Roundhay park and altho a good day out, pretty unorganised re transport and i wouldnt like to do it again really

28-04-2005, 09:10 PM
fair enough, couldnt care less what you or anyone else thinks. like i said, you know nothing. sad schmad. hahaha.

eyes without a face
28-04-2005, 09:19 PM
ive had the situation explained to me numerous times my numerous people, its nothing new... unfortuante yes, but nothing new...

you'd be the better man for wishing them good luck and putting down that axe ur grinding ;)

03-05-2005, 12:19 PM
advent has dissapeared from the line-up, which is a big dissapointment. he was listed on both the official site & the superconductor site up until last week.

ah well. :eh:

23-05-2005, 12:13 PM
Eviled303 - im guessing ur something to do with Fusion then? that was the club involved in a bit of vs club politics with them a short while ago? if so, really, get over it, u look like an idiot mate.... that was totally uncalled for, that is the best techno lineup you'l see at a UK festival this year or next no doubt

anyone at this will have a rocking night no doubt, some serious class on that lineup

AUX 88 live for gods sake!

the line up is very good but i think his point was that SC does have awsome line ups but a very bad attitude to go with it, it just basicly boils down to the people who run it being arrogant tossers, this is a very common conception by other people involved in the leeds techno sceane also, it really isnt (all ;) ) just sour grapes on our behalf eyes,,, my opinion was forged over several years of run ins with SC boys before they started the night even !!!!,,,,,,,,,,,, they dont deserve any success in the techno sceane, they are in the same kind of catorgry as the "too cool to lose it" twats you see at house nights and maybe should consider handing the regins of SC over to decent people before doing something in a different more suited sceane ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but what goes around always comes around , its the way the world works and bigger budets equals bigger potential for a fall, I havent commented on this on BA before as no one brought it up and i dont want this to turn into a slagging match, nature will run its course. :twisted: (sorry for the blatent stereo typing just trying to get an accurate description accross)

23-05-2005, 12:17 PM
advent has dissapeared from the line-up, which is a big dissapointment. he was listed on both the official site & the superconductor site up until last week.

ah well. :eh:

wonder if people who bought tickits just to see advent will get their money back? and if they do will it be easy for them to find out? keep your eyes open SC will be building their own club next ;)

23-05-2005, 01:10 PM
Right, I'm gonna wade into this with my size 10's here, but tbh I don't really give a **** what's being said here about the line-up, the disagreements between Fusion and SC, or any of the other stuff that's come up in the conversation. I have a deeply held viewpoint on this and I'm gonna express it.

This event, as far as I'm concerned, is pretty much a fecking disgrace, and as far as I'm concerned disgrace's any night that as chosen to be involved with it. The original Leeds Love Parade imo, was one of the best events ever held in the UK, and symbolised a unity in clubland that is rarely seen, and the nigts involved in that were actually putting something back into the scene by putting the event on for free. Okay, they will have profitted in the long run through association with the event and the publicity generated, but they still managed to take over Leeds for a day and put on the biggest free event the UK's ever seen.

Taking the point further, the Berlin Parade was originally started as a political statement, standing up for the cause of dance music, which has been attacked universally across Europe by governments of all kinds for the last 15-20 years. It's not often we get to show that we're not just the drug munching ravers portrayed by the tabloids, and the Love Parade in essence is about showing just that with a peaceful parade of music through Berlin.

As for this event, it strikes me that the nights involved have simply looked at the situation created by the refusal of successive councils across the UK to allow a second Love Parade, and realised that there is an opportunity to make some money by cashing in on the name and claiming to put on a seconf Leeds Love Parade. How the feck they can claim this is beyond me, when you consider that there is no parade, and the event is £25 a ticket (or more). The word Love can be taken many ways, but for me in this context it should be taken as a love of the music, as exemplified by the willingness to put on such an event for free - the same kind of love as is shown by the hard working people on the free party circuit who risk the law and the expense involved to put on their parties for free. Therefore, how can this event possibly be called a Love Parade when it has no parade, and no love is being shown what so ever or else they wouldn't be charging in. For me, this is a raping of an institution in dance music for commercial gain, and hence every night involved in doing so should hang their heads in shame, as it is raping of the scene like this that has caused so much dance music, and the associated core values that came along with the out break of the rave generation.

As for the points regarding pissed up nobheads, kids and bad transport planning at the last Love Parade, all I have to say is:

1) Pissed up nobheads
This event will still be full of pissed up nobheads - I was flyering outside Super Conductor at Mission last Friday and the place had a large percentage of them anyway, let alone with the addition of the crews from places like Federation, Kiss Da Funk, and the stripey jumpered coke-heads that frequent old school nights like Joy.

2) Kids
What's wrong with kids at festivals? The big hippy festivals of the 60's and 70's (Isle of Man etc) allowed kids, and the free party scene has no problem with it. At the end of the day, getting young people into dance music early is vital to the future of the scene, as if we don't then the generations that follow will be like the one coming through now, and only be interested in hip-hop, garage, and rock, and as a result our scene will die a slow death. At the end of the day I'd rather put up with some kids drinking cider than them growing up having no idea what they are missiing out on by ignoring dance music and dance events.

3) Bad transport
This is down to Leeds Council to sort out, and if they could get it right the money that comes into Leeds economy by the influx of people would more than cover the extra cots of policing, cleaning up and additional transport services, so this is no argument raelly. The fact is that because of nonsense reasons like this another Love Parade won't be allowed, but that is no excuse for the commercial nights of Leeds (+ Parlez-Vous & Goodgreef) to rape the event to make some money!

Sorry if this is a bit long-winded, but this event goes against everything I stand for and believe in so I feel it's necessary to be so long-winded for me to explain why.

23-05-2005, 04:48 PM
When i first saw this advertised i was quite excited, then i realised the amount shite DJ's that would be there and i ****ed off the idea. Especially after realising i would be paying an extra 4-5 per ticket just to book it.

Now the Advent have pulled out im defo no interested, i just dont want to pay 34quid just to see Dan curtain and Aux 88, as these are the only two im really bothered about.

They've stolen the name and stomped on it big time. What a skank. (and thats giving ska fans a bad name....)

23-05-2005, 05:23 PM
Is that Chris Thornton by any chance?

23-05-2005, 06:20 PM
What a skank. (and thats giving ska fans a bad name....)

pickituppickituppickituppickitup oioioioioioioioioioi chicka chicka chick etc.

23-05-2005, 06:29 PM
For me, this is a raping of an institution in dance music for commercial gain,.

me too kai it seems appropriate that superconductor are involved.
