View Full Version : Dust Science

08-07-2005, 02:34 AM
One of the most exciting labels to emerge from the UK recently??????

Discuss... ;)

Every time you put one of their releases on the platters you just haven't got a clue what to expect. Loving the new System 23 release. In fact the Black Dog release is great too. Nice 1 guys. You've done a great job.


The Overfiend
08-07-2005, 03:04 AM
Personally love the Shakir release, too bad Martin Dust hates me, tee hee.

08-07-2005, 03:06 AM
good label. but only becuase they are doing what labels used to do years ago.. ie having a bit of balls..

08-07-2005, 03:19 AM
well dont we need more labels like that??? not that most ppl give a f*** these days. but total respect to ds for doing something different.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

08-07-2005, 03:27 AM
yeah, fair play for doing wtf they want, and not wtf they think people will expect.

08-07-2005, 03:34 AM
i've been loving it...esp fred giannelli's telepathica ep...

08-07-2005, 04:21 AM
i liked the b2 i think it was on the latest one

by system 23

the tune called exit

08-07-2005, 04:54 AM
claude youngs release :clap:

ask xFive, i think he just picked up their whole back catalog hehe

08-07-2005, 05:21 AM
I concur with everything thats been said.

Nothing but respect for Dust Science! The music varies, some is to my taste while some is not. Whats great is the ability to choose and find some decent music that other labels don't have the balls to release.

dan the acid man
08-07-2005, 10:05 AM
yeah, its pretty damn good

eyes without a face
08-07-2005, 10:24 AM
amazing label no doubt, but i find most labels these days are still doing what they want, just with alot of them what they want to do doesnt change much from each release

08-07-2005, 01:14 PM
seems to be an interesting enough label, although none of the releases have tickled my fancy personally. but I definitely appreciate that they are trying something different with each release. One thing though, is it only going to be a platform for established artists, or are they ever going to push unknowns? I can understand why a label would only ever want to put out established artists in the current econmic climate, but many other labels are pushing unknowns side by side with knowns.

08-07-2005, 01:21 PM

08-07-2005, 04:14 PM
claude youngs release :clap:

ask xFive, i think he just picked up their whole back catalog hehe

Indeed I did :twisted:


:lol: :lol:

Martin Dust
09-07-2005, 09:18 AM
Many thanks for the props guys, it does mean a lot to us.

It's good to see people understanding what we are doing, many said it wouldn't work - that people wouldn't get it and that we'd be better sticking to one sound. **** that and **** them, that isn't what techno is about, it was never about that, that's the easy way out and one that is just consumer facing and treats people as if they are stupid.

I've always planned to bring the different flavours, that's what I like - Whitehouse next to Shake, Black Dog and System 23 - makes perfect sense, in my world at least. You go out and double drop to S23, have a ****ing party and come back, skin up and slip on a bit of tBd :)

I've also loved great artwork as well and although it takes us a long time to sort it out, it has to be done. We know that some won't undertand and not everyone will like everything and you know what? We are fine with that but at somepoint you'll understand how it all fits together - We Call It Techno.

We do sign new artists and we do push them as hard as anyone else we have, Carl is pretty much the new kid on the block with only 3 releases out (2 on Bugged Out) but his single has done really well, he's even done a remix of Evoke by The Black Dog that is as deep as ****, lovely stuff. Expect to hear more from him in early 2006. System 23 haven't released anything before and have only played 20 gigs, so yeah we are bringing new people to the scene, it's a tough thing to do but we are planning to do more of it, as it's important to the future.

I spent two years planning the label and at times it was tough - Pat, Richard and myself nearly ended up killing each other just before the first release, you can imagine, two years working on something - but everything had to be right and we came through it. And now the fight continues with every release, 13 12"s and 1 Album this year!!!

We have loads of new stuff lined up, System 23 are back out on the road soon, Black Dog are playing some DJ sets of punk/dub/techno at a few festivals before going out on the road in 2006. Hopefully we'll be back in Sheffield with a few club nights, our work on LD never seems to stop (god bless php!) so yeah we are up to our necks in it and you know what? we love it.

Martin Dust

09-07-2005, 09:34 AM
I say fair play to you Martin, for sticking with what you like and not for what ppl expect. This is what keeps the label exciting imo, and I sincerly hope other ppl feel the same way.

11-07-2005, 03:15 AM
System 23 - makes perfect sense, in my world at least. You go out and double drop to S23, have a **** party and come back, skin up and slip on a bit of tBd :)

Martin Dust

what an analogy man :) funny as...yet wreaking of truth

eyes without a face
11-07-2005, 09:47 AM
yeah or you could go out and not double drop, or at least not promote it on here ;), still have a wikid party, go home and still enjoy some quality records from the Dust crew

and still feel right as rain the next day

bonus ;)

11-07-2005, 01:41 PM
Bah, you working for the no fun squad now scotty? :lol:

Martin Dust
11-07-2005, 02:04 PM
yeah or you could go out and not double drop, or at least not promote it on here ;), still have a wikid party, go home and still enjoy some quality records from the Dust crew

and still feel right as rain the next day

bonus ;)

You sound like me dad :) And as I said to him **** Off ;)

11-07-2005, 02:12 PM

11-07-2005, 02:21 PM
BLACK DOG ????? :shock:

Martin Dust
11-07-2005, 02:35 PM
Wassup with tBd P?

Kube 72
11-07-2005, 02:45 PM
Yeah Props to Martin and the Dust Crew, they kept LD alive and the label is going from strength to strength. I admire what they have as in a time when distribitors/labels were going under they decided to launch the label and its paid off...so respect guys.

eyes without a face
11-07-2005, 03:18 PM
haha no, i enjoy alot of fun just as much as the next guy, i just always thought the drug promotion was supposed to be kept down to a minimum thats all?

id listen to the releases regardless of if i was on pills or not haha i just found it an odd thing to say

Martin Dust
11-07-2005, 04:15 PM
haha no, i enjoy alot of fun just as much as the next guy, i just always thought the drug promotion was supposed to be kept down to a minimum thats all?

id listen to the releases regardless of if i was on pills or not haha i just found it an odd thing to say

Well when me and Rich started S23 is was and still is about the mad ****ers down the front, the people that go mad and dance their socks off all night, I don't care if they take drugs or not be we figured it's better to be honest. We take drugs, we enjoy them, we laugh our tits off on them. We make music on them, it's no big deal - pretending we didn't would be just bollocks. See I don't think it's that odd, that's what loads of the crew like to do - go had, go back and chill until Monday, just saying how it is, how it really is :) We love a party!

11-07-2005, 04:21 PM
haha no, i enjoy alot of fun just as much as the next guy, i just always thought the drug promotion was supposed to be kept down to a minimum thats all?

id listen to the releases regardless of if i was on pills or not haha i just found it an odd thing to say

Well when me and Rich started S23 is was and still is about the mad **** down the front, the people that go mad and dance their socks off all night, I don't care if they take drugs or not be we figured it's better to be honest. We take drugs, we enjoy them, we laugh our tits off on them. We make music on them, it's no big deal - pretending we didn't would be just bollocks. See I don't think it's that odd, that's what loads of the crew like to do - go had, go back and chill until Monday, just saying how it is, how it really is :) We love a party!


eyes without a face
11-07-2005, 04:27 PM
well u obviously dont know me very well, as you've described a scene not dissimiliar from my weekends too mate, i just believe in keepin the drugs talk down and the post had an insinuation that you needed to be on drugs to appreciate the music more, not an obvious insinuation on your part i know, but it was there all the same, which i thought was wrong as the releases are absolute top notch... in my own bumbling way i was actually biggin u guys up haha

i know alot of people who are down the front going mental without drugs, an indication of the quality of music no doubt coupled with personal prefference... that, to me anyway, is a much more interesting discussion point...

not that it matters haha i was just saying like :lol:

Martin Dust
11-07-2005, 04:45 PM
I know what you mean Scott and I don't disagree.

We are never phuked when we play simply because we are there for the crowd, but we understand the feelings and we love the rushing and coming up and that's what we want people to feel when we play - we want to give you the best show and bust your pretty little heads, if you aren't on drugs you can and will understand it, simple.

We don't mind the sweaty huggs and hand shakes, we play for the smiley faces and watching people trip the phuk out, for me - that's where the magick is and that's the reason we practice for hours on end and go full out to put on a show. As you know we all love it :lol:

eyes without a face
11-07-2005, 04:52 PM
likewise i agree with all that side of things, ive met some of my truest mates in situations like that and have memories etched into my mind from being in such states and situations...

i think since i pretty much stopped doing anything like that ive found myself straight apart from drinks in clubs and it does give u a different perspective, for me personally the feelings of sickness and nausea now far outweigh the feelings of europhicity (word?) and general well being that comes with that side of things

plus as u say if im gigging then thats another matter, one thing i cant stand is seeing a dj or artists totally wellied when playing, a couple of years ago id of probably deemed it fun, but when it detracts from the performance then its a no go area for me really

im old before my time thats my problem, i feel like Victor Meldrew sometimes haha

come on ive lined that up beautifully there for someone to say "yeah, u sound like him too ;)"

Martin Dust
11-07-2005, 05:16 PM
You big puff :twisted:

eyes without a face
11-07-2005, 05:18 PM
you dirty baghead :twisted: :lol:
