View Full Version : Slightly OT : Matrix Reloaded!

17-06-2003, 03:49 AM
Sorry 4 the off topic but although I'm not a movie inteligencia I do luv whatching movies (@ least I turn off the phones and give me brain a little rest)...

I decided 2 post here 'cause I think most tech-heads r always into sci-fi :)

I have seen Matrix II two times (the 1st time I was 2 tired and slept thru most of it :oops: ).. and talking with friends I couldn't really reach a conclusion...

IMHO this film was a bit stupid, an excuse 2 make money and show off effects (sometimes way 2 digitized).. But I guess the 3rd might make this 1, a strong film 4 it's story line... will C ...

So this friend of mine asked.. how come Neo stopped the machines outside of the matrix @ at the very end?? Mind U he is unplugged from the matrix so even if he was a computing sage, he had no link with the matrix... kind of like being good at networking but not having any sort of modem & still b able 2 work online!?!?

So I came up with this crazy theory...

The matrix his having them "dream this all thing" like they already r outside, but in fact, they r still in they're pods... sort of like a dream within a dream... why? A system cannot b perfect other wise the human brain would perceive it as artificial (thus the arquitect's speach), so it needs a little kaos, randomness and error... thus becoming "organic"/ believable. Also the extra bio-activity from the suposed free members would b a very good sorce of bio-energie (the original reason 4 the creation of the matrix)....

If they died while connected 2 the matrix, they would die in reality... (simply because they're brain believes they r dead.. as seen on the 1st 1) it makes sense 2 think that neo is getting extra powerful 'cause by believing so he will eventually be more powerfull, eventually defeat the matrix and wake up all the pods connected...

Now I've seen the Animatrix and the stories about the runner and the kid with the skateboard make this theory even more clear/ feasable 2 me...

Sorry if this sounds like I've taken dru** , but this is really doing me nut in... I guess I am a freak after all :oops:

Let me know what U think of the film and theories...

Mark really sorry about the OT!! :(


17-06-2003, 04:10 PM
There is no way he could or would ever open all the pods.. imagine all those billions of people with no structure of a civilisation to support em...well, it could happen but it wouldnt be a very happy ending.

heres some of my thoughtz:
Neo is now beginning to really free his mind.
remember gets given the bent spoon by that over enthusistic gimp-boy, its from one of the little bald kids (from the oracles flat in the first movie) and its showing him that the matrix was a key to unlock his perceptions of reality and give his sub-concious mind the confidence to distort reality to its own needs, as it can do in the matrix.
To the mind the matrix is a reality, it contains sight, smell, touch etc, so the way neo has trained his mind to interact with that reality has translated into the real reality :roll: .. if that makes any sense..
Its all a bit lawnmower man if you asked me, but obvious it was going to go that way..

The other thing i think could happen ,like ZM says is 'reality' itself could be part of the matrix, and both what they percieve as the matrix and thier 'reality' could be inside another, real matrix or even in a computer game in a normal reality or somthing, **** knows.. there has to be another twist coming in the story.
If this is the case i dont think they are still in thier pods though because if they are still in them, and just dreaming it then why is that any different to the billions of other poeple in thier pods dreaming about going about thier daily human lives - surly this is just as valid a source of randomness as anything our heroes are doing

17-06-2003, 04:16 PM

17-06-2003, 04:21 PM
there is plenty of kaos, randomness and error just in the daily lives of all the minds trapped inside the matrix.. there are still human minds controlling everybody (except the few programs) remmber..

I was wondering about the opening the pods thing and i thought what if neo etc do win? what the **** will they do if they get to the point where they defeat the powers that controll the matrix, they will either have to keep it running to sustain all the billions of minds connected to it or just disconnect it - how would that ****ed up world support all those people??

17-06-2003, 04:22 PM
On the recent UK Trailer for Matrix 2 , what is the name of the song they play , Prodigy sounding tune , its on the tip of my toungue !!!!!!!!!!

17-06-2003, 09:16 PM
Jim U freak... eheheh :P

If they all got out all of the suddent.... eheheh here goes the twist... neo could overcome the arquitect and make the machines support and help built a normal life.... BUT the roots of this II movie makes u think (mother) machines and humans need 2 realise they need each other 2 co-exist, so if it happend it would b in a cooperation style... good ending Holywood style (they all lived ever happy! :( )..

has 2 the why would the matrix allow a anti-matrix within itself... well they world is at least bipolar.. so it would need an anti-matrix element (like the arquitecht said)...

Jimah the ball is in yer court now eheheh :P


17-06-2003, 09:23 PM
yeah, i suppose neo could just evolve into some kind of all powerfull freakshow like matey-boy does in dune.. He could become some kind of mutated brain monster and just turn the 'real' world back into what he wants it to be...
and then make trinity get her tits out.

17-06-2003, 09:24 PM
or even make trinity a bit fitter, and THEN make her her get her titties out..

17-06-2003, 09:31 PM
lol I'll all 4 that!!

I figured this was the way 'cause they need a major twist 4 the 3rd film... and what better twist that them still behind in the machine... :)

hey hav u seen existenz ??? Brilliant ! :)


17-06-2003, 09:33 PM
nope, never seen it, its got that bitch who i cant stand in it.
but i should really see it soon..

17-06-2003, 09:39 PM
It's just 4 the mind bending reality vs virtual reality plot... The Bit** is very tasty I say drool!!!

I think it's brilliant 4 the story, but it's got so many twists that It goes a bit pete tong in the end... anyways I guess it a bit B series art film (which most of the times mean crap pseudo-intelectual movies)...


17-06-2003, 09:45 PM
lawnmower man remains my favourite on this kind of tip, as it really is quite disturbing i think - not one for a comedown! :shock:
but i suppose you dont really have that problem do you Z...
it is a bit of a shit film though.

going off a bit here, i tell you what really gives me the willies is 'day of the triffids' in which the whole world wakes up blind one morning. really haunting stuff. Imagine that though, the whole ****ing world waking up blind - what a terrifying thought.. :cry:

18-06-2003, 04:22 AM
yeah I remeber that 1 eheheh Indeed I don't have the comedown prob, it's more like the tired, sleep and drool while snoring loud! :)

Another B movie on the same style is 1 I really can remember the name but it's sort of a VR horror game that moves 2 real life.....

Still I think Existez (david Kronenberg I think) rules... let me know yer thoughs when u check it out!!


18-06-2003, 01:39 PM
well here are the facts, ive listen to plenty of theory and this is my resoult.

Matrix where Neo we know lives, is a matrix INSIDE the matrix. If you listen preety good to the story, this matrix is 6 matrix in matrix. That is the only logical explanation to 'why does he stop the machines outside matrix'.
Neo we know is just a programable program that was design to give ppl hope. If you wonna know more, get 'AniMatrix' 10 animated 10min long stories that gives you an idea what matrix is all about. Try kazaa ;)
Well we shell see what comes in the end.

BTW, Matrix 1 was waaay better then this secound part. Not to mention, they filmed Matrix 1 for the same money they filmed the autobahn scene in Matrix 2. So dont say Matrix 1 was expensive. IMHO, i wanted to leave the theatre in the middle coz of stupid story in Matrix 2. The only 'cool' part in Matrix 2 is Mr. Anderson, i love his style :D

If u want a movie with good story and good fights (like Matrix 1) get 'Equilibrium'. That movie realy makes you think.

18-06-2003, 01:57 PM
So apperently I wasn't really capable of explaining my theory but it seems we all think alike :)

They r still inside, it's a matrix inside the matrix... the machine letting the "dream" of rebelion ride for the sake of keeping the balance/ harmony of the sistem and also extra bio-energie form the rebelious extra active minds!!

how will it end?????

My view they'll all make up.. machines and man (typical... all is well when end well)... or neo will over power them and mak' em work again 4 Man (but this seems 2 b against the all moral plot developed in the M2, check the mother's conversations)....
How will this happen... just like the animatrix... (the runner and the skater)... If u believe enougth u can bend the rules u can even beat the machine as part of the simulation is the mind and it's willingless 2 believe (even against the subconsciuos knowlege)...

So hope this is clear know!! :) my 2 cents...

PS - M2 kinda stinks... :(


Dustin seems 2 b with us on this plot!

18-06-2003, 02:42 PM
i thougt matrix 2 kicked ass, granted the superman shit was ****ing gay, so was the big cheesy speech - and the story was not as solid as number 1. but shit like those ghosts, the car chase, and neo beating the living shit into 1000 of those agent clone thingys was great stuff..

the sex scene was ok too, but imho could have been much improved with such simple touches as a ceiling harness, some rubber gloves and a squirrel..

19-06-2003, 11:04 AM
hey hav u seen existenz ??? Brilliant ! :)


oh god, sorry bro but that movie was soooo ghey. "pink phone"?!

i just finished watching matrix 2 for the first time and i thought it was good. obviously neo could stop the machines because they were still in the matrix....................... "i feel diferent" uses super powrs and lapses into a coma, pretty straight forward no?

19-06-2003, 04:26 PM
Fair enouth mosaic... Like I said It's a bit "i wanna b arty"... but the storyline was really crazy, and I guess I really liked the way it kept changing... plus the concept of "Vr vs reality" just like they were politicians.. U gotta agree (hopefully :P ) it would b a preatty hard choice between living in the real world or a Virtual Reality (were U could b an absolute master and do what ever u fancy, no strings attached).... I think most people would choose VR... and that's where all (the plot) and probs start from ... what would happen 2 the world if there was no1 "awake" and we all wanted 2 b "connected" 2 a VR concious controlled dream...!?!?

The story is a powerfull wake up call .. IMHO


19-06-2003, 04:36 PM
i bliked the nast chinese food. that part was kewl. 8)

19-06-2003, 04:59 PM
lol... it was indeed!! :P


20-06-2003, 12:18 PM
Its gotta be better than the ****ing lame open air production of Romeo and Juiliet i went to see last night, what has the RSC come to these days? they seem to just let any ****ing chump come and act for them, totally cardboard...

Barely Human
20-06-2003, 02:49 PM
The thing ive been wondering about in the matrix 2 is,

WHO IS THAT GUY AT THE END!!!??????? :?: :?: :?:

20-06-2003, 03:37 PM
duh, its the guy who tried to kill neo on the way to undock the ship, the friggin sunglass dude who went throught the phone. 8)

28-06-2003, 01:12 AM
Well here's a nice little article I found referring to this subject:

"Four things that could have improved The Matrix: Reloaded"

Great stuff! :wink:

28-06-2003, 02:54 AM
ehehehheeh quite a few good points.. I could certainly do without neo and more of neoness :shock:


03-07-2003, 02:54 AM
I went to see it with Rush last month and we both came out saying "what the **** was that all about" !!! The american's and the big budgets always totally mess these things up (apart from Terminator 2 which is killah!). The FX were amazing for about 5 mins then they repeat everything over and over again throughout the entire film. The car & bike chase scene was good but by the time the film was released every car programme on TV had showed the scenes a million times so the impact of millions of dollors being smashed was not that brill. I also saw a preview for Terminator 3 which also looked very american cheesy, lets just hope i'm proved wrong.

My favorite film is "Bully"


28-08-2003, 01:26 PM
got this form a friend.. totally diferent theory...


U have 2 click and highligh the text 2 b able 2 see it..


The Overfiend
28-08-2003, 05:43 PM
Then people wonder why I hate living here........
Glad you guys see the big picture of consumerism this godforsaken country is engulfed in.
