View Full Version : Giving Names to Tracks?

14-08-2005, 06:27 PM
I've been thinking recently about the different names or titles that various producers give to there tracks. You have off course people like Mills who are way way out there with there spacey Saturn and Mars concepts, then on the other hand you have people like Michael Forshaw who has a tune called "Girlie rubber gimp mask" !! Or sometimes you will find an album has a title and the tunes within are named according to that title.

Alot of the time I feel the music reflects the title or concept its given, but does it make a difference?

I guess I'm wondering How important you all think the name of a track or album is? and knowing that there are a number of producers on this forum I suppose it would be interesting to know how you go about titling you work and if you put time into it?

14-08-2005, 06:37 PM
i used to be happy with a simple numerical code..

but it dont help when other ppl get a disk with 001-024 on it..

hard to distinguish..

i try to get at least 2 words that dont sound crap together

14-08-2005, 08:28 PM
Not on a techno tip but twisted individual has some hilarious names for his tunes. :lol:

15-08-2005, 10:26 AM
we dont usually give names to tracks on kick the drum, we just name the EP and we name the EP as something that happened or stuck out that month for us.

15-08-2005, 01:05 PM
I normally approach a tune with a concept in mind, and the name helps me keep the concept in the front of my mind.

15-08-2005, 04:10 PM
for me its the hardest part.. for ever getting slated by my mates for the names of my tracks .. which I end up then renaming them

15-08-2005, 04:40 PM
i always trying to give some names which going on to my mind during listening to the track as a result of feeling i have... but sometimes it's hella confusing to find a track,,cause i always forget the names,and the tracks,,and so,. so maybe numbering would be better,,,but have to say my folders are organized by the dates,,when i'm working on the tracks..

15-08-2005, 06:49 PM
i love the london guys approach, like henry and chris and ant etc etc

just be totally random and hilarious

The Divide
17-08-2005, 08:29 PM
Put 30 words you like in a hat and then pick 3 out randomly

Then fuse them all into one word and take out the 2nd 4th and 5th letters

Then realise this idea doesnt work

John Vella
17-08-2005, 08:42 PM
I normally approach a tune with a concept in mind, and the name helps me keep the concept in the front of my mind.

I agree with Steve here.

I usually fiddle around with a few sounds, and then I think of what it reminds me of. This gives me a theme/feel for it which I try to stick with.


17-08-2005, 08:43 PM
oh this is such a nightmare. i mean when we make a track we havent got a clue what it's gonna be called, let alone do we care. then along release time and you're like - wtf?!?!?!

we just tend to write down a load of names we like the look of. ie go to a website or read a book that interests us. then just use the names that look the best to us. they really don't tend to mean anything at all (apart from they look good whilstthe track is running)..

thing is they tend to mean so much to someone who really loves the track. i have to laugh sometimes cause often the track will be on the hard drive as something like 'mark's dirty undrepants' and then we rename it when it's due out to something like 'dark matter'. hehehehe

17-08-2005, 09:40 PM
Most of the time, for stuff I write, the title of the track is a hint to any message/theme that will be in the track. If the samples don't paint the picture, it might help put it together more for a listener if they know the title.

18-08-2005, 09:12 PM
There's a couple of ways i find names to call my tracks to be honest,

1. Get the dictionary out and find some really cool meanings to a few words then put the words together (as long as they make sense obviously) or maybe not as techno is not meant to make sense is it. hehe!

2. Think of any past events that have been totally weird or out the blue thats made you think "f**k me that doesn't happen in normal everyday life and find a word that could remind you of that experience.

19-08-2005, 12:13 PM
There's usually some concept behind mine. Somtimes it starts before the track, sometimes alongside, and sometimes it's based on samples.

I have a big list somewhere of ideas for names that I jot on when I read things in books etc...

19-08-2005, 02:40 PM
When I name stuff it's usually because I'm thinking along a set of lines in my head nd the words pick out something in the track according to my own bizzare ****ed up logic.

20-08-2005, 05:00 PM
i love the london guys approach, like henry and chris and ant etc etc

just be totally random and hilarious

what do you mean??
i though " pencil sharpener 6500 " was a great name for a track!!
