View Full Version : NEWSFLASH ::::::: Chris McCormack giving up techno

21-06-2005, 01:54 AM
I'm gutted. I really am. I feel for Chris, he's a good guy who tries soooooo hard but never get's the props or money to pay the bills out of this damn game.

Today he sent me this link:


I've tried to talk him out of it but I'm sure it will do no good.

He's a long term member of this site, so please join with me in wishing him all the best.. God that guy has influenced so many of us.

Full respect to Chris for some of the best music I have ever heard.

Just hope you change your mind mate.

21-06-2005, 02:01 AM
his observations on the current state of techno are spot on, but i'm a bit skeptical about people "leaving" techno. it's not a club with membership, it's a style of music you either make or don't make, listen to or don't listen to.

so maybe he wants to cease running a label, or djing or whatever, but unless he completely stops listening to and completely stops following the scene/posting here/posting elsewhere, i don't think he's left anything...

just my 2 cents...

21-06-2005, 02:01 AM
Thats a bit harsh alright.

I just hope he's very very happy in whatever he does next.

Anyway... Onwards we go.

21-06-2005, 02:08 AM
Thats a shame, good luck...

21-06-2005, 03:23 AM
All the best Chris :clap:

The Overfiend
21-06-2005, 04:53 AM
17-06-2005 I Quit.

Techno is in a mess. I tried my best to push things on and make a change. I got many mails from people telling me the recent Locked E.P was one the best records in techno in a long time, but when that record actually loses you money things have to stop. And when that record is Locked, personally the best record I have ever made, something has gone very wrong.

I am very sad that ultra safe records with bongos and zero talent are what makes techno tick these days. And to those who are making it, if you have something to say with music, then ****ing say it instead of rolling out another stupid stolen loop or a stab sound from 1990.

The music I hear today is boring, formulaic, and quite abusive to any self respecting music head like myself. I am tired of it and for me there is no more left to say.

I was never in this “game” for money, I did it for the love, as long as the music got out there and it didnt end up costing me to do it, that was all I needed. I am pleased to say my life moves on unlike many in techno.

I want to thank so many people who have supported me over the years – I really appreciate and understand your frustrations with what techno has become.

I have tried to make available as much of the back cat I could find for online purchase so that those who continue to email asking where they can get my records now at least have an opportunity to get hold of them even if they are only mp3’s. You can try www.djdownload.com or www.beatport.com . I’m sorry I couldn’t just offer them on my own website for free but I simply don’t have the space or time to manage such a thing.

I wish all music heads and techno spotters the best and hope techno will find its way again someday.

All the best, Chris.

I'm raging mad.
With all the bullshit out there making money, out of all people CHRIS quits!
I have always given him uber credit since the first time I've ever heard anything from him. This is truly the horses ass. Rascal Remix is still badass and kills most out now as with blackout 001 and with a lot of his catalogue. I implore and beg Chris not to do this move. Not when techno needs more people like himself.

21-06-2005, 05:26 AM
I'm sure if McC likes writing music and enjoys it, he will keep on jammin... whether any of it is released or not is another matter.

The only thing which doesn't sit well with me in that spiel is the emphasis on what other people are doing with their loops and what not. Why care? It's not you who is making that shit Chris, why does it affect your own music and your choice whether to write it or not? Losing a lot of money is totally understandable, and obviously a reason to stop putting time and money into it. Fair enough.

Also If you are bored or jaded with it, thats fine too, say so but don't blame anyone else. Music is a personal thing and you of all people should know that.

Good luck with your next hobby Mr McC and keep it real!

21-06-2005, 05:52 AM
i see his point about being jaded by the "scene" and all the garbage that goes along with it...

...and about the crap that's flooded the market today...

...i just don't put much stock in "I just quit techno" statements. another baord member recently said the same thing, and he's still on BOA, so i don't really consider him quit... :)

The Overfiend
21-06-2005, 05:56 AM
...and about the crap that's flooded the market today...

This is true

21-06-2005, 09:19 AM
It's not really surprising that techno isn't making money. Most people who are into techno havent got any money and so many DJ's I know are so fixated with production that they're just not buying music because they're too busy making it.

This combined with the fact that you don't need much more than an entry level PC and some cracked software to do it has left those who had the monopoly on it looking as ordinary, human and futile as the rest of us.
It's just not tangible for the moment and it certainly isn't the rocket science its appears to be.

Also peoples expectations have raised so much that it is next to impossible to satisfy your customers anymore. Everyone's gorged themselves silly on it and now everyones fat and greedy with it when it comes to music.

Giving it up because you're not making any money is daft. If you enjoy doing it that should be all the reward you need. Personally I couldn't give a toss who likes or dislikes my music because the learning curve is satisfaction enough. Techno never was wholly self sustaining and the most successful people always had their fingers in other pies to make it work. The biggest failures are the people who've put all their eggs in one basket and blindly gone about their abitions without a hint of reality to guide them.

The only people keeping afloat are the people who were in it from the start and there isn't room for any more DJ heros. Especially now that the scene is so small that we get to meet our musical heros and dispell the myths that they are the great thinkers of our time and actually a bunch of clueless munters just like we are.

The clubbing/dance music age is nearly at an end anyway. Kids aren't getting into it anymore and theres nothing about the munting lifestyle I could possibly recommend to any young person who wants a shot at a decent fulfilled life. Techno is a compensation of having ****ed up bigstyle if you ask me. You can keep the rest of it.

When I first ventured into techno I was impressed at the social diversity of events all brought together by drugs and music but the music has become secondary to drugs and that's no way to live. The people on the dancefloors these days are either young kids who are too young or older people who should know better. I'm starting to feel sorry for many of them because there is so much more to life and there's more important things to do. Munting is a sh*t lifestyle and it f*cks you up.

Ecstasy has become the nations great pacifier for those not transfixed by big brother and those of us still in it are no better than the moronic masses still glued to their TV sets.. This is not the time to be sat in derelict buildings or your face when every day we see more and more headlines hinting at erosions of civil liberty and the blairite 1984 marshall law. It's time to start paying attention.

I think its really f*cking sad that so many talented people are poking away at samplers and audio equipment in the dark missing out on so much of what life has to offer in the hope that their productions might actually break even when with just a little patience and hard work they could get a good job, bang out a record and not care if it breaks even. Time to stop taking all this sh*t so f*cking seriously. Thats what f*cked it up in the first place. I guess that makes me a bit of a c*nt huh?

21-06-2005, 09:34 AM
^^^That actually made some sense...I think I'm gona smash this glass here and slash my wrists...

21-06-2005, 09:48 AM
Reading Chis's statement again I am further compelled to write and say f*ck you chris when you say:

"I am very sad that ultra safe records with bongos and zero talent are what makes techno tick these days. And to those who are making it, if you have something to say with music, then **** say it instead of rolling out another stupid stolen loop or a stab sound from 1990.

The music I hear today is boring, formulaic, and quite abusive to any self respecting music head like myself. I am tired of it and for me there is no more left to say."

That attitude about loops and stabs discounts the works of loads of people who make f*ckin wicked music namely one Alex Calver, not to mention DAVE the Drummer et al.

Bongo are f*ckin wicked and just another percussion instrument. if you're bored of it do something else. Basically techno music is when you get one 4:4 loop going with another one with some different sounds going on. It sounds wicked when it's loud and you can do a bunch of intersting stuff with it. However it does wear off after a few years and thats when you give it up and get on with your life as you clearly should. It's no reason to poke a stick at everyone else who still likes it though. Not that it stops me or you by the looks of things. How else would we progress as a species?

21-06-2005, 10:21 AM
best of luck chris

eyes without a face
21-06-2005, 11:09 AM
found this out last weekend but didnt wanna be the one to post it up....

its a damn shame for sure, but i have a feeling he'l be back one day... i dont really care for the whole "im giving up" statements as when Pete did it, he's back already haha ;)

hopefully we'l see some new music from Chris be it techno or whatever he plans to do :twisted:

21-06-2005, 11:19 AM
Chris McCormack needs a good shaking thats all.. ;)

21-06-2005, 11:48 AM
Well, it's a shame.

But in all fairness, there are a lot of people out there grinding the same axes, and wethering the same slogs that Chris is week in week out - I can think, for example, of a number of people on this board in a similar position - and who are doing it without even a fraction of the praise and acclaim that McCormack gets, none of which seem ready to give up just yet.

It's a shame that the Locked EP didn't do so well. It wasn't 100% my sort of thing, but even I could see that more effort, skill and general love of the craft had gone into it than had gone into 100 or so of the tosh 12's that come our way each week these days.

Even so, you can't just dismiss the game because you lose one hand... (or some other equally vacuous metaphor).

I can only hope that CM will be back in some way or other. Both my copies of Erase Techno get caned on a regular basis, and I'd love to be able to add more to the collection.

Francisco Scaramanga
21-06-2005, 12:24 PM
Well, I've never met Chris, but I respect his music, so I hope if he does quit techno he has the best of luck in whatever he does next.

But having said that, even though I've never met him, I doubt
he'll stop entirely. How could anyone who obviously has so much talent for it, just totally stop and never make another tune, or never play another record? Fair enough if he stops with the gigs and record labels and all that sort of stuff, but I reckon if he goes out and gets a day job, and then comes home from this new job feeling pissed off and wanting to unwind, then he'll fire up the drum machine, warm the synth up, and crank out some noise - just like the rest of us who dont actually make a living from techno. Techno doesent have to be a life - it can just be a hobby if thats what you want.

21-06-2005, 01:56 PM
Basically techno music is when you get one 4:4 loop going with another one with some different sounds going on. It sounds wicked when it's loud and you can do a bunch of intersting stuff with it.

I imagine that view of what techno is is exactly what Chris McCormick was trying to move away from i.e. the formulaic approach to making the music.

Still I have to agree with TechMouse, there's loads of promoters, DJs, artists etc. putting a lot into the music and getting a lot less props than CmC.

It also has to be said that surely he would of had a bigger impact and a better chance to "push things on and make a change" if he performed more.

Anyway, hopefully this is one of those rash Cher type decisions and there'll be a comeback tour, farewell tour, another comeback, etc...

21-06-2005, 03:34 PM
Did Chris ever do gigs?

I'm sure i'd heard he never?

Still a shame to see some one get fed up with it all :cry:

21-06-2005, 03:36 PM
i blame the germans and schranz!!!

21-06-2005, 03:39 PM
Chris McCormack needs a good shaking thats all.. ;)

yea planck! shake 'im like a british nanny!



21-06-2005, 04:32 PM


Erase Techno
21-06-2005, 04:44 PM
I just want to make a couple of points..

I am not on a pedastal to be shot down, I am a normal, friendly and approachable person like the rest of you, I just happen to have released some techno records that made a few people round the world dance, maybe even whoop out loud, smile and talk. I am a bit embarressed really that a few are waiting with knives to start cutting me down, and for what? Releasing some techno records and then saying enough, blimey.

Sorry if some people think I am up to something by saying I quit. I dont mean anything dramatic by it, and I am not going to return in six months time. Please I really dont want an aggressive free for all, it is not worth it, but I am entitled to give an opinion on my own website.

See this is what I dont understand.. What if I was an opinionated person spending my spare time on internet forums giving out opinions rather than just getting on and making music.. What if, as an anonymous person behind a computer I then said exactly what I said on my website about how I saw techno music today.. Would some one jump down my throat and say "F*ck you Chris" to my face? Acidtrash what is deal? Would you be this aggressive to me if I wasnt a producer who is known?

Thank you so much to those who have just wished me luck, that is all thats needed really, none of this agressive F*ck off stuff. I dont deserve any of that, all I have done is try to make some good techno records in the time I have.

btw mosaic - I have never been here to make money from techno, I already said this. The fact I have has been a bonus. And when you ask what I am doing about it, the answer is a lot more over the years than you have masterbating on an internet forum.

Cheers, Chris.

21-06-2005, 04:52 PM
Dude, just cause you quit theres no need to start generalising and slagging off other peoples productions styles. There are PLENTY name DJ's out there who wait months to get their money from records and some BIG labels release stuff that doesn't break even and they keep at it cause they have the right attitude. What makes you so special?

21-06-2005, 04:58 PM
By the way, I would say all of that to anyone who came over as arrogant and self righteous as that.

21-06-2005, 05:13 PM
Acidtrash, you're talking rubbish - find a horse, climb on, get off then pat yourself on the back.

Good luck to you Mr Mccormack!

21-06-2005, 05:22 PM
i agree that it is a bit dramatic, but i also agree with chris' reasons for doing so, its nothing to do with techno being sterile, its big lables, producers and djs fault, good techno is out there, its up to producers & djs to work hard and get their music heard

chris has done enough, maybe he cant afford to lose much more money, its obviously alot more personal than the 'im fed up' vibe some ppl seem to have taken

21-06-2005, 05:24 PM
i agree that it is a bit dramatic

What is?

21-06-2005, 05:25 PM
suppose it was on his website

so exuse me, nothing dramatic :roll:

21-06-2005, 05:27 PM
what a shame

21-06-2005, 05:42 PM
acidtrash-your talking poop,was well out of order in my view,kickin the man when hes obviously down.good luck mr mcormack with whatever you choose to do and thanks for some serious quality over the years!!

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 05:42 PM
Well it's a shame, he a good mate and made one of my all time favourite records - I salute him for having the balls.

I can see his point and I will defend his freedom to say what he wants to the death, what's with this bland bollocks and procaz outlook on here? It's bullshit, if you don't think all the crap that's been put out under the name of Techno then I suggest you give Prime a call, oh no - you can't can you!!!

What makes Chris special Acid, is his ****ing music, have heard it? Not may people get close to the level of detail Chris has and boy have I tried. Why are you taking this so personally, do you make Washing Machine Techno or something - have a word ;)

Take it easy Chris

21-06-2005, 05:52 PM
I just want to make a couple of points..

I am not on a pedastal to be shot down, I am a normal, friendly and approachable person like the rest of you, I just happen to have released some techno records that made a few people round the world dance, maybe even whoop out loud, smile and talk. I am a bit embarressed really that a few are waiting with knives to start cutting me down, and for what? Releasing some techno records and then saying enough, blimey.

word, well, one guy got insulted by your statement, but most other people here just don't want you to stop making music, or don't agree with your rationale. that's not insulting...it's actually quite flattering, as it means people give a sh*t. some people are just more blunt about it than others.

but this is the third time someone has "quit" publicly, and i'm just cynical about that. personally, i think techno is something you can't quit. you either consume it, create it, whatever it...or you don't. and if you don't, that just happens cuz you lose interest, not the result of some epiphany. if you still post here, or you still go see mark or someone else spin, still sit down with whatever gear you have and mess around, or you still pick up records for personal consumption, then you're still in it.

you just don't want to be in the game no more...

...fair enough...

...maybe you'll get inspired to put more music out later on...or maybe not...best of luck either way...

21-06-2005, 06:40 PM
Well im not happy. I like chris's style and attitude. I like his music. Hope you do some more music of whatever genre chris. (Am i right in thinking you used to be in a metal band????)

I still play out that embryo one you did, pleases every time. I understand your problems with techno, but i reckon your a musician so music will still be there for you.

Good Luck.


As for the un-pleasant comments, people are entitled to their own opinions, others dont have to agree.

eyes without a face
21-06-2005, 06:44 PM
Acidtrash u look an utter fool mate its gotta be said, one of the most talented producers to have come of age, and no doubt one of the best we'l see in techno, is leaving things and u cant even wish him goodluck? Even i agree the whole announcement thing is a tad OTT but ****s sake, the man's music really does speak for itself, and where has he slagged off peoples production styles? he's made it clear he is miffed at the current state of techno yeah, but who isnt? who doesnt moan? there are people on here who bang on about how shit techno is more so than someone like McCormack, who is, or was now it seems, actually trying and succeeding in adding a little something extra...

ive not checked this post all day until today and i must say even i, as a self confessed cunt, was shocked to see what you'd said... even if you dont like the mans music as a lover of techno you simply cannot fail to appreciate what Chris has done...

its like when Pete announced he was knocking it on the head, there were the same cynical posts, but at least we all wished him good luck and i dont see why it should be any different here, just because Chris is well known? as he said he's a normal, approachable guy just doing his thing, give him a break....

as i said earlier hopefully Chris will come back one day with an ep or some new music of some sorts

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 06:45 PM
I've got to pick you up on a couple of points here, look you can't map your emotions on someone else, Like Claude, I think the statement Chris has made is very touching and very brave for him to be so honest about how he feels, ****ing good on him.

I also believe that as artist shouldn't have to explain themselves, ever. **** that, we aren't living in some ****ing McDonalds advert where you are told what to feel and consume, we are talking about his true feelings and life here, you can't **** with that or tell him what to do or how he should feel. Claim and blame all you want but the guy is being total honest, just handle the truth and leave him alone...

21-06-2005, 06:53 PM
as i said earlier hopefully Chris will come back one day with an ep or some new music of some sorts


WORD...and i do think he's still with us, just maybe in a different way...

but if he really moves away from techno, finds something else he likes more, then you'd have to be a di*kwad not to wish him the best all the same...

21-06-2005, 06:53 PM
good luck chris with whatever you decide to do.
we're big fans in leeds and you'll be missed.

locked ep will be hammered at the darkside for months
(and hopefully years to come)

ignore acidtrash, he's talking out of his clueless arse as usual.

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 06:56 PM
Paul, I've been meaning to ask, how did you get a warning fella ;)

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 07:00 PM
Good luck in the future chris, i'm still dropping your early releases and no doubt will continue. :notworthy:

Martin, I think paul was a very naughty boy and spoke his mind and got a warning :lol:

eyes without a face
21-06-2005, 07:02 PM
pick me up on a couple of points? i hope not, nothing out of order from me... for a change haha

21-06-2005, 07:07 PM
shame to see someone as good as Chris packin it in....
one of the first Techno records I bought was the one sided 'There are better ways' ('Its Time to get funky......So throw your hands up'...that one'
And the Locked Ep is still the best tune ive heard all year....
Good luck in whatever you do Chris....
And if in the future you ever do get the urge to make some Techno again...dont hesitate thinkin you cant because people might slate you or shit.....just use an alias haha
Good Luck

21-06-2005, 07:13 PM
Martin, I think paul was a very naughty boy and spoke his mind and got a warning :lol:

the mod in here didn't take too kindly to my description of the acid techno parties i've experienced. i was very -ve indeed and should maybe have made my comment in one of the other forums where said mod regularly slags everything off...

21-06-2005, 07:18 PM
Survival of the fittest. Honestly, I've grown a tad tired of hearing people bitch about how everything sucks just because, in the end, something they don't like has gotten more popular. If it's not about the money, the limelight, etc. then, for fuk's sake, get over yourself.

eyes without a face
21-06-2005, 07:21 PM
i did wonder what u got a warning for also haha thats explains that then :lol:

Dustin Zahn
21-06-2005, 07:36 PM
First off, I want to say good luck to Chris in whatever he chooses to do in the future. But in a sense I kind of have to call bullshit.

Chris, your view on the whole scene is 100% true but that should be the last thing that gets you down. Everytime I hear a shitty club record with the same tried-and-true formula it forces me to work harder and seek out even more & different sounds. It sucks the locked e.p. may have only sold a small number of copies but I ask; what about that small group of people who still see through the bullshit and look to fight mediocrity? If you claim you love something so much, I don't see how you can allow it to waste away.

I understand it's just techno and it's not worth consuming your entire life, but to keep it alive and the spirit alive by keeping it as a hobby is more than enough. I think any producer has lost money (even multiple times) on their favorite works in the past. It's a drag to put so much sacrifice and dedication into your music just to watch it bomb on the shelves and end up costing yourself cash in the process. The positive side is that once the music is out there it's eternal. It 400 people dig your track today or a DJ's child digs it 15 years from now, I think you've done your job.

Also, for someone who has been in the scene so long I'm sure you know the ropes but I'm surprised you haven't accepted it and come to terms. The fact is, your record probably would have done better had you done a hint of promotion. It's not 1992 anymore and things have changed. Even if all you want is your record in other people's hands, it takes work. This whole "avoiding the media, no interviews, no gigs" is a nice stance, but there's a downside and you've seen it. The odd interview here, the odd promotion there won't destroy your credibility or ruin your anonymous state. In any industry, that's a bad business move from the beginning. Just like marriage, this is part of the game that you have to deal with. You have to take the good with the bad. Sometimes in marriage you have to put up with a crabby wife/husband, or you have to go sit with their dreaded family for a weekend. It sucks, but it's vital to keep something amazing happening.

Chris, if you just aren't feeling the music anymore than I completely respect your opinion to leave. I think that's the right move for a lot of people in that position. If you're still very passionate about the music (which it seems you are) you should suck it up and try and help things change. Sometimes this means putting out more than a record here or there. In the end, nature sorts itself out. Techno is in a drought, and when it comes around full blast again the true heads and spirit will remain perfectly intact.

Ritzi Lee
21-06-2005, 07:39 PM
Chris good luck with your choice....

And i'm not even going to react on some replies over here! :nono:

21-06-2005, 08:04 PM
Holy Shit
Good luck man, don`t be throwing your studio away, you can always re-apply to other musics if techno has killed you.

And I`m sure there will be plenty of techno labels begging you to make them tunes anyway, so there will be less financial risk for you.

Your words and motives have always seemed very honest, and showed passion for an artform, which I really do respect.

21-06-2005, 08:19 PM
Holy Shit
Good luck man, don`t be throwing your studio away, you can always re-apply to other musics if techno has killed you.

And I`m sure there will be plenty of techno labels begging you to make them tunes anyway, so there will be less financial risk for you.

Your words and motives have always seemed very honest, and showed passion for an artform, which I really do respect.

spot on DB :clap: :clap:

21-06-2005, 08:22 PM
Sometimes in marriage you have to put up with a crabby wife/husband

**** that....she'd be gettin sent straight down the clinic
and id wanna know why she had crabs :lol: :roll:

eyes without a face
21-06-2005, 08:23 PM
hahahaha @ Furness

:lol: :lol:

21-06-2005, 08:26 PM
if you dont respect the mans music (which i find hard to believe) at least respect his desicion and the man himself. theyres no need for this 'hes a drama queen' horses*it.

21-06-2005, 09:24 PM
well i say good luck to you mate and cheers for the tunes you've made,i for one will still be caining em!

21-06-2005, 09:43 PM
if you dont respect the mans music (which i find hard to believe) at least respect his desicion and the man himself. theyres no need for this 'hes a drama queen' horses*it.

It wouldn't matter if I thought he made the greatest music ever. Don't "quit" with such a whiney public message where, like so many other jokers on this forum, the big gripe is lack of record sales and looped techno. Don't get defensive if you stand all wide while threatening to leave and some kid has the urge to kick you in the nuts. I'm just tired of seeing this dinosaur bullshit around here. Hate the music and the scene so much? Fine. If it's all you had, that really amounts to your own problem which, in the end, is most likely a result of your perspective and stubborness rather than any reality. Like I said, survival of the fittest. Whoever can't deal with it, well, don't expect me to really give a ****. Especially when a motivating reason seems to be that other peoples' crappy records are selling better than your own. That sounds like spite. Don't expect me to cheer or give praise when someone puts themself out to pasture because of spite.

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 10:04 PM
ffs, can't people be cool and just wish him luck in his future rather than pick at every word the guy's said :roll:

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:21 PM
pick me up on a couple of points? i hope not, nothing out of order from me... for a change haha

Not you Eyes...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:23 PM
Survival of the fittest. Honestly, I've grown a tad tired of hearing people bitch about how everything sucks just because, in the end, something they don't like has gotten more popular. If it's not about the money, the limelight, etc. then, for fuk's sake, get over yourself.

See the thing is, you don't know Chris or the path he's had to walk - if you did you'd problem keep your stupid comments to yourself. But feel free, dig yourself deeper :doh:

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:31 PM
Who are they? The Chuckle Brothers? Keep your chrome plated self serving platitudes to yourself fella...

21-06-2005, 10:32 PM
It's like they say. "Don't go away mad. Just go away."

21-06-2005, 10:35 PM
how about everyone just take a deeeeeeeep breath here and count to 5? okay...now exhale...

tocsin's right that chris' words do seem a tad bitter...

...but it's his right to be if he wants to. hell, i'm bitter about a lot of things.

...and it's also his right to stop running a label or even stop making music if it's no longer fun or rewarding to him.

...i used to work in the film industry...i don't anymore cuz all the a**holes and bulls*** got me down on cinema...i lost my passion for it...

...but now i do something else, and i'm as into film as ever...

...so to chris...hope you find that taking a step back helps you reconnect with your passion for techno...

(and, for the third time, i don't think he's "quit" techno at all)

21-06-2005, 10:39 PM
See the thing is, you don't know Chris or the path he's had to walk - if you did you'd problem keep your stupid comments to yourself. But feel free, dig yourself deeper :doh:

It doesn't matter if I know him or not. He walked away talking shit about a huge general group of people. Then, when he got called on it, he says people are waiting for him with knives drawn to take him down further. So, allow me to paraphrase, he could be my best mate, make the best music, etc. and I'd still think this going away message was straight up bullshit. "Techno is dead when MY best record doesn't sell and everyone is buying records with stolen loops and bongos. Especially after I've done so much to move things forward." Get over it. Get over yourself. Then deal. But, shoot your mouth off with a bunch of bullshit and expect to get called on it.

This would have been the better way:
"Hey all. While my run in techno has been fun, it's time for me to move on to greener pastures. Thanks to all who supported me along the way and thanks for the memories."

Instead, a wide stance was taken that will be read by many as holier than thou.

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:39 PM
I'm totally cool, well chilled, drinking tea, smoking...how's you?

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 10:45 PM
Tocsin, try and respect Chris' comments as much as you would want people to respect yours.

21-06-2005, 10:47 PM
I'm totally cool, well chilled, drinking tea, smoking...how's you?


still at the office, so not so relaxed... :(

ANYWAYS...i do think most people are missing the boat here a bit...if chris makes good music, he won't just stop...he might pause, but he won't stop...and this is even more true if his reasons for stopping are because the industry has got him bitter...when he steps outside that for a while, it just won't bother him anymore...i know cuz that happened to me...and maybe then he'll come up with something really killer by looking for influence outside techno...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:50 PM
He's had enough and spoke his mind and I respect him for that, not many people tell it how they see it - can't knock it really...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 10:58 PM
You're just odd fella, you don't know him, you don't care what he says, you haven't heard anything he's done but yet you see his comments as some kind of personal judgement on you, you're not Umek are you :twisted:

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:00 PM
He's had enough and spoke his mind and I respect him for that, not many people tell it how they see it - can't knock it really...

You certainly can when people speak in absolutes.

Do you think what he's saying isn't true then?

21-06-2005, 11:01 PM
Tocsin, try and respect Chris' comments as much as you would want people to respect yours.

I don't care if you respect my comments. Now would I pretend that you tried to ambush me after I'd fired off my mouth first. Sorry, but it's very hard for me to "respect" what is being said here:

Techno is in a mess. I tried my best to push things on and make a change. I got many mails from people telling me
the recent Locked E.P was one the best records in techno in a long time, but when that record actually loses you
money things have to stop. And when that record is Locked, personally the best record I have ever made, something
has gone very wrong.

I am very sad that ultra safe records with bongos and zero talent are what makes techno tick these days. And to
those who are making it, if you have something to say with music, then ****ing say it instead of rolling out
another stupid stolen loop or a stab sound from 1990.

The music I hear today is boring, formulaic, and quite abusive to any self respecting music head like myself. I am
tired of it and for me there is no more left to say.

I was never in this game for money, I did it for the love, as long as the music got out there and it didnt end up
costing me to do it, that was all I needed. I am pleased to say my life moves on unlike many in techno.

You get the respect you give. Was the above respectful? Not in the slightest. It was just one huge swipe at many people by someone acting as if they are better. I've never heard the kid's music, nor do I know him, so it really doesn't matter to me at all in the end. But, as I said, ANYONE who would make similar comments like those above, I'd call bullshit on them and remind them to get over themselves. So, whatever. If he wants to go, fine. I can respect that. I don't even really care. But, drop out whining and don't expect everyone to cheer you as you walk away.

21-06-2005, 11:03 PM
He's had enough and spoke his mind and I respect him for that, not many people tell it how they see it - can't knock it really...

You certainly can when people speak in absolutes.

21-06-2005, 11:03 PM
Right, wind it back people.
I totally understand Chris`s motivations to kick it all in.
Running a label is tough, and the music biz has become even tougher.
Yeah, you may not agree with all the words he has put out, but surely you can see frustration born out of passion?
The man has most definitely served his time in the trenches, and it is seriously hurtful to be investing your heart, soul and wallet into techno these days, as things are a bit bleak when you look at the big picture.
You can only weather so many storms.
So if you want to debate the whole "fairwell, I`m gone" messages that have been happening of late, then start another thread please, and keep the spikeyness out of this one.
I don`t know chris at all, but judging by his rep, and his words, it must have been a painful decision to bow out.

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:06 PM
Dirty, it's still chilled here - no one is blowing steam, just passion and a few facts...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:09 PM
Yeah fair enough - but don't you think that the world would be well bland or worse than a Dido record is they weren't artists with passion? You sound like me dad when the Sex Pistols came out ;)

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:10 PM
I think your clock is fast as well :) My post go above yours for some odd reason...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:10 PM
See what I mean...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:11 PM
How odd...

21-06-2005, 11:13 PM
Do you think what he's saying isn't true then?

Correct. In fact, his rant just serves as another example of why I think this board has been so poor lately. I come on this board, particularly this forum, and I get to see people repeatedly bitching about styles of techno they don't like (schranz, hardhouse, etc.) or bitching about technology they don't like (MP3, digital, whatever). However, I've yet to ever meet an artist who claims they have to "quit" because there are just so many subpar musicians around them. In the techno context, I find it even funnier. But, whatever. I'm tired of people ramming their limited (and often marketing based) perspectives down peoples' throats in this scene. It's been dead for so long that the stench of the corpse, whenever anyone digs it up, is enough to make this place, and numerous others, lose it's fukcing appeal. And it's just so ****ing circular. Damn, get over it. Get over yourself. Evolve.

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:15 PM
It would seem that way...

Martin Dust
21-06-2005, 11:16 PM
Take some acid and let me see if we can have the most fragmented arguement ever...

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 11:21 PM
I come on this board, particularly this forum, and I get to see people repeatedly bitching about styles of techno they don't like (schranz, hardhouse, etc.) or bitching about technology they don't like (MP3, digital, whatever). Get over yourself. Evolve.


21-06-2005, 11:21 PM
I think your clock is fast as well :) My post go above yours for some odd reason...

This seems to happen to me on this board frequently. Dunno what the bug is. But, my posts will often hover as the last one.

21-06-2005, 11:22 PM
personally, i left the techno scene (in a djin/live/promoting aspect) because the lack of scene in belfast was frustrating me to the point where outside makin a few loops there was little or no joy to be had. just constant hassle & financial instability.

i worked very hard & spent much money in an attempt to create something and while i suceeded in some aspects, there where others where i didnt. and you can only live this lifestyle for so long constantly battling before you look elsewhere. the money, friends, jobs & girlfriends i lost in my time ? its jus got too much. its not worth it.

now i have my course, possible employment in a structered career path & no more painful nights in clubs. i make my loops (which i always distribute gratis to anyone) & thats it. happier than i have been in a long long time.

i never had a problem with the music. jus the machine that the music is wrapped up in.

i wish chris all the best & can empathise with him. i have no idea of whats going on in his personal life (as ppl didnt when i posted my thread about leaving) so i will make no presumptions on such an issue.

i do feel however, that his comment about techno has left him open for criticism. and tbh, i dont think he'll be bothered in the slightest by the comments.

but thats his view. and hes as entitled to his view as much as the next human being.

tbh, i think if we all sat round a table with a few beers & some spliffs as opposed to these bloody forums, we would all appreciate each others views a lot better.

reagrdless, cheers for the corkers McC. ive had my criticisms of your work in the past, but at the same time, jees, sis you unleash some devil vinyl :twisted:

good luck chris :clap:

p.s Number & Measure remix - sick :rambo:

The Overfiend
21-06-2005, 11:24 PM
Just respect what he is saying and leave it be.
I was just as gutted when Laidback Luke left techno
and now he's a friggin half ass star in holland.
Maybe Chris will Uk Gold it up the charts and if so good for him.

21-06-2005, 11:27 PM
the bitchy posts are often the most popular.

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 11:28 PM
I was just as gutted when Laidback Luke left techno and now he's a friggin half ass star in holland.

Please tell me he isn't a trance star now :shock:

The Overfiend
21-06-2005, 11:29 PM
Dude look at his site now. You don't know?

21-06-2005, 11:35 PM
i never had a problem with the music. jus the machine that the music is wrapped up in.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

this is what i've been saaaaaaaaayyyyyiinnnnngggg about chris!!!!!!!!

21-06-2005, 11:36 PM
to think of LL... The Stalker remix was out of this world.. how i caned that 12

and Missile 39.. he remixed The Pump Panels 'Tunnel Vision'


clattery barrage of the finest variety :twisted:

21-06-2005, 11:37 PM
Just respect what he is saying and leave it be.
I was just as gutted when Laidback Luke left techno
and now he's a friggin half ass star in holland.
Maybe Chris will Uk Gold it up the charts and if so good for him.

didn't he put out some electroclash a couple years back?

Stella Boy
21-06-2005, 11:37 PM
Dude look at his site now. You don't know?

I just thought he'd quit :lol:

Sorry, bad timing. I'll say thanks for now but I'll probably regret it :cry:

21-06-2005, 11:41 PM

jus checked his site... arriving by aprachute ????

and to think of his Bang The Acid remix :cry:

21-06-2005, 11:46 PM
all the best chris mccormack :notworthy:

22-06-2005, 12:55 AM
Take some acid and let me see if we can have the most fragmented arguement ever...


22-06-2005, 03:31 AM
...the answer is a lot more over the years than you have masterbating on an internet forum.

Cheers, Chris.

bwahahahahahaha how many records you have out bro? why you quit, you ain´t get no love? why not keep putting out dope records and let your body of work deal with the haters? do you know me man? i got more than 30 records out since 2000, work every friggin day making new and diverse styles of music. man what am i bothering explaing to you for CM? you gave up right?

pffft. bro, when you get back in the game and off your pitty potty, i will be more inclined to give you the respect you probably deserve.

22-06-2005, 03:45 AM
this is negative.
techno is still good.
it is still happenning
i will never give up

sorry chris....much respect to you....but no.... we are not done yet.

22-06-2005, 03:55 AM
ok here's an analogy:

it's like people who are into bikes
suddenly getting into cars....

you don't say to all your biker mates
" f@ck you guys you're all stupid.... i'm into cars now"
do you????
you just go and get into cars right?

so ........
i don't appreciate it when techno poeple come on here
which is a forum for people who love techno
(not pop, not rock , not punk , but techno right?????)

and say ..
" i'm giving up techno ...it's crap etc etc etc "

sorry but this has got to stop
it's bad for morale

and we just don't need to know

sorry chris
respect for many of your tracks
but please.........don't bring it down

enough.....if you don't like it , you know what you can do

Craig McW
22-06-2005, 04:00 AM
this is negative.
techno is still good.
it is still happenning
i will never give up

sorry chris....much respect to you....but no.... we are not done yet.


The Overfiend
22-06-2005, 04:34 AM

that was his dopest jackin track

22-06-2005, 09:52 AM
this is negative.
techno is still good.
it is still happenning
i will never give up

sorry chris....much respect to you....but no.... we are not done yet.
My sentiments exactly.

Once again, cannot express enough the respect I have for CM, but whatever disillusionment he may or may not have with the whole scene isn't apparent to me. I still love every aspect of the whole thing, and I've got a long way to go before I get bored.

The Germ
22-06-2005, 10:51 AM
Yes i agree Chirs has made some amazing different records, but if you are giving it up don't tarnish the music others are making since that is what they are expressing. Granted a lot of the tunes coming out now are loopy bongo and clicky crap, but if you are true to your music and express yourself those records shouldn't effect you. Just keep doing your thing and try to push your own boundaries and you shall find happiness. I think Chris had has a huge imapct and various artists and to see his influence go would be a shame for many that have looked up for him for inspiration. I know the tune he did on Blacklisted was my favorite tune for some time and gave me inspiration in the studio many times.


Good Luck with what ever ya do CM

22-06-2005, 11:17 AM
I dont like this thread very much. it isnt doing anyone any good.

Im just gonna get on with teaching, writing and enjoying music. Thats the only way to fly!


Erase Techno
22-06-2005, 12:38 PM
I'm truly sorry some of you are seeing me in a certain light. I never meant to come across as arrogent or only interested in selling records or whatever other accusations are flying around. This is 100% the oppostite of the person I am. I really cant do anymore than type words and hope you interpret them as I am thinking them. The reality is I am a passionate and caring person who just happened to have an opinion about a scene I have been involved with for many years now. Guys please remember I didnt activily go looking for publicity, I didnt phone up a load of journo's and try and concoct a situation - it was just announced on my own website, where there is little or no real traffic so that those who came there would know. Whatever is written about me, I have the right to tell the people who come to my website what I think about stuff. Some of you are acting like I jizzed the news into your faces. Some of you have never heard of my name and it seems the the biggest aggressors have never heard anyting I've done either. I don't really know how I can try and reason things in this situation because I cant imagine you would ever come to my website in the first place and want to be part of anything I am involved with anyway.

Some of you accused me of only being here to shift units and as soon as one record loses money I am out. But I only release maybe two records a year, how do you work this out? The rest of the time is spent writing music that none of you will hear, well what I mean is you wont be aware it is me behind the music. Like I have just completed an album for commercial television use.

I'm only in techno for the love like most of you and personally I'm just tired of wading through one record after another to find something exciting and fresh where the producer has obviously made something not just aimed at pleasing a distributor and selling a few records and keeping the label going. It is the the same for every currently active DJ that I know, and I do know a fair few of the bigger names, they just wont publicly admit this because it might cause there bookings to tail off, even though privately they are in agreement with me on this. I'm sorry some of you don't see it like this and think I am doing it to be a dramatic and arrogent person, but the fact is I have never been here for personal gain, only to always try and push myself to making better music and only release the music I believe is worth releasing. I respect anyones rights to be into whatever they are into. If some of you don't think that a lot of techno is boring, formulaic and automated then that is cool, but there no need to get personal with me because I, along with many others, do.

Anyway it doesn't matter anymore, like I also said in the orignal piece, thanks to everyone to has supported me over the years, it means the world to me to find people who like what I do.

If you still want to pick this apart and find faults, I can't do anything about that and I'm sorry we even have situations like this. All I ever tried to do was something positive..

Cheers, Chris.

22-06-2005, 12:54 PM
McCormack's techno is fark'n insane :clap: 'There r better ways' is totally off it's head!!!! :lol:

22-06-2005, 01:15 PM
If they are having problems finding exciting and fresh techno records to play then I have to say its their own fault for being just as fomulaic as DJ's as the producers who produce these crappy records they talk about.

Who's meant to be inspiring who?

I ditched the bongo techno or whatever loopiness years ago and havent looked back . I just find it amusing sometimes the amount of amazing music/techno that big names and small names regularily bypass and never put into their sets. Its crazy. Its as much their fault as the people who try to emulate them.

Anyway good luck chris. You are a decent dude.

22-06-2005, 01:16 PM
sorry to hear that man you're truly a legend, i remember when i first heard flight decimator all those years ago.


22-06-2005, 03:47 PM
I think it's a shame, and I'm not 100% sure I agree 'bout where techno is...

...but respect.

Many people have thought this I'm sure. Some people get over it an get re-inspired, some just need to leave it.

Good luck what ever you do. Erase Techno is a tune that holds a memory so you've impacted on me.

22-06-2005, 03:57 PM
If they are having problems finding exciting and fresh techno records to play then I have to say its their own fault for being just as fomulaic as DJ's as the producers who produce these crappy records they talk about.

Exactly. Just what I was hinting towards when I brought up perspective and stubborness.

Some of you accused me of only being here to shift units and as soon as one record loses money I am out. But I only release maybe two records a year, how do you work this out? The rest of the time is spent writing music that none of you will hear, well what I mean is you wont be aware it is me behind the music. Like I have just completed an album for commercial television use.

I haven't seen that here. But, in your own words, you said something was wrong with techno when your "best" record can't break even and loopy shit with bongos seems to be what techno is all about. Dave basically covered most of what I was feeling in a nicer way. I'm sick of hearing this shit and, regardless of your right to an opinion, how you've solicited it (webpages are public), what you've done, etc., it still comes off incredibly spiteful and holier than thou. Personally, most of my work usually would fall into one of the least popular genres of techno. But, you don't hear me pissing and moaning about how the style of music you like is shit as a result. I don't look down my upturned nose at others for not being into the music while yapping about all I've done to "move things forward." But, you have a right to talk in such a way just as I have a right to tell you to sod off for it.

22-06-2005, 05:13 PM
man the guy accuses me of "masturbating on web forums" WTF?! all this "I quit" bullshit is the truest fork of web wanking. erase techno? techno erased you!

22-06-2005, 05:37 PM
Wot a load of bollocks, he hasn't gone around spouting it on forums, simply posted an explanation on his website.

His music speaks for itself, no self promotion, no referring to himself in the third person or endless i'am'inations, it's a sad loss to good techno, and a sad indicator that self-aggrandisement and lowest common denominator fodder music are what matter in dance music in these times.

22-06-2005, 06:01 PM
man, i am telling you: ALL OF US ARE HAVIN PROBLEMS, distribution getting tough, sales are down, but that is why it is called DEDICATION.

i have seen a whole lot in this game, ppl come, ppl go, ppl die, ppl get drummed out of the industry, ppl get discovered by big money, ppl get exploited, i bet i have seen more horrible shit go down in this industry than i did back in my days as a hustler on the streets back home. but that is the name of the game, and i aim to finish out my run on top, not on the sidelines whining that i am starving to death.

you got to play the hand dealt to ya. put one foot in front of the other and keep your eyes on the prize.

let's look at this with some realism for a moment:

when you got into this, it was probably a hobby. you knew you would n't be playing every weekend and so yopu did this music for yourself, out of love.... then something happened... i call it EGO. you realized you had been doing a dozen or so "quality" releases and still you couldn't eat from this shit, but now you EXPECTED that the world owed you a living and so you got pissed off and (forgetting those early days before your ego told you the world owes you a living) you decide to "retire" from a game you never mastered in the first place. does that about sum it up?

ask yourself:

what has changed within me? why is it that i am not happy being unkown but making my music and working hard, any more! i want more! sounds like jealousy. dont get me wrong, in the uk you have so many superstar djs that it would make one a bit jealous, understandably.........

anyway, in this situation you have two choices of action - if you are not happy because you dont get enough gigs to survive and your labels only sell 800 copies, you can

A - pick up your toys and go home


B- use your anger to motivate you tto change your situation, work hard, and break through the "obscurity" wall with your determination and dedication.


i respect if somebody says "i dont like techno music anymore" but this IS A MATTER OF TASTE.


22-06-2005, 06:04 PM
this thread has gotten old. no one is saying anything that wasn't said on pages 1-5 already, and now it's just a bunch of people pissing on each other.

chris: good luck, hope you still make music...

22-06-2005, 06:16 PM
hey smart ass, i am not pissing on anybody. i am just speaking frankly. pissing on somebody would be saying something like "good, you suck so f uck off anyway" i din't say anything of the sort. the point i am trying to make, and i waill say it yet again before i sign off and go back into the studio, is that no matter how many records you have or dont have out, no matter how many gigs you get or dont get, WE HAVE TO BE UP TO THE CHALLENGE. if you are not, then go out quietly and with dignity, not in a pitty party as is the trand these days. i haven't put out a record in 6 or 8 months due to complications with distri, etc. etc. etc. but you better believe the next one will come out, if i have to sell em' on the street corner or fly around to record stores myself..

even with a minimum of resources, one can go after success, CmC got website, probably a nice network of artists and contacts, what else do you need besides a studio, to keep going?

man i aint even got my own p.c., to work on these days, no website, my labels are between distributors at the moment too! but i aint giving up. about to sign with a new distributor. getting me a mac when i get home, the website will be back up when i settle down, but you CmC, why burn up all your bridges? say you make some amzing tune next week, you just gonna keep it on your ipod and that is that?

if i didnt have respect for you, i wouldn't bother trying to encourage you to
stick it out!

you guys may see me as some negative, opinionated asshole for ome of the shit i have been posting since i have been on my sebaticle here in latin america, but if you are too blind to see that i am pushy out of TOUGH LOVE, then you deserve not to understand the community spirit we shoulld be exhibiting rather than all the whining and inconsequential bullshit that goes on round here.

22-06-2005, 06:17 PM
cant even count the typos there. EDIT BUTTON!?!?

22-06-2005, 06:24 PM
So it seems that to succeed you have to be 'up to the challenge' in a business sense, and to chase success - this is what I find sad about the whole thing.

The emphasis has shifted from music lovers that seek out the music they like to music consumers who react to the best marketing angl. That was the best thing about techno music, no bullshit, no compromise, seek and you will find... that a truly talented producer suffers in record sales and mediocrity prospers then it's a slightly worrying trend.

22-06-2005, 06:41 PM
hey smart ass, i am not pissing on anybody. i am just speaking frankly.

i posted that BEFORE i saw your latest...it's a general comment based on the ENTIRE conversation here...why do you think this has to be about you? do i say your name ever, at any point? do i make any references to you? no and NOOOOOOOOOO. what do you think "each other" means anyways? does that mean gunjack? if it does, please tell me what dictionary you use so i can correct my imprecise english...


22-06-2005, 07:02 PM
besides, dustin and henry said it best and waaaaaay more effectively than anything else i've read on here...

don't give up chris, as long as you come on here, listen to techno, whatever, you ain't quit in my book...

22-06-2005, 07:25 PM
Wot a load of bollocks, he hasn't gone around spouting it on forums, simply posted an explanation on his website.

His music speaks for itself, no self promotion, no referring to himself in the third person or endless i'am'inations, it's a sad loss to good techno, and a sad indicator that self-aggrandisement and lowest common denominator fodder music are what matter in dance music in these times.

Funny. Every single person I know who listens to techno talks the same crap. "It ain't as good as it used to be," "sell outs," "lowest common denominator," blah blah blah! Is your hand ever forced to listen to or buy what you think is crap? For the past 15 years, there have been more "techno" releases I've heard that I thought were "crap" than good. I really don't see how it's any different now. Rather, it seems more people started bitching about it when the style they enjoyed was no longer considered the new hot chick. Get over it. Get over yourself. Evolve.

22-06-2005, 07:34 PM
no-one ever made ME buy a record. i bought what i liked. and if there was nothing i liked, i didnt buy.

whats the problem :eh:

one more thing. nobody said shit about McCs departure until it was brought to the notice of this board.

had Sir Mark of EG not posted this, how long would it have taken to surface here i wonder.

thinks "mmmmm... interesting"

22-06-2005, 07:45 PM
no-one ever made ME buy a record. i bought what i liked. and if there was nothing i liked, i didnt buy.

whats the problem :eh:

Exactly. No problem at all. Techno isn't in a mess and nothing has changed. Thus, all the ranting I see here about it pretty much reminds me of 15-year-old girls getting catty in a popularity contest.

eyes without a face
22-06-2005, 07:47 PM
come on guys i think everyones said their piece now surely? even i dont drag things out this long

he's made his choice, some agree, some havent, surely everyone has other things they can do than worry about someone who, for some, have never even heard his music, saw his face, read an interview etc... it beggars belief... dont get so het up about something you admit you dont care for... ive made that mistake myself many many times so i know what im talking about

take off the "techno" heads for a moment and just realise Chris is an actual person like the rest of us and is probably feeling very low and a bit surpressed at the moment, how about just wishing him good luck or at least leaving it be? we all know how one another feels about it now....

come on group hug, kiss, make up, go for a pint etc etc etc :twisted: ;)

22-06-2005, 07:51 PM
best of luck to chris - his music has been an inspiration + he has made some of my favorite tracks - good luk

22-06-2005, 07:51 PM
[quote="perpetual"]no-one ever made ME buy a record. i bought what i liked. and if there was nothing i liked, i didnt buy.

whats the problem :eh: quote]

this was aimed at the general 'down on techno crowd' not pointedly at chris.

my bad :roll:

22-06-2005, 07:53 PM
come on guys i think everyones said their piece now surely? even i dont drag things out this long

he's made his choice, some agree, some havent, surely everyone has other things they can do than worry about someone who, for some, have never even heard his music, saw his face, read an interview etc... it beggars belief... dont get so het up about something you admit you dont care for... ive made that mistake myself many many times so i know what im talking about

take off the "techno" heads for a moment and just realise Chris is an actual person like the rest of us and is probably feeling very low and a bit surpressed at the moment, how about just wishing him good luck or at least leaving it be? we all know how one another feels about it now....

come on group hug, kiss, make up, go for a pint etc etc etc :twisted: ;)

:clap: :clap: :clap:

22-06-2005, 07:58 PM
So it seems that to succeed you have to be 'up to the challenge' in a business sense, and to chase success - this is what I find sad about the whole thing.

man, sad or not, if you don't push your music and fight for your props, then dont throw a tantrum when nobody pays attention.

22-06-2005, 08:14 PM
deaf, ive been up to the challenge since i picked up my dads 12 string at the age of eleven. in bands by 12..

now i'm hitting 32 soonish. 20 years. in many scenes. and ive had enuff of the battle. ive served my time & now i wish to do summat different with my live. to fight a different battle & try a different carrer. its my choice.

jus cos you dont choose to take the challenge, it doesnt mean you couldnt meet it.

i ran a club night at a loss for about 18 months out of love. ive worked for absolute gangsters jus to get my foot in the gig outta love. i ran a house night for mates out of love. ive played for free more times than i care to remember outta love. ive done posters & sound for mates gigs for free when they needed the support. ive filled in for djs & brought kit to ppl at the last minute. lent turntables & fx units & dj mixers & sat on the door for five hours at a dnb night i ran for mates & lost money...

all out of love.. or is it sheer blind stupidity :eh:

everyone is different. i repsect a lot of what you say, but the same way you were straight with chris, so others shall be onto you.

so... dont presume your the only one with a fight on your hands.

you have over 30 records out ? consider yourself very lucky.

some ppl only get one. and dont even get a ****in penny for it

22-06-2005, 11:19 PM
At the end of the day we'll STILL be able to hammer out all the :love: music he gave us.

If you are playing somewhere\anywhere\your mates bedroom\some massive club snorting coke of some hookers tits this weekend make sure to fill your set full of CmcC tunes.

That would be the best way to say thanks.

PS. I want a simple clappy smilie for the man from everybody lets make this another 20 pager. :lol:


22-06-2005, 11:21 PM

22-06-2005, 11:54 PM

23-06-2005, 01:25 AM
can't believe some of the shit people talk on here these days really is sad. good luck chris and all the best. Shame you couldn't make a living from this but with every scene its always the cheese and easily accessable stuff that sells. Least you can say you stuck to your guns and never sold out. Darkside don't laugh but well regret not buying the last tune cos it has really grown on me so don't say i told you so!!! All the best Chris and good luck in the future

23-06-2005, 02:15 AM
Well I'm hoping he's just pissed off with losing money and won't be giving up completely. I'm sure there are a shed load of people out there that should be willing to give him some dosh to make records for them to release as his stuff is rather fiendish.

Certainly some of the stuff he points out I've seen coming for a while, the sterilisation of techno as it becomes influenced by the mainstream and the punters become less discerning about whats played. But I've always said it never matters how much generic shit is put out there, the people who spend their lives devoted to techno learn how to split the wheat from the chaff. It's less about what other people are doing, **** 'em I say, and about finding your little niche which makes you happy. It's hard for me to think about the potential shitness which is eluded to in clubs sometimes by various people as I'm stuck up in Scotland where I'm not really seeing any of these issues coming into light but we're apparantly an exception.

In the end though people have to do what makes them happy whatever it is, since this is what Chris sees as being best for himself I wish him all the best in whatever he gets into next. You know he's going to be great at it from the dedication he's plowed into the fertile fields of the techno over the years. Chris has always been one of the biggest enigma's of techno to me, someone who can knock out these tracks which give you a good beasting yet doesn't DJ or do live PA's, something which is pretty much unheard of as almost all prolific producers are out there in clubs at the weekend nudging some 1210's or tweaking some knobs.

23-06-2005, 03:10 AM
well i really think alot of you guys need to grow up.

or at least get involved in trying to make a living out of music.

perpet, i had to post this up - it's totally an issue for me and we needed to talk about it - BUT we didn't need to slag mccormy.

hey has his opinion. it's not my opinion or anyone elses, but you have to respect it, cause of his track record. i'm of the opinion that we don't need to slag anyone - just get the f*** on and try to make a difference - but some ppl just get to the stage where they've had enough. i can respect this. you get older, try sooo hard to make music, you think no-one is listening, you work like no-one you know (guys, trying to become a good producer is the madest head mash ever!!), no bills are being paid, you're trying to be creative but all the distributors are telling you your music is shite and not selling, what the hell are you to do????

me? i have my djing. thank god. although i spend all week in the studio, making a living to pay the rent and to feed the kids out of production is not a issue. not that i have kids, but you see my point.

why can you guys just not see that mccormacks statement is simply one of frustration and passion. ok, wish him luck, and let's get on with it. i personallly don't agree with him that all techno is shite, but i do see his point. but that's his life. great.. move on.

stop picking nits with his statement. respect him, wish him luck and let's go.


The Divide
23-06-2005, 03:32 AM
I would like to say a few things

I agree with the bongo thing, straight samples arnt very interesting compared to some twisted manipulated sound design. I think it’s a shame you people choose to quit and personally I don’t really understand it

Officially quitting the production is like ending a hobby. I can understand pulling your own label if you’re loosing out. I can understand getting a job and producing part time. But saying your quitting something which you’re passionate about is insane. Im guessing hes still going to be writing music in his spare time?

Anyways we should be focusing on the good shit and trying to generate outside interest, setting out differences aside and educating each other and especially those that don’t really know about techno. There does seem to be lots of uncreative shit out there, but it’s by no where near as bad as ‘popular mainstream’ music. We should fight that, it’s the real enemy.

So yea, anyways I honour you MCM and this is a loss.

I don’t like the way this was done tho. It’s not the spirit I like to see tho. All that matters is that the party still goes on as far as I’m concerned.

23-06-2005, 03:35 AM
Officially quitting the production is like ending a hobby. I can understand pulling your own label if you’re loosing out. I can understand getting a job and producing part time. But saying your quitting something which you’re passionate about is insane. Im guessing hes still going to be writing music in his spare time?
Mr McCormack has always as far as I've known, held a steady 9-5 job and always produced in his spare time.

23-06-2005, 11:43 AM
Hmm, i dont think chris is quitting music. He's just not producing any techno records anymore, i think he also said that he has been doing music for commercial television.

Good on ya mate! best o luck.

miasma man
23-06-2005, 11:58 AM
Man, this is bad news.

McCormack was/is an inspiration for us all.

Good luck with the future - stay true to your soul.


23-06-2005, 12:07 PM
It's quite interesting how the human species has a tendancy to get confortable with something and then not like to change. Even for the most innovate of people, it can be hard to let something go. Alot of people tend to defend a genre, like they are part of a tribe or something...its crazy. The scene moves forwards by rebellian. Remember 'disco sucks'? I respect genres for what good times they have given me over the past, but i don't stand by them because thats where I feel confortable. I stand by the electronic scene as a whole. Alot of fantastic slower minimal/acid/tech-house/electro/musical (whatever you want to call it) is coming out at the moment and it's really exciting. Alot of techno purists refuse to get into it as they prefer the 'harder' music. This music is thriving with amazing ideas at the moment, so why not mix it up with the techno to spice it up? FUK THE RULES and FUK THE GENRES and always evolve.

23-06-2005, 12:12 PM
Mr Mckormack is a living legend, gutted one of my fave producers is quitting.
good luck mate, all the best :clap: :notworthy:

robin m
23-06-2005, 01:38 PM
There does seem to be lots of uncreative shit out there, but it’s by no where near as bad as ‘popular mainstream’ music.

All that matters is that the party still goes on as far as I’m concerned.

I agree with this 100%.

And to Mr McCormack;


23-06-2005, 01:50 PM
So it seems that to succeed you have to be 'up to the challenge' in a business sense, and to chase success - this is what I find sad about the whole thing.

man, sad or not, if you don't push your music and fight for your props, then dont throw a tantrum when nobody pays attention.

who threw a tantrum? all i read were his own humble opinions. give me a break.

p.s. chris thanks.

23-06-2005, 01:54 PM
well i really think alot of you guys need to grow up.

or at least get involved in trying to make a living out of music.

Give it a rest, Mark. You have no idea what people do or don't do in music here unless they choose to tell you. I really don't get you guys on this forum sometimes. I swear, "techno" is the only genre of music where artists will bitch about how thigs are so bad for them because so many other artists around them suck. In every other music scene I've been involved with, particularly anything "underground," the shitty acts didn't matter because, in the end, they just made you shine that much more. I'm tired of the constant spite that surrounds popularity, not quality, that I see posted here. It is so ****ing old already. If you are one of those people who has grown up and tried making a living out of music, then I hope you learned awhile ago that popularity comes and goes with particular sounds. So something that you consider "shit" sells better than your best work? Again, I repeat, get over it, get over yourself, evolve. Britney Spears has sold more records than all of us collectively.

perpet, i had to post this up - it's totally an issue for me and we needed to talk about it - BUT we didn't need to slag mccormy.

Who's slagging him? Has anyone said his music sucked? A couple of us disagreed with his "negative" message. A message that targetted a lot of people without even naming them. Who was slagging who?

hey has his opinion. it's not my opinion or anyone elses, but you have to respect it, cause of his track record.

Wrong. I don't have to respect anyone's opinion if it's bullshit just because they have a few records out. Especially when, in the end, it was just a bland opinion I've heard a thousand times before from other people who try and make themselves appear superior to others.

i'm of the opinion that we don't need to slag anyone - just get the f*** on and try to make a difference - but some ppl just get to the stage where they've had enough. i can respect this. you get older, try sooo hard to make music, you think no-one is listening, you work like no-one you know (guys, trying to become a good producer is the madest head mash ever!!), no bills are being paid, you're trying to be creative but all the distributors are telling you your music is shite and not selling, what the hell are you to do????

"Get over it. Get over yourself. Evolve." I'm well used to the fact that most people aren't listening to stuff I've worked on. But, you don't see me popping shit about other styles of music as being the problem. When nobody listens to what I write, that is my fault. As DeafMosaic points out, you need to promote yourself. On the other hand, even if you do that, if you're making music for an incredibly small niche of an already niche market, you might just have to accept the fact that your tracks won't be so popular. YOUR best might not be what the market considers the best. Why is this a problem?

why can you guys just not see that mccormacks statement is simply one of frustration and passion.

That doesn't excuse it. If you make a bullshit statement because of frustration and passion, you should own up to the fact that it was bullshit later. I don't know how it is in your neck of the woods, but he displayed the exact attitude which turns so many people off to "techno" over here. It's why you're lucky to have 150 people at a techno party in NYC. The kids who would be into it got tired of being reminded by snobs how much their taste in music sucked. I can't even "respect" his decision to quit. In the end, so ****ing what? Lots of people quit without making an Eric Cartman like speech before doing so. "Screw you guys, I'm going home!"

23-06-2005, 02:28 PM
Oh, Chris I feel the same way dude....sorry to see you feel like this and I wish you all the best. Your stuff has been an inspiration thats fo sure.

As for some of you....well....??

BTW, just because "Britney" or whoever the f*ck sells records doesnt mean its good music.....its just marketed right to ignorant fools who have no taste. Sure you can say..."But its all opinion or taste"....but that dont make it right coz the "taste" you refer to is governed by the ignorant sheep who swallow the tosh thats dished up to them by super-marketing hype.

23-06-2005, 02:42 PM

23-06-2005, 02:57 PM
BTW, just because "Britney" or whoever the f*ck sells records doesnt mean its good music.....

Correct. So, should I swallow that you ould stop making music because Britney Spears is more popular?

its just marketed right to ignorant fools who have no taste.

Actually, the production work on her albums is quite good. It's no less programmed than any techno. What makes "techno" any better? Taste is entirely subjective and, when used in this context, the domain of boring elitists.

Sure you can say..."But its all opinion or taste"....but that dont make it right coz the "taste" you refer to is governed by the ignorant sheep who swallow the tosh thats dished up to them by super-marketing hype.

Funny. I could make the same argument that you are an ignorant sheep who was steered into listening to techno. You just buy a different hype.

23-06-2005, 03:09 PM
what are you trying to prove spurting out all this s*ite?

23-06-2005, 03:26 PM
Don't believe the hype, if you want to concentrate on marketing and promotion, then you sacrifice the quality of the music - sorry but that's the way it is, I can't name one original quality techno track that has been marketed, promoted and hyped, that's the beauty of the music.

23-06-2005, 04:40 PM
Don't believe the hype, if you want to concentrate on marketing and promotion, then you sacrifice the quality of the music - sorry but that's the way it is, I can't name one original quality techno track that has been marketed, promoted and hyped, that's the beauty of the music.

That's why you have someone else concentrate on marketing and promotion. They're usually called a manager or an agent. Let's not pretend that techno artists don't have their music marketed, hyped, or promoted.

23-06-2005, 04:42 PM
OK, what good ones do?

23-06-2005, 04:44 PM
And please tell us who your manager and agent are, obviously you're following your own advice here so any tips on marketing and promotion are very welcome.

23-06-2005, 04:49 PM
perpet, i had to post this up - it's totally an issue for me and we needed to talk about it - BUT we didn't need to slag mccormy.

excuse me ? i didnt slag him mark, i said i was wondering if ppl would have found out themselves had you not mentioned it..

how long was the message on his forum before you posted it ? did anyone else here see it before hand ?

THATS my point.

i left the dj/live circuit & stopped sending out deomos because i think the machine wrapped round the music is a disgrace. egos & wallets & 4 star hotels & all that s**t

you take the money out of it & see how many ppl still graft. it was never about money. f**kin never...

ppl are missing the point. THATS why i left the scene & jus make me loopz for others to use for free.

i never got a f**kin penny for a single f**kin beat, but thats not why i left.

i didnt get into this for £££. i got into it cos techno rocked. it moved me. and anyone else wanting anything else out of it should get the f**k out & take your cheques & dj fees & stick them right up your f**kin arse..


how many would still do it if every single fee was removed ?

23-06-2005, 04:51 PM
Don't believe the hype, if you want to concentrate on marketing and promotion, then you sacrifice the quality of the music - sorry but that's the way it is

bullshit, its all part of the game. this is TECHNO. you think you are being inovative by using the technology to make music and neglecting your reponsibility to use the same technology to make your music available to the people, express your ideas on corresponding concepts etc.

your ideas are antiquated and conservative. these ideas belong to a rock musician who has managers and major labels to do the hard work for him. if you believ in your music, but not wnough to push it, then who will believe in you?

23-06-2005, 04:53 PM
and yes, big money kills all things "pure" but all we can do is fight the "superstar" and try to remain humble and reasonable. this will set us apart from the 3rd wave and eventually if we all can stay within the lines of reason, we can have an industry of peers working hard, not richie and sven being paid 20k to do coke in the booth.

23-06-2005, 04:54 PM
Don't believe the hype, if you want to concentrate on marketing and promotion, then you sacrifice the quality of the music .

bollox... absolute bollox

23-06-2005, 04:54 PM

23-06-2005, 04:57 PM
Well, we're all entitled to our opinions :)

Personally I prefer my music fluff free.

23-06-2005, 05:03 PM
OK, what good ones do?

Subjective nonsense at this point. Anyone I could name would probably degenerate into something similar to another "schranz sucks" thread.

And please tell us who your manager and agent are, obviously you're following your own advice here so any tips on marketing and promotion are very welcome.

I haven't used a manager/agent since 1998. The difference is, unlike many others, I'm not bitching about the fact that I'm not getting booked and nobody is hearing my music. That's a personal choice I've made. If you don't want to make the effort to be known, fine. Just don't later bitch about the fact that your best work doesn't sell as well as what you consider crap.

23-06-2005, 05:17 PM
money can corrupt artists in some situations, but let's be honest here...it's an unavoidable and central aspect of ANY industry or scene.

if you do not promote yourself, that's your choice of course, but it's gonna be that guy, maybe the one with the bongo loop track chris doesn't like, who spends hours and hours handing out promos, djing,and whatnot, who gets his sh*t out there.

that said, chris, i think, has always been swimming against the stream when it comes to this, while also being involved in the business side. if that's the case, realistically, reaching this point of frustration was somewhat inevitable.

so chris...i guess i'd say to you...don't quit...just take a step aside and find a way to make music where you aren't so involved in the bidniz side, and just put music out for yourself and for people to enjoy, by far the best reason...think fred gianelli...that guy absolutely does not give a sh*t about the industry, but keeps putting out innovative records...

23-06-2005, 05:38 PM
First let me say, Sorry to hear you've made the decision you have Chris.

But seriously, what does it mean to "give up" on techno? Did you sell your gear yet? What about all the tunes you listened to for inspiration? Have those gone too?

Listen being a musician is not something you do, its something you are. And I see you're still continuing in musical endeavors, can you honestly tell me that 6 months, or heck even a year you're not going to sit in your studio and one day go...damn I want to make a techno track!

We all move on and grow, but as far as being an artist, I find it difficult to believe one would completely divorce themselves from a style they felt passionately about.

Divorcing yourself from the business is one thing, but the style? Rubbish. Yes we all make music with an audience in mind, otherwise we'd all be making masturbatory crap, but any good musician makes music that they feel inside. The best music comes across when the artist has no choice but to express what they've got inside.

And if you ask me, the money isn't killing techno. What money? Has there ever been any real money in this music? All the people making the popular techno tracks, how much are they really making? Great they can actually pay some bills, but is that really THAT much money?

No what's really killing techno is the elitism and inbreeding. This genre is so self-referential it kills me sometimes. Nevermind all the "yo what you're listening to is crap!" I've been guilty of it myself, but I realized what a terrible way to view it. A good amount of those Tiesto fans you slag off could be techno fans in a year if you approach them the right way.

Honestly for what essentially is party music, Techno takes itself Waaaaaaaaay too seriously.

23-06-2005, 05:53 PM
i agree with that.

23-06-2005, 06:02 PM
No what's really killing techno is the elitism and inbreeding. This genre is so self-referential it kills me sometimes. Nevermind all the "yo what you're listening to is crap!" I've been guilty of it myself, but I realized what a terrible way to view it. A good amount of those Tiesto fans you slag off could be techno fans in a year if you approach them the right way.
Honestly for what essentially is party music, Techno takes itself Waaaaaaaaay too seriously.

:clap: Can I get an Amen? ;)

23-06-2005, 06:17 PM
tiesto :eh:

ahm... wtf ?

23-06-2005, 06:58 PM
tiesto :eh:

ahm... wtf ?

Case in point:

There's a kid that comes out to EVERY techno party in NYC. I mean religiously, unless he has to work (he's a bartender). He's always getting down like a madman.

He prays at the altar of techno.

What did he used to listen to? George Acosta. Used to be his favorite DJ.

Another case.

My roommate used to get amped about Tiesto and all the big name DJs of that ilk. Then I started taking her out to Tronic, and all the techno parties. Now she listens to techno more than I do! Is more amped about the techno parties than I am, and has no interest whatsoever in the trance parties.

My approach with her was never, yo I can't believe yo go to that shit, it's awful. Instead I took the tack, "Yo, you like that, you should really check out THESE parties."

Of all the modern forms of music that don't fall under the realm of descending from the classical / composer world, straight up techno has got to be some of the more inaccesable music out there. It's pretty abstract and holds few roots to "popular" music.

People like Tiesto and Oakenfold, or before them "bands" like Crystal Method and the Prodigy (where did stuff like that go?!?!)provide a gateway to this music. If we sit here and slag them off, as well as anyone that listens to them we alienate future consumers of our music. Because honestly, youre average person isn't going to go from the melody / hook driven music that dominates most of the airwaves to techno. They need a bridge. Why burn that bridge?

That's exactly what the general techno populace has done for the last someodd years. And what harvest have we sown?

23-06-2005, 07:05 PM
Honestly for what essentially is party music, Techno takes itself Waaaaaaaaay too seriously.

bravo! :clap:

23-06-2005, 10:56 PM
tiesto :eh:

ahm... wtf ?

Case in point:

There's a kid that comes out to EVERY techno party in NYC. I mean religiously, unless he has to work (he's a bartender). He's always getting down like a madman.

He prays at the altar of techno.

What did he used to listen to? George Acosta. Used to be his favorite DJ.

Another case.

My roommate used to get amped about Tiesto and all the big name DJs of that ilk. Then I started taking her out to Tronic, and all the techno parties. Now she listens to techno more than I do! Is more amped about the techno parties than I am, and has no interest whatsoever in the trance parties.

My approach with her was never, yo I can't believe yo go to that shit, it's awful. Instead I took the tack, "Yo, you like that, you should really check out THESE parties."

Of all the modern forms of music that don't fall under the realm of descending from the classical / composer world, straight up techno has got to be some of the more inaccesable music out there. It's pretty abstract and holds few roots to "popular" music.

People like Tiesto and Oakenfold, or before them "bands" like Crystal Method and the Prodigy (where did stuff like that go?!?!)provide a gateway to this music. If we sit here and slag them off, as well as anyone that listens to them we alienate future consumers of our music. Because honestly, youre average person isn't going to go from the melody / hook driven music that dominates most of the airwaves to techno. They need a bridge. Why burn that bridge?

That's exactly what the general techno populace has done for the last someodd years. And what harvest have we sown?

ahm... no. i got into techno via David Holmes & Sabres Of Paradise around 93-94 then started to find ppl like Panetary Assault Systsems & Beyer & Mills & UR and the like.

i have NEVER listened to Tiesto or any such.

jus cos you know ppl who moved to techno from hard house or trance dont make it a general rule ;)

The Divide
24-06-2005, 12:11 AM
tiesto :eh:

ahm... wtf ?

Case in point:

There's a kid that comes out to EVERY techno party in NYC. I mean religiously, unless he has to work (he's a bartender). He's always getting down like a madman.

He prays at the altar of techno.

What did he used to listen to? George Acosta. Used to be his favorite DJ.

Another case.

My roommate used to get amped about Tiesto and all the big name DJs of that ilk. Then I started taking her out to Tronic, and all the techno parties. Now she listens to techno more than I do! Is more amped about the techno parties than I am, and has no interest whatsoever in the trance parties.

My approach with her was never, yo I can't believe yo go to that shit, it's awful. Instead I took the tack, "Yo, you like that, you should really check out THESE parties."

Of all the modern forms of music that don't fall under the realm of descending from the classical / composer world, straight up techno has got to be some of the more inaccesable music out there. It's pretty abstract and holds few roots to "popular" music.

People like Tiesto and Oakenfold, or before them "bands" like Crystal Method and the Prodigy (where did stuff like that go?!?!)provide a gateway to this music. If we sit here and slag them off, as well as anyone that listens to them we alienate future consumers of our music. Because honestly, youre average person isn't going to go from the melody / hook driven music that dominates most of the airwaves to techno. They need a bridge. Why burn that bridge?

That's exactly what the general techno populace has done for the last someodd years. And what harvest have we sown?

Aye, I agree. I have been saying for a long that that the 'Rave' Scene also helped techno as kids (like myself) grew out of it and moved on. I know a lot of people who come from those backgrounds including myself been regular at the helter skelter technodrome

1st time I heard techno back then when I was about 16 I thought it sounded a bit too repetetive untill I caught a few Ribbz, Luke McMillan and Mark eggs sets. Went to the Orbit the next year and never looked back

The Divide
24-06-2005, 12:23 AM
Maybe we should all just shut up and get on with it :lol:

24-06-2005, 12:29 AM
Mark Egg? Cheers mate.

And as for the typo button - hmmmm , lemme think about this.




Hail The Rev :clap: :clap:

24-06-2005, 01:00 AM
my flatmate is actually called mark egg....or eggo....or eggy....
haha.....he wishes i was lying probably haha

24-06-2005, 04:50 AM
i didnt liked the locked ep ...

but i liked lots of stuff chris made

there too many people who are making good techno out there to waste time wiht these issues

things are hard so what?

work harder

make up solutions and never give up

all i have to say

24-06-2005, 08:44 AM
all this talk about "techno being too loopy"....

forgive me if i may have missed the point, but isnt the essence and core of techno music evolves around that one loop that locks on?
At least the European stuff im talking about....

if its too loopy, listen to trance yo!

24-06-2005, 12:00 PM
Maybe we should all just shut up and get on with it :lol:

Ill shut up, except for the phrase

"Cheers - mines a pint"

:lol: :clap:

24-06-2005, 12:02 PM
forgive me if i may have missed the point, but isnt the essence and core of techno music evolves around that one loop that locks on?


24-06-2005, 12:07 PM
It's a a really stupid attitude to take, pointing the finger at anyone who uses loops. Practically EVERY producer I know uses loops and each of them has their own distinct sound as varied as you like. Given the power of modern software there's so much you can do to make "stolen" loops your own. Loops are only a foundation. If you're writing off the use off loops it really is time to move on. Go get a guitar or something.

24-06-2005, 12:17 PM
It's a a really stupid attitude to take, pointing the finger at anyone who uses loops. Practically EVERY producer I know uses loops and each of them has their own distinct sound as varied as you like. Given the power of modern software there's so much you can do to make "stolen" loops your own. Loops are only a foundation. If you're writing off the use off loops it really is time to move on. Go get a guitar or something.


24-06-2005, 12:24 PM
It's a a really stupid attitude to take, pointing the finger at anyone who uses loops. Practically EVERY producer I know uses loops and each of them has their own distinct sound as varied as you like. Given the power of modern software there's so much you can do to make "stolen" loops your own. Loops are only a foundation. If you're writing off the use off loops it really is time to move on. Go get a guitar or something.


Care to elaborate or are you going to sit there being smug?

24-06-2005, 01:57 PM
It's a a really stupid attitude to take, pointing the finger at anyone who uses loops. Practically EVERY producer I know uses loops and each of them has their own distinct sound as varied as you like. Given the power of modern software there's so much you can do to make "stolen" loops your own. Loops are only a foundation. If you're writing off the use off loops it really is time to move on. Go get a guitar or something.

Generally these comments come from people who use a lot of loops.

24-06-2005, 02:23 PM
Generally these comments come from people who use a lot of loops.

Are you claiming you don't?

24-06-2005, 04:23 PM
look, we don't need a personal 'i don't use loops' slagging match. if you wanna start a loops debate, post another topic ;)

24-06-2005, 04:32 PM
Generally these comments come from people who use a lot of loops.

Are you claiming you don't?
very few, but mark is right this topic has gone waaaay off.
If you have anything CM related, put it here, if not, start anothr thread.

24-06-2005, 04:33 PM
I'm just curious if anyone here can honestly say that don't use loops since, when you program a measure with a 4/4 909 beat with some tweaky synth over the top that you only adjust with a cutoff, modulation, etc., and you repeat that measure anywhere from 4-32 times before introducing much variation, you are using a "loop." I've not heard many pop music artists that don't use loops, riffs, hooks, whatever you want to call it. I really enjoyed techno a lot more when the artists didn't seem so pompous.

24-06-2005, 04:35 PM
People like Tiesto and Oakenfold, or before them "bands" like Crystal Method and the Prodigy (where did stuff like that go?!?!)provide a gateway to this music. If we sit here and slag them off, as well as anyone that listens to them we alienate future consumers of our music. Because honestly, youre average person isn't going to go from the melody / hook driven music that dominates most of the airwaves to techno. They need a bridge. Why burn that bridge?

That's exactly what the general techno populace has done for the last someodd years. And what harvest have we sown?

:clap: Yeah i totally agree. We need a lot more positive energy. It was those bridges u speak of that guided the light for my friends and I to eventually find techno.

24-06-2005, 06:14 PM
ahm... no. i got into techno via David Holmes & Sabres Of Paradise around 93-94 then started to find ppl like Panetary Assault Systsems & Beyer & Mills & UR and the like.

i have NEVER listened to Tiesto or any such.

jus cos you know ppl who moved to techno from hard house or trance dont make it a general rule ;)

You just admitted to having followed the same formula i had laid out. You got into something else similar, then discovered techno and got into that. My main point was that these bridges are essential to our music surviving and gaining fresh blood.

If whoever/whatever turned you onto UR, Mills, Beyer etc came out to you and said, what you're listening to right now is garbage. You are a moron for listening to that complete and total crap, how can you listen to that garbage, what I listen to is SOOOO much better. Would you have been inclined to check it out? Maybe, but most people would just be like....uh yeh okay, you're whack, I'm gonna keep rockin out to what I like.

I never said it was a hard and fast rule that all people in techno got into it through trance / hard house /rave etc. But a LOT of people did. There are many bridges, don't matter which one you take, but we shouldn't be burning any. You gotta cross the river somehow and this world doesn't have too many swimmers.

24-06-2005, 06:41 PM
damn bro, who are you?

24-06-2005, 07:44 PM
You just admitted to having followed the same formula i had laid out. You got into something else similar, then discovered techno and got into that. My main point was that these bridges are essential to our music surviving and gaining fresh blood.

If whoever/whatever turned you onto UR, Mills, Beyer etc came out to you and said, what you're listening to right now is garbage. You are a moron for listening to that complete and total crap, how can you listen to that garbage, what I listen to is SOOOO much better. Would you have been inclined to check it out? Maybe, but most people would just be like....uh yeh okay, you're whack, I'm gonna keep rockin out to what I like.

I never said it was a hard and fast rule that all people in techno got into it through trance / hard house /rave etc. But a LOT of people did. There are many bridges, don't matter which one you take, but we shouldn't be burning any. You gotta cross the river somehow and this world doesn't have too many swimmers.

you make a ton of sense.

i really enjoy arguing about techno, but it's important to always remember that what we write on here are opinions, and if there was an easy "true" answer to any of these things, there'd be no need for us to blab on about them...

i may think that there's a lot wrong with techno nowadays, but i'm fully aware this is just one man's opinion, and not for everyone. besides, one of my best friends out here is a cybertrance dj. i don't care for it, but he probably doesn't care for my techno records either. we still play each other music, we still hang out all the time. life's too short to base your existence around making yourself feel better by trying to out-snob other people...

24-06-2005, 08:26 PM
I'm just curious if anyone here can honestly say that don't use loops since, when you program a measure with a 4/4 909 beat with some tweaky synth over the top that you only adjust with a cutoff, modulation, etc., and you repeat that measure anywhere from 4-32 times before introducing much variation, you are using a "loop." I've not heard many pop music artists that don't use loops, riffs, hooks, whatever you want to call it. I really enjoyed techno a lot more when the artists didn't seem so pompous.

Man, your posts have been a complete pain in the neck to read in this thread.

24-06-2005, 08:29 PM
did anyone actualy read what dirty_bass wrote about staying on topic or does what the mods of this forum say mean f all??

cause if so you know what you can do. :dontevengothere:

come on let's get back on track here.


24-06-2005, 08:43 PM
way to flex that muscle there mark :lol:

maybe lock this monstrosity of a thread :eh:

24-06-2005, 09:31 PM
Not before I give the man who this thread is about the props he deserves :clap:
All I have ever seen him as is a humble person who makes great music and it is a bad thing that he has made this decision.

I think I understand what he feels about the way techno is and as I say its sad news that its effected him in a way where he whants to get out of it.

To be honest tho I wish he would take the advice of Deaf(cause it seemed like advice to me even tho he can be a little tuff in the way he goes about saying it)and do somthing about the state he sees the sceene and do somthing with the negative things he sees and use it to fight for the music he is so so good at making.

Anyways 10 clap smilys for CMC :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

24-06-2005, 09:43 PM
Anyways 10 clap smilys for CMC :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

for chris!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

24-06-2005, 09:56 PM
Man, your posts have been a complete pain in the neck to read in this thread.

If my posts are so boring and dificult to comprehend here, don't pain yourself in reading them. They probably weren't meant for you.

did anyone actualy read what dirty_bass wrote about staying on topic or does what the mods of this forum say mean f
cause if so you know what you can do. dontevengothere
come on let's get back on track here.

You aren't implying that moderators completely dictate conversation here, ar you Mark? The thing is, this thread hasn't really gone off course at all. It's all been in response to a certain artist's words that are up here on page 1. In the real world, not everyone is going to hear your music. I haven't heard this guy's music. But, even if I had, I don't have to respect a speech/excuse that is a cliche of techno snobs. So he cut some records? Doesn't mean there's any more weight in his statement or more room for snobbery. That's all I've seen in his words there. So, seriously, if your telling me that I must applaude someone because they wrote some tracks, even though they also made derogatory statements in their good-bye speech, well, then you know what you can go do with yourself as well. Respect is earned, not demanded. You don't earn respect by dishing out disrespect.

Seriously, on a general note which I'll just continue in another thread if anyone else bothers to raise it, this board has had an overwhelming presence of snobbery over the past month or so. Maybe I just didn't notice it initially. But, damn, if this is how it all goes down with a lot of you, you might want to read what Rev said again when you wonder why things look down. I don't go to NYC "techno" events anymore because I got pretty fed up with such horseshit many years ago. Shame to see it's a global thing.

24-06-2005, 10:01 PM
Anyways 10 clap smilys for CMC :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

for chris!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I'd love if he re-considered his position or made a 'comeback' at some stage in the future. If not then I hope that he reaches the top of his game somewhere else, like he's done in techno.

Either way, here's to all the amazing music he's made and the impact he's had on the scene
:clap: :clap: :clap::clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

24-06-2005, 10:13 PM
maybe lock this monstrosity of a thread :eh:
And the Regis one in the Dark forum. I think people stopped debating Regis on page 3 and it's now up to like 24 pages or something stupid.

24-06-2005, 10:14 PM
If my posts are so boring and dificult to comprehend here, don't pain yourself in reading them. They probably weren't meant for you.

They're meant for the whole board, and I think you've been shite talking to be perfectly honest. In the context of something else then perhaps your opinions are valid, here they are are just cluttering up the thread :dontevengothere:

In the real world, not everyone is going to hear your music. I haven't heard this guy's music. But, even if I had, I don't have to respect a speech/excuse that is a cliche of techno snobs. So he cut some records? Doesn't mean there's any more weight in his statement or more room for snobbery. That's all I've seen in his words there.

You're blabbering on for endless pages in response to an artist whose music you haven't even heard? Maybe you should listen to some ;)

24-06-2005, 10:14 PM
Not before I give the man who this thread is about the props he deserves :clap:
All I have ever seen him as is a humble person who makes great music and it is a bad thing that he has made this decision.

I think I understand what he feels about the way techno is and as I say its sad news that its effected him in a way where he whants to get out of it.

To be honest tho I wish he would take the advice of Deaf(cause it seemed like advice to me even tho he can be a little tuff in the way he goes about saying it)and do somthing about the state he sees the sceene and do somthing with the negative things he sees and use it to fight for the music he is so so good at making.

Anyways 10 clap smilys for CMC :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

at least somebody knows tuff love when they see it. CmC, i ain't mad at ya or talking trash, when i am acting like a baby, the ppl who respect me tell me "hey man you are being a friggin' baby".

24-06-2005, 10:31 PM
They're meant for the whole board, and I think you've been shite talking to be perfectly honest. In the context of
something else then perhaps your opinions are valid, here they are are just cluttering up the thread

Like I said, if you can't understand it, it wasn't meant for you.

You're blabbering on for endless pages in response to an artist whose music you haven't even heard? Maybe you should
listen to some

You miss the point. It wouldn't matter if I thought his music was the greatest I'd ever heard. I still wouldn't applaud this goodbye speech. I'll just call it as I see it. It looks spiteful. I only blabber on about it in this particular forum/context since what he's said has been a frequently raised theme/topic here recently. I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of people not calling bullshit on it as well since the music we all love and create has much more to do with personal subjective taste than skill. At one point, I really loved the "techno" scene because this bullshit attitude just didn't exist. It was about making music for people to enjoy and, when it was played in the proper setting, if you didn't particularly like it, something else would be replacing it in anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour. As soon as fukcing dance music got snobby, it lost it's honesty.

25-06-2005, 12:50 AM
the music we all love and create has much more to do with personal subjective taste than skill. At one point, I really loved the "techno" scene because this bullshit attitude just didn't exist. It was about making music for people to enjoy and, when it was played in the proper setting, if you didn't particularly like it, something else would be replacing it in anywhere from 2 minutes to an hour. As soon as fukcing dance music got snobby, it lost it's honesty.

the snobbery has always been there, IMO. even when i started going to parties in detroit in the mid 1990s, it was really bad. but is a snob someone who personally dislikes some music because he or she doesn't consider it "refined," or someone who doesn't respect tastes or opinions he or she considers beneath theirs? i'm not sure myself, and think these differ in that the former respects others and the latter doesn't, so i'm asking...

25-06-2005, 02:05 AM
tocsin wrote:
I'll just call it as I see it. It looks spiteful

And if it did look spiteful, so what? Are you the techno police or something?

Sure, there's snobbery within techno, always has been... and as techno is becoming more fragmented, the snobbery will inevitably be rife.

In your book then, 'big' techno producers have a moral duty not to bring the whole thing down by speaking badly of certain things. Well if techno is so fragile that it can't take criticism from someone within its own camp then that's a pity. All this code of conduct thing you are demanding is absurd. Other producers' attitudes aren't going to turn me off techno, it's the music that'll do that; and if you are having such a big problem with C McC's words then I'd be asking yourself some questions. You've heard it so many times before? Poor you.

Why are people getting so defensive? I personally think techno is at its worst state since I first started listening to it, and I'll openly say it. However, I'm still looking towards the future and seeing what happens. People like Chris stepping out of the fold is a pity, but he's had enough, is pissed off and is blowing off a bit of steam like anyone who is pissed off would be.
