View Full Version : Atomic Jam then ?

22-08-2005, 09:04 PM
Everyone have a gudn who went ? Another top night, was initially gutted the pool wasnt drained out, but was still amazing thanks to the djs who were all on top form.

Brendan Long, warmed up perfectly.

James Ruskin, really kicked things off, awesome set.

BMB, again awesome, glad ive finally seen em together, top stuff.

Clarke, slate him all you want, he was top notch aswell.

Finke & Fenton b2b as always was the best way to end the night, quality set of filth and ghetto slag techno from the resi's.

Me, personally, f*cking b*lloxed as usual :doh: Anyways, sure Danny the promotor said something about moving back to the sanc when I asked him about it, hope this is true, without the marquee out, atomic jam needs to be in a venue like the sanc again, already looking forward to the next one whenever that may be. Shouts to mr dogshit, stretch and whoever else I chatted b*llox too :lol:

22-08-2005, 09:29 PM
Was nowhere near as gutted about missing this after i heard it was in the medicine bar.

22-08-2005, 10:12 PM
clarke was amazing as far as the tunes he played and you wont catch me saying that often, totally different to his normal stuff (change for the better indeed) he wasnt as technical as normal but the tunes were intense :shock:

not a fan of bmb so i wont comment.

brendan warmed up brilliantly i though :clap:

ruskin was as amazing as ever. wish he'd of hammered it a bit more though :doh:

can't stsand that custard factory though :cry: . awful place. hated it last time i went and i hated it this time too. maybe a nice venue for some funky house or something or a bit of RnB but for a techno venue....no way :dontevengothere:

had a good night though and met up with mayes i hadnt seen in a while.

met conflict and his twin brother :shock: scared the shit out of me that.
i just want know know where he bought his gorlfriend from now :eh: hahah. thought i was too twatted to understand he till i found out she was polish :doh:

top night...shite venue :nono:

22-08-2005, 10:25 PM
Best Jam for a long while. Musically couldn't fault it. Ruskin was excellent, looked like he was using Final Scratch. I'm now feeling the urge to fill the gaps missing from my blueprint and outline collection!

Brendon Long warmed things up nicely. Murder Boys were excellent although a little slow getting started. Clarke was miles better than at Global Gathering, it's been a while since I've enjoyed one of his sets. Chris Finke never disappoints. Didn't catch any of Fenton.

Minor gripes were the pool not being open and the time it took to get served at the bar. Still managed to get bladdered though.

Left at five cus I stupidly agreed to be at work at ten. Collapsed Sunday night for a marathon 16 hour sleep!

Nice chattin with ya Fordy. Probably see you at the Si Begg night if your still goin.

22-08-2005, 10:49 PM
Yeah, agree about the venue, I do like the custard factory, for the supersonic fesitval it was perfect really, other nights ive been its been good aswell but without the marquee its no place for techno tbf. But still had an awesome night, musically it was awesome definately.

Stretch - Cool mate, will definately be at that Si Begg night I should think, see ya there pal.

22-08-2005, 11:15 PM
ended up not going.
quite made-up i didn't go when i heard bout it bein in the medicine bar.
it doesnt feel like atomic jam in there, its too shiny and clean.
i'd be happy enough if they moved it back to the sanctuary, its no que club but it suits the jam loads in there.

23-08-2005, 11:54 AM
ruskin was great, so was bmb when they got going. clarke was great but i knobbed off after that. what a lightweight :doh:
not impressed with medbar, rather go to the sanctuary for sure.

23-08-2005, 12:02 PM
ye it was a great nite all djs kickin ass especially clarke who hammered it frm the start and really kept it going . was well dissapointed they didnt drain the pool like previous years wich was a bad call who ever made dat decision cause it got well to packed with the main room feelin like a sauna and u couldnt cut any shapes ! i left soon after clarke finished wasnt impressed with the venue at all it would be much better suited at the sanc or even a fri nite at code

23-08-2005, 12:03 PM
met conflict and his twin brother :shock: scared the shit out of me that.
i just want know know where he bought his gorlfriend from now :eh:

Frank Dogshit
23-08-2005, 01:16 PM
Had a wicked night! All sets were awesome,particularly Ruskin who played a stunning set of dirtbangers!

Good birthday feel to the night too! Wasnt too bothered about the swimming pool not bein open,couldnt be arsed worryin about it to ruin my night just banged it out down the front all night were it was loud as hell! Good sound system in there! :clap:

Murder boys were hard as nails,droppin some really old dj rush track,cant recall the name but its old as the hills. Good stuff...very different set from what ive heard them play in the past!

Finke/Fenton did a nice job at the end,some nice tunes!

Nice to see Fordy again,good lad! :cool:

Francisco Scaramanga
23-08-2005, 01:19 PM
James Ruskin was probably my favourite, Dave Clarke was ****ing ace as well (I always knew he would be, cant really remember him playing a shit set at the jam), but I was actually a bit dissapointed with BMB, I thought they were bordering on lame at points. And generally I'm well into it, last time I saw them they were much better. But as it was, I reckon they should have gone on before Ruskin.

Although I do like the Custard Factory, the Medicine Bar simply is not big enough for the Atomic Jam. It was way to rammed in there, even the outside areas were way to crowded for my liking. If the actual medicine bar was twice the size, then maybe, but even then I think the Santuary would be a much better venue.

23-08-2005, 02:27 PM
I cant remember a facking thing ! Sorry to anyone one if i drueled all over you ! :mashed:

23-08-2005, 02:32 PM
the night was top - really starting to hate the custard factory tho - its got no life in it - sanc is the best out of the two by far or stick it in air or summot.

ruskin set kicked ass - d/c's set was ace - had a chill when bmb was on but listened to it all and really enjoyed it - i didnt realise until i pop my head round to see the main stage that they were using laptops - who says that laptops are shite - if i hadnt had seen that laptop i wouldnt have known it was running thru that.

met some really nice ppl - the way it should be. shouts to rune and adam who had some good ramblings with.

roll on the next one!!!!!

23-08-2005, 06:25 PM
i,m afraid i have to say i got bored half way through dave clarke and the night never picked up from there, never got out of second gear

23-08-2005, 07:45 PM
met conflict and his twin brother shokk scared the shit out of me that.
i just want know know where he bought his gorlfriend from now eh? hahah. thought i was too twatted to understand he till i found out she was polish

classic that!!


yea i thought dave clarke was pretty ****ing good actually

the whole night was dam good actually

atmoic jam usually is tho norrit

Ritzi Lee
23-08-2005, 07:57 PM
Check out Clarke's top10 now. :cool:

25-08-2005, 08:38 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

25-08-2005, 10:03 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

26-08-2005, 02:08 PM
what mixer do they have at the cf/jam from what i heard they were doign some great filter tricks - doesnt sound like what the djm600 could do.

thought it might be a custom built one considering its a funktion 1 sound system

26-08-2005, 07:54 PM
i think it was vinyl scratch they where using for them filters mate

eyes without a face
27-08-2005, 11:43 AM
the jams always the usual technics and djm setup, other artists like BMB no doubt had extra filters on their laptops

28-08-2005, 10:18 PM
i think it was vinyl scratch they where using for them filters mate


Don't you mean Final Scratch?

29-08-2005, 04:26 PM
yea i did

29-08-2005, 05:56 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Too right bout the Jam was gutted the pool wasnt drained, but it was quite crazy loads of people dancing round it. ;)

01-09-2005, 07:30 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

01-09-2005, 08:01 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

Haha, yeah tom sounds about right. One of my best mates if were on about the same person, crazy git, went to school with him. Actually lives in church stretton now. Big busted style hair ? Always gurning like its going out of fashion and clearly quite mad, in a good way ? :D

01-09-2005, 08:08 PM
i know a few people from telford

2 guys called lee (one has/used to have a goaty) and a girl called clare

06-09-2005, 10:09 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

Haha, yeah tom sounds about right. One of my best mates if were on about the same person, crazy git, went to school with him. Actually lives in church stretton now. Big busted style hair ? Always gurning like its going out of fashion and clearly quite mad, in a good way ? :D

Haha yeah thats him seen him at voodoo before in liverpool too! yeah he seems like a sound lad always says high anyways! we'll have to meet up when were both next out! :lol:

07-09-2005, 07:14 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

Haha, yeah tom sounds about right. One of my best mates if were on about the same person, crazy git, went to school with him. Actually lives in church stretton now. Big busted style hair ? Always gurning like its going out of fashion and clearly quite mad, in a good way ? :D

Haha yeah thats him seen him at voodoo before in liverpool too! yeah he seems like a sound lad always says high anyways! we'll have to meet up when were both next out! :lol:

Yeah we will :lol: Erm, im guessing either voodoo when Speedy J & The Hacker played or when Robert Hood & Andy Weatherall played ? Only times he's been to voodoo I think.

30-09-2005, 01:40 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

Haha, yeah tom sounds about right. One of my best mates if were on about the same person, crazy git, went to school with him. Actually lives in church stretton now. Big busted style hair ? Always gurning like its going out of fashion and clearly quite mad, in a good way ? :D

Haha yeah thats him seen him at voodoo before in liverpool too! yeah he seems like a sound lad always says high anyways! we'll have to meet up when were both next out! :lol:

Yeah we will :lol: Erm, im guessing either voodoo when Speedy J & The Hacker played or when Robert Hood & Andy Weatherall played ? Only times he's been to voodoo I think.

err i went to both so probably both! haha! :lol:

30-09-2005, 04:19 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

Haha, yeah tom sounds about right. One of my best mates if were on about the same person, crazy git, went to school with him. Actually lives in church stretton now. Big busted style hair ? Always gurning like its going out of fashion and clearly quite mad, in a good way ? :D

Haha yeah thats him seen him at voodoo before in liverpool too! yeah he seems like a sound lad always says high anyways! we'll have to meet up when were both next out! :lol:

Yeah we will :lol: Erm, im guessing either voodoo when Speedy J & The Hacker played or when Robert Hood & Andy Weatherall played ? Only times he's been to voodoo I think.

err i went to both so probably both! haha! :lol:

I asked him if he knew someone called Katie and he was like yeah speak to her at every jam etc so definately him :lol: You've prob met me aswell then tbf.

30-09-2005, 04:23 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

They don't call him ****head for nothing, good lad Tom very messy character, fell out a tree from quite high once.

Hiya Fordy hope ya well and that.
Should have come to buttermarket last friday was spot on.



30-09-2005, 04:24 PM

what cant swear.

F U C K h E A D should have been anyway,

30-09-2005, 08:22 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

They don't call him **** for nothing, good lad Tom very messy character, fell out a tree from quite high once.

Hiya Fordy hope ya well and that.
Should have come to buttermarket last friday was spot on.



LMFAO the tree falling incident was fu*king hilarious after we realised he was ok :lol: Thats what you get when you and a few others begin to actually believe you are apes and your home is up a 30ft tree ;) :lol:


Yeah sound mate cheers, ureself? I know Tom said it was good. Went to voodoo though the night after instead, couldnt afford both, couldnt even afford any more than 4 beers at voodoo but had to go!

01-10-2005, 12:40 PM
Thought the music on saturday was quality ruskin was my favourite i reckon probably cause i can remember his set more! :oops: was bit gutted the swimming pool wasn't drained casue think the medicine bar is too small for the jam! was far too hot down the front! Fordy I'm sure i speak to your mate everytime i go the jam! he's from telford anyway!

Probs do :lol: Quite a few people go to the jam from telford, any idea of his name ?

Haha i forget it everytime but think i remember him saying it was tom! maybe i wasn't as smashed as usual! :lol:

They don't call him **** for nothing, good lad Tom very messy character, fell out a tree from quite high once.

Hiya Fordy hope ya well and that.
Should have come to buttermarket last friday was spot on.



LMFAO the tree falling incident was fu*king hilarious after we realised he was ok :lol: Thats what you get when you and a few others begin to actually believe you are apes and your home is up a 30ft tree ;) :lol:


Yeah sound mate cheers, ureself? I know Tom said it was good. Went to voodoo though the night after instead, couldnt afford both, couldnt even afford any more than 4 beers at voodoo but had to go!

Im good just up in Derby studying.
Doing th ebuttermarket again on the 21st oct, Jason is playing i think.
Doing backroom, more funky chilled out than usual but banging techno in main room.

Speak soon

