View Full Version : using logic live

15-10-2005, 07:14 PM
i want to start imcorporating my powerbook in my dj sets. i don't have the cash at the moment to go out and get ableton, and i would like your thoughts on whether logic can do a similar job. obviously limits lie in how many bars you can have in a logic arrnage page, and the fact that it isn't really designed for the live environment, but i was wondering if anyone had used it, or thought about the possibilities

20-10-2005, 01:20 PM
if you go onto the logic pro help forum. there spot on on there and will be able to help you with any probs.


21-10-2005, 01:29 AM
i'm particularly interested in how you assign tempo to a midi controller (in my case an MC505). can't find anything on that forum

21-10-2005, 06:39 AM
I've seen Todd Sines use Logic in a Live setting, but I have no idea how he was going between songs.

christian wagner
18-11-2005, 02:27 PM
iv tried at home, its good to build up loops and stuff, but hard to tempo match easily im afraid, 1 way to do it is to pre-organise your set, but thats boring!!

really cool to use the sculpture plug-in tho :)

19-12-2005, 03:29 PM
I've come to accept that certain sequencers are aimed at different styles of production. Logic, Cubase, Sonar and Nuendo are general purpose studio sequencers, offering a fair amount of flexibility in their design, but possibly falling short in terms of usability in specialist areas.

Then there are programs targeted at those niche groups - Pro Tools towards mixdown, Reason towards budget studio in a box solutions, FL Studio towards step sequencer centered loop composition/ quick arrangement times and Ableton Live towards a live sequencing instrument. You could most probably use any of these tools to complete any given task with enough fiddling, but really you should choose your sequencer based on what you intend to do with it at the end of the day. Personally I'm gravitating more towards the Ableton Live thing since it functions pretty dandy as a studio sequencer replacing FL Studio - which even after release 6 has some things that still sh1t me terribly (though I'm going to miss internal controllers).
