View Full Version : Someone stole Vitalic's laptop

03-05-2005, 03:54 PM
Terrible thing. Not suprised one bit it took place in London. I wonder what he had in it.

03-05-2005, 03:57 PM
Not any smart us jokes please, just the links

03-05-2005, 04:00 PM
yeah i can believe it happened in london, i got my car broken into in hackney the other day in broad daylight.

03-05-2005, 04:05 PM
its such a shame when this happen. people, especially music/visual people have lots of stuff on thier laptops.

claude young had his stolen. i think in germany. i wouldnt wish this on my enemy.

gumpy green
03-05-2005, 04:20 PM
down right shocking.....no doubt the feind doesnt really care about techno enuf to have respect for the content of the laptop/ someones art/life....theyd just be after the laptop to sell....

imagine tho if the theif were able to take some tracks and release em??

this is shocking.

03-05-2005, 04:30 PM
down right shocking.....no doubt the feind doesnt really care about techno enuf to have respect for the content of the laptop/ someones art/life....theyd just be after the laptop to sell....

imagine tho if the theif were able to take some tracks and release em??

this is shocking.

No, they could just be a fan who wants to know about everything. Surely artists have a back up. The club should have an insurance policy for the artist to cover themselves. The basterdertitos!!! :twisted:

gumpy green
03-05-2005, 05:21 PM

No, they could just be a fan who wants to know about everything. Surely artists have a back up. The club should have an insurance policy for the artist to cover themselves. The basterdertitos!!! :twisted:

then that is even more wak if theyve stole someones art to then use for ther own "would call it art but its not".......

the club should not let anyone leave without a search...

i was at a house party the other week and someone had some stuff go missin...ther was a boy ther saying that when shit like this happenned at his he wouldnt lwet no one leave till theyd been searched.......mates or not

turned out the stuff hadnt been stolen but the monkey who they belong to had misplced em..

03-05-2005, 05:49 PM

No, they could just be a fan who wants to know about everything. Surely artists have a back up. The club should have an insurance policy for the artist to cover themselves. The basterdertitos!!! :twisted:

then that is even more wak if theyve stole someones art to then use for ther own "would call it art but its not".......

the club should not let anyone leave without a search...

i was at a house party the other week and someone had some stuff go missin...ther was a boy ther saying that when shit like this happenned at his he wouldnt lwet no one leave till theyd been searched.......mates or not

turned out the stuff hadnt been stolen but the monkey who they belong to had misplced em..
Phil Hartnoll (from Orbital) got all his records nicked at an after-party in Exeter not long ago, I believe.

The real irony is, if some tosser nicked my record bag then they'd probably be able to make at most £20 or something, seeing as they probably wouldn't know the ins and outs... what's valuable, what isn't - details specific to my kind of music... whereas it could cost me hundreds to get them back. Then, of course, there's the few records I own that are genuine rareties / random oddities which probably couldn't ever be tracked down again.

Anyway, bad luck Vitalic, hope they catch the c*nts.

Stealing is wrong... oh, and you smug wankers who brag down the pub about your "amazingly cheap" laptop, that you bought off a mate who can get them for almost unbelieveably little money... you're just as f***ing guilty. If people didn't buy them knocked off, then people wouldn't steal them.

03-05-2005, 07:51 PM
yeah i can believe it happened in london, i got my car broken into in hackney the other day in broad daylight.

Well hackney is a shitehole.
You kind of take your own chances there.
Not all of london is that crappy.
But I wouldn`t park my car in hackney for 5 minutes and expect nothing to happen to it.

That`s bum what happened to vitalic. I wonder where it was?

03-05-2005, 08:13 PM
Stealing is wrong... oh, and you smug wankers who brag down the pub about your "amazingly cheap" laptop, that you bought off a mate who can get them for almost unbelieveably little money... you're just as f***ing guilty. If people didn't buy them knocked off, then people wouldn't steal them.

:clap: :clap: :rambo:

04-05-2005, 11:01 AM
yeah i can believe it happened in london, i got my car broken into in hackney the other day in broad daylight.

Well hackney is a shitehole.
You kind of take your own chances there.
Not all of london is that crappy.
But I wouldn`t park my car in hackney for 5 minutes and expect nothing to happen to it.

That`s bum what happened to vitalic. I wonder where it was?

Hackney has been the new trendy place where artist hang out, and brag about living by murder mile. So cool, so cool yahhh!
