View Full Version : DJ Darjis - Closer (with PopSyckIll Pete) FEEDBACK PLEASE!:)

16-05-2005, 04:08 AM
feedback please, i am not 100% sure if it's completely finished, but so far i am happy. thoughts?

right click, save target as...


16-05-2005, 07:31 PM
really rather liked the NIN samples and the idea of the tune. Not exactly the ordinary Acid. Might need some help in the mixdown, but I only listened in the headphones.

16-05-2005, 09:10 PM
thanks :)

more please :)

robin m
16-05-2005, 09:56 PM
I like the way you've used the NIN samples as well... they work really nicely, especially the 'help me' bit nearer the start. The lead up to the break on ~3.40 mins is good, the 'record stop' effect works well and is quite nicely unexpected - but I'm not too sure about the part after that, it sounds a trifle 'cluttered' - maybe you could lose some of the hats & clicky sounds? I'm not too keen on the synth that comes in on 4 mins to be honest - maybe it'd fit with the tune better if it was a bit distorted? It sounds a little out of place to my ears...

The mastering definitely needs some work as well - especially just after that main break the kick gets a bit lost and hard to pick out... in my head I want it to properly start going BOOM!

All the ingredients are definitely there though and it's nicely arranged - but for me the buildup works better than after the break... and all the way through the tune I was expecting to hear 'I wanna f*ck you like an animal' - stop teasing and drop that in somewhere! :lol:

17-05-2005, 12:58 AM
wicked...that's some awesome feedback, i will get on some of those suggestions tonight!!! :) cheers man, i want the final version of this tune to be bam! you can't miss it, and can't forget it either...

28-05-2005, 09:07 PM
hey Darjis , big hello from Montreal
give some news mate

28-05-2005, 09:53 PM
Link odesn`t work
I got this

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