View Full Version : Anybody going to Svojsice 2005, Czech Republic!?

12-07-2005, 01:36 PM
Trying to find out about this gig in Czech Republic, its an outdoor festival and Surgeon, Go Hiyama and Inigo Kennedy playing. I'm trying to figure out where it is, the website is totally in Czech! :cry:

Im in Budapest at the moment, and lm planning on getting the train. Though the thing is I have no idea where to go, I don't even know about how to get tickets!!!

The link: http://www.svojscie.cz/

Any help would be fantastic ;)


12-07-2005, 02:30 PM
post this on little detroit with the attation of AON, he will translate.

12-07-2005, 03:25 PM
Cheers Amp, will do! :clap:

12-07-2005, 05:17 PM
can give you some help if it's still needed. pm me...

inigo kennedy
12-07-2005, 06:41 PM
I'm going ;-)

Svojsice is actually the name of the place the event is in too. It's here (http://www.mapy.cz/search.py?&sz=1&lo=53702404&la=179159760&zi=2&hl=p nt=543098_-5534850_select&rn2=Svoj%C5%A1ice&rp2=56163323_1798 71984&my=-108).

The nearest major city is Pardubice. Looks like there's a direct train from Budapest-Nyugati to Pardubice leaving at 14:10 and arriving at 20:12. There's also the option of Budapest-Keleti to Pardubice with a change in Bratislava leaving at 12:05 and arriving at 18:47.

From Pardubice it's about 20km to Svojsice and according to the Svojsice site there are buses every 30 minutes after 15:30 from the main bus station. Looks like the bus company is called Connex and tickets should be 30Kc (~1EUR). First bus back in the morning is at 06:00 and every hour from then. Ah, three years of learning Czech came in useful :-)

See you there then! :-)


13-07-2005, 12:19 PM
I went to it last year. Great party! Steve Stoll was a no show, Echoplex was great. Its held in the middle of a woods.. big main stage for techno with a couple of smaller tents for house, d'n'b, etc..
As Inigo said, get the train to Pardubice (a really nice/small university city, worth checking out), go right out of the station & walk about 10 mins, cross the road to the bus station.. There'll probably be a crowd to follow!
You pay the bus driver as you get on, its about a 1/2 hr journey and you can buy your ticket at the main gate.. about 12EUR!! (They'll take any booze off you as you go in). The bus in the morning brings you back to the train station.
Damn, I wish I was going again.. happy memories :)

Here's a link to czech bus/train timetables in english, search for Whereever-Pardubice

Have fun!

13-07-2005, 04:13 PM
sounds great :drool:

13-07-2005, 04:31 PM
sounds great :drool:

man, every time I was in Czech Republic I had such a good time..
always great line ups, great sound, beautiful girls, good food.. ahhhhh :love:

14-07-2005, 08:16 PM
Thanks a million elektrikie and inigo, thats a massive help!!! :clap: Im in Bratislava at the moment and Iv just figured out how to get to Pardubice, so Im a very happy boy. Lookin forward to hearing you Inigo, will be the first time to hear you live. :twisted:


14-07-2005, 10:42 PM
enjoy yourself man, i was around those parts this time last year, but missed that festival.

best of luck and have a cracker!

18-07-2005, 07:04 PM
:shock: That was some gig, surreal to say the least. I arrived in Pardubice too late for the buses, so ended up paying out through my arse for a taxi. Though I have to admit it was well worth it!

Surgeon ripped it up, though very similar to his usual set he still managed to vary the programming enough to keep it very interesting.

Inigo was wicked, though the sound system and needles started to go a little crazy shortly into his set. Didn't phase him at all though and he really killed it. That Charly remix is priceless, but sadly Im sure it will probably never see the light of day.

The language barrier was a big pain in the ass, no one could understand a word. Felt like an ignorant tourist! :cry:

Overall though a wicked gig, though sleeping outside Prague station with the local bums feeling the effects of last night was a real low point :lol:


inigo kennedy
20-07-2005, 12:37 PM
Glad you made it in one piece! Kipping at the station doesn't sound ideal but good to hear the trip was worth it :-) I've been collecting links to photos on my site already if you want a butcher's...

20-07-2005, 03:26 PM
are all cz girls this hot????

or just the ones at the techno party.

20-07-2005, 03:37 PM
are all cz girls this hot????

or just the ones at the techno party.

eh eh u should go once to see for yourself.. ;) very nice people in general, always feeling like at home.. no, even better :lol:

these are the pics from the last party i visited there @ brno, ft dave clarke, jay denham, marcelo k2 the pusher, ogi etc etc..


but yeah, not all of them are hot

20-07-2005, 03:39 PM
are all cz girls this hot????

or just the ones at the techno party.

They are hot :)

But check out the Brazil photos :shock: :twisted: :twisted: I'm going back for christmas, i'm more sure than ever now!
