View Full Version : TB-303 - Pattern Chaining ?

01-09-2005, 06:53 AM
it seems that some of the patterns on my 303 are chained.

how do i UNchain them?

even if i delete one of the patterns it will still play it but there is obviously no sound.


auditory hallucinations
01-09-2005, 10:24 AM
you've got a tb303 yeh? to unchain a pattern all you have to do is to press that one pattern selector in play mode, should free it up

to chain them, press 1 & 2 together etc...

01-09-2005, 11:53 AM
hmm seems to be fine now:) i thought it was doin it in both pattern play and write mode but the patterns are no longer chained...mysterious little silver box indeed hahaha :lol:

auditory hallucinations
01-09-2005, 01:11 PM
yeh tell me about it....

hey i don't suppose you know an easy way to copy a pattern to the next available one do ya?

say you write a decent pattern in location 1 but want to make a slight variation of it into pattern 2...

01-09-2005, 04:29 PM
not sure mate, only got mine the other day...

can only think of one way that im sure you already know...and that is to check your pattern with the Tap key and put in the same info on the other pattern.

what are the D.C and D.S buttons? somthin to do with writing a track..

auditory hallucinations
01-09-2005, 06:36 PM
yeh, try telling me to use that method after you've had it a couple of months and one of the buttons starts randomly entering double hits etc...hahaha it gets very frustrating!

not sure of the exact uses of those buttons, but yeh you use them in track write mode. mate you need to get the manual, you can find it for download pretty easily

one tip - write a simple measure, program four measures into the track mode. you can then pitch each measure up individually by using aarghgh forget the name of the button but it's on the bottom left

works in pattern mode too but only when you hold it down

anyway dude have fun - get it through some triplet delay, most defo distortion and maybe reverb. crank the gain on an analog desk too...and accents and slides are key to getting the typical 303 sound i reckon

01-09-2005, 08:41 PM
yer got the manual:) just that some things arent explained too well i guess...

cheers for the tip! ive been runnin it through my crunchy as fuhk behringer mixer and an ensoniq dp4 efffects processor - nice tempo delay and reverb...will have to get a distortion pedal, maybe the metal zone 2? i'll just take the 303 into a guitar shop hehe...for now yer i just crank the gain for crustie acid punk e-fekt!


auditory hallucinations
02-09-2005, 01:21 PM
yeh i got the metal zone for it, sounds cool. also check out the boss flange pedal, it sounds wicked on it too. ring mod applied to the 303 aswell is good.

but nothing beats putting it through a Sherman filterbank, sends it into orbit man!

whats the ensoniq dp4 like generally? was thinking about getting a new fx processor - i'm really after something with good delays and chorus...

03-09-2005, 09:57 PM
dp4 is probably best for Reverb and tied in delays with the verb...some nice chorus/compression. as for delays on there own hmm im still fiddling with it...i used to get nice delay from my quadraverb but sold it.

if you have 4 aux sends on ya mixer you can take advantage of the 4 separate efx at once.

ive only got 2 on my crudbucket behringer - keeps the sound crunchie but the pops shiit me...

im thinkin of gettn 2 guitar pedals. 1 distortion and 1 delay with sample/loop
