View Full Version : Seriously odd

06-09-2005, 10:51 PM
Why can I hear my mouse movements in my headphones? I can hear little electrostatic noises when ever I move my mouse.

06-09-2005, 10:58 PM
01101010010101010000010101111000110110101001010101 00000101011
11000110110101001010101000001010111100011011010100 10101010000
01010111100011011010100101010100000101011110001101 10101001010
10100000101011110001101101010010101010000010101111 00011011010100101010100000101011110001101101010010 1010100000101011110001
10110101001010101000001010111100011011010100101010 10000010101
11100011011010100101010100000101011110001101101010 01010101000
00101011110001101101010010101010000010101111000110 11010100101
01010000010101111000110110101001010101000001010111 10001101101
01001010101000001010111100011011010100101010100000 10101111000
11011010100101010100000101011110001101101010010101 01000001010
11110001101101010010101010000010101111000110110101 00101010100
00010101111000110110101001010101000001010111100011 01101010010
10101000001010111100011011010100101010100000101011 11000110110
10100101010100000101011110001101101010010101010000 01010111100
01101101010010101010000010101111000110110101001010 10100000101
01111000110110101001010101000001010111100011011010 10010101010
00001010111100011011010100101010100000101011110001 10110101001
01010100000101011110001101101010010101010000010101 11100011011
01010010101010000010101111000110110101001010101000 00101011110
00110110101001010101000001010111100011011010100101 01010000010
10111100011011010100101010100000101011110001101101 01001010101
00000101011110001101101010010101010000010101111000 11011010100
10101010000010101111000110110101001010101000001010 11110001101
10101001010101000001010111100011011010100101010100 00010101111

07-09-2005, 12:31 AM
its becoming self aware :!: :crackup:

Dave Elyzium
07-09-2005, 12:33 AM

Evil G
07-09-2005, 02:09 AM
that's actually a common problem with internal soundcards. there is just too much interference from other electronics inside the computer case to shield it all.

Francisco Scaramanga
07-09-2005, 11:29 AM
If you can hear the mouse, you might also be able to hear the hard drives, or the CD drive. I've noticed that before with internal soundcards or laptop built in soundcards.

07-09-2005, 11:36 AM
If you can hear the mouse, you might also be able to hear the hard drives, or the CD drive. I've noticed that before with internal soundcards or laptop built in soundcards.

yeah, when i used an internal, my phones would screech a little whilst the drive was reading a cd.

07-09-2005, 12:04 PM
I get this on my work PC.

Not at home though, thank god.

07-09-2005, 03:52 PM
mess around with the volume control.....sometimes turning up the main and turning down the wav helps!!
