View Full Version : Something different...........

13-07-2005, 06:35 AM
Don't know where to post this 'cause it's 4 different genres in one Old Skool, Trance hardcore, and a hint of techno.
Wanted something different let me know what you think
click hi-fi
The song is called hypnotizing.
cheers James

eyes without a face
13-07-2005, 10:06 AM
you've obviously not heard techno then in your life

this is trance/hard trance/hard house whatever, and not very well made either sorry dude

The Overfiend
13-07-2005, 11:11 AM
you've obviously not heard techno then in your life

this is trance/hard trance/hard house whatever, and not very well made either sorry dude

Constructive criticism :doh:

eyes without a face
13-07-2005, 11:42 AM

13-07-2005, 11:49 AM
yeah this is definitely not techno, definitely in the wrong section, but to be fair he's probably said this cause of the early 90's hoovery sample.

maybe something like this might have worked as a B-side in the early 90's hardcore/rave days but for these days, well times have defintely moved on. i don't half miss some of those rolling breakbeat samples though. *mark goes back to dig out some early underground resistance tracks* ;)

13-07-2005, 03:41 PM
yeah this is definitely not techno, definitely in the wrong section, but to be fair he's probably said this cause of the early 90's hoovery sample.

maybe something like this might have worked as a B-side in the early 90's hardcore/rave days but for these days, well times have defintely moved on. i don't half miss some of those rolling breakbeat samples though. *mark goes back to dig out some early underground resistance tracks* ;)

I was actually trying to produce an early 90s track feel really liked those early breakbeats like your old prodigy classics like Jericho and hyperspeed but wanted to put the odd trance feel into it.

Agent 24
14-07-2005, 09:47 PM
it's got a nice ravey vibe to it...I like it! Fair play to the bloke, he churns out a lot of tunes!!

Agent 24
14-07-2005, 10:47 PM
listened to this a few times now, I really like it!! :clap:

eyes without a face
14-07-2005, 11:01 PM
churn being the opperative word...

slow things down, learn more about the production side of thing instead of knocking out tunes endlessly, then your overall production will improve

its better to have 1 or 2 really well made tracks then 4 or 5 shit ones

15-07-2005, 05:22 AM
churn being the opperative word...

slow things down, learn more about the production side of thing instead of knocking out tunes endlessly, then your overall production will improve

its better to have 1 or 2 really well made tracks then 4 or 5 shit ones

But saying that mate if judge jules and dj Sy think my productions good thats sound enough for me.
This track is just something i've never done before. Compared with some of my stuff its crap, just wanted to try something different.
A couple of my tracks are getting played at Religion so they can't be that bad surely. Also just found out its 44 in the hardcore soundclick charts so people must like it and cheers Agent 24.

Agent 24
15-07-2005, 11:44 AM
churn being the opperative word...

slow things down, learn more about the production side of thing instead of knocking out tunes endlessly, then your overall production will improve

its better to have 1 or 2 really well made tracks then 4 or 5 shit ones

I see what you mean, but the only way to get it right is to keep making tracks, they're only going to get better and better. True, that track isn't release quality just yet, but I definitely wouldn't call it "shit". I think this guy has the right approach, he's got loads of ideas and doesn't take himself too seriously. Producing your own tracks is about experimenting and having a laugh as well. This one's catchy, it'll get the party crowd going, does the job! ;)

eyes without a face
15-07-2005, 12:11 PM
i didnt call it shit, that was a general post....

mate just because Judge Jules thinks its a good track doesnt mean "oh sound its a corker then"... technically, production wise its rough as arseholes and needs a fair whack of work

thats the worst attitude u can have towards production and ur music "oh so and so thinks its good so it must be".... Judge Jules couldnt put a decent track together if he tried mate, ask him what he cuts his sub off at and i bet he looks back at u like this :shock:

judging from ur posts you clearly want people just to say its good stuff and u dont seem willing to take in any negative, but constructive comments, in which case you wont get very far mate unfortunately

15-07-2005, 06:06 PM
i didnt call it shit, that was a general post....

mate just because Judge Jules thinks its a good track doesnt mean "oh sound its a corker then"... technically, production wise its rough as arseholes and needs a fair whack of work

thats the worst attitude u can have towards production and ur music "oh so and so thinks its good so it must be".... Judge Jules couldnt put a decent track together if he tried mate, ask him what he cuts his sub off at and i bet he looks back at u like this :shock:

judging from ur posts you clearly want people just to say its good stuff and u dont seem willing to take in any negative, but constructive comments, in which case you wont get very far mate unfortunately


Don't get me wrong the feedbacks appreciated mate if you noticed in my last post I even said I didn't think it was as good as my usual stuff I only spent a few hours on it and mixed it down.
Eyes Without A Face listen I definitely agree in some forms of what you say but never really tried this style, yeah it needs a lot of work its not finished yet by a long shot.
I'm glad you gave me some constructive critism the more you get the more you improve i've learned that over the years sorry if I offended you mate :clap:

eyes without a face
16-07-2005, 11:34 AM
u didnt offend me dude, i just hate that "oh well so and so is playing it so it must be good" attitude.... it doesnt mean **** whose playing it these days, and no offence but if i found out Judge Jules was playing my stuff id no doubt get in touch and ask him not to, the mans a ****in joke...

if all u want is for people to play half finished tracks then keep at it, but if u want to develop into a producer, an original producer too, then u need to take on board constructive criticism, get some reading done on EQ, Compression, Mixes - take a look at subtractive EQ in particular and get some top end processors such as WAVES compressors and really get stuck into things

and stop using soundclick! those lo-fi, and hi-fi, streams are totally laughable quality and u cant judge a production on those streams at all

16-07-2005, 09:25 PM
and stop using soundclick! those lo-fi, and hi-fi, streams are totally laughable quality and u cant judge a production on those streams at all
I think you've just shot yourself in the foot mate your slagging the poor lad off and you've said you can't judge a production.

eyes without a face
17-07-2005, 09:38 PM
not at all, because i know what im lookin for in a production, im a producer myself with my first releases due very soon, so i know what im talking about

soundclick is terrible and its much easier to just buy a bit of webspace and upload ur own samples

im not slagging him off either, there's a difference between slagging him off and giving negative, constructive criticism

if he cant take the heat, he shouldne in the kitchen so to speak

17-07-2005, 10:23 PM
scott i cant read your posts,you wind me up so bloody much at times :rambo: :doh:

i want to reply to you but we would end up arguing forever :lol:

eyes without a face
18-07-2005, 12:44 AM
i aim to please you know me! :lol: :rambo:

18-07-2005, 12:51 AM
churn being the opperative word...

slow things down, learn more about the production side of thing instead of knocking out tunes endlessly, then your overall production will improve

its better to have 1 or 2 really well made tracks then 4 or 5 shit ones

thats good advice NFP if you want to take it then I think your stuff will improove.

18-07-2005, 12:56 AM
As for Soundclick and the lo fi ness of your files.
Scotts right its piontless asking what sombody thinks of your production then showing them somthings thats sonicly unflattering to your work no?

192 qulitymp3s at the least.

As for the tune not my bag but respect for trying somthing a bit different.
keep plugging away take your time and eventualy things will start to work ;)

18-07-2005, 05:06 AM
Cheers mate much appreciated

19-07-2005, 03:29 PM
took a listen

i think the hoover sample really sticks out in a bad way. Seems very forced over the chord change in the bass.

I disagree with what the person above me said about having 2 good songs over 30 bad songs.

When you are beginning , i definetly think quantity over quality is the way to go. You get to engineer more songs and you get in a habit of finishing songs. The guy that does 2 songs a year won't ever get to the point of really knowing how to mix his songs properly.

19-07-2005, 03:32 PM
To be honest it was just some thing that ive never tried before on a sequencer i rarely use

eyes without a face
19-07-2005, 03:47 PM
dont be stupid, no one said do 2 tracks in a year, but its basic common knowledge that you are going to improve your production immensely if you slow down, look at what your doing and seriously pick faults with your own work, improve on them

il put it into context....

send a CD to a label with 3 really good, well produced, clean, vinyl ready tracks

then send a CD to the same label with 30 pretty poor, bad quality, not vinyl ready, and im sorry but your tracks arent, they may be good to a few people sure but technically there's numerous errors, and see what response you get off the label, and any further responses..

if people think your not willing to put in 110% then they wont bother with you, sad, but true...

take it on board if you want, or not, up to you

19-07-2005, 05:42 PM
what you don't realise is that when you begin , you just can't get the quality you want. You can stay on a song for months and not get the sound you want. This is a waste of time. It is much more valuable use of time to just finish the song and start another. Mixing is more routine and science than art and doing more songs will definately help you produce better sounding music. IT doesn't mean you can't look at your song and improve things , i'm just saying that getting hung up a song is not worth it when you are starting.

ANd i think it is very ass like to assume that NFP doesn't put effort into his music and just spits out song after song.

19-07-2005, 05:47 PM
what you don't realise is that when you begin , you just can't get the quality you want. You can stay on a song for months and not get the sound you want. This is a waste of time. It is much more valuable use of time to just finish the song and start another. Mixing is more routine and science than art and doing more songs will definately help you produce better sounding music. IT doesn't mean you can't look at your song and improve things , i'm just saying that getting hung up a song is not worth it when you are starting.

ANd i think it is very ass like to assume that NFP doesn't put effort into his music and just spits out song after song.

Cheers mate, got to admit its not as well produced as some of my tracks but i never use reason I usually use cubase sx.
http://nuttyt.proboards52.com/index.cgi?board=yourtracks&action=display&thread=1 121713228
thats one of my new tracks

eyes without a face
24-07-2005, 11:32 PM
what i dont realise? haha yeah right, if anyone realises how hard it is its me my friend

if your taking months stuck on one song then general knowledge should tell you that its just not a winner

im completely self taught production wise i know just how hard it is to get the sound you want, but the only thing that will achieve it is by sitting down and really getting into the nitty gritty of things and finding out exactly what it is that you need to do to get your sound, instead of keeping repeating your same mistakes over and over in each new track

i never once said NFP doesnt take care in his tracks so put the soapbox away

and its no good saying "oh i dont use Cubase or i usually use such and such" because thats just making excuses when you know the production is lacking after its been pointed out to you, stick with what you know if its going to get you better results

24-07-2005, 11:42 PM
took a listen
When you are beginning , i definetly think quantity over quality is the way to go. You get to engineer more songs and you get in a habit of finishing songs. The guy that does 2 songs a year won't ever get to the point of really knowing how to mix his songs properly.
weather its your first track or your casillienth im not sure "quantity over quality"is ever the best way.
shurley getting in the habbit of finishing a good song is better than getting in the habbit of finishing loads of dire songs(not saying your songs are dire by the way NFP)

As for what your making your tracks in why does that matter as long as its not ejay.
