View Full Version : What we love and what we would love to see. A +ive Thread

23-08-2005, 04:56 AM
So what do you love about techno?
And what would you like to see done to improve things?

For me, I love the diversity of the music.
I love the open interpretation of what "is" techno.
I love the unyielding toughness it can have.
I love the delicate beauty it can have, amongst all the noise.
I love the insistant beat.
I love the unlimited possibility it puts in my mind, about what I can do musically.
I love the tribal nature of some of the parties.
I love the end of the world feeling you can get when the beats get really dark and evil.
I love the people, and all their mad, but strong, minds.
I love the way that techno can break language barriers.
I love the sometimes abstract nature of the sounds.
I love the soundsystem culture that comes with it all.
I love the vinyl and the buzz of coming out of a shop with some killer music.

Things I would like to see change.

More open mindedness in the increasingly tunnel visioned attitude of some people in the scene.
More diversity in styles within the sets of techno DJ`s.
A quicker transition over to digital music sales.
Less people wanting something for nothing, and less theft.
More unity, and mutual support.
Better ****in soundsystems in the clubs.
More live music.
Improved promotional outlets.
Less talk about drugs, more talk about music.

23-08-2005, 05:46 AM
Well, that is the most trippy thing i have come across.

I just came here to say the same sort of thing DB.....spooky. I was trying to go to sleep last nite after being in the studio all day and I was thinkin about all the +ve things I like about techno.

And here you are doin it too?? weird.

But thats the thing I like about techno. Its a trip. There is a connection to something that artists across the globe tap into.

There was something really significant I wanted to say....but now I forgot after reading your post.....:(

Stella Boy
23-08-2005, 08:11 AM
i love threads without the words +ive and -ive in them :wicked: :bash:

The Overfiend
23-08-2005, 08:23 AM
I appreciate the aggresive rhythm of it.
Comparable to a War Dance if you will.

23-08-2005, 10:50 AM
I love the way that really, really good Techno has this almost unlimited depth to it.

e.g. with a really good track you'll find that each time you listen to it a different element of it shines out, and you end up hearing it in a different way to how you've heard it before.

... and that's before you start mixing different tracks together and seeing how elements of tune A complement elements of tune B.

Infinte posibilities...

Also, coming from more of a Breaks background, I love the way that Techno mixing is a totally different ball game to more traditional mixing, where you mix the beginning of one track into the end of another. Instead, you're kind of dealing with two walls of sound, which you're jamming together creatively to make something new.

It's a completely different way to listen to music.


23-08-2005, 11:03 AM
Love is...

Techno played by an inventive DJ can change the way the whole tune sounds

Techno has no limits

Techno can borrow from any other genre and not feel guilty

Techno reaches across boundaries of age, sex, colour, religion

Techno usually never postures

Techno allows everyone to have a go at writing it.

Techno doesnt tell you what to wear, think or look like. Sure you can have a preference but it isnt mandatory.

Techno doesnt need a language top explain it, it cuts through national boundaries.

Techno describes both the future and the past

Techno has a lot of funk and soul as well as toughness and sterility.

Techno brings people together.

What i would like to see more of...

Techno strings and vocals

Techno Breaks

What i would like to see less of...

People being snotty about loops, its like arguments over dick size. Its not what you got, its what you DO with it. (o.k. so DJ k-holes 2 inch aint gonna get you very far..but you get the point (fnarr fnarr)

-ve comments.

23-08-2005, 01:24 PM
Alright then.....prove it :P

23-08-2005, 01:25 PM
Alright then.....prove it :P

Aint got nuttin ta prove geeza! ;)

23-08-2005, 02:25 PM
i love the way i can hear some really nutty new techno on a dancefloor somewhere and it can just make me laugh so loud inside whilst im dancing - kind of like a drugs ruch but much MUCH better

i love the way techno is a universal language

i love the primal urges that techno brings, enticing you to dance on your feet or in your head (or not even dance at all if thats the vibe)

i love the way techno allows to you to think outside the box and drop (in a dj set kinda way) tracks that on their own may not sound techno to one person, but in a set can be

i love hearing new tunes that just make me laugh my head off

i love the way techno has so many different creeds (different styles) but we all live under the same roof and no one techno is better than the other

i love the way there is no quality control (well there wasn't!!) or no one overlord ruler who says yes or no this is or isnt techno

i love the sound of my washing machine :lol:

23-08-2005, 11:22 PM
Anything else.
It`s a good opportunity to see what everyone thinks and also provides a focus that we can work on (as producers, promoters, DJ`s etc)

Funny how the negative posts are so much more busy isn`t it?

23-08-2005, 11:25 PM
regardless of what the world thinks, you can do your thing wth no fear of recompense or regret..

23-08-2005, 11:29 PM
No boundaries. No borders. No rules. Expression through constant evolution, so fast that evolution may not even be noticed.

Jay Pace
24-08-2005, 01:01 AM
Techno is music for grownups.

Nothing else engages you in quite the same way.

24-08-2005, 01:06 AM
i love the sound of my washing machine :lol:

Yeah totally.
Man the amount of times I`ve been sitting on a tube train, thinking, "**** me, this is such a tune man. TUNE"


24-08-2005, 02:27 AM
i love how techno has no boundaries........it can sound hard, deep, distorted, minimal, housey, funky, booty........whatever, its techno and we all love it

i'd like to see more positive talk here, EVERYONE getting along, no matter if you like or hate schranz, its TECHNO and we should all get along, respect each other and their opinions.

The Overfiend
24-08-2005, 04:32 AM
i love how techno has no boundaries........it can sound hard, deep, distorted, minimal, housey, funky, booty........whatever, its techno and we all love it

i'd like to see more positive talk here, EVERYONE getting along, no matter if you like or hate schranz, its TECHNO and we should all get along, respect each other and their opinions. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

24-08-2005, 07:29 AM
I love:

The vastness of sound. From sparse minimalism to dense percussiveness...

Getting in the flow and ability to listen to the same track over and over because it has a perfect groove.

The down to earth people involved in the scene (not the wankers tho ;))

The advances in technology and their effect on music. Without this, there would be no techno!

I'll add more later...

24-08-2005, 07:32 AM
I'd like to see:

More labels and artists pull their finger out and release their music digitally, even if its only back catalogue.

More twisted and f*cked up original tracks covering the whole spectrum of electronic music with the techno edge!

24-08-2005, 10:15 AM
this thread gave me an apiphany....

...when I said prove it I was really talking to myself. I been wrestling with some new sounds...

ooooo...i love techno. my life long dedication.

24-08-2005, 07:11 PM
i love the sound of my washing machine :lol:

Yeah totally.
Man the amount of times I`ve been sitting on a tube train, thinking, "**** me, this is such a tune man. TUNE"


Absolutely! I bought a minidisk and a nice mike especially for that purpose. I have some good recordings of street preachers on the train in Chicago that are absolutely wild with the train sounds in the background. "Before I found Jeezus, I used to be Biiiii-sexual! I used to go down and mess with those tranny hoes and shoot dope. Then the Lord spoke to me" and so on. Another good one is to go down to the financial district and discreetly set up your mike near a homeless person begging for change. Some of the comments are pure gold.

robin m
24-08-2005, 11:40 PM
I love techno's infinite variety yet instant recognisability

I love techno's sense of humour and the way it can make you grin like an idiot by endlessly suprising you in a way no other form of music can

I love the way that people can be so passionate about techno

I love techno's ability to chill me out completely or make me dance my arse off

I love the way techno is constantly evolving

I love the fact that I can make techno sat in my room with a spliff on

I love techno people, the least attitude and the most open minds

I love the fact techno doesn't give a f*ck who doesn't like it

Martin Dust
25-08-2005, 12:03 AM
Hello, my name is Martin and I do techno :lol:

Craig McW
25-08-2005, 01:28 AM
so simple. Yet so good.

damn, I love the shit.

26-08-2005, 01:44 AM
I :love:

the fact you can be lost in love, or lost in thought, or lost in agression to the the same tune, but without the "teenage angst" that creeps into lots of lyrical music...

The fact I can put in a thrash guitar/dub bass/indian classical sitar riff/folk melody/new age flute/etc and **** it about in the pot and it's all cool...

The fact that even the most bastard hard tune can still be a lullaby if I want to listen the that in bed...

That is goes sooooooooooooooooooooooo well with my other loves of hillsides, forests, warehouses, sunday afternoon parks, sweaty clubs, my livingroom with all the candles on...

That you can listen to it ****ed and not get it and suddenly it works when your straight and vice versa...

That it miraculously appears (on a good day at least) from the huge mess of boxes and cables that I seem to have spent a good £5k on in the last 10 years...

That it's something I can give people that they enjoy...

I :cry: cos...

There's not enough clubs that play it...

That I can't afford to buy enough of it...

That it still creates soooooo much bitchyness...

That the police won't let me enjoy it in peace...

26-08-2005, 02:52 PM
I :love:

the fact you can be lost in love, or lost in thought, or lost in agression to the the same tune, but without the "teenage angst" that creeps into lots of lyrical music...

The fact I can put in a thrash guitar/dub bass/indian classical sitar riff/folk melody/new age flute/etc and **** it about in the pot and it's all cool...

The fact that even the most bastard hard tune can still be a lullaby if I want to listen the that in bed...

That is goes sooooooooooooooooooooooo well with my other loves of hillsides, forests, warehouses, sunday afternoon parks, sweaty clubs, my livingroom with all the candles on...

That you can listen to it **** and not get it and suddenly it works when your straight and vice versa...

That it miraculously appears (on a good day at least) from the huge mess of boxes and cables that I seem to have spent a good £5k on in the last 10 years...

That it's something I can give people that they enjoy...

I :cry: cos...

There's not enough clubs that play it...

That I can't afford to buy enough of it...

That it still creates soooooo much bitchyness...

That the police won't let me enjoy it in peace...

Great comments all round.

Now then who wants a fight? Schranz anyone?

26-08-2005, 03:27 PM
Even Schranz has it's place...

26-08-2005, 03:44 PM
i love brainless 150bpm noise that sounds like kicking a barn door :rambo:

26-08-2005, 03:47 PM
Even Schranz has it's place...Bait...



26-08-2005, 03:51 PM
i love brainless 150bpm noise that sounds like kicking a barn door :rambo:
You've heard Robin M singing in the shower too?

26-08-2005, 04:20 PM
i love brainless 150bpm noise that sounds like kicking a barn door :rambo:
You've heard Robin M singing in the shower too?

lol.... no i haven't lol

i'm all for 'pushing the envelope' and other such cliche phrases, but theres nothing like a big stupid kick with a truck load of compression & some mental distortion to tattoo a grin to my face :twisted:

unfortunately, no such music gets played in Belfast these days :cry: but i live in hope :rambo:

26-08-2005, 04:21 PM
i love techno because it doesnt force an emotion on you, you can feel how you want to feel while listening to it. i've listened to it when im pissed off, happy, sad, horny, tired etc

i love techno because its so fun to dance to. Techno arm rock anyone? hah you all know that move im sure

i love how mixing techno requires creative skill. you cant trance mix it or people will get bored.

i love how due to its repetative nature, it can be so hypnotic that you just get caught up in such a wicked groove, it puts you in a trance, better than trance does. heh.

i love how most techno people share the same A.D.D random characteristic. and were all pretty freaking hilarious too.

i love the diversity of this genre.

i love all forms of techno

i love the percussion

