View Full Version : RELIGION to end...

Tom @ Religion
31-08-2005, 01:20 PM
When Religion started back in 2000 it was simple: A group of likeminded clubbers that wanted to throw parties for everyone to enjoy. We had a promoter, a designer, a dream and 3 of the finest residents the world has ever seen. The formula changed slightly over the years but the dream and core members didn’t budge… We all swore that if any of the original members ever left, Religion just wouldn’t be the same and that the events should stop there and then.

Unfortunately that time has come as Manny, one of the main founders decided to leave for personal reasons. The rest of us were very upset by this news and as much as we didn’t want the dream to end, we knew Religion would not ever be the same. We vowed to keep our promise to our clubbers and promote 2 further events that we had secured dates for… Storm vs Religion on August 20th… and another planned for later in the year.

Unfortunately after the August 20th event our renowned resident Tim Hidgem decided to leave with immediate effect. This surprise announcement disappointed and puzzled us all but we wish Tim all the best for the future. The departure of Tim, Manny and the following uncertainty of Religion’s security at it’s current home, The Emporium has lead us to, unfortunately, call it a day.

The past 4 years have shown us some of the best times of our lives and we know a part of Religion will live on inside each of us and every one that ever came to one of our many events. A massive shout out to those of you have stuck with us from the start. (You know who you are.)

We thank you all for your belief, support and loyalty over the last 4 years. You’ve made it all a part of our lives we will never ever forget.

From all at Religion

Keep the faith… and watch this space...

31-08-2005, 02:44 PM
That does suprise me - I thought Religion was going from stregnth to strength and really expected you guys to keep that up and develop into one of the countries strongest nights hard nights.

It's a shame to see a night that has achieved so much so quickly come to an end.
