View Full Version : Soft samplers
eyes without a face
22-06-2003, 10:08 PM
im just wondering how id use one inside something like SX? ive got Kontakt but not really had a look at it yet.
also, when using Fruity inside SX, is there a way to put each channel in fruity as a seperate channel inside SX, because ive found that i can record wots in fruity in sx, but it all records as one channel
22-06-2003, 10:22 PM
In sx just do f11 (vst is) choose kontak, now draw up a midi track with some notes, on the midi out there should b listed Kontak... don't forget the midi channel, most vst is use ch 1, but some are multichannel...
In fruity assigne each channel 2 a different efx channel, now go to the efxs page, at the very bottom u can choose a different output each... that should do the trick!!
let us know!!
eyes without a face
22-06-2003, 10:37 PM
errr i see wot u mean about teh outputs in fruity, but im still very confused as to how id seperate each channel to a seperate channel in SX.
say i had 4 channels in fruity, one kick, one clap, one bass and one hats. i have no idea how i can record each of these into cubase so i can edit them as 4 seperate viewable tracks in the sx sequencer.
23-06-2003, 01:25 AM
No worries m8 I'll walk ya thru...
Just make sure U do what I tolled ya .... U should now have extra mixer tracks 4 the fruity channels...
The point of using fruity with cubase is mainly down 2 using it as a soft sampler/ v synth... so it is expected the sequencing 2 b donne in cubase and the routed 2 fruity... if so the audio output will show up in cubase audio mixer .... all U need 2 do now is solo the midi track and the corresponding audio mixer track.... now go to file menu... choose export audio... set 2 options ... and right about now yer sequence will b converted into an audio track in sx (included with sends/ inserts/ eq.. if u so desire) ...
Let me know,
The Divide
29-06-2003, 02:27 AM
I would use rewire and reason 2.5 for that, but thats prolly coz fruity ****s my head up sometimes :shock: . Plus you can automate any of the prameters from S.X
30-06-2003, 08:08 PM
sure but u need 2 setup progs in nn19 .. also u have 2 load lot's of different instances of it if u need different filter/ settings in each sound... so in total it hogs up yer processor lot's more...
In fruity U create a channel seq. in SX and change what ever u want .. easy !
PS - It's all a matter of working method and personal preference in the end anyways
The Divide
30-06-2003, 10:56 PM
True, actually I should get the new fruity loops studio, it looks good.
30-06-2003, 11:25 PM
it is brava :wink:
eyes without a face
01-07-2003, 09:12 PM
well i still cant get fruity to work in SX, i just cant understand the help youve given me Ze Migl! thanks anyway, il try and work it out but its pissing me off something rotten
Fruity Studio rocks by the way
eyes without a face
01-07-2003, 10:03 PM
right, in the mixer section, say im on fx channel 1 and ive got a kick drum going thru it. in the bottom right hand corner, it says outputs, the u click it, and it simply lists all the channels up to channel 64. it just says fx1 - fx 64. Because im using channel 1, the fx 1 is faded out, i can choose the output to b any except fx 1. this is wot confuses me, wot the hell shud i choose the output to b?? and then how do i correspond this to Cubase? this is really ****in doing my nut now
01-07-2003, 10:22 PM
m8 gimme 1 day and I'll get back on it...
I'll write back!
eyes without a face
01-07-2003, 10:27 PM
hurrah! im starting to get this now, i selected fruity studio as a multi vst in sx, then i loaded a track ive been doing. i sent a track to FL 1 as output, and a track to FL 2 as an output. i had a hihat on FL1 and a bass on FL2. i then went back into sx, and in midi channel 1 i set the input to fruity vst and then i selected the input as FL1. i did the same for FL2. then as soon as i click off teh midi track, it resets back and i have to set the outputs again. also, when recording from fruity vst it started to draw the midi tracks but when i pressed stop they simply disappeared.
its all so confusing, god help me when i get my hardware!!!
01-07-2003, 11:17 PM
Ok b4 I have some more time 2 delve any deeper U have 2 think of this in 2 different ways...
1 - U have a track in fuity that u want 2 work the audio (seperate tracks) in Sx
2 - U just want fruity almost as a soft synth/ sampler!
eyes without a face
02-07-2003, 03:36 PM
yeah thats a good way of putting it, number 1 probably! ive got tracks in fruity that im happy with, and i want to sequence them in SX as seperate tracks i.e ive got 8 channels in fruity that i want to view as 8 seperate channels in SX. these channels can b easily changed in fruity so effectively it is working as a sampler aswell....
03-07-2003, 12:11 AM
Ok so here we go..
First Case :
1- open SX... press F11 ... choose FL Studio (Multi)...
2 -now press the little E for editor...
3 - U get a small FL Studio Pannel press the FL symbol...
4 - right now FL studio opens, go 2 file menu... open... choose yer track...
5 - change if need 2 song mode (don't leave it in pattern mode)
6 - now send each channel/ inst. 2 a different FX send ..
7 - after doing this 2 each Channel/ inst. (not more than 16 though.. unless u can get away with groupping them) open the FX/ Mixer page..
8 - select each efx send one by one and use the bottom output button 2 route each one 1 a different output ranging from FL Out 1 up to FL Out 16...
9 - Close FL just like U were leaving the program...
10 - So u r back in SX again.. press play and now u have in the sx audio mixer (F3) each sampler/ inst. channel coming from FL Studio arriving @ a different mixer audio channel...
11 - U might get a slight delay b4 u actually hear FL studio with in cubase... probably around 2 bars... press F11 and u have a delay tweek (use a negative figure .. sorry this I din't try but should b dead easy 2 find the right value 2 get 'em 2 start at the same time!!)...
the only prob with this method is that u can't have more than 16 outs.. which fair play is fu** more that enought..
2 nd case :
same up to 4 (including 4)
on 5 leave in pattern mode..
Previously in fruity create an empty song (name per example empty.flp) ... with only 1 sampler channel (minimum allowed...) maybe the kick u use more often...
FIle ... open ... empty.flp
close fl
in cubase everytime u create a midi track choose FL as the output, u have 16 possible midi channels, 4 each channel u can have any 1 (and only 1) of the sampler/ instrument channels that u created in FL.. choose it with the prog field, u can have as many tracks as u want 4 the same out/ channel/ prog
2 have each channel as a different channel in cubase sx mixer, all u need 2 do is basically the same as above (send each sampler FL channel 2 a different FX send, and then that send 2 one of the available FL outs, 1 up to 16!!)...
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