View Full Version : The Fruity Loops Tips and Tricks Thread
04-05-2005, 10:25 AM
Wicked tip for Fruity and perception of sound quality!
I found several notes on this subject, there must be some truth in them:
"Options > Project General Settings > Uncheck the box that says Circular Panning Law
makes a hell of a difference!!"
it's supposed to change the sound quality a great deal. will sure test it.
dan the acid man
04-05-2005, 12:53 PM
just tried this myself, you can hear the bottom end lift slightly, stops it sounding muddy to my untrained ears :cool:
robin m
04-05-2005, 01:25 PM
Will try this as soon as I get home... I'm trying to 'unmuddy' the bottom end of a fruity track at the minute so I wait with baited breath to see what effect this has on it...
Cheers Loopdon! ;)
dan the acid man
04-05-2005, 02:46 PM
its not going to vastly improve anything, but it certainly sounds better than before
04-05-2005, 04:34 PM
Fruity Loops Keyboard Shortcuts
Can make life a lot easier.
04-05-2005, 04:55 PM
Building a Vector/Sound Morphing Synth with FL Studio
If you would like to own a vector Synthesizer like the "Korg Wavestation' or "Cameleon 5000" with which you have the ability to morph the sound between four different sources? You can build one with FL's great feature "X-Y Controller".The technique is here:
1- in a new empty project on FL Studio, Pick Sytrus (or any other synths or samples with a long-Sustained/looped sound) and select one of it's long-Sustained or looped patches.
2 - Again add a Sytrus Channel and select another suitable patch which can be easily distinguished from the first one.
3 & 4 - Repeat steps 1 & 2 and select two different synth or sample sound as sources.
5 - Insert a Layer channel, then select all four previous channels you created before (using right click) and in the Channel setting window of the layer press the "Set Children" button. Now those Channels are layered together.
Now the adventure begins :
6 - Insert a fruity X-Y Controller to any FX Channel in the Mixer you desire(for this example FX1). In X-Y controller window adjust the speed of movement anyway you like.
7 - Click on the first Channel you created (Sytrus e.g), then right click on the main Channel Volume and select "link to controller", the link to controller dialog box appears,in that select "XY contoller(FX 1)-X" for the "Internal Controller" and "Default (Input)" for "Mapping Formula" and click "Accept".Turn off "Remove Conflict" option. at this time when you turn the XY controller to the right with your mouse, The first Channel volume must turn to the right (Increase) and vice versa (Turning the controller to left decreases the volume). Now Click on the "MISC" tab in Channel Setting and right click on "Vol" knob located in the "Level adjustments" part, select "link to controller".The dialog box for this parametr appears like before.In that,This time Set the Internal controller to "XY contoller(FX 1)-Y" and Mapping formula on "default(Input)",Turn off "Remove Conflicts" and click "accept".With this act you've gained control for the Channel Volume in both X and Y directions of the X-Y controller : That means when you move the target of the X-Y controller to the Bottum left corner of the grid, the Channel volume is 0 (Minimum) and When the position of the target is at the top-right corner,the Volume is 200 (Maximum)
8 - Repeat the action mentioned above for other 3 Children Channels but with these setting :
Second Channel : Channel Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller X , Mapping formula : Inverted (1-Input)] MISC Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller Y , Mapping formula : Default (Input)]
Third Channel : Channel Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller X , Mapping formula : Inverted (1-Input)] MISC Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller Y , Mapping formula : Inverted (1-Input)]
Forth Channel : Channel Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller X , Mapping formula : Default (Input)] MISC Volume ---> Link to controller [Internal Controller: XY Controller Y , Mapping formula : Inverted (1-Input)]
at this time you have set four sounds to four corners of the grid which at each of those locations volume of the related channel is at maximum and other at minimum. But still the change of the volume isn't steady or in the other words , the overall volume is not equal at all points of the grid, Especially at the center which decreases by the nearly factor of 4. for solve this problem ,another action is required :
9 - Select the Layer Channel and right click on it's main volume and like before Select "Link to Controller" , then in the appeared dialog box set these parameters :
Internal Controller : XY Controller X Mapping Formula (Be careful to enter exactly the right Formula in the box, you can copy paste from here ): Case(IfLE(Input,0.5),0.5+Input,1.5-Input)
10 - In the Layer's Channel Setting , Click on the MISC tab and right click on the VOL knob and select "Link to controller", then set these Parameters :
Internal Controller : XY Controller Y Mapping Formula : Case(IfLE(Input,0.5),0.5+Input,1.5-Input)
Now play a note on the Layer Channel and simultaneousely move the X-Y Controller, It's done , Enjoy it!
You can also set the tension Parameter to different conditions to earn different results.
Remember that in all Link to Controller acts you have to turn off the "remove conflict" option found in the "link to controller" dialog box.
Submitted by Canned Heat (see original in forum)
found @
FLP file demonstrating this example:
04-05-2005, 04:58 PM
Applying Frequency Modulation to ANY Source Sound Using FM7 - Tutorial
found @: threadid=276029&cache=37
gotta register to view that thread, or simply download the zip.
04-05-2005, 09:22 PM
please feel free to contribute!
"Options > Project General Settings > Uncheck the box that says Circular Panning Law
makes a hell of a difference!!"
it's supposed to change the sound quality a great deal. will sure test it.
did this through the headphones and yeah i noticed a slight improvement. Each sound in my mix is a little more defined now. :)
05-05-2005, 03:08 PM
yeah, i think it's cool, too. wonder why it is set ON by default???
Dan Devious
08-05-2005, 02:49 PM
loopdon, cheers for that tip bout the panning box, does make a difference!!
know any for logic :oops:
08-05-2005, 05:05 PM
know any for logic :oops:
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs..
:lol: . thats quite funny!!! but no! ;)
11-05-2005, 01:37 AM
This one might be abit obvious but it helps on a resource hungry track.
In the top left hand corner of the FL Studio track mixer (tool/macros/ for previous versions of fruity) there is an option labbeled smart disable effects which makes the plugins basically hibernate untill they recieve signal. ;)
14-05-2005, 09:03 AM
From what versions up did FL start to use the smart disable do you know?
know any for logic :oops:
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs..
Diffenetly wonder why Image Line left that circular Panning on by default.
Sounds like a microsoft trick :lol:
14-05-2005, 09:19 AM
remember this circular panning is projet based, so either do a template with the setting off. or adjust it every single time. quality - not.
17-05-2005, 01:35 AM
I am not quite sure when they added it, but i noticed it in fruity 3.4.
21-05-2005, 09:46 AM
FL Live
Translates MIDI Continouous Controller messages to Note On/Off pairs, allowing you to use a hardware Midi button box to control FL Studio's Live Mode.
15-06-2005, 10:52 PM
Superb tutorials and stuff, like
Using samples flexibly
shows how much can be done on the sampler channel settings alone etc...
i will put some skins for fruity i found up tomorrow, if anyone is interested :cool:
15-06-2005, 10:55 PM
some skins here:
and here, dunno why put even though it's russian (the homepage), i found the skins directly :shock:
esp. check this skin, hehe - fl sx skin :rambo:
mmmh seems to be some problems with fruity 5 and skins???
15-06-2005, 11:06 PM
Moved here...
I dunno if this has already been posted here but i think it's a good read for fl users.
Pt. 1:
LD must have quite a monitor tan.
Lookin like mr jackson there LD... :lol:
15-06-2005, 11:14 PM
so true, but did you have to remind me of that :lol:
so true, but did you have to remind me of that :lol:
looks like i found a weak spot! No, but really
yeah i did..
15-06-2005, 11:45 PM
:lol: loopdon wassup dude!
20-06-2005, 09:25 PM
know any for logic :oops:
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs..
know any for logic :oops:
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs..
attack on logic
12-07-2005, 07:06 PM
know any for logic :oops:
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs..
15-07-2005, 06:48 PM
Wicked, Ive been hammering FL5 for ages now and loving it and these definatley some stuff Ive missed in here...
top form again LD...
15-07-2005, 06:48 PM
Wicked, Ive been hammering FL5 for ages now and loving it and these definatley some stuff Ive missed in here...
top form again LD...
15-07-2005, 06:51 PM
Wicked, Ive been hammering FL5 for ages now and loving it and these definatley some stuff Ive missed in here...
top form again LD...
18-07-2005, 07:56 PM
Wicked, Ive been hammering FL5 for ages now and loving it and these definatley some stuff Ive missed in here...
top form again LD...
sorry, could you repeat that?
dan the acid man
18-07-2005, 08:45 PM
:lol: :lol:
19-07-2005, 12:03 AM
sorry, could you repeat that?
Clearly I have arthritis in my trigger finger...
So Watch It Fool!!!!
19-07-2005, 10:32 AM
hmmm i was just wondering how do you manage with this:
just for instance - i got vst plugin with loads of presets and i want to use more then one or two of 'em in a composition, needless to say i use fruity and dunno how this thing is managed elsewhere but is there any other way of cloning particular plugin ? is there anyway you can recieve multiple sounds from just one running pluging :?:
ps. i know i can save what i want into the wav file but it doesnt allow me to tweak with sound options while recording the snippet
sorry, could you repeat that?
Clearly I have arthritis in my trigger finger...
So Watch It Fool!!!!
No sweat, with arthritis in your finger i got no worries.
Parkinsons disease - now that'd scare me.
Tik Tok
14-08-2005, 01:16 PM
Wicked tip for Fruity and perception of sound quality!
I found several notes on this subject, there must be some truth in them:
"Options > Project General Settings > Uncheck the box that says Circular Panning Law
makes a hell of a difference!!"
it's supposed to change the sound quality a great deal. will sure test it.
makes alot of difference, but always remember to start the track with it off - ive built up a track and forgot to turn it off and when i go to turn it off it sounds messy, like the reverb seems to be to wide ect.. what does it exactly do/mean anyway? some sort of stereo seperation?
14-08-2005, 03:38 PM
panning explained:
simple tip: sometimes when u got a song goin in the playlist, grab the pitch slider and play around with it. U might hear a new sound u like.
21-08-2005, 04:44 PM
groove quantise in fruity loops
This month we return to FruityLoops to explore its groove quantise feature, which allows you to take the groove of a live part and use it to quantise a programmed part. We’ll also show you a resource-efficient method of using CM’s DS-404 sampler (on the CD) within the application. From its inception, FruityLoops has been well suited to the creation of music with a heavily programmed feel. Its evolution into a full blown software studio has broadened its horizons a great deal!...
// tis a pretty neat tut, i must say :clap:
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