View Full Version : So it got locked....

20-05-2005, 03:47 AM
I'm not meaning any disrespect by possibly continuing this, but, there's just a few things I'd like to respond to.

To me, it just doesn't matter where you come from. Just make the tunes, make them **** bang until the ceiling falls down. Most of all just do it well. That's all that really matters.

****in-eh right. "It's not where you're from, it's where you're at."

Unfortunatley it is.. How often do you guys get booked!?
I think you should be playing out every weekend!!!! How much better do you need to be???!!!! I think you can ROck a stadium of People with a live PA is you got the chance to do it. But do the EURODORKS LET YOU? NO, They Bring over DJs that Nobody ever heard of to showcase the Latest GALLOPING HORSE BEAT

While I definitely appreciate the show of support, I think your conclusion is a bit misguided. Sure, it's quite possible (if not an absolute truth) that the NYC techno scene would never want to book us for a live PA. However, at the same time, none of us have ever sent anyone involved in the NYC "techno" scene a demo of our live PA, not do any of us really hit up those parties. Truth be told, I cannot be 100% confident that it couldn't happen because none of us have ever tried. Granted, I don't think most NYC techno promoters would be interested in a live PA of 200+ bpm distorted techno. But, I also happen to know a fair amount of people who absolutely love the slower hard techno and like what we do at the same time. So, in the end, different acts not playing at particular sound geared events could largely be a side effect of a splintering in the music scene that has been progressing worse and worse for the past 10 years. While I'd definitely argue that it had a lot to do with snoberry and elitism long ago, for the newer heads involved now it could just be a matter of exposure which means I will reserve my judgement. There was also a time in NYC where the only place I could expect to get a booking playing acid techno was at a Renegade Virus party. In the past year, I've been to a number of parties in NYC where I've seen a lot of new faces into the same thing mixed amongst other sounds. So, I think the problem at this point is more to do with exposure than any fakers with egos and selfish tendencies. Not that such people don't exist. But, they don't seem to have the same pull anymore.

quote="Becka"]Why dont you go promote and spin hiphop if you love it so much.....this is a board that supports techno....take your bs somewhere else.... [/quote]

And this is where I'll disagree with you. Hip-hop has had a much greater influence on what I've written than most "techno" acts. That is naturally a result of the fact that it was in my backyard. Just because this is a "techno" board doesn't mean that something has to fit a predetermined ideal of what constitutes "techno." Despite how others may want to label it (gabber, hardcore, speedcore, terrocore, industrial, or any other label records I've worked on have been labeled as), what I write and enjoy is "techno" that happens to have a good amount of influence from hip-hop both in the sound and culture. It's just my own personal take on it. NYC has a huge hip-hop culture. To alienate them, in my own opinion, is short-sighted if you're from the area. It's all techno in the end. (Yes, I consider hip-hop "techno" since it's predominantly composes with musical instruments that came about through advancements in technology).

Tocsin, I actually dont limit myself to only Techno, I love Metal, Funk, and Jazz as well...

Don't get me wrong. I wasn't implying that you were limited to any particular sound. I already know, from a few brief discussions, or chit-chat on various lists, that you are not. What I was asking was if you've ever encountered the "hip-hop has no place in techno" or vice versa arguments in either perspective scenes. I have as both and they all strike me as being 100% ignorant. Meanwhile, the people who I get down with appreciate all of it, incorporate all of it, and don't front about shit as silly as a region or a style being all encompasing of something that's pure. Personally, I hate the idea of "pure" techno. What got me into techno was that it, in my own opinion, was the bastard child of so many different musical and instrumental developments that those who made it were free to do whatever they wanted. I absolutely hate it when people try and pretend there are some rules involved based on their own subjective tastes that are usually scene related rather than music related.

Techno is universal and a revolution because it can do whatever the **** it wants and turn heads while still sounding good. Anyone that tries to put an obstacle in front of that, in my opinion, never got it in the first place.

The Germ
20-05-2005, 04:52 AM
I LOVE U! :clap:

20-05-2005, 06:18 AM
This ia the last thing I am going to say...

LK... Yes, you have never went anywhere and handed out demos...
I don't do that either, I hand out hundreds of my CDs to fans but very rarely do I approach promoters...

Yes.. you don't appraoch people to book you and you don't go to too many of the techno parties..

But why on earth should you have to do that? Tocsin is on ISR - One of the most legendary labels in the world... and you are telling me you should be going around handing out demos in your own backyard. I don't know man... no matter how many times I think about it... I cannot make sense of a situation like that. I am sorry... I respect you very much but I cannot agree... You shouldn't have to hand out demos. People should know about you and respect you greatly. And it really breaks my heart that is not the case.

If there is something New Yorkers have its PRIDE, RESPECT & PERSEVEARANCE

But where are any of those qualities reflected in our presnet day techno scene? Thanks for listening... If I opened up just ONE set of eyes with this dialougue...it was worth it for me.

20-05-2005, 08:35 AM

I dont believe in limits, no matter what the case... I personally hate hip hop, and dont see it have much of an affect on my tastes. However I dont see the image that hip hop portrays mixing with techno.
Is there room for it? offcourse, thats whats makes techno so great lots of room for experimination. would I personally like it probabaly not..

20-05-2005, 08:42 AM
And here is a response to Riotsounds question about live pa's and giant stadiums. Not that I am mocking any1's talent on here... But to get booked in a large scale venue requires a name. You could be the siiickest beat matcher, fluid on 3 dex, but in the end how will people come out if they dotn know who you are? What if I told you john smith was comign to play, uhave no idea who da fuk he is but he could be super talented... The reason only a few people get booked world wide in comparison to the ratio of dj's is because they have a name established that has been achieved through various mkt channel promotions.
I wish talent alone was enough but talent is only a small part of the game. But offcourse you are right and we just dont understand right?

20-05-2005, 09:05 AM
No... you are right about the Marketing and promotion
but...on a local level respect and knowledge should supercede that

it was never my goal to be "right"... I love techno and I don't want to see it die in NYC... thats all ....sorry i brought some drama to this board...i just wanted smart people to hear my words... thats all

Not sure how else I could have gotten my message out

I respect this community and this is the only reason I posted here...

I have tried to be as respectful and thoughtful as I possibly could with regard to the feelings of others

much love and respect to all of you


20-05-2005, 09:22 AM
you need to chill man.

20-05-2005, 09:26 AM
i just went through the locked topic. RIOTSOUND, you got everyone fouled. noone cant be THAT pathetic for real. good sense for humour mate!

20-05-2005, 10:32 AM
I love the way that when a thread gets locked, people just start a thread moaning about how it got locked.

20-05-2005, 11:57 AM
I love the way that when a thread gets locked, people just start a thread moaning about how it got locked.


Its the official mourning period.

20-05-2005, 11:58 AM
A time for reflection.


20-05-2005, 01:27 PM
A time for reflection.


I like techno, end of.

20-05-2005, 01:27 PM
and you are telling me you should be going around handing out demos in your own backyard. I don't know man... no matter how many times I think about it... I cannot make sense of a situation like that. I am sorry... I respect you very much but I cannot agree... You shouldn't have to hand out demos. People should know about you and respect you greatly. And it really breaks my heart that is not the case.

Well, regardless of how you may think it shoud be, the reality of the situation is that a lot of people simply haven't heard of us. The only way to change that is to send out demos. I haven't ever bothered doing that with the NYC "techno" scene. I couldn't see it happening with a NYC techno club event. However, there is nothing stopping us from doing a loft party where a number of people are into techno. So, people haven't heard of us. I don't even think they should have. It's not matter of respect or anything. There are a number of people who do hard techno as well that I've never heard of or heard. That's just an exposure thing. It's that way for all music pretty much.

I dont believe in limits, no matter what the case... I personally hate hip hop, and dont see it have much of an affect on my tastes. However I dont see the image that hip hop portrays mixing with techno.
Is there room for it? offcourse, thats whats makes techno so great lots of room for experimination. would I personally like it probabaly not..

Image is nothing. What is the image that techno portrays? I've heard that one a lot, but, I don't know of any universal techno image. So I don't get it at all. As for the sounds mixing, check this track. You may have heard it before.


20-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Image is nothing. What is the image that techno portrays? I've heard that one a lot, but, I don't know of any universal techno image. http://acidgrave.gabber.org/Hellfish-Turntable_Savage.mp3

Are u serious? We live n an image driven world unfortuantely. And as far as my posting goes, I was refferring to the image hip hop portrays. Techno has no deifinite image. Thats why its not in the mainstream...

20-05-2005, 05:24 PM
Not sure how else I could have gotten my message out

I dont like this playing the wounded hero bit. You went on a rampage this whole week on diff boards acting arrogant as hell, stating how your opinion is supreme and rejecting just about every1 elses. If you seriously dont know how else you could have gone about it, then I have nothing further to say...

20-05-2005, 05:36 PM
why don't we all just cool off a bit, eh?

riotsound...i understand that you are opinionated (which is a good thing), but coming to a board and throwing some muddled, vaguely europhobic theories about the new york techno scene about on a site with only a few new yorkers is counterproductive and just ticks people off for no reason.

i mean, if you went to the techno filez section and posted your mixes and simply said "I'm trying to represent nyc in my djing" people would no doubt treat you with respect, give encouragement and also some constructuve criticism.

and if you posted a thread saying it more like "should djs develop a local sound?" and then say why you think they should...that would have addressed your question without getting people hot under the collar...

hell...i think i'll post it now...

20-05-2005, 05:41 PM
Are u serious? We live n an image driven world unfortuantely. And as far as my posting goes, I was refferring to the
image hip hop portrays. Techno has no deifinite image. Thats why its not in the mainstream...

Yes, I'm serious. Image only has the power which you give it. I personally don't care for stereotypes or how someone dresses when I'm out to hear music. The only images I am paying attention to are visual shows that are part of the creative process. I've heard a lot about the "image" that hip-hop portrays and, usually, I find that it's a cover for, or symptom of, fear and racism, whether minor or major. Music is driven by ideas first and foremost. Ideas drive my world before the suit someone decides to wear to a party does. Now, if people in a small fraction of the "techno" scene feels that it is the image of hip-hop that doesn't fit, all I'm going to say is enjoy the small handful of attendees while they last. I'll go party with a more open and welcoming crowd.

20-05-2005, 05:42 PM
didn't sam lock this shit?????

