View Full Version : Radio waves synnthesis

26-07-2003, 11:36 PM
Hey guys

posted this on the trance board but no answers there yet so maybe you guys might know.

the sound : well bluntly ,, it souunds like a broken radio receiver surfing the different freqencies

Where i heard it : ton of organ donor tunes.

27-07-2003, 12:40 AM
you want to be getting into some serious synthesis really to get this kind of effect, if you're using software, something like Reaktor... hardware, any synth with good cross modulation potential.. DX synths are pretty good for these kind of sounds too... ring modulation plug ins can help too...

The Divide
27-07-2003, 12:58 PM
Are you talking about white/pink noise, possibly???

27-07-2003, 01:06 PM
i used to have a frostwave 'blue ringer' stomp box and that would get the right sound close to what you are looking for - lovely sounding bit of kit...

try putting varoius different synths through a ring mod plugin or even better just wait for ZM to pop with some sage-like advice!

27-07-2003, 01:17 PM
yeah, if you're uing software, ring mod plug ins are the way to go for this kind of thing if you want to effect a sample or something...

28-07-2003, 01:40 AM
Maybe U could just get off by actually sampling!?..

I guess best thing is to kinda mix several sounds (as I'm not totally sure what u r looking 4... a bit of noise with some simple overdriven filters can do some damage... lots of resonance ... But I guess mainly almost only hardware synths will give ya what u want .. try 4 example noise with a 24 db filter wack the resonance 2 the max now play with the cut-off... use a rnd wave lfo 2 modulate cut off another lfo with the same settings but really small mod on the resonance .. this gives ya more of the highpitching sound... ... if u have a really fast LFO (around 25 hz or more) aplly that 2 the filter cut off or maybe aply 2 amp (mod)...

Dx can b tricky 2 program and more difficult 2 predict but it can "easily" do what u want!!!

Hope u can read thru the gibberish...


Patrick DSP
28-07-2003, 02:25 AM
the waldorf XT does this sound so well!!!!

28-07-2003, 02:31 AM
true true ... with the alt wave as osc right?

I had a microq 4 alittle while but didn't really warmed up 2 it :oops:

