View Full Version : Alek Biotik - Directive (remix) - Gothamgrooves & Pete D

robin m
26-06-2005, 06:53 AM
I probably shouldn't post this yet but I've done the whole thing since yesterday evening and need to go to bed - a remix of Directive by Alek Biotik using some Pete Donaldson loops (cheers both ;) ). It obviously still needs a lot of tweaking / mastering etc.

Thinking about entering it for the Gotham grooves remix compo, what do you think? All feedback much appreciated - cheers!


(edited for a more updated version ;) )

26-06-2005, 07:40 AM
directive was my choice too! ;)
back later with some comments :cool:

26-06-2005, 02:46 PM
Wooo Hoooo :clap:

nice one.. these loops are doing a'ite innit :lol:

jus d/loading... shout back in 10

26-06-2005, 02:47 PM
btw, feel free to enter thi for the comp.. as long as i get a nod :lol:

The Divide
26-06-2005, 11:19 PM
I’m not sure why but things seem set far back in the mix. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but I do think you could bring things forwards a bit to give it a more urgent feel. The little that snare roll after the break could be brought out a bit too

It still needs a bit of work with the mix like you said but yea that’s a good track :clap:

27-06-2005, 10:40 AM
Liking this Robin, a lot. Very interesting in all senses. Particularly liking the synth.

I'd possibly try and make the kick cut through a bit more, but that's more than likely just my preferance for the hard stuff.

Keep an eye on the phasing though - stuff seems to shoot from left to right and back again at an alarming rate, though I'm probably noticing more because I'm listening in headphones! This could cause a bit of a problem if it was gonna get cut to vinyl.

Reckon we need to take some CDs down early on Saturday and give everything a prober "dagobah" listen. I'll check with Dom ;)

robin m
27-06-2005, 01:15 PM
Cheers all for comments, yeah - the mixdown definitely needs a lotta lotta work but I'm really not so practiced with that side of production, I'll just have to do my best! Any tips on sorting out the EQ very gratefully received ;)

Yep, Techmouse you're definitely right about the phasing, needs sorting out... it's really a bit too much for headphones, innit! And I'll have a crack at bringing the kick out as well - it's too muffled for sure.

Oh, and cheers again for all those lovely loops Perpetual... I doubt I'll be entering this in the compo (it's strange how much better tunes sound when you're really stoned and it's 5 in the morning ain't it!) but if I do I'll certainly make sure you're credited. Nice one mate ;)

27-06-2005, 03:52 PM
I've got a few issues with the track, but most of them I think I can safely put down to the fact I'm remixing the same track and taking it in a different direction.

One of things I don't like is the use of the bassline loop provided, to me it sounds a bit out of place and it's a bit hapazradly just thrown in for most of the tune apart from during the breakdown. It's like the track is trying to go in two different directions to my ears and both are muddling each other up. To me it sounds like the major part of the track is just a bit too upbeat and energetic for that dark bass synth. That synth sometimes to get a bit lost in the track as well.

The track is also a bit long as well. If you think about it, if the track does make it onto vinyl it'll most likely be part of a 4 track EP so with a huge track like that it'll start to eat into the space on the vinyl and the quality will suffer as a result.

Anyway take it with a pinch of salt, as I said I'm doing a remix of it which is much darker which is how I hear that synth so my opinion is definately biased.

27-06-2005, 03:52 PM
Cheers all for comments, yeah - the mixdown definitely needs a lotta lotta work but I'm really not so practiced with that side of production, I'll just have to do my best! Any tips on sorting out the EQ very gratefully received ;)

Yep, Techmouse you're definitely right about the phasing, needs sorting out... it's really a bit too much for headphones, innit! And I'll have a crack at bringing the kick out as well - it's too muffled for sure.

Oh, and cheers again for all those lovely loops Perpetual... I doubt I'll be entering this in the compo (it's strange how much better tunes sound when you're really stoned and it's 5 in the morning ain't it!) but if I do I'll certainly make sure you're credited. Nice one mate ;)

get it in there man... whats the worst that can happen eh :lol:

27-06-2005, 03:54 PM
Actually sneaky peeky at what I've done so you can see how I'm thinking along completely different lines.

My remix (http://www.atkt71.dsl.pipex.com/Mirsha_Remix.mp3)

27-06-2005, 04:44 PM
Think robins track definitly needs some shaping... work on the mix a bit other than that its a nice track...!!!

I like Mirshas rmx too.... Sounds really clean!!! Nice job dude..


27-06-2005, 05:24 PM
Nah I'd say start your own thread to avoid confusion, or just a thread in general for discussing the competion at large and stuff. One thing that would be dead handy though is someone could check the stereo field of that tune of mine though, I don't actully have stereo sound setup here so I've kinda got to wing everything and pray for the best only getting some feedback from the stereo field indicator in Wavelab.

27-06-2005, 05:49 PM
like nothing ever happend :lol:

robin m
27-06-2005, 05:49 PM
Nah I'd say start your own thread to avoid confusion, or just a thread in general for discussing the competion at large and stuff.

Yep - I agree, that would make sense - whoever posts a version of a remix track next should start one up. Good idea.

Cheers for all that feedback Mirsha, that's a big help - you're right, it is definitely too long but I was all stoned and got carried away :doh: :lol:

Fair point about the clash between the synth & main pattern, it boils down to opinion I suppose - I do want them to contrast with each other, just not quite as muddily as they do... maybe I'll manage to make it sound a bit more like it's supposed to, the track might make more sense then! Probably not though, so don't worry about competition from me ;)

And Lau & Mirsha - I'll give both your tunes a whirl when I finish work, looking forward to hear what else people have made of it :rambo:

robin m
27-06-2005, 05:52 PM
like nothing ever happend :lol:


Strange things are afoot in the techno forum...

Oy! Lau! Where'd your link go?

27-06-2005, 06:05 PM

I removed it... To avoid confusion like Mirsha said ..

